Civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis says he has Stage IV pancreatic cancer: "I am going to fight it"

why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost
Someone should ask him if the Democratic Party should apologize for their racist heritage.
Racist heritage true.....gladly picked up and run with by today's GOP.
False narrative then and still a false narrative now.
CRC trumpanzees don't know what facts are. I get you have a negative opinion of a CIvil Rights giant, but you do not have the right to make up facts to cover for your hatred of the Civil Rights Movement.
I don’t hate the civil rights movement. The Republican Party was formed to halt the expansion of slavery. The Republican Party fought the Racism and bigotry of the Democratic Party for 150 years. The Republican Party is responsible for passing the civil rights laws. The Democratic Party is responsible for needing civil rights laws to be passed.
" My friend John Lewis has gone up the rough side of the mountain many times before and his battle with pancreatic cancer is no different. Our nation is praying for you, John." - Krazy Kamala Harris
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost

John Lewis s no civil right icon, he's just one of the manuplitive racial assholes in congress that victimizes his own race for personal gain. I hope the asshole croaks.
Shame on you!
I don't like Lewis' politics and have always thought he was a race-baiter but illness goes beyond politics. I wish no one a cancer death sentence. I hope he is able to overcome the disease.
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost

John Lewis s no civil right icon, he's just one of the manuplitive racial assholes in congress that victimizes his own race for personal gain. I hope the asshole croaks.
he marched with MLK. i hope your rethink your comments!

That was a long time ago. What has he done in the last 50 years that deserves respect?
It’s pretty funny when you think about it.

We won’t allow the Nazis to deny their treatment of the Jews but we will allow the Democrats to deny their treatment of blacks.
PANCREATIC eh , that's some heavy drinking isn't it ???
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost
Someone should ask him if the Democratic Party should apologize for their racist heritage.
Racist heritage true.....gladly picked up and run with by today's GOP.
False narrative then and still a false narrative now.
CRC trumpanzees don't know what facts are. I get you have a negative opinion of a CIvil Rights giant, but you do not have the right to make up facts to cover for your hatred of the Civil Rights Movement.
------------------------- thing that he has the RIGHT to say anything he likes Bode [first amendment].
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost
Someone should ask him if the Democratic Party should apologize for their racist heritage.
Racist heritage true.....gladly picked up and run with by today's GOP.
False narrative then and still a false narrative now.
CRC trumpanzees don't know what facts are. I get you have a negative opinion of a CIvil Rights giant, but you do not have the right to make up facts to cover for your hatred of the Civil Rights Movement.
Lewis is a great civil rights leader, and I have always supported civil rights. But, the Democrats devolved the Civil rights movement into tribal racism a long time ago now.
Hate to say this but it is true. This nation will be better off without him. The sooner his kind pass on the better
So you can pretend people didn't have to fight for their rights in 'the land of the free'?
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost

John Lewis s no civil right icon, he's just one of the manuplitive racial assholes in congress that victimizes his own race for personal gain. I hope the asshole croaks.
he marched with MLK. i hope your rethink your comments!

So did Jesse Jackson and he's a racist, self serving, total asshole too.
"My heart is with Rep. John Lewis and his family. He’s always been a fighter, and I know he'll continue making good trouble. Stay strong, John." - Pocahontas

"All the strength and all the love to John Lewis. He’s been leading people into “good trouble” and leading this country closer to its ideals of justice and equality his whole life. We’re with you John!!" - Big Bad Beto

"My colleague John Lewis is a fighter... and I know he’ll face this latest challenge with the same determined resolve he’s always had. Kneeling in prayer for him and his family tonight. Psalm 46:1 - “God is our refuge and our strength—a very present help in times of trouble.”" - Marvelous Mark Meadows

"John Lewis is one of the strongest people I know. He already beat Jim Crow and the Ku Klux Klan—cancer is next. Please join me in lifting him and his family in prayer." - Crazy Cory Booker

"If there is one person who embodies what it means to be a fighter — it's John Lewis. I know he will battle this diagnosis with the same strength and courage he has carried himself with over the course of his life. John, Abigail and I are praying for you and your family." - Acerbic Amy Klobuchar

"One of the most decent, inspiring men I’ve met in covering politics for all these years. He’s a civil rights hero, and as passionate a patriot as we’ve produced. The key to him is that he sees no conflict between the two; indeed, they’re the same thing." - Howlin Howard Fineman

" I also have faith that John Lewis will beat this. He is a warrior like no other." - Vivacious Veronica Escobar
John Lewis is a goddamn American hero, and I will never forgive the Berners who booed him at the 2016 convention. I will go to my grave bitter about that.
John Lewis is tough and tireless and he remains in that fight. May he serve Georgia, the nation, and humanity for many years to come!
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost
It looks like God is going to help Pres.Trump to drain the swamp.

I used to know three people who were treated for pancreatic cancer. One diagnosed last August.

Used to know them.

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