Paladin of the Lost Hour
- Mar 4, 2013
- 52,766
- 22,223
- 2,320
No one is saying you can't be intolerantIf what the Commissioner is true (and we have plenty of posters who here do just this with code words), then "discrimination, intolerance, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, Christian supremacy or any form of intolerance" must be combatted.
Compost, sassy, onyx, etc., are walking examples of the truth of this.
I reserve my right to be as intolerant as I see fit, and I will combat you right back. I have no tolerance for Democrats.
And yet you choose to combat my intolerance with your own.Either you did not or you did but failed.If you do not understand, then please take a course on the subject.Be a slave, or starve. Got it.
What part of "Congress shall make no law" is unclear to you? What part of "the free expression thereof" confuses you?
I don't recall seeing "except for" in the Amendment. You?
<<What part of "Congress shall make no law" is unclear to you? What part of "the free expression thereof" confuses you?>> Hey, billy! The assumed part where your right to swing your arms ends at my nose.
Whence comes the right to force association with or ideas upon a majority that isn't interested? Whence comes the right to force work from individuals who choose not to perform such work? How is such force not slavery? Whence comes the right to suppress one belief held by a majority in favor of another? And while the Constitution protects the minority from the majority, whence comes the right of the minority to lord over the majority?
Thank you for the opportunity to use "whence" annoyingly often.
I have. Several, in fact.
Care to proceed?
Irrelevant. Care to proceed?