Civil Rights Commission Against Religious Freedom

The ministry of Jesus reinforces love. The Bible as crafted by man reinforces man's cruelty to man when Jesus is taken out of it. Listen to Jesus, not the Bible.
The Bible is gods word to man… You ever hear of the Trinity? You may not understand...:itsok:
I call Jesus Lord and Savior and he calls me by my first name, Rustic. I was born again and washed in the Blood of the Lamb before you were born. Your literalist understanding of the Bible marks you as person resistant to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
You sound very politically correct… LOL
The ministry of Jesus reinforces love. The Bible as crafted by man reinforces man's cruelty to man when Jesus is taken out of it. Listen to Jesus, not the Bible.
The Bible is gods word to man… You ever hear of the Trinity? You may not understand...:itsok:
I call Jesus Lord and Savior and he calls me by my first name, Rustic. I was born again and washed in the Blood of the Lamb before you were born. Your literalist understanding of the Bible marks you as person resistant to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
You sound very politically correct… LOL
Only to a literalist.
Frankly, it's near time Christians stood up and said "fuck you". These progressive assholes have no Constitutional standing.

Ya fought for it once, remember?

It isn't a constitutional issue. If you don't want to bake a cake for gay people, your solution is to close down your bakery. You have a religion, your business does not.

This shit was resolved legally 50 years ago when some racist cracker decided Jesus hated black people as much as they did (without any biblical foundation) and tried to use that as an excuse not to serve them.

The courts slapped them down hard like they are slapping them down hard now.

Not to worry, in another 20 years, all the churches are going to treat their stance on gays the way they treat their stance on racism, slavery and witch burning. Something they will claim was a "misunderstanding' of the bible.
The bible speaks of a solution to sodom and Gommorah, you might want to read up on that.

The bible also tells us what the actual sin of Sodom and Gomorrah were...and it's not what you think it was.
Love the sinner - hate the sin
The ministry of Jesus reinforces love. The Bible as crafted by man reinforces man's cruelty to man when Jesus is taken out of it. Listen to Jesus, not the Bible.
The Bible is gods word to man… You ever hear of the Trinity? You may not understand...:itsok:
I call Jesus Lord and Savior and he calls me by my first name, Rustic. I was born again and washed in the Blood of the Lamb before you were born. Your literalist understanding of the Bible marks you as person resistant to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
You sound very politically correct… LOL
Only to a literalist.
Yes, you are of this world. Good luck LOL
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if you think that, you're stupid. No nice way to put it.

Just petty insults from a petty person.

How much do you really know of what 4th international socialist parties advocated for between 1940-1970?

Hint: Socialism through democracy.

No, that question was asked and answered 50 years ago during the Civil Rights movement.

It is being asked again.

Are you even following your own thread? You brought up the gay bakery thing, and that became a topic of debate, so you cannot just weasel out of defending your answer by referencing what happened legally 50 years ago.

Yup. I also wouldn't mind shipping their bigoted asses off to a place where we teach them to be decent human beings.

Okay, Chairman Mao....

You seem to be more hostile and dangerous than the harmless bigots that refuse to serve cake. Not very loving and tolerant.

Nope, what we are doing is working just fine. I don't expect to change bigots like the Wife-beater in Oregon who crashed his wife's bakery because he enjoys publicity so much. But the sensible person will think twice.

Right, your position is to pretty much punish them into submission.

"They will learn decency, or else I will beat it into them!"

Classical philosophers are turning in their graves. Well, you might have that fascist **** Machiavelli on your side.
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Rustic now is spamming. Noted. His literalist view of the Bible is laughable. SCOTUS and 95% of America disagrees with his "absolute right" on guns.
You do a hell of a lot more spamming on the word and you do not know it either.
Rustic now is spamming. Noted. His literalist view of the Bible is laughable. SCOTUS and 95% of America disagrees with his "absolute right" on guns.
You do a hell of a lot more spamming on the word and you do not know it either.
Such a foolish comment by you. I know and honor the Word; you do not. I merely point out that you talk about matters you don't understand.

And the 2d Amendment is not an absolute right.
Frankly, it's near time Christians stood up and said "fuck you". These progressive assholes have no Constitutional standing.

Ya fought for it once, remember?

It isn't a constitutional issue. If you don't want to bake a cake for gay people, your solution is to close down your bakery. You have a religion, your business does not.

This shit was resolved legally 50 years ago when some racist cracker decided Jesus hated black people as much as they did (without any biblical foundation) and tried to use that as an excuse not to serve them.

The courts slapped them down hard like they are slapping them down hard now.

Not to worry, in another 20 years, all the churches are going to treat their stance on gays the way they treat their stance on racism, slavery and witch burning. Something they will claim was a "misunderstanding' of the bible.
The bible speaks of a solution to sodom and Gommorah, you might want to read up on that.

The bible also tells us what the actual sin of Sodom and Gomorrah were...and it's not what you think it was.
Love the sinner - hate the sin

Yeah? Name the sin S&G were destroyed for.
Frankly, it's near time Christians stood up and said "fuck you". These progressive assholes have no Constitutional standing.

Ya fought for it once, remember?

It isn't a constitutional issue. If you don't want to bake a cake for gay people, your solution is to close down your bakery. You have a religion, your business does not.

This shit was resolved legally 50 years ago when some racist cracker decided Jesus hated black people as much as they did (without any biblical foundation) and tried to use that as an excuse not to serve them.

The courts slapped them down hard like they are slapping them down hard now.

Not to worry, in another 20 years, all the churches are going to treat their stance on gays the way they treat their stance on racism, slavery and witch burning. Something they will claim was a "misunderstanding' of the bible.
The bible speaks of a solution to sodom and Gommorah, you might want to read up on that.

The bible also tells us what the actual sin of Sodom and Gomorrah were...and it's not what you think it was.
Love the sinner - hate the sin

Yeah? Name the sin S&G were destroyed for.
All sin... All sin is equally repugnant to God
It isn't a constitutional issue. If you don't want to bake a cake for gay people, your solution is to close down your bakery. You have a religion, your business does not.

This shit was resolved legally 50 years ago when some racist cracker decided Jesus hated black people as much as they did (without any biblical foundation) and tried to use that as an excuse not to serve them.

The courts slapped them down hard like they are slapping them down hard now.

Not to worry, in another 20 years, all the churches are going to treat their stance on gays the way they treat their stance on racism, slavery and witch burning. Something they will claim was a "misunderstanding' of the bible.
The bible speaks of a solution to sodom and Gommorah, you might want to read up on that.

The bible also tells us what the actual sin of Sodom and Gomorrah were...and it's not what you think it was.
Love the sinner - hate the sin

Yeah? Name the sin S&G were destroyed for.
All sin... All sin is equally repugnant to God

Sodom and Gommorah were destroyed for "all sins"? Name the sin Sodom and Gommorah were destroyed for.
Going to a bakery owned by a person who hates you is not very dignified.

Sorry, you are an adult now. Suck up your entitlement.

You have no moral high ground to stand on when you want to start bullying and intimidating others to think and act like you, when their thoughts and actions are causing no physical or bodily harm to your personhood.

This is why the police state exists. Your government does not protect people. It terrorizes them into conforming with the social standards laid out by other inherently flawed human beings.

If it makes you feel any better, outside of the established law, it is your prerogative to deny bigots a cake.

Guy, I've known gays who been fired by homophobes, I've known gays who've been beaten up by homophobes. I don't think the government goes nearly far enough.

Here's what I'd do...

1) Any Church that preaches homophobia will lose it's tax exemption and be subject to FREQUENT IRS Audits.

2) People convicted of hate crimes will get mandetory jail time.

3) Companies convicted of discrimination will be forced to pay fines and put up signs explaining their crimes.
"They will think exactly the way I want them to think, damn it, or they WILL pay the price!!!"
Just petty insults from a petty person.

How much do you really know of what 4th international socialist parties advocated for between 1940-1970?

Hint: Socialism through democracy.

SO what's your point? That has nothing to do with Trotsky or Mao.

Okay, Chairman Mao....

You seem to be more hostile and dangerous than the harmless bigots that refuse to serve cake. Not very loving and tolerant.

Quite the contrary. When we started treating the Klan and the Nazis like the hate groups they are, that's when we started improving race relations. Same thing with the homophobes.

Right, your position is to pretty much punish them into submission.

"They will learn decency, or else I will beat it into them!"

Classical philosophers are turning in their graves. Well, you might have that fascist **** Machiavelli on your side.

All laws are meant to deter people. Where have you been. Why do you think the Blood Alcohol Limit is .08? It's to make the decent person think twice about getting on the road before drinking 80 proof skullsmasher. The Chronic Drunk is just the guy you make the example out of.
SO what's your point? That has nothing to do with Trotsky or Mao.

You just demonstrated you know little about either.

The 4th international has nothing to do with Trotsky?

Okay, Chairman Mao....
Quite the contrary. When we started treating the Klan and the Nazis like the hate groups they are, that's when we started improving race relations. Same thing with the homophobes.

You were not talking about the KKK or fascist groups like neo-nazi parties.

Unless you meant to say that you only want to put the KKK and neo-nazis into those reeducation camps of yours, and not small time Indiana baker?

Right, your position is to pretty much punish them into submission.
All laws are meant to deter people. Where have you been. Why do you think the Blood Alcohol Limit is .08? It's to make the decent person think twice about getting on the road before drinking 80 proof skullsmasher.

Laws do not create decency. They create fear.

Your position is to instill fear and terrorize a classification of individuals that simply have different perspectives and viewpoints than you. A classification of individuals that inherently are causing no physical harm to anybody.
You were not talking about the KKK or fascist groups like neo-nazi parties.

Unless you meant to say that you only want to put the KKK and neo-nazis into those reeducation camps of yours, and not small time Indiana baker?

I don't see much of a difference...

Laws do not create decency. They create fear.

Exactly. Decent people don't need laws.

Your position is to instill fear and terrorize a classification of individuals that simply have different perspectives and viewpoints than you. A classification of individuals that inherently are causing no physical harm to anybody.

My gay friend who was beaten senseless because some homophobes decided to go out fag-bashing one night would disagree.

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