Civil War Facts

Lincoln looked at an attack on our flag as war

The South gave him a reason to invade, the soon regretted it
There was no military invasion. There was a spiritual and moral invasion by forces of division, treachery and oppression. These were turned back, albeit imperfectly.
In sum, the military operations of legitimate Union forces intervened and the Perpetual Union, the origin of this nation and the object of the Constitution, was preserved.
Mankind struck a blow for mankind.
The "perpetual union" was dissolved when they approved the Constitution. There was nothing legitimate about occupying the sovereign territory of South Carolina, violating the territorial waters of South Carolina, and invading the sovereign state of Virginia.

You're a goose stepping statist blowhard.
Ft Sumter was US Property
S Carolina can’t just claim it without negotiating a transfer
That's right, it was US property, not US territory. SC could kick out federal troops just like Iran could kick out our embassy personnel. The US embassy was also US property.

They had no more right than Cuba to kick us out of Gitmo. Ft Sumter belonged to the UNITED STATES

Cuba does have the right to kick us out of Gitmo, moron.
The new Constitution was to make the Perpetual Union more perfect, as anyone at the time or anyone who can read English would understand.

Then it's very odd that the new constitution they adopted says nothing, not one word, about the Union being perpetual, permanent, etc. The Articles of Confederation did so several times, but not the federal constitution. There is also no prohibition in the Constitution against a state revoking its ratification. Nothing in the document says that ratification is irrevocable. Indeed, if the framers had inserted such language, several states probably would not have ratified it.
Nothing says you can break up the United States
Nothing says you can come and go as you please
Nothing says you can't leave if you please, shit for brains.

If the Constitution intended for states to leave, they would have provisions for leaving covering division of property, joint assets, situations like Ft Sumter, how debt is divided
The new Constitution was to make the Perpetual Union more perfect, as anyone at the time or anyone who can read English would understand.

Then it's very odd that the new constitution they adopted says nothing, not one word, about the Union being perpetual, permanent, etc. The Articles of Confederation did so several times, but not the federal constitution. There is also no prohibition in the Constitution against a state revoking its ratification. Nothing in the document says that ratification is irrevocable. Indeed, if the framers had inserted such language, several states probably would not have ratified it.
Nothing says you can break up the United States
Nothing says you can come and go as you please
Nothing says you can't leave if you please, shit for brains.

If the Constitution intended for states to leave, they would have provisions for leaving covering division of property, joint assets, situations like Ft Sumter, how debt is divided
The constitution is a scrap of paper. It doesn't have intentions. If you sign a contract, and it doesn't say 'X,' then you are perfectly free to do 'X.' That's how contracts work, and the Constitution is a contract.

There is no way you can possibly spin the Constitution into meaning that a state couldn't leave. That's why you make up these fairy tale legalism that have never been valid anywhere.
Here's a fact for you:

The South started a war to prove they were better than the slaves and lost.

and here's a fact for you.

The south would beat the fuck out of ya today, because the south is in so much better condition.

More Industry, More Schools. Better Schools, More People, a Growing Economy, and better infrastructure, and the Most Americans in the Military.

so how about you fuck off.
The south has always been the best part of the nation. NOT without its faults but the best from a "livable" outlook.Sweet home Alabama
American troops in America, you stupid traitor.
... If it was part of America, then Lincoln committed treason by making war on "the United States" (plural).

Wrong again.
The new Constitution was to make the Perpetual Union more perfect, as anyone at the time or anyone who can read English would understand. Would you please tell him he is wrong once more? As he refuses to address others civilly, I refuse to address him directly.
More theories with no visible means of support. The bottom line is that the Constitution replaced the articles of Confederation. The phrase "perpetual union" isn't in the Constitution.

Doesn’t have to be
It still doesn’t say that......but we are a perpetual union
OK, to clarify.
The original agreement of all the States was that the Union was forever.
Later, they met in order to modify and, hopefully, improve that Union. All the particpants fully understood that the original perpetuity was implicit, otherwise they would have changed it. They went on to vote on adoption of the new Constitution. That vote and decision did not, in fact, fully conform to the process of adoption. The 'new' Constitution was prematurely declared active. Thus, either we accept that the original terms of the Constitution apply, and it is still "Perpetual", or the 'new' Constitution is not valid and the 'old', Perpetual Union Constitution is actually in effect.
Either way, the Union is Perpetual.
The attempt to renege on that agreement, that we call the Civil War, answered forever those who would wish to use violence in order to break their promise and oath.
The new Constitution was to make the Perpetual Union more perfect, as anyone at the time or anyone who can read English would understand.

Then it's very odd that the new constitution they adopted says nothing, not one word, about the Union being perpetual, permanent, etc. The Articles of Confederation did so several times, but not the federal constitution. There is also no prohibition in the Constitution against a state revoking its ratification. Nothing in the document says that ratification is irrevocable. Indeed, if the framers had inserted such language, several states probably would not have ratified it.
Nothing says you can break up the United States
Nothing says you can come and go as you please
Nothing says you can't leave if you please.....

Leave what?
Perhaps true, but then, they didn't understand how utterly ruthless and despicable Lincoln was.

Yeah, that Lincoln was certainly "ruthless and despicable". Only someone as ruthless and despicable as Lincoln would deny to Good, White Southerners all the pleasures and profits that comes from being ruthless and despicable to Black people.
The practice of slavery was on its way out

On its way out?

Census of 1850: 3,204,313 slaves.

Census of 1860: 3,953,762 slaves

Let me figure this out on my cocktail napkin... That's about a 20%
increase. Hardly the statistic one associates with a dying institution. Besides, slavery in the South wasn't just an economic system, or even a social construct. It was a Religious Sacrament. Every Sunday those that owned slaves, and those that did not would gather at their church where a preacher would harangue the congregation with the message that Slavery was God's Ordained Plan for the Black Race.
... If it was part of America, then Lincoln committed treason by making war on "the United States" (plural).

Wrong again.
The new Constitution was to make the Perpetual Union more perfect, as anyone at the time or anyone who can read English would understand. Would you please tell him he is wrong once more? As he refuses to address others civilly, I refuse to address him directly.
More theories with no visible means of support. The bottom line is that the Constitution replaced the articles of Confederation. The phrase "perpetual union" isn't in the Constitution.

Doesn’t have to be
It still doesn’t say that......but we are a perpetual union
OK, to clarify.
The original agreement of all the States was that the Union was forever.
Later, they met in order to modify and, hopefully, improve that Union. All the particpants fully understood that the original perpetuity was implicit, otherwise they would have changed it. They went on to vote on adoption of the new Constitution. That vote and decision did not, in fact, fully conform to the process of adoption. The 'new' Constitution was prematurely declared active. Thus, either we accept that the original terms of the Constitution apply, and it is still "Perpetual", or the 'new' Constitution is not valid and the 'old', Perpetual Union Constitution is actually in effect.
Either way, the Union is Perpetual.
The attempt to renege on that agreement, that we call the Civil War, answered forever those who would wish to use violence in order to break their promise and oath.
Sorry, moron, but there's no clause in the Constitution that the union is forever. When they adopted the Constitution, they threw the Atticles of Confederation into the waste bin. If you accept the articles of Confederation, then you reject all the provisions in the Constitution, like the power to tax and make war. You want to accept one statement from the Articles of Confederation, which no legal force, while rejecting all the rest. That's the ultimate in dishonesty.
Perhaps true, but then, they didn't understand how utterly ruthless and despicable Lincoln was.

Yeah, that Lincoln was certainly "ruthless and despicable". Only someone as ruthless and despicable as Lincoln would deny to Good, White Southerners all the pleasures and profits that comes from being ruthless and despicable to Black people.
Lincoln invented the concentration camp and put thousands of Americans in them without a trial. He laid waste to large areas of American, plundered private property, destroyed entire American cities, and caused the deaths of 850,000 Americans. Those are only a few of his crimes.

Yeah, he was a swell guy
Civil War Fact:

The south were the only people to start a war to prove that they were better than the slaves and lose.

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