Civil War Facts

It's irrefutable that he started it. ...

Wannabe reb stupidity. The traitors fired on Fort Sumter. Your personal hatred for the United States of America does not change the facts.
Union troops were trespassing on the territory of SC, moron. If foreigners refuse to leave your country, then they deserve to be fired on.

American troops in America, you stupid traitor.
... If it was part of America, then Lincoln committed treason by making war on "the United States" (plural).

Wrong again.
Nope. That's the irrefutable truth. Allow me to quote the Constitution:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

Note the use of the plural "them." What the statement says is that making war against any of the states is treason. Who did that? Abraham Lincoln.
It's irrefutable that he started it. ...

Wannabe reb stupidity. The traitors fired on Fort Sumter. Your personal hatred for the United States of America does not change the facts.
Union troops were trespassing on the territory of SC, moron. If foreigners refuse to leave your country, then they deserve to be fired on.

American troops in America, you stupid traitor.
... If it was part of America, then Lincoln committed treason by making war on "the United States" (plural).

Wrong again.
The new Constitution was to make the Perpetual Union more perfect, as anyone at the time or anyone who can read English would understand. Would you please tell him he is wrong once more? As he refuses to address others civilly, I refuse to address him directly.
Citizens seem able to leave the United States legally, but they cannot take a state or bunch of states with them when they leave. So, those citizens that want to leave the US may do so, but cannot not take states. nor parts of states with them when they leave.
Where is that written? . . . . . . . . . . . . that's right: Nowhere.

All you Lincoln cultists can defend him only by making stuff up. I've heard a thousand theories like yours, and they are all based on nothing.
Wannabe reb stupidity. The traitors fired on Fort Sumter. Your personal hatred for the United States of America does not change the facts.
Union troops were trespassing on the territory of SC, moron. If foreigners refuse to leave your country, then they deserve to be fired on.

American troops in America, you stupid traitor.
... If it was part of America, then Lincoln committed treason by making war on "the United States" (plural).

Wrong again.
The new Constitution was to make the Perpetual Union more perfect, as anyone at the time or anyone who can read English would understand. Would you please tell him he is wrong once more? As he refuses to address others civilly, I refuse to address him directly.
More theories with no visible means of support. The bottom line is that the Constitution replaced the articles of Confederation. The phrase "perpetual union" isn't in the Constitution.
How about Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, and Indiana? These were not northeastern states.

The problem started when the seven Deep South states would not accept the results of a lawful election. They didn't even give Lincoln a chance to show how he would govern, even though the South still controlled the Senate and could block anything it didn't like, and even though the Republicans did not have an outright majority in the House.

If the South had just accepted Lincoln there was little Lincoln could have done to end slavery. Best he could do was limit expansion into new states.

If left on its own, slavery would have been gradually phased out and slave owners would have been compensated for their loss of “property”

But the South panicked and started a war. A war that ended slavery in four years

Lincoln started the war. . . .

Technically, Jefferson Davis started the war by bombarding Fort Sumter, one of the most foolish and senseless decisions in the history of bad decisions. That being said, Lincoln's reaction to the bloodless and amicably settled Sumter attack was quite overheated, but at that point Lincoln had no choice, unless he wanted to be disgraced and impeached and have his much more radical vice president take over.

Lincoln looked at an attack on our flag as war

The South gave him a reason to invade, the soon regretted it
There was no military invasion. There was a spiritual and moral invasion by forces of division, treachery and oppression. These were turned back, albeit imperfectly.
In sum, the military operations of legitimate Union forces intervened and the Perpetual Union, the origin of this nation and the object of the Constitution, was preserved.
Mankind struck a blow for mankind.
The "perpetual union" was dissolved when they approved the Constitution. There was nothing legitimate about occupying the sovereign territory of South Carolina, violating the territorial waters of South Carolina, and invading the sovereign state of Virginia.

You're a goose stepping statist blowhard.
Ft Sumter was US Property
S Carolina can’t just claim it without negotiating a transfer
Union troops were trespassing on the territory of SC, moron. If foreigners refuse to leave your country, then they deserve to be fired on.

American troops in America, you stupid traitor.
... If it was part of America, then Lincoln committed treason by making war on "the United States" (plural).

Wrong again.
The new Constitution was to make the Perpetual Union more perfect, as anyone at the time or anyone who can read English would understand. Would you please tell him he is wrong once more? As he refuses to address others civilly, I refuse to address him directly.
More theories with no visible means of support. The bottom line is that the Constitution replaced the articles of Confederation. The phrase "perpetual union" isn't in the Constitution.

Doesn’t have to be
It still doesn’t say that......but we are a perpetual union
Wannabe reb stupidity. The traitors fired on Fort Sumter. Your personal hatred for the United States of America does not change the facts.
Union troops were trespassing on the territory of SC, moron. If foreigners refuse to leave your country, then they deserve to be fired on.

American troops in America, you stupid traitor.
... If it was part of America, then Lincoln committed treason by making war on "the United States" (plural).

Wrong again.
Nope. That's the irrefutable truth. Allow me to quote the Constitution:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

Note the use of the plural "them." What the statement says is that making war against any of the states is treason. Who did that? Abraham Lincoln.
Making war against the whole is treason
How about Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, and Indiana? These were not northeastern states.

The problem started when the seven Deep South states would not accept the results of a lawful election. They didn't even give Lincoln a chance to show how he would govern, even though the South still controlled the Senate and could block anything it didn't like, and even though the Republicans did not have an outright majority in the House.

If the South had just accepted Lincoln there was little Lincoln could have done to end slavery. Best he could do was limit expansion into new states.

If left on its own, slavery would have been gradually phased out and slave owners would have been compensated for their loss of “property”

But the South panicked and started a war. A war that ended slavery in four years

Lincoln started the war. . . .

Technically, Jefferson Davis started the war by bombarding Fort Sumter, one of the most foolish and senseless decisions in the history of bad decisions. That being said, Lincoln's reaction to the bloodless and amicably settled Sumter attack was quite overheated, but at that point Lincoln had no choice, unless he wanted to be disgraced and impeached and have his much more radical vice president take over.

Lincoln looked at an attack on our flag as war

The South gave him a reason to invade, the soon regretted it
There was no military invasion. There was a spiritual and moral invasion by forces of division, treachery and oppression. These were turned back, albeit imperfectly.
In sum, the military operations of legitimate Union forces intervened and the Perpetual Union, the origin of this nation and the object of the Constitution, was preserved.
Mankind struck a blow for mankind.
The "perpetual union" was dissolved when they approved the Constitution. There was nothing legitimate about occupying the sovereign territory of South Carolina, violating the territorial waters of South Carolina, and invading the sovereign state of Virginia.

You're a goose stepping statist blowhard.
Ft Sumter was US Property
S Carolina can’t just claim it without negotiating a transfer
That's right, it was US property, not US territory. SC could kick out federal troops just like Iran could kick out our embassy personnel. The US embassy was also US property.
Union troops were trespassing on the territory of SC, moron. If foreigners refuse to leave your country, then they deserve to be fired on.

American troops in America, you stupid traitor.
... If it was part of America, then Lincoln committed treason by making war on "the United States" (plural).

Wrong again.
Nope. That's the irrefutable truth. Allow me to quote the Constitution:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

Note the use of the plural "them." What the statement says is that making war against any of the states is treason. Who did that? Abraham Lincoln.
Making war against the whole is treason
Making war against any member state is treason. Lincoln committed treason. South Carolina didn't.
American troops in America, you stupid traitor.
... If it was part of America, then Lincoln committed treason by making war on "the United States" (plural).

Wrong again.
The new Constitution was to make the Perpetual Union more perfect, as anyone at the time or anyone who can read English would understand. Would you please tell him he is wrong once more? As he refuses to address others civilly, I refuse to address him directly.
More theories with no visible means of support. The bottom line is that the Constitution replaced the articles of Confederation. The phrase "perpetual union" isn't in the Constitution.

Doesn’t have to be
It still doesn’t say that......but we are a perpetual union
ROFL! Yeah, sure. You can claim whatever you want. The laws of the United States are whatever you say they are. It doesn't have to be in any document.

What a moron.
The South has always been superior to the North.

By the way, The South was Right.
It is not really a North v South thing now.

It is not even a Blue v Red State thing.

It is America v the Democrat controlled big city shitholes.

That is the real division.
The new Constitution was to make the Perpetual Union more perfect, as anyone at the time or anyone who can read English would understand.

Then it's very odd that the new constitution they adopted says nothing, not one word, about the Union being perpetual, permanent, etc. The Articles of Confederation did so several times, but not the federal constitution. There is also no prohibition in the Constitution against a state revoking its ratification. Nothing in the document says that ratification is irrevocable. Indeed, if the framers had inserted such language, several states probably would not have ratified it.
SC's 'declaration' was not legal or legitimate. The territory of the United States was still the territory of the United States, including and especially federal forts. Federal forces killing armed criminals is not "war against" any state, it was enforcement of the law. Scumbag traitors like bripunk got a fraction of what they deserved as filthy, traitorous dogs.
Technically, Jefferson Davis started the war by bombarding Fort Sumter, one of the most foolish and senseless decisions in the history of bad decisions. That being said, Lincoln's reaction to the bloodless and amicably settled Sumter attack was quite overheated, but at that point Lincoln had no choice, unless he wanted to be disgraced and impeached and have his much more radical vice president take over.

Lincoln looked at an attack on our flag as war

The South gave him a reason to invade, the soon regretted it
There was no military invasion. There was a spiritual and moral invasion by forces of division, treachery and oppression. These were turned back, albeit imperfectly.
In sum, the military operations of legitimate Union forces intervened and the Perpetual Union, the origin of this nation and the object of the Constitution, was preserved.
Mankind struck a blow for mankind.
The "perpetual union" was dissolved when they approved the Constitution. There was nothing legitimate about occupying the sovereign territory of South Carolina, violating the territorial waters of South Carolina, and invading the sovereign state of Virginia.

You're a goose stepping statist blowhard.
Ft Sumter was US Property
S Carolina can’t just claim it without negotiating a transfer
That's right, it was US property, not US territory. SC could kick out federal troops just like Iran could kick out our embassy personnel. The US embassy was also US property.

They had no more right than Cuba to kick us out of Gitmo. Ft Sumter belonged to the UNITED STATES
The new Constitution was to make the Perpetual Union more perfect, as anyone at the time or anyone who can read English would understand.

Then it's very odd that the new constitution they adopted says nothing, not one word, about the Union being perpetual, permanent, etc. The Articles of Confederation did so several times, but not the federal constitution. There is also no prohibition in the Constitution against a state revoking its ratification. Nothing in the document says that ratification is irrevocable. Indeed, if the framers had inserted such language, several states probably would not have ratified it.
Nothing says you can break up the United States
Nothing says you can come and go as you please
SC's 'declaration' was not legal or legitimate.

Really? Says who?

The territory of the United States was still the territory of the United States, including and especially federal forts.

Wrong. Ft Sumter was South Carolina territory. Check a map.

Federal forces killing armed criminals is not "war against" any state, it was enforcement of the law.

They weren't criminals. They were the citizens of a sovereign state defending it from foreign aggression.

Scumbag traitors like bripunk got a fraction of what they deserved as filthy, traitorous dogs.

Shit like that is why boot lickers like you do not deserve to be treated with respect.
The new Constitution was to make the Perpetual Union more perfect, as anyone at the time or anyone who can read English would understand.

Then it's very odd that the new constitution they adopted says nothing, not one word, about the Union being perpetual, permanent, etc. The Articles of Confederation did so several times, but not the federal constitution. There is also no prohibition in the Constitution against a state revoking its ratification. Nothing in the document says that ratification is irrevocable. Indeed, if the framers had inserted such language, several states probably would not have ratified it.
Nothing says you can break up the United States
Nothing says you can come and go as you please
Nothing says you can't leave if you please, shit for brains.

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