Civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis says he has Stage IV pancreatic cancer: "I am going to fight it"

"While I am clear-eyed about the prognosis, doctors have told me that recent medical advances have made this type of cancer treatable in many cases, that treatment options are no longer as debilitating as they once were, and that I have a fighting chance," Lewis said in a statement.
Make no mistake....Lewis is a dead man walking. It will get him, and the treatments give you about as much time as it takes to get your affairs in order.
"While I am clear-eyed about the prognosis, doctors have told me that recent medical advances have made this type of cancer treatable in many cases, that treatment options are no longer as debilitating as they once were, and that I have a fighting chance," Lewis said in a statement.

Not at stage four.
I've lost two friends to pancreatic cancer and it was caught much earlier.
Stage four is pretty much a death sentence.
"While I am clear-eyed about the prognosis, doctors have told me that recent medical advances have made this type of cancer treatable in many cases, that treatment options are no longer as debilitating as they once were, and that I have a fighting chance," Lewis said in a statement.

Not at stage four.
I've lost two friends to pancreatic cancer and it was caught much earlier.
Stage four is pretty much a death sentence.
"While I am clear-eyed about the prognosis, doctors have told me that recent medical advances have made this type of cancer treatable in many cases, that treatment options are no longer as debilitating as they once were, and that I have a fighting chance," Lewis said in a statement.

Not at stage four.
I've lost two friends to pancreatic cancer and it was caught much earlier.
Stage four is pretty much a death sentence.

John Lewis was given the medal of freedom by President Trump. did you know?

LOL...who am i kidding. it was Mr Obama who gave it!
Survival rate for stage IV pancreatic cancer is 3%.
It kind of takes the math out of it.
"While I am clear-eyed about the prognosis, doctors have told me that recent medical advances have made this type of cancer treatable in many cases, that treatment options are no longer as debilitating as they once were, and that I have a fighting chance," Lewis said in a statement.
Make no mistake....Lewis is a dead man walking. It will get him, and the treatments give you about as much time as it takes to get your affairs in order.
Patrick Swayze was one of the "lucky" ones. He lived a year and a half after diagnosis. But the disease won. It ALWAYS does, barring a miracle from the god Democrats despise
when folks were saying "we're gonna march for our freedoms", the KKK said "you cant do that", and John Lewis said YES WE CAN!



"While I am clear-eyed about the prognosis, doctors have told me that recent medical advances have made this type of cancer treatable in many cases, that treatment options are no longer as debilitating as they once were, and that I have a fighting chance," Lewis said in a statement.
Make no mistake....Lewis is a dead man walking. It will get him, and the treatments give you about as much time as it takes to get your affairs in order.
Patrick Swayze was one of the "lucky" ones. He lived a year and a half after diagnosis. But the disease won. It ALWAYS does, barring a miracle from the god Democrats despise
his name is Sassy Patrick Swayze
John Lewis was given the medal of freedom by President Trump. did you know?

LOL...who am i kidding. it was Mr Obama who gave it!
one democrat who was a Nobel Peace Prize recipient (not sure what for) giving a medal of freedom to another democrat, I'm surprised
My heart can't take anymore losses. I love John Lewis. I love how he hugs with all his heart. I love the joy in him when he dances. I love the kindness, the quiet power he emits when he encourages us to get in good trouble. I hope he still has fight within him
man of the people!

"If you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have a moral obligation to do something about it." ~ John Lewis

Dear God, let John Lewis live long enough to see Trump leave the White House
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost

John Lewis s no civil right icon, he's just one of the manuplitive racial assholes in congress that victimizes his own race for personal gain. I hope the asshole croaks.

I knew it wouldn't take long for a racist POS to come out of the wood work.
He’s rightLewis was a race pimp, he got paid to keep blacks down

Comments from another racist fool.
why always the good ones? i'm sure he'll beat the cancer! give it hell, John!

"I may miss a few votes during this period, but with God’s grace I will be back on the front lines soon."

Rep. John Lewis Diagnosed With Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer | HuffPost

John Lewis s no civil right icon, he's just one of the manuplitive racial assholes in congress that victimizes his own race for personal gain. I hope the asshole croaks.

I knew it wouldn't take long for a racist POS to come out of the wood work.
He’s rightLewis was a race pimp, he got paid to keep blacks down

Comments from another racist fool.
No substance
John Lewis is probably our greatest living Patriot

I wish him well.....a great man

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