Civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis says he has Stage IV pancreatic cancer: "I am going to fight it"

like so many black americans, Elijah Cummings died too young.

the greatest white privilege of all is life itself, my friends!
we need to love each other no matter what. we must love the unlovable. love the hell out of them! i mean that literally. if there is anger and hatred in someone, we need to love them until their anger and hatred is eliminated. Gandhi showed it could be done. MLK showed it could be done. John Lewis showed it could be done. Barack Obama showed it could be done.
like so many black americans, Elijah Cummings died too young.

the greatest white privilege of all is life itself, my friends!
Yeah, white people don't get cancer or have strokes or heart attacks.

Thank Allah only homo blacks get AIDS
i tend to research what i say so here goes...

The Greatest White Privilege Is Life Itself
So you think black people are better off dead. Life isnt a privilege for them.
like so many black americans, Elijah Cummings died too young.

the greatest white privilege of all is life itself, my friends!
Yeah, white people don't get cancer or have strokes or heart attacks.

Thank Allah only homo blacks get AIDS
i tend to research what i say so here goes...

The Greatest White Privilege Is Life Itself
About your article, he was fairly old, overweight and clearly had thr many health problems associated with black culture. His death was his own doing.

Good Allah, are blacks responsible for ANYTHING they do in this life or are they just perpetual victims.
like so many black americans, Elijah Cummings died too young.

the greatest white privilege of all is life itself, my friends!
Yeah, white people don't get cancer or have strokes or heart attacks.

Thank Allah only homo blacks get AIDS
i tend to research what i say so here goes...

The Greatest White Privilege Is Life Itself
About your article, he was fairly old, overweight and clearly had thr many health problems associated with black culture. His death was his own doing.

Good Allah, are blacks responsible for ANYTHING they do in this life or are they just perpetual victims.
consult post #269
"its funny, but the thing i remember most about my childhood's classroom was the huge Alabama flag mounted next to the teacher's desk. i was thrilled when i first saw it. i'd never seen something so majestic. that feeling of respect never went away, even when i learned what that flag represented. it was what is was supposed to stand for...a people, community, a society united by a common bond, that i felt in awe of. i still have that feeling. you just dont get in white people's way. you must be very careful not to get out of line with a white person" - John Lewis
So did Jesse Jackson and he's a racist, self serving, total asshole too.

You are suffering from a scourge affecting most Trumpublicans - The Pee Wee Syndrome

I'm a racist? - No YOU'RE a racist
I'm intolerant? - No YOU'RE intolerant
I'm a misogynist? - No YOU'RE a misogynist
I'm a bigot? No YOU'RE a bigot
I'm a narrow minded asshole? No YOU'RE a narrow minded asshole


did you know?

Time Magazine once called Lewis "a living saint", to the unending amusement of his closest friends
"i remember Sammy Younge, a 21 year old vet just out of the Navy who was shot to death in front of me 30 years ago, shot in the back of the head for daring to try to use a 'whites only' bathroom" - John Lewis
"i hated picking cotton, and not just for what it was, literally backbreaking labor: planting, picking, chopping, fertilizing, row after row, often on your hands and knees, from one end of the field to another, sunup to sundown, year in year out, the blazing Alabama sun beating down so hard you'd give everything you owned for a little piece of shade and something to drink. from a young age, i realized cotton picking represented: exploitation, hopelessness, and a dead-end way of life. i resented that. were paid one dollar for 400 pounds of cotton. working for nothing, that's what i would tell folks we were doing. gambling is what i call it. there is really no way to describe how hot and heavy a place is in the summer in a place like South Alabama. you work all day under the broiling sun, the air still as death, then you come home to a place that is hardly cooler than outside, even at night. we had no fans or electricity. Air Conditioning would have sounded something like science fiction, if we even had heard of it, which we had not " - John Lewis

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