Civil Rights Act 1964: Repeal?

Why would you repeal a law that is working? ...unless of course you didn't like the fact that it was working...

Of course I don't like that it's working. If you were subjected to a law which forced you to attend a Church that you rejected and did so under penalty of law, wouldn't you want to repeal that law because it was working so well at stripping you of your human right?

Why would I support a law which strips me of my human rights?
It was the democrat party that tried to obstruct the Civil Rights Act and they used it to try to keep Black people on the democrat plantation with media and peer pressure ever since it was passed

Those Democrats were conservatives.

Now pay attention. "Those Democrats were conservative." How do you know? Who said so? Wouldn't a good test of your fantasy position be that most of those Democrats switched party allegiance to become Republicans? Well, did they switch parties? You can probably guess that I already know the answer and that you don't:

If the parties had in some meaningful way flipped on civil rights, one would expect that to show up in the electoral results in the years following the Democrats’ 1964 about-face on the issue. Nothing of the sort happened: Of the 21 Democratic senators who opposed the 1964 act, only one would ever change parties. Nor did the segregationist constituencies that elected these Democrats throw them out in favor of Republicans: The remaining 20 continued to be elected as Democrats or were replaced by Democrats. It was, on average, nearly a quarter of a century before those seats went Republican. If southern rednecks ditched the Democrats because of a civil-rights law passed in 1964, it is strange that they waited until the late 1980s and early 1990s to do so. They say things move slower in the South — but not that slow.
I'd appreciate if you could do me a favor, I have an ongoing study of how liberals come to be so brainwashed about reality and it would help me if you could explain exactly how you came to believe a false reality? Who did this to you?

Nobody flipped? How is it then that Goldwater won Mississippi with 88% of the vote in 1964? A state that had not voted Republican for decades.

How is it that Carter had a clean sweep of the South?


You posted the one exception in the last 50 years. Good for you. Your exception proves the rule.
If the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were repealed...does anyone REALLY think we would go back to segregation...or has society reached a point where it is now an unnecessary part of the past that only serves to divide people more? Example: Civil Rights Division of Justice Department that operates with complete disregard for the law.
This is comprehensively ignorant and ridiculous.

The Civil Rights Division investigates allegations of civil rights violations in accordance with the law, to fail to investigate possible civil rights violations would be for the Division to disregard the law.

And the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is needed as much today as when it was enacted, as there are still those hostile to the civil liberties of citizens motivated by fear, ignorance, and hate – there are posts in this very forum that are proof of that.

That you and others on the right don't consider potential civil rights violations to indeed be civil rights violations is thankfully irrelevant, as that's determined pursuant to the facts, evidence, and law, not blind, subjective rightwing partisanism.
Civil Rights Division is a political wing of Democratic Party run amok.
Why would you repeal a law that is working? ...unless of course you didn't like the fact that it was working...
The law is not working in 2014 and unnecessary in 2014, unless are someone who wants to perpetuate the myth of racism.
Why would you repeal a law that is working? ...unless of course you didn't like the fact that it was working...
The law is not working in 2014 and unnecessary in 2014, unless are someone who wants to perpetuate the myth of racism.

To call racism a myth is to be willfully blind. Anyone who isn't and has spent any time in the U.S. would have to laugh in your face.
The law is not working in 2014 and unnecessary in 2014, unless are someone who wants to perpetuate the myth of racism.
I was a steelworker for 35 years and I dealt with racists nearly every day. Myth? Good grief man, you need to get out more. I don`t think we should go back to using drinking fountains that are labeled Colored or White. Jeezus!
If the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were repealed...

it would be an ugly symbolic gesture at best. At worst, it could do serious damage to the principles of equality under the. Most of the Civil Rights Act itself makes sense. Granted, the public accommodations laws are insidious, and the idea of protected classes directly contradicts equal protection. And the policies built up around these parts of the law should be abolished. But the idea that government must respect equal rights is vital to a free society, and that's the what the bulk of the Act addresses.

I'm sure that you had something in mind when you wrote the above but I didn't get what it was. When you strip out all of the aspects you mentioned, what was the core redeeming value that you see embedded in the CRA? What's left over?

Simply put there are no laws enacted that change peoples hearts. Racism will only go away by a change of heart. People want to really move forward,we need to teach our children not to hate..Racism resides in all colors world wide.
Why would you repeal a law that is working? ...unless of course you didn't like the fact that it was working...
The law is not working in 2014 and unnecessary in 2014, unless are someone who wants to perpetuate the myth of racism.

To call racism a myth is to be willfully blind. Anyone who isn't and has spent any time in the U.S. would have to laugh in your face.

I sort of assumed that POV was lurking in this thread from the start. Racism and bigotry are painfully real, and we should fight tooth and nail to ensure our government rises above such ugliness. But the right to refuse to associate with people you don't like, no matter how inane your reasoning, is an essential freedom and it's foolish to sacrifice it for temporary convenience.
Why would you repeal a law that is working? ...unless of course you didn't like the fact that it was working...
The law is not working in 2014 and unnecessary in 2014, unless are someone who wants to perpetuate the myth of racism.

To call racism a myth is to be willfully blind. Anyone who isn't and has spent any time in the U.S. would have to laugh in your face.

I sort of assumed that POV was lurking in this thread from the start. Racism and bigotry are painfully real, and we should fight tooth and nail to ensure our government rises above such ugliness. But the right to refuse to associate with people you don't like, no matter how inane your reasoning, is an essential freedom and it's foolish to sacrifice it for temporary convenience.
The left needs victims. It is essential to your psychosis. You live in a world of haves vs. have nots. From what I see we have overcome race in this country as a major obstacle to economic success. Now it's all on the individual. To say that racism is a nation problem in this country is a myth.
Why would you repeal a law that is working? ...unless of course you didn't like the fact that it was working...
The law is not working in 2014 and unnecessary in 2014, unless are someone who wants to perpetuate the myth of racism.

To call racism a myth is to be willfully blind. Anyone who isn't and has spent any time in the U.S. would have to laugh in your face.

I sort of assumed that POV was lurking in this thread from the start. Racism and bigotry are painfully real, and we should fight tooth and nail to ensure our government rises above such ugliness. But the right to refuse to associate with people you don't like, no matter how inane your reasoning, is an essential freedom and it's foolish to sacrifice it for temporary convenience.
The left needs victims. It is essential to your psychosis. You live in a world of haves vs. have nots. From what I see we have overcome race in this country as a major obstacle to economic success. Now it's all on the individual. To say that racism is a nation problem in this country is a myth.

Sorry. But you're living in bubble if you really believe that.
If the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were repealed...does anyone REALLY think we would go back to segregation...or has society reached a point where it is now an unnecessary part of the past that only serves to divide people more? Example: Civil Rights Division of Justice Department that operates with complete disregard for the law.

The parts applying to private businesses certainly SHOULD be repealed as they are unconstitutional, and the government is already forbidden to discriminate by COTUS Amendment, so repealing it would be best in the general scheme of things.
Thank you!

By all means make that a central plank of the 2016 Republican Platform. That should lose a few more million votes.
Obama has shown that a law doesn't have to be enforced. First thing I'd do would be to allow the CRA restricted southern States to require voter identification.

See how fun it is when your President chooses which laws he'll enforce?
If the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were repealed...does anyone REALLY think we would go back to segregation...or has society reached a point where it is now an unnecessary part of the past that only serves to divide people more? Example: Civil Rights Division of Justice Department that operates with complete disregard for the law.

The parts applying to private businesses certainly SHOULD be repealed as they are unconstitutional, and the government is already forbidden to discriminate by COTUS Amendment, so repealing it would be best in the general scheme of things.
Thank you!

By all means make that a central plank of the 2016 Republican Platform. That should lose a few more million votes.
Obama has shown that a law doesn't have to be enforced. First thing I'd do would be to allow the CRA restricted southern States to require voter identification.

See how fun it is when your President chooses which laws he'll enforce?
Voting Rights Act of 1965 has already been declared unconstitutional.
Why would you repeal a law that is working? ...unless of course you didn't like the fact that it was working...
The law is not working in 2014 and unnecessary in 2014, unless are someone who wants to perpetuate the myth of racism.

To call racism a myth is to be willfully blind. Anyone who isn't and has spent any time in the U.S. would have to laugh in your face.

I sort of assumed that POV was lurking in this thread from the start. Racism and bigotry are painfully real, and we should fight tooth and nail to ensure our government rises above such ugliness. But the right to refuse to associate with people you don't like, no matter how inane your reasoning, is an essential freedom and it's foolish to sacrifice it for temporary convenience.

There's a big difference between who you invite into your own home and denying a certain portion of the population access to your business. If the law were to be repealed, I have no doubt we'd see the return of signs barring the entry of certain groups into some businesses. If "We the People" are to provide services and protection to these businesses, they owe all the people access in return.

I sort of assumed that POV was lurking in this thread from the start. Racism and bigotry are painfully real, and we should fight tooth and nail to ensure our government rises above such ugliness. But the right to refuse to associate with people you don't like, no matter how inane your reasoning, is an essential freedom and it's foolish to sacrifice it for temporary convenience.
The left needs victims. It is essential to your psychosis. You live in a world of haves vs. have nots. From what I see we have overcome race in this country as a major obstacle to economic success. Now it's all on the individual. To say that racism is a nation problem in this country is a myth.[/QUOTE]

Reports: S.C. restaurant refused to seat black patrons

A black South Carolina man says a restaurant in North Charleston refused to seat his party of 25 family and friends and asked the group to leave after a white customer complained of feeling threatened, according to reports....

Reports S.C. restaurant refused to seat black patrons
Voting Rights Act of 1965 has already been declared unconstitutional.

That's patently false. While the SC did rule against potions of the bill, it left most of it standing.

Chief Justice Roberts closes his opinion by explaining what the decision does not do. It does not overturn the Voting Rights Act's ban on discriminatory voting rules. Furthermore, it does not directly affect the preclearance requirement in Section 5, which leaves Congress the opportunity to draft new rules -- based on current conditions -- to determine which states or local governments should be subject to preclearance. The decision allows those affected by voting rule changes to sue under Section 2 of the act, but that is a longer and more expensive process that places the burden of proof on those challenging the changes.
The percentage of Americans who rob banks is miniscule to say the least. That in no way makes the case that we don't need laws against robbing banks.
If the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were repealed...does anyone REALLY think we would go back to segregation...or has society reached a point where it is now an unnecessary part of the past that only serves to divide people more? Example: Civil Rights Division of Justice Department that operates with complete disregard for the law.
Why would you repeal a law that is working? ...unless of course you didn't like the fact that it was working...
The law is not working in 2014 and unnecessary in 2014, unless are someone who wants to perpetuate the myth of racism.

To call racism a myth is to be willfully blind. Anyone who isn't and has spent any time in the U.S. would have to laugh in your face.

I sort of assumed that POV was lurking in this thread from the start. Racism and bigotry are painfully real, and we should fight tooth and nail to ensure our government rises above such ugliness. But the right to refuse to associate with people you don't like, no matter how inane your reasoning, is an essential freedom and it's foolish to sacrifice it for temporary convenience.

There's a big difference between who you invite into your own home and denying a certain portion of the population access to your business.

I don't think there is.

If the law were to be repealed, I have no doubt we'd see the return of signs barring the entry of certain groups into some businesses. If "We the People" are to provide services and protection to these businesses, they owe all the people access in return.

And why wouldn't this same argument apply to the home? -- If "We the People" are to provide services and protection to people in their homes, they owe all the people access in return.

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