City of Phoenix hiring minority lifeguards who CANT SWIM....for diversity.

If this country keeps lowering its standards...Well, we're going to be a third world country. Makes sense as hiring third world people will make you a third world country.
Who are the people who are trying to move the country into the African country column?
That's right. The people who look like the people who live in shithole criminal infested slums throughout Africa.
The US is "too White" so let's make it resemble any country in Africa".
City Recruits Minority Lifeguards Even If They Can t Swim - Fox Nation

You just cant make this shit up. So...a city council member said their public pools have a lot of black and hispanic kids but most of their lifeguards are white....and "we dont like that"

Basically. ..these lifeguards come from affluent suburbs with strong school swimming programs. Why?? Well....because a water lifeguard just may need to be....A STRONG FUCKING SWIMMER. easy all you fans of diversity and affirmative action.

The city said black and hispanic lifeguard candidates will still get hired even they "DONT NNECESSARILY PASS" the swim test.

Translation: "Dont necessarily pass the swim test" also means FAILED the swim test. This is the mental disease running through our nation. Whats next? Diversify USMC snipers...even if you cant shoot?

As a diversity issue, how about simply keeping the mostly white lifeguards and forcing the non-white pool users to get used to that reality?

If I'm in distress in the water (not likely being former Navy, certified diver, and all but officially certified in lifesaving myself,) I can promise I could give a shit what color my rescuer is. So if people have a problem with the best swimmers being white, tough. Want the best, or the most diverse when your lifespan is suddenly measured in seconds?

As an aside, being a great swimmer doesn't mean shit for lifesaving. Try holding those qualficiation bricks which while only weighing about 10 pounds suddenly incapacitate one of your arms and you suddenly realize a lifetime of swimming well doesn't mean anything any more. :)
City Recruits Minority Lifeguards Even If They Can t Swim - Fox Nation

You just cant make this shit up. So...a city council member said their public pools have a lot of black and hispanic kids but most of their lifeguards are white....and "we dont like that"

Basically. ..these lifeguards come from affluent suburbs with strong school swimming programs. Why?? Well....because a water lifeguard just may need to be....A STRONG FUCKING SWIMMER. easy all you fans of diversity and affirmative action.

The city said black and hispanic lifeguard candidates will still get hired even they "DONT NNECESSARILY PASS" the swim test.

Translation: "Dont necessarily pass the swim test" also means FAILED the swim test. This is the mental disease running through our nation. Whats next? Diversify USMC snipers...even if you cant shoot?
As usual a fucking idiot like you misses the fact they are recruiting and will train the new life guards on how to swim. What a fucking moron you are Bucky. :laugh:

You're the one who can't read. The article didn't say they would train the new hires to swim, at least not up to expectations. The actual words were, “we will work with you in your swimming abilities.” That could mean a lot of things. It could mean they would be trained to meet the same standards set for Whites, but it could also mean that they would be trained to the extent possible but would not be held to the same standards as White lifeguards. It could also mean that even if a minority hiree completely failed the training he/she would be paired with a qualified White lifeguard.

If they are bending the rules to hire a minority, it is doubtful that they would fire them if they failed to meet the same standards set for Whites. They are willing to assume safety risks in the name of diversity. You may find that acceptable, but I do not.

You need to quit insulting others. You lack the mental capacity to talk down to anyone.
Thats because you are an idiot that only looked at one source. Most idiots have no recourse but to swallow what sites like Fox feed them. How do you clown dressed morons function in life being so fucking stupid?

Phoenix Lifeguard-Diversity Program was Mischaracterized by City Employee Says City Phoenix New Times

"Numerous right-wing blogs not only bashed Phoenix for perceived reverse racism, but added an error to the story by stating that minorities were recruited as lifeguards even if they couldn't swim.

The city did allow the recruits some extra time to practice their swimming skills during lifeguarding class, officials say, but all lifeguards hired by the city have to pass the same skills test."
Another white boy butt hurt thread.

Face it fellas. Your days are numbered.
At a mere 12% of the population, with Hispanics already out-pacing you at the 16% mark, and as you accelerate your slide towards collective irrelevancy and losing your minority spotlight to Spanish speakers... look who's talking... <snort> <snicker> <chuckle> <horselaugh>
You'll be bred out long before that. Black people will be the last people standing. Our genes are stronger. :itsok:
City Recruits Minority Lifeguards Even If They Can t Swim - Fox Nation

You just cant make this shit up. So...a city council member said their public pools have a lot of black and hispanic kids but most of their lifeguards are white....and "we dont like that"

Basically. ..these lifeguards come from affluent suburbs with strong school swimming programs. Why?? Well....because a water lifeguard just may need to be....A STRONG FUCKING SWIMMER. easy all you fans of diversity and affirmative action.

The city said black and hispanic lifeguard candidates will still get hired even they "DONT NNECESSARILY PASS" the swim test.

Translation: "Dont necessarily pass the swim test" also means FAILED the swim test. This is the mental disease running through our nation. Whats next? Diversify USMC snipers...even if you cant shoot?
As usual a fucking idiot like you misses the fact they are recruiting and will train the new life guards on how to swim. What a fucking moron you are Bucky. :laugh:

Really? The city or you think they're going to turn weak or non-swimmers into lifesaving swimmers in a reasonable amount of time?

Provides entry-level participants the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies and to provide care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illnesses until EMS personnel take over.


  • Minimum age: 15 years
  • Swim 300 yards continuously
  • Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs
  • Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds:
  • Starting in the water, swim 20 yards
  • Surface dive to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object
  • Return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point
  • Exit the water without using a ladder or steps
Provides entry-level participants the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies and to provide care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illnesses until EMS personnel take over.
Reasonable to who? No one cares what you think is reasonable. If you think training to complete this test is hard you obviously cant swim.
City Recruits Minority Lifeguards Even If They Can t Swim - Fox Nation

You just cant make this shit up. So...a city council member said their public pools have a lot of black and hispanic kids but most of their lifeguards are white....and "we dont like that"

Basically. ..these lifeguards come from affluent suburbs with strong school swimming programs. Why?? Well....because a water lifeguard just may need to be....A STRONG FUCKING SWIMMER. easy all you fans of diversity and affirmative action.

The city said black and hispanic lifeguard candidates will still get hired even they "DONT NNECESSARILY PASS" the swim test.

Translation: "Dont necessarily pass the swim test" also means FAILED the swim test. This is the mental disease running through our nation. Whats next? Diversify USMC snipers...even if you cant shoot?
As usual a fucking idiot like you misses the fact they are recruiting and will train the new life guards on how to swim. What a fucking moron you are Bucky. :laugh:
You can't train blacks to swim well when they have the buoyancy of a rock. If I went to a pool and saw a black man sitting in the lifeguard perch, I would say "Hell no!" and take my family somewhere else. Fortunately we have our own pool.

And no black lifeguards.
No one wants you around anyway butt kisser. A real Black person would kick you out of the pool for trying to kiss the ass of white men.
Im pretty sure the Navy SEALs are racist and need to pass black and hispanic BUDS trainees....who cant swim. Its only fair!
Montel Williams was a Black Navy SEAL. Pretty sure he knew how to swim.

He wasn't a SEAL...he was a Marine Corporal and later a crypto officer in the Navy.
You are right for once in your life. However they still have plenty of Black Seals.

Navy SEALs visit Howard University to test some mettle - The Washington Post
Actually I'm wondering why this is such a big issue...
We have all sorts of lifeguards here from north to south of west coast with different kinds of races. Also I even saw a Muslim lifeguard in Boston last summer.

Because they are hiring lifeguards that CANNOT FUCKING PASS THE TEST TO BE A LIFEGUARD!
Only if youre an idiot do you really believe that.
If this country keeps lowering its standards...Well, we're going to be a third world country. Makes sense as hiring third world people will make you a third world country.
Who are the people who are trying to move the country into the African country column?
That's right. The people who look like the people who live in shithole criminal infested slums throughout Africa.
The US is "too White" so let's make it resemble any country in Africa".
That would be vast improvement. Africa is pretty fucking awesome. You can feel the power when you step off the plane.
City Recruits Minority Lifeguards Even If They Can t Swim - Fox Nation

You just cant make this shit up. So...a city council member said their public pools have a lot of black and hispanic kids but most of their lifeguards are white....and "we dont like that"

Basically. ..these lifeguards come from affluent suburbs with strong school swimming programs. Why?? Well....because a water lifeguard just may need to be....A STRONG FUCKING SWIMMER. easy all you fans of diversity and affirmative action.

The city said black and hispanic lifeguard candidates will still get hired even they "DONT NNECESSARILY PASS" the swim test.

Translation: "Dont necessarily pass the swim test" also means FAILED the swim test. This is the mental disease running through our nation. Whats next? Diversify USMC snipers...even if you cant shoot?

As a diversity issue, how about simply keeping the mostly white lifeguards and forcing the non-white pool users to get used to that reality?

If I'm in distress in the water (not likely being former Navy, certified diver, and all but officially certified in lifesaving myself,) I can promise I could give a shit what color my rescuer is. So if people have a problem with the best swimmers being white, tough. Want the best, or the most diverse when your lifespan is suddenly measured in seconds?

As an aside, being a great swimmer doesn't mean shit for lifesaving. Try holding those qualficiation bricks which while only weighing about 10 pounds suddenly incapacitate one of your arms and you suddenly realize a lifetime of swimming well doesn't mean anything any more. :)
But the whole point is that yes its tough but only for the white lifeguards. They are the ones having to get used to the new reality. If they only wanted white lifeguards they wouldnt implement the program. My question is why shouldnt the life guards reflect the community if you dont care what color the person is that is saving you?
City Recruits Minority Lifeguards Even If They Can t Swim - Fox Nation

You just cant make this shit up. So...a city council member said their public pools have a lot of black and hispanic kids but most of their lifeguards are white....and "we dont like that"

Basically. ..these lifeguards come from affluent suburbs with strong school swimming programs. Why?? Well....because a water lifeguard just may need to be....A STRONG FUCKING SWIMMER. easy all you fans of diversity and affirmative action.

The city said black and hispanic lifeguard candidates will still get hired even they "DONT NNECESSARILY PASS" the swim test.

Translation: "Dont necessarily pass the swim test" also means FAILED the swim test. This is the mental disease running through our nation. Whats next? Diversify USMC snipers...even if you cant shoot?

As a diversity issue, how about simply keeping the mostly white lifeguards and forcing the non-white pool users to get used to that reality?

If I'm in distress in the water (not likely being former Navy, certified diver, and all but officially certified in lifesaving myself,) I can promise I could give a shit what color my rescuer is. So if people have a problem with the best swimmers being white, tough. Want the best, or the most diverse when your lifespan is suddenly measured in seconds?

As an aside, being a great swimmer doesn't mean shit for lifesaving. Try holding those qualficiation bricks which while only weighing about 10 pounds suddenly incapacitate one of your arms and you suddenly realize a lifetime of swimming well doesn't mean anything any more. :)
But the whole point is that yes its tough but only for the white lifeguards. They are the ones having to get used to the new reality. If they only wanted white lifeguards they wouldnt implement the program. My question is why shouldnt the life guards reflect the community if you dont care what color the person is that is saving you?

Have qualified lifeguards already. It's the non-white population objecting to that wanting more diversity. Trying to accomodate though, they're realizing whites happen to be better swimmers at least in that area. So what's more important? Having the best personnel, or the most diverse personnel but at the expense of compentency?
City Recruits Minority Lifeguards Even If They Can t Swim - Fox Nation

You just cant make this shit up. So...a city council member said their public pools have a lot of black and hispanic kids but most of their lifeguards are white....and "we dont like that"

Basically. ..these lifeguards come from affluent suburbs with strong school swimming programs. Why?? Well....because a water lifeguard just may need to be....A STRONG FUCKING SWIMMER. easy all you fans of diversity and affirmative action.

The city said black and hispanic lifeguard candidates will still get hired even they "DONT NNECESSARILY PASS" the swim test.

Translation: "Dont necessarily pass the swim test" also means FAILED the swim test. This is the mental disease running through our nation. Whats next? Diversify USMC snipers...even if you cant shoot?

As a diversity issue, how about simply keeping the mostly white lifeguards and forcing the non-white pool users to get used to that reality?

If I'm in distress in the water (not likely being former Navy, certified diver, and all but officially certified in lifesaving myself,) I can promise I could give a shit what color my rescuer is. So if people have a problem with the best swimmers being white, tough. Want the best, or the most diverse when your lifespan is suddenly measured in seconds?

As an aside, being a great swimmer doesn't mean shit for lifesaving. Try holding those qualficiation bricks which while only weighing about 10 pounds suddenly incapacitate one of your arms and you suddenly realize a lifetime of swimming well doesn't mean anything any more. :)
But the whole point is that yes its tough but only for the white lifeguards. They are the ones having to get used to the new reality. If they only wanted white lifeguards they wouldnt implement the program. My question is why shouldnt the life guards reflect the community if you dont care what color the person is that is saving you?
I think minorities would rather have a white lifeguard. I'm a minority. And if you were drowning you'd want a white guy too, a strong swimmer and lighter bone density to help keep your worthless black ass above water.
City Recruits Minority Lifeguards Even If They Can t Swim - Fox Nation

You just cant make this shit up. So...a city council member said their public pools have a lot of black and hispanic kids but most of their lifeguards are white....and "we dont like that"

Basically. ..these lifeguards come from affluent suburbs with strong school swimming programs. Why?? Well....because a water lifeguard just may need to be....A STRONG FUCKING SWIMMER. easy all you fans of diversity and affirmative action.

The city said black and hispanic lifeguard candidates will still get hired even they "DONT NNECESSARILY PASS" the swim test.

Translation: "Dont necessarily pass the swim test" also means FAILED the swim test. This is the mental disease running through our nation. Whats next? Diversify USMC snipers...even if you cant shoot?

As a diversity issue, how about simply keeping the mostly white lifeguards and forcing the non-white pool users to get used to that reality?

If I'm in distress in the water (not likely being former Navy, certified diver, and all but officially certified in lifesaving myself,) I can promise I could give a shit what color my rescuer is. So if people have a problem with the best swimmers being white, tough. Want the best, or the most diverse when your lifespan is suddenly measured in seconds?

As an aside, being a great swimmer doesn't mean shit for lifesaving. Try holding those qualficiation bricks which while only weighing about 10 pounds suddenly incapacitate one of your arms and you suddenly realize a lifetime of swimming well doesn't mean anything any more. :)
But the whole point is that yes its tough but only for the white lifeguards. They are the ones having to get used to the new reality. If they only wanted white lifeguards they wouldnt implement the program. My question is why shouldnt the life guards reflect the community if you dont care what color the person is that is saving you?

Have qualified lifeguards already. It's the non-white population objecting to that wanting more diversity. Trying to accomodate though, they're realizing whites happen to be better swimmers at least in that area. So what's more important? Having the best personnel, or the most diverse personnel but at the expense of compentency?
Wrong. Minorities rarely are the source of this shit. It's almost always guilt ridden white Leftists. Speaking as a minority, I'd rather have a white lifeguard. More buoyancy, stronger swimmer.
City Recruits Minority Lifeguards Even If They Can t Swim - Fox Nation

You just cant make this shit up. So...a city council member said their public pools have a lot of black and hispanic kids but most of their lifeguards are white....and "we dont like that"

Basically. ..these lifeguards come from affluent suburbs with strong school swimming programs. Why?? Well....because a water lifeguard just may need to be....A STRONG FUCKING SWIMMER. easy all you fans of diversity and affirmative action.

The city said black and hispanic lifeguard candidates will still get hired even they "DONT NNECESSARILY PASS" the swim test.

Translation: "Dont necessarily pass the swim test" also means FAILED the swim test. This is the mental disease running through our nation. Whats next? Diversify USMC snipers...even if you cant shoot?

As a diversity issue, how about simply keeping the mostly white lifeguards and forcing the non-white pool users to get used to that reality?

If I'm in distress in the water (not likely being former Navy, certified diver, and all but officially certified in lifesaving myself,) I can promise I could give a shit what color my rescuer is. So if people have a problem with the best swimmers being white, tough. Want the best, or the most diverse when your lifespan is suddenly measured in seconds?

As an aside, being a great swimmer doesn't mean shit for lifesaving. Try holding those qualficiation bricks which while only weighing about 10 pounds suddenly incapacitate one of your arms and you suddenly realize a lifetime of swimming well doesn't mean anything any more. :)
But the whole point is that yes its tough but only for the white lifeguards. They are the ones having to get used to the new reality. If they only wanted white lifeguards they wouldnt implement the program. My question is why shouldnt the life guards reflect the community if you dont care what color the person is that is saving you?
I think minorities would rather have a white lifeguard. I'm a minority. And if you were drowning you'd want a white guy too, a strong swimmer and lighter bone density to help keep your worthless black ass above water.
Do you have no shame? What a waste of sperm. :laugh:

Does your bootlicking ever embarrass the people that know you?
City Recruits Minority Lifeguards Even If They Can t Swim - Fox Nation

You just cant make this shit up. So...a city council member said their public pools have a lot of black and hispanic kids but most of their lifeguards are white....and "we dont like that"

Basically. ..these lifeguards come from affluent suburbs with strong school swimming programs. Why?? Well....because a water lifeguard just may need to be....A STRONG FUCKING SWIMMER. easy all you fans of diversity and affirmative action.

The city said black and hispanic lifeguard candidates will still get hired even they "DONT NNECESSARILY PASS" the swim test.

Translation: "Dont necessarily pass the swim test" also means FAILED the swim test. This is the mental disease running through our nation. Whats next? Diversify USMC snipers...even if you cant shoot?

As a diversity issue, how about simply keeping the mostly white lifeguards and forcing the non-white pool users to get used to that reality?

If I'm in distress in the water (not likely being former Navy, certified diver, and all but officially certified in lifesaving myself,) I can promise I could give a shit what color my rescuer is. So if people have a problem with the best swimmers being white, tough. Want the best, or the most diverse when your lifespan is suddenly measured in seconds?

As an aside, being a great swimmer doesn't mean shit for lifesaving. Try holding those qualficiation bricks which while only weighing about 10 pounds suddenly incapacitate one of your arms and you suddenly realize a lifetime of swimming well doesn't mean anything any more. :)
But the whole point is that yes its tough but only for the white lifeguards. They are the ones having to get used to the new reality. If they only wanted white lifeguards they wouldnt implement the program. My question is why shouldnt the life guards reflect the community if you dont care what color the person is that is saving you?
I think minorities would rather have a white lifeguard. I'm a minority. And if you were drowning you'd want a white guy too, a strong swimmer and lighter bone density to help keep your worthless black ass above water.
Do you have no shame? What a waste of sperm. :laugh:

Does your bootlicking ever embarrass the people that know you?
I would make a lousy lifeguard. I'd sit there and watch you drown.
City Recruits Minority Lifeguards Even If They Can t Swim - Fox Nation

You just cant make this shit up. So...a city council member said their public pools have a lot of black and hispanic kids but most of their lifeguards are white....and "we dont like that"

Basically. ..these lifeguards come from affluent suburbs with strong school swimming programs. Why?? Well....because a water lifeguard just may need to be....A STRONG FUCKING SWIMMER. easy all you fans of diversity and affirmative action.

The city said black and hispanic lifeguard candidates will still get hired even they "DONT NNECESSARILY PASS" the swim test.

Translation: "Dont necessarily pass the swim test" also means FAILED the swim test. This is the mental disease running through our nation. Whats next? Diversify USMC snipers...even if you cant shoot?

As a diversity issue, how about simply keeping the mostly white lifeguards and forcing the non-white pool users to get used to that reality?

If I'm in distress in the water (not likely being former Navy, certified diver, and all but officially certified in lifesaving myself,) I can promise I could give a shit what color my rescuer is. So if people have a problem with the best swimmers being white, tough. Want the best, or the most diverse when your lifespan is suddenly measured in seconds?

As an aside, being a great swimmer doesn't mean shit for lifesaving. Try holding those qualficiation bricks which while only weighing about 10 pounds suddenly incapacitate one of your arms and you suddenly realize a lifetime of swimming well doesn't mean anything any more. :)
But the whole point is that yes its tough but only for the white lifeguards. They are the ones having to get used to the new reality. If they only wanted white lifeguards they wouldnt implement the program. My question is why shouldnt the life guards reflect the community if you dont care what color the person is that is saving you?

Have qualified lifeguards already. It's the non-white population objecting to that wanting more diversity. Trying to accomodate though, they're realizing whites happen to be better swimmers at least in that area. So what's more important? Having the best personnel, or the most diverse personnel but at the expense of compentency?
But they said they dont want those life guards. They want ones that reflect the community. Whites are only the best swimmers in that area because they have pools to train in due to economic disparity. This program will rectify that. its more important to having the best personnel and making sure they reflect the population. its not one or the other.
"A new report by the USA Swimming Foundation found that 70 percent of African-American children couldn’t swim – a rate that is three times higher than white children. Similarly 60 percent of Hispanic children also do not know how to swim. James Morton, President of the YMCA in Hartford, CT cites lack of affordable swimming lessons in African-American communities."
Word Study Claims 70 of Blacks Children Can t Swim Do You Know How to Swim Frugivore Magazine
City Recruits Minority Lifeguards Even If They Can t Swim - Fox Nation

You just cant make this shit up. So...a city council member said their public pools have a lot of black and hispanic kids but most of their lifeguards are white....and "we dont like that"

Basically. ..these lifeguards come from affluent suburbs with strong school swimming programs. Why?? Well....because a water lifeguard just may need to be....A STRONG FUCKING SWIMMER. easy all you fans of diversity and affirmative action.

The city said black and hispanic lifeguard candidates will still get hired even they "DONT NNECESSARILY PASS" the swim test.

Translation: "Dont necessarily pass the swim test" also means FAILED the swim test. This is the mental disease running through our nation. Whats next? Diversify USMC snipers...even if you cant shoot?

As a diversity issue, how about simply keeping the mostly white lifeguards and forcing the non-white pool users to get used to that reality?

If I'm in distress in the water (not likely being former Navy, certified diver, and all but officially certified in lifesaving myself,) I can promise I could give a shit what color my rescuer is. So if people have a problem with the best swimmers being white, tough. Want the best, or the most diverse when your lifespan is suddenly measured in seconds?

As an aside, being a great swimmer doesn't mean shit for lifesaving. Try holding those qualficiation bricks which while only weighing about 10 pounds suddenly incapacitate one of your arms and you suddenly realize a lifetime of swimming well doesn't mean anything any more. :)
But the whole point is that yes its tough but only for the white lifeguards. They are the ones having to get used to the new reality. If they only wanted white lifeguards they wouldnt implement the program. My question is why shouldnt the life guards reflect the community if you dont care what color the person is that is saving you?
I think minorities would rather have a white lifeguard. I'm a minority. And if you were drowning you'd want a white guy too, a strong swimmer and lighter bone density to help keep your worthless black ass above water.
Do you have no shame? What a waste of sperm. :laugh:

Does your bootlicking ever embarrass the people that know you?
I would make a lousy lifeguard. I'd sit there and watch you drown.
You are correct. You would make a lousy lifeguard. You would have your head stuck in the ass crack of every white man that get near you. Plenty of people would drown with you around. Fortunately since I swim better than most people I wouldnt have to worry about drowning in a pool.

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