City of Phoenix hiring minority lifeguards who CANT SWIM....for diversity.

Wonder what happens when someone trips the 'lifeguard', and they fall in the pool. Will anyone take their cries for help seriously, or just view it as a safety drill?

Easy. You hire 2 whites and a black. The black dives in first. Then...1 white jumps in to save him....and 1 white jumps in to save the original swimmer in need. least you'll hav diversity.
You aren't very smart some times.

There days are numbered because they are more likely to drown when the "lifeguard" can't swim well enough to save them.
You must not be able to read because the lifeguards are going to be trained to swim. I cant believe you and Bucky are that fucking stupid but then nothing much surprises me about you two dummies.

You are stupid Milkweed. You don't hire people who can't swim and train them to be lifeguards, you take people who are already strong swimmers and you train them to be lifeguards.
Sure you do. Didnt you say you were in the service? They train people all the time to do shit they have never done before including swim. Like I said you are fucking idiot but everyone already knows that.

So you really believe that the training lifeguards in Phoenix will receive is anywhere close to what the military does?

And by the way, no stupid if you show up in basic training and barely pass the shooting qualifications the military doesn't make you a sniper, they take the guys who do the BEST at shooting and make THEM the snipers.
Yes I do. Matter of fact they will probably get better training.

I wasnt talking about snipers I was talking about lifeguards and the fact its not that hard of a job. I know I was actually a lifeguard.

Irregardless of your retarded sniper analogy. You do realize that some snipers never fired a weapon before going to the military right?
its not that hard of a job.
really?.....come out here to Huntington Beach and lets see you just qualify.....

I know I was actually a lifeguard
there is a difference between this....

and this....

and this........

which one were you?....
If he's good, why lie? He didn't break the Phelps record. He broke the Phelps age group record. The young man is looking at the Olympics in Rio. I hope he does well. If he breaks the Phelps record he will deserve everything that goes with it.
Here is the actual story, that FOX and then Bucky, twisted to attack black people (notice the story is two years old).

In Phoenix A New Quest For Diverse Public Pool Lifeguards NPR

What they are doing is recruiting minorities to train to even be able to apply for the job.
Then why didn't Phoenix just say they plan to offer blacks swimming lessons?

Did they think the Democrats would give them more money if they made it sound complicated?
They did.
I'm not sure what's wrong with this thread. Either you people stuck in your trailers swimming pools that is 5' dip or you people just don't go to the beach. Or just plain hatred and ignorance. Black people has been a life guard for a long time.
I've been to Scottsdale, Az many times to play golf. Try to wonder inside their mall it's almost the movie scene from Stepford Wives. What I'm saying is I only see few other races but mostly whites in that mall.
Checkout swimming pool at cactus, kino or wilkins one of them has a black lifeguard where all the people are almost too white that it hurts my eyes.
These lifeguard didn't get hired b/c of their color they got hired b/c of their qualifications.
Asides from that, you people are triggering my UFD(unidentifiable flying dialects). Where my sentences are converted from my german, french, spanish to English.
If this country keeps lowering its standards...Well, we're going to be a third world country. Makes sense as hiring third world people will make you a third world country.
Who are the people who are trying to move the country into the African country column?
That's right. The people who look like the people who live in shithole criminal infested slums throughout Africa.
The US is "too White" so let's make it resemble any country in Africa".
That would be vast improvement. Africa is pretty fucking awesome. You can feel the power when you step off the plane.

I'[ll chip in for your one-way ticket to Zimbabwe!
I'm not sure what's wrong with this thread. Either you people stuck in your trailers swimming pools that is 5' dip or you people just don't go to the beach. Or just plain hatred and ignorance. Black people has been a life guard for a long time.
I've been to Scottsdale, Az many times to play golf. Try to wonder inside their mall it's almost the movie scene from Stepford Wives. What I'm saying is I only see few other races but mostly whites in that mall.
Checkout swimming pool at cactus, kino or wilkins one of them has a black lifeguard where all the people are almost too white that it hurts my eyes.
These lifeguard didn't get hired b/c of their color they got hired b/c of their qualifications.
Asides from that, you people are triggering my UFD(unidentifiable flying dialects). Where my sentences are converted from my german, french, spanish to English.

Are you baked?
If he's good, why lie? He didn't break the Phelps record. He broke the Phelps age group record. The young man is looking at the Olympics in Rio. I hope he does well. If he breaks the Phelps record he will deserve everything that goes with it.

Not sure if Asselpias lied, but from time to time he either is mistaken about a factoid pertaining to some subject, or he does lie.
You must not be able to read because the lifeguards are going to be trained to swim. I cant believe you and Bucky are that fucking stupid but then nothing much surprises me about you two dummies.

You are stupid Milkweed. You don't hire people who can't swim and train them to be lifeguards, you take people who are already strong swimmers and you train them to be lifeguards.
Sure you do. Didnt you say you were in the service? They train people all the time to do shit they have never done before including swim. Like I said you are fucking idiot but everyone already knows that.

So you really believe that the training lifeguards in Phoenix will receive is anywhere close to what the military does?

And by the way, no stupid if you show up in basic training and barely pass the shooting qualifications the military doesn't make you a sniper, they take the guys who do the BEST at shooting and make THEM the snipers.
Yes I do. Matter of fact they will probably get better training.

I wasnt talking about snipers I was talking about lifeguards and the fact its not that hard of a job. I know I was actually a lifeguard.

Irregardless of your retarded sniper analogy. You do realize that some snipers never fired a weapon before going to the military right?
its not that hard of a job.
really?.....come out here to Huntington Beach and lets see you just qualify.....

I know I was actually a lifeguard
there is a difference between this....

and this....

and this........

which one were you?....
What difference does it make? You are deflecting. The pools these life guards are at is not at huntington beach. Try another deflection or stop being emotional and trying to attack me personally since your feelings are hurt. :laugh:
Introducing Justin Lynch...Sorry white people. Anything we decide to do...we cant be stopped.

At 16 This Swimmer Broke Michael Phelps Record. What s Next NPR


Now that generations of Africans have been westernized and shown the European way of learning, AA's can excel, just like others can.
The european way of learning actually has its roots in Africa. True europeans have messed it up to the point its no longer recognizable but still there it is. How do you think europe recovered from the dark ages?
If this country keeps lowering its standards...Well, we're going to be a third world country. Makes sense as hiring third world people will make you a third world country.
Who are the people who are trying to move the country into the African country column?
That's right. The people who look like the people who live in shithole criminal infested slums throughout Africa.
The US is "too White" so let's make it resemble any country in Africa".
That would be vast improvement. Africa is pretty fucking awesome. You can feel the power when you step off the plane.

I'[ll chip in for your one-way ticket to Zimbabwe!
Thanks but I dont take food stamps. Besides you cant afford it anyway.
Sort of like hiring a Gay cashier from Target to drive a train 100 mph into a 50mph curve? :dunno:

Not even close. Please tell us all, since you made the claim, what does his sexuality have to do with his ability to drive a train, and how long had he been working as a conductor for Amtrak??

He worked at Target while he was in college. He has been working for Amtrak for 9 years (conductor since 2006/engineer since 2010). He has been an outspoken proponent of rail safety.

And somehow your ignorant ass think he is the equivalent of hiring a life guard who can't swim?
Ah, the WinterBorn of our discontent. :slap:

How long you been chomping on that cigar now - 4 years? :dunno:

This thread is about Affirmative Action. How else could a gay Target cashier get hired on by Amtrak?

Ignorant ass? I don't see yours doing any tricks, hon.
Sort of like hiring a Gay cashier from Target to drive a train 100 mph into a 50mph curve? :dunno:

Not even close. Please tell us all, since you made the claim, what does his sexuality have to do with his ability to drive a train, and how long had he been working as a conductor for Amtrak??

He worked at Target while he was in college. He has been working for Amtrak for 9 years (conductor since 2006/engineer since 2010). He has been an outspoken proponent of rail safety.

And somehow your ignorant ass think he is the equivalent of hiring a life guard who can't swim?
Ah, the WinterBorn of our discontent. :slap:

How long you been chomping on that cigar now - 4 years? :dunno:

This thread is about Affirmative Action. How else could a gay Target cashier get hired on by Amtrak?

Ignorant ass? I don't see yours doing any tricks, hon.

Affirmative Action? You think this guy was hired and promoted because he is gay?

Look at the articles when they talk about him. He is a train fanatic. He probably knows more about the trains than anyone else. And he is vocal about safety. Those two things seem like reasons to promote someone.

As for your discontent, or my pic with a cigar, I see no relevance whatsoever.
Sort of like hiring a Gay cashier from Target to drive a train 100 mph into a 50mph curve? :dunno:

Not even close. Please tell us all, since you made the claim, what does his sexuality have to do with his ability to drive a train, and how long had he been working as a conductor for Amtrak??

He worked at Target while he was in college. He has been working for Amtrak for 9 years (conductor since 2006/engineer since 2010). He has been an outspoken proponent of rail safety.

And somehow your ignorant ass think he is the equivalent of hiring a life guard who can't swim?
Ah, the WinterBorn of our discontent. :slap:

How long you been chomping on that cigar now - 4 years? :dunno:

This thread is about Affirmative Action. How else could a gay Target cashier get hired on by Amtrak?

Ignorant ass? I don't see yours doing any tricks, hon.

Affirmative Action? You think this guy was hired and promoted because he is gay?

Look at the articles when they talk about him. He is a train fanatic. He probably knows more about the trains than anyone else. And he is vocal about safety. Those two things seem like reasons to promote someone.

As for your discontent, or my pic with a cigar, I see no relevance whatsoever.
Damn! A bunch of people have it in for you because of your av. I hope it stays forever.
City Recruits Minority Lifeguards Even If They Can t Swim - Fox Nation

You just cant make this shit up. So...a city council member said their public pools have a lot of black and hispanic kids but most of their lifeguards are white....and "we dont like that"

Basically. ..these lifeguards come from affluent suburbs with strong school swimming programs. Why?? Well....because a water lifeguard just may need to be....A STRONG FUCKING SWIMMER. easy all you fans of diversity and affirmative action.

The city said black and hispanic lifeguard candidates will still get hired even they "DONT NNECESSARILY PASS" the swim test.

Translation: "Dont necessarily pass the swim test" also means FAILED the swim test. This is the mental disease running through our nation. Whats next? Diversify USMC snipers...even if you cant shoot?
We have a diversified President who can't lead a nation.
Another white boy butt hurt thread.

Face it fellas. Your days are numbered.

So are the days of any child who swims in a public pool in Phoenix.

No....they'll get a surge of white kids from guilty white liberal parents.

Wife: "Honey...lets take little Jonny to the city pool. They have a more inclusive lifeguard staff."
Husband: " cant swim."
Wife: "I didnt marry a racist did I?"

Wife: (in her head thinking...) thats right you spineless faggot you'll do what I fucking say or ill cut you dick off.

Husband: " sure the lifeguards have a backup plan other than swimming to save them. Ok. Lets go."

You aren't very smart some times.

There days are numbered because they are more likely to drown when the "lifeguard" can't swim well enough to save them.
You must not be able to read because the lifeguards are going to be trained to swim. I cant believe you and Bucky are that fucking stupid but then nothing much surprises me about you two dummies.
. "Trained to swim" is different than training in lifeguard techniques. The former should be a requirement before being considered for employment.

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