Civil war from a left and right perspective.

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Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2010
This is the most comprehensive analyses of what would happen if civil war were to break out in America I've come across...and it paints a very bleak outcome for the left.

A lot of these points have been brought up here but this guy really nails it down.


Now, why do they want gun control again?


Science fiction..and not even good sci-fi!

High desertion rates..our military?

He's drunk. The US military takes their oaths far more seriously than he believes.

I have heard this bs for years now..and i get a kick out of it every time. 4G warfare...rendering heavy weapon meaningless?

Never really seen a ToT barrage before..or understand that artillery is an area denial weapon?

There no such thing as the Conservative army! No Liberal counter-forces!

Just s shop-worn fantasy of some dystopian end of days they call SHTF! Not going to happen least not with some civil war twixt the cons and the Libs..

Now is you're talking the coming resource wars..when water and power will dwindle---might need a gun or some areas.

but in that case..the military would be in there helping..stem the tide of hungry people.
High desertion rates..our military?
You actually believe that a high percentage of military personnel will fire on their own people?
He's drunk. The US military takes their oaths far more seriously than he believes.
You assume they believe firing on their own people is the oath they took.
Never really seen a ToT barrage before..or understand that artillery is an area denial weapon?
That can destroy all the buildings or cover in an area. It still has to be held. We learned that hard lesson in Vietnam.
There no such thing as the Conservative army! No Liberal counter-forces!
True. It was a "what-if" scenario.
Just s shop-worn fantasy of some dystopian end of days they call SHTF! Not going to happen least not with some civil war twixt the cons and the Libs..

Now is you're talking the coming resource wars..when water and power will dwindle---might need a gun or some areas.

but in that case..the military would be in there helping..stem the tide of hungry people.
You're probably right on that point.
High desertion rates..our military?
You actually believe that a high percentage of military personnel will fire on their own people?
He's drunk. The US military takes their oaths far more seriously than he believes.
You assume they believe firing on their own people is the oath they took.
Never really seen a ToT barrage before..or understand that artillery is an area denial weapon?
That can destroy all the buildings or cover in an area. It still has to be held. We learned that hard lesson in Vietnam.
There no such thing as the Conservative army! No Liberal counter-forces!
True. It was a "what-if" scenario.
Just s shop-worn fantasy of some dystopian end of days they call SHTF! Not going to happen least not with some civil war twixt the cons and the Libs..

Now is you're talking the coming resource wars..when water and power will dwindle---might need a gun or some areas.

but in that case..the military would be in there helping..stem the tide of hungry people.
You're probably right on that point.
Thank you for you cogent and well reasoned response

"their own people"...that would be the rub, eh. But I doubt that the serving military would consider a rogue ideology as if an entire area is involved..geographically..the State National Guard deserting to the rebel forces--that could be a twitchy scenario....then the political and economic aspects come into play---then we might get our war....

Oh yeah..ToT...but Vietnam was different..the sheer number of the Vietnamese...acted as a force multiplier---here in the US..the Odds of millions coordinating a revolt....are very, very small. If a small, under 5,000 people force tried to rise up...they would just...well....die.

Comfortable people do not revolt.

Very few are willing to die for ideology---When they're busy on their phones...LOL!

Science fiction..and not even good sci-fi!

High desertion rates..our military?

He's drunk. The US military takes their oaths far more seriously than he believes.

I have heard this bs for years now..and i get a kick out of it every time. 4G warfare...rendering heavy weapon meaningless?

Never really seen a ToT barrage before..or understand that artillery is an area denial weapon?

There no such thing as the Conservative army! No Liberal counter-forces!

Just s shop-worn fantasy of some dystopian end of days they call SHTF! Not going to happen least not with some civil war twixt the cons and the Libs..

Now is you're talking the coming resource wars..when water and power will dwindle---might need a gun or some areas.

but in that case..the military would be in there helping..stem the tide of hungry people.

So while they're stemming the tide of hungary people who's doing their fighting?

And no the military will not fire on American citizens.

Science fiction..and not even good sci-fi!

High desertion rates..our military?

He's drunk. The US military takes their oaths far more seriously than he believes.

I have heard this bs for years now..and i get a kick out of it every time. 4G warfare...rendering heavy weapon meaningless?

Never really seen a ToT barrage before..or understand that artillery is an area denial weapon?

There no such thing as the Conservative army! No Liberal counter-forces!

Just s shop-worn fantasy of some dystopian end of days they call SHTF! Not going to happen least not with some civil war twixt the cons and the Libs..

Now is you're talking the coming resource wars..when water and power will dwindle---might need a gun or some areas.

but in that case..the military would be in there helping..stem the tide of hungry people.

So while they're stemming the tide of hungary people who's doing their fighting?

And no the military will not fire on American citizens.
Yes..they have..many times...and would do so again..if that situation arose.

fighting is not everything a military does...just sayin'

Science fiction..and not even good sci-fi!

High desertion rates..our military?

He's drunk. The US military takes their oaths far more seriously than he believes.

I have heard this bs for years now..and i get a kick out of it every time. 4G warfare...rendering heavy weapon meaningless?

Never really seen a ToT barrage before..or understand that artillery is an area denial weapon?

There no such thing as the Conservative army! No Liberal counter-forces!

Just s shop-worn fantasy of some dystopian end of days they call SHTF! Not going to happen least not with some civil war twixt the cons and the Libs..

Now is you're talking the coming resource wars..when water and power will dwindle---might need a gun or some areas.

but in that case..the military would be in there helping..stem the tide of hungry people.

So while they're stemming the tide of hungary people who's doing their fighting?

And no the military will not fire on American citizens.
Yes..they have..many times...and would do so again..if that situation arose.

fighting is not everything a military does...just sayin'

And when did our military fire on American citizens?
When I was in the Military, we War-Gamed this in theory on several occasions. At Ft Devens right outside Boston. 10th SFGA

There is no scenario in which the left can win.

Military stays out, Conservatives win. Military gets involved. Conservatives win because the vast majority of the Combat Arms is overwhelmingly Conservative. A few units might side with the Left but I really do doubt it. I can't think of a single one. Maybe a couple Wings of the Air Force. Maybe a little bit of the Navy....... No, I really don't think so. At worst, the Military stays out. At best, they clean leftists out by the million. From my experience, from talking to Active Duty types, they'd be more than happy to oblige.

The Big Cities would turn into Stalingrad within two weeks. No way they could be supplied enough by Sea after Conservatives cut off Land-based supply routes.

If masses of angry and hungry street urchins try to leave the Cities and raid the Countryside, they would be massacred. Possibly by the million.

dimocrap scum need to understand something -- The ONLY reason you are allowed to exist is because --

We permit it.

It would go against what we believe to extinguish you.

But that doesn't mean it won't be necessary some day.
This is the most comprehensive analyses of what would happen if civil war were to break out in America I've come across...and it paints a very bleak outcome for the left.

A lot of these points have been brought up here but this guy really nails it down.

Interesting video. However, I do not believe America is headed or even close to a shooting civil war 2.0. Rather, I think we've been (the U.S.A) engaged in a full blown cultural and technological cold civil war for about six or seven decades, a war fought through the entertainment industry and academic ideology on and from campuses across the country. Further, I do believe that the ultimate aim of Democrat majority controlled states such as California and Washington is secession. Yes, I predict such states will either actually secede from "the Union" or at least threaten secession as extortion to gain more power and advance cultural war objectives.

Now, speaking to what an actual shooting civil war 2.0 might look like, well . . . in my opinion, the opinion of a twenty-seven year Army veteran . . . what we'd at most see is as follows. We'd see governors and mayors of sanctuary states and cities using the combined might of their police and national guard forces to sort of keep out the Feds, and protect their rule and the rule of their ultra-liberal policies in those places. We might also see something very similar to the Paris Commune during the French Revolution in cities such as LA and Portland, where essentially those metropolitan centers of radical liberal culture become micro-nations unto themselves. As for regular US Military forces, I highly doubt they would be used domestically beyond a very basic crowd control and anti-insurrectionist/terrorist capacity. No sitting President, again in my opinion, would authorize use of heavy air bombardment against domestic population centers, unless the imminent danger was great enough to threaten the seat of our federal government itself. Mass desertion from regular, active duty forces for ideological purposes? The chances of that are very, very low.

Science fiction..and not even good sci-fi!

High desertion rates..our military?

He's drunk. The US military takes their oaths far more seriously than he believes.

I have heard this bs for years now..and i get a kick out of it every time. 4G warfare...rendering heavy weapon meaningless?

Never really seen a ToT barrage before..or understand that artillery is an area denial weapon?

There no such thing as the Conservative army! No Liberal counter-forces!

Just s shop-worn fantasy of some dystopian end of days they call SHTF! Not going to happen least not with some civil war twixt the cons and the Libs..

Now is you're talking the coming resource wars..when water and power will dwindle---might need a gun or some areas.

but in that case..the military would be in there helping..stem the tide of hungry people.

So while they're stemming the tide of hungary people who's doing their fighting?

And no the military will not fire on American citizens.
Yes..they have..many times...and would do so again..if that situation arose.

fighting is not everything a military does...just sayin'

And when did our military fire on American citizens?

this is not a complete list....i noted that the shelling of New York was not mentioned--during the Civil War when the Irish rioted over the draft.
Would the US Military Fire on American citizens? - The Anti-Media
When I was in the Military, we War-Gamed this in theory on several occasions. At Ft Devens right outside Boston. 10th SFGA

There is no scenario in which the left can win.

Military stays out, Conservatives win. Military gets involved. Conservatives win because the vast majority of the Combat Arms is overwhelmingly Conservative. A few units might side with the Left but I really do doubt it. I can't think of a single one. Maybe a couple Wings of the Air Force. Maybe a little bit of the Navy....... No, I really don't think so. At worst, the Military stays out. At best, they clean leftists out by the million. From my experience, from talking to Active Duty types, they'd be more than happy to oblige.

The Big Cities would turn into Stalingrad within two weeks. No way they could be supplied enough by Sea after Conservatives cut off Land-based supply routes.

If masses of angry and hungry street urchins try to leave the Cities and raid the Countryside, they would be massacred. Possibly by the million.

dimocrap scum need to understand something -- The ONLY reason you are allowed to exist is because --

We permit it.

It would go against what we believe to extinguish you.

But that doesn't mean it won't be necessary some day.
ROTFLMFAO! really need to get out more! "Allowed to exist" indeed!

This Lib/Con a fantasy. The Left will never take has no need--it has won. Demographics decides our the end.

Most people love our country....warts and all. Those who seek to split it..will suffer the same fate as last time.
It is hard to imagine large portions of the population wanting to rebel unless things get really bad. So, it seems unlikely that we would have another civil war anytime soon.

At the same time, it would not take a large percentage of the entire population to get it started to the point where the military would be a non-factor.

For example, if most Texans decided they did not want to be part of the U.S., the size of the force Texas could amass, coupled with the number of available weapons owned by private citizens, would out number the U.S. military at least 10 to 1. At the current, that scenario is unlikely because we are all content. We are content because government largely does our bidding. If we were not able to amass such a huge armed civilian force, would our government give a shit? That's the real question.

We need to be armed.


Science fiction..and not even good sci-fi!

High desertion rates..our military?

He's drunk. The US military takes their oaths far more seriously than he believes.

I have heard this bs for years now..and i get a kick out of it every time. 4G warfare...rendering heavy weapon meaningless?

Never really seen a ToT barrage before..or understand that artillery is an area denial weapon?

There no such thing as the Conservative army! No Liberal counter-forces!

Just s shop-worn fantasy of some dystopian end of days they call SHTF! Not going to happen least not with some civil war twixt the cons and the Libs..

Now is you're talking the coming resource wars..when water and power will dwindle---might need a gun or some areas.

but in that case..the military would be in there helping..stem the tide of hungry people.

So while they're stemming the tide of hungary people who's doing their fighting?

And no the military will not fire on American citizens.
They had no problem at Kent State.

And when did our military fire on American citizens?

Detroit riot in '67.....82nd AB fired on arsonists. Kent State 1971....Waco 1993....Cav helos from Ft. Hood shot Branch Davidians as they ran from the burning compound.....It's happened before.
I say we wait until after the 2020 Democrat Convention where plenty of Democrats will be beating each other's heads in.

And when did our military fire on American citizens?

Detroit riot in '67.....82nd AB fired on arsonists. Kent State 1971....Waco 1993....Cav helos from Ft. Hood shot Branch Davidians as they ran from the burning compound.....It's happened before.
Yes....I don't know where some people get the idea that our military would refuse to fire on American citizens. They've historically had no problem doing so.
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