City of Mariupol 90% destroyed it's time for Ukrainian insurgents to surrender

The insurgents don't have a Chinaman's chance of defeating the Russian army. All they are doing is sacrificing the lives of Ukrainian citizens for a hopeless cause.
lots of people aint like you sunni.....they would rather fight than allow some foreign basterd take over their country...if the people in the revolution had your attitude we would all be English subjects....
He was talking to you, but I am pretty sure you are not American by birth or upbringing.
Why do so many people here think that about me. ... :dunno:
I was born and raised in America, as were my parents, and grandparents of Irish heritage.
At the age of 19 I was drafted to participate in a little kerfuffle in SE Asia.
US Army 1970-71 :salute:
Why do so many people here think that about me. ... :dunno:
I was born and raised in America, as were my parents, and grandparents of Irish heritage.
At the age of 19 I was drafted to participate in a little kerfuffle in SE Asia.
US Army 1970-71 :salute:
your words dont support that claim,,
Why do so many people here think that about me. ... :dunno:
I was born and raised in America, as were my parents, and grandparents of Irish heritage.
At the age of 19 I was drafted to participate in a little kerfuffle in SE Asia.
US Army 1970-71 :salute:
You have repeatedly spoken in support of Russia and that Ukraine should give up to Putin to save themselves. Perhaps you are indeed a moral traitor. With your background, I think you should tone it down, less people fail to understand something you have not properly explained. I joined in 77 as a cold war soldier. The Russian goals have not changed. There was no end of the Cold War. I am still against their wish to dominate. Most of America and the world is against what the Russians are doing in and to Ukraine. You have chosen poorly for whatever reason.
Threads in Breaking News have the correct videos for USMB prisoners to get clued up.

"As soon as the Russian forces take the city of Mariupol under control, the Kiev regime will fall. The capture of Mariupol and its complete liberation from the Ukrainian neo-nazis is of great improtance for the Russian Army."
(Vladimir Kozin, Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation)

2022 marta 21 Mariupol
'....Segodniia Pushilin takzhe zaiavil, chto eshche neskol'ko tysiach boitsov ukrainskikh natsionalisticheskikh batal'onov ostaiutsia v gorode.
Pushilin said today that, several thousand more Ukrainian nationalist battalion fighters remain in the city.

Po ego slovam, oni sosredotochilis' v raione zavoda "Azovstal."
According to him, they are concentrated in the area of the Azovstal plant.

Glava DNR iskliuchil, chto boi tam zakonchatsia "segodnia-zavtra" ili v techenie nedeli.
The head of the DPR ruled out that the battle there would end "today or tomorrow" or within a week.'

Mariupol Defenders Reject Russian Demand for Surrender Setting up the Largest Siege of a City Since WWII

20 Mar 2022 ~~ By Streiff
On Sunday, the Russian Defense Ministry issued an ultimatum to the Ukrainian garrison defending Mariupol.
“Lay down your arms,” Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev, the director of the Russian National Center for Defense Management, said in a briefing distributed by the defence ministry.​
“A terrible humanitarian catastrophe has developed,” Mizintsev said. “All who lay down their arms are guaranteed safe passage out of Mariupol.”​

Mariupol has been surrounded since at least March 2.


The key question is if the Russian Army can make the threat stick. Trying to bluster defenders into surrender with death threats isn’t generally a smart way to go. There is nothing yet in the war in Ukraine that indicates that the Russians have the skill, motivation, or ability to deliver on the threat. When they fail through conventional means, I think we can expect to see the Russians to escalate to chemical weapons for the terror effect and because they have taken the measure of the mewling old wretch in the White House.

This type of war on countries is not new. In fact, the last time the occurred was during WWII. it is reminiscent to the Von Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact allowing Germany to invade Poland and the division of Poland between Nazi Germany and Russia in 1939. Then near the end of WWII in what is known as the Warsaw uprising, where Russian troops withdrew from Warsaw and allowed the Germans to destroy the city and nearly every civilian in it.
No one in the on this side of the line knows what is really going on over there. Discount anything our government says and that goes double for the media. After Trump, Hunter laptop, Covid how could any US citizen think they are informed. It is disgusting all this bull crap has taken the focus off the USA main problem we no longer make anything, our own borders are wide open, our fiat currency is about to take a huge hit, our justice department is out of control, the government has destroyed our small businesses, etc...
Putin claims he invaded because he doesn't want NATO on his border.......
Oops, NATO is already on his border... Has been on his border since the collapse of the USSR.
It is all about Putin being a bad guy, I.E. A dangerous malignant sociopathic megalomaniac. xenophobe, (with ambitions. nukes, and a huge military under his command)
Very much like Hitler was...
Learn this from history tovarich.
One does not befriend, or appease tyrants, it only encourages them to further outrage...
With your background, I think you should tone it down, less people fail to understand something you have not properly explained.
I detest leftists, globalists, Marxists, and communists, which are all basically the same thing.
They have taken over and control the governments of western Europe; like the UK, France, Baltic and Scandinavian countries.
And have now infected a large swath of the U.S. with their poisonous ideology, in the public schools, local city governments, and the Democrat Party.
What I admire about Putin is that he refuses to allow this pernicious globalist ideology and leftist individuals to infect Russia with their destructive nonsense.
No, I don't wish for any more Ukrainian people to be killed.
If the psycho Zelensky would just surrender.
All of this mayhem and destruction would immediately end.

You are blaming the victim. Russia had no business invading. They are the ones who should stop.
I detest leftists, globalists, Marxists, and communists, which are all basically the same thing.
They have taken over and control the governments of western Europe; like the UK, France, Baltic and Scandinavian countries.
And have now infected a large swath of the U.S. with their poisonous ideology, in the public schools, local city governments, and the Democrat Party.
What I admire about Putin is that he refuses to allow this pernicious globalist ideology and leftist individuals to infect Russia with their destructive nonsense.
So, you use that to justify Putin's desire to make Ukraine, Russia again? Pretty weak. How do you feel about authoritarians taking over free countries? What about the right of the free to remain free, especially if willing to die for the right to be free and the hope of passing on that freedom to their kids, grandkids and beyond. Your boy, Vlad deserves a bullet to the brain.
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