Civil defense expert: White genocide imminent in S. Africa


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Political and racial tensions in post-apartheid South Africa have become so great that the minority white population is now at risk of being murdered on a mass scale, says civil defense expert Simon Roche.
Civil Defense Expert: White Genocide Imminent in South Africa
State-sponsored targeting of white Christians

People just love to be dumbed down and say Eeeeh who cares that's over there, what sheeple can't realize is how it's happening all over the world and the US isn't far behind.
from the OP article:
Roche heads the HQ of Suidlanders, the world’s largest non-state civil defense organization located in South Africa, which represents and seeks to protect the country’s minority Christian white population in the event of an ethnic civil war.

Roche told Infowars that leftist South African leaders have in recent months threatened “the slaughter of all whites, and the removal of all whites within five years,” prompting Suidlanders to prepare for a surprise civil war event which they now believe is imminent.

“Then we would, in such an open civil war, in such a crisis, gather our people together and seek sanctuary in a remote location and then to remove ourselves from being wiped out or slaughtered,” Roche said.

Dr. Greg Stanton, founder of human rights group Genocide Watch who accurately predicted the Rwandan genocide in 1994, warned that the increased killings of white farmers in South Africa are being carried out for the sole purpose of extermination and seem to be directed by government elements, Roche noted.

“In other words, our [South African] government is at least tacitly complicit in these astronomical crime rates,” he said. “State-sponsored genocide, one arm’s length removed.”

“And he [Stanton] explained how he believed it was a low-intensity conflict to erode the periphery of the white population as a preparation for something bigger.”

Following anti-white rhetoric made by South African president Jacob Zuma last March, where he called for confiscating white-owned land and breaking up white-owned businesses, Roche said that it’s time for white South Africans to prepare themselves for civil war.

It’s not about taking up arms, it’s about retiring from the threat,” Roche said. “There’s this intractable tension that seems to be building in our country, where the two parties can never be reconciled, and the stronger party is openly declaring that it will remove the weaker party within five years, slaughter them all, take all of their lands.”​

RW Johnson: Why Zuma's ANC turning to racism, fuelling anti-white rhetoric - Best of BizNews 2016 -

South African civil war imminent as Zulu could seize land | Daily Mail Online

To underline the scale of the country’s woes, 23 years after apartheid ended, business leaders have just taken out an extraordinary advert on page three of the South African Sunday Times newspaper, warning that the State has been ‘captured’. ‘South Africa is in crisis,’ it said, blaming Zuma for the ‘illegitimate acquisition of South Africa’s natural and financial assets’. The government was guilty of ‘propaganda, slogans, racism and lies’ to silence criticism.

The economy is undoubtedly in peril after government bonds were downgraded to junk status. Once a net exporter of food — as neighbouring Zimbabwe was before Robert Mugabe seized land from whites in a programme of ‘racial transformation’ — the country is now forced to rely on imports to feed the population.

Unemployment is 90 per cent in some townships, and riots — described as ‘service delivery protests’ by the ANC — are so widespread and frequent they barely get reported.

Crime is rampant — with more than 50 murders a day, many sadistic and barbaric — while South Africa is shamed by an appalling record on rape, with a woman sexually assaulted every 23 seconds.

Now, many have had enough. Black opposition leaders and a coalition called Save South Africa are staging protests, calling for Zuma to quit.​

Zuma will never quit unless forced out.

South Africa's Jacob Zuma down but not quite out - BBC News

IF the ANC commits white genocide, trust in leftwing blacks across the planet will crater into nothingness and white racism will sky rocket.

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