Civil War

The people of this country despise each other too much for there not to be a civil war. The entire country is just waiting for the spark.

If you are a Trump supporter, start attending events, restaurants and anywhere in public armed or ready for conflict.

Freedom is dying a slow death.

Why do we have at least one of these threads a day, dreaming of a Civil War, just so you can shoot liberals? And in the guise of protecting against people shouting "Shame!"
Now, I don't agree with those people, but last I checked, that was not a capital offense.


No one is dreaming of it. However, no one should have to fear to go to an event simply because of your politics.

When they begin attacking people en masse, then they are declaring war on your rights and beliefs.

Simply put, if this is the way that the left is going to act, then do not be surprised when the right comes out swinging.

Are you saying you're walking a mile in the shoes of Hispanic people? Constantly looking over your shoulder, fearing the wrath of those who hate you for being someplace they also want to be?
There will be no civil war, only unhinged leftists ranting at nothing in particular.

If you are a Trump supporter, start attending events, restaurants and anywhere in public armed or ready for conflict.

Freedom is dying a slow death.

Why do we have at least one of these threads a day, dreaming of a Civil War, just so you can shoot liberals? And in the guise of protecting against people shouting "Shame!"
Now, I don't agree with those people, but last I checked, that was not a capital offense.

Yeah, you notice the political bend of the people who keep bringing it up...almost always conservative.

Meanwhile back in reality, voter turnout is about 50% meaning that half the nation doesn't care enough to vote. You think that they care enough to fight in a war for/against some pompus jackass like Donald Trump way or the other...will be gone in no more than 6 years? LOL

If you are a Trump supporter, start attending events, restaurants and anywhere in public armed or ready for conflict.

Freedom is dying a slow death.

Why do we have at least one of these threads a day, dreaming of a Civil War, just so you can shoot liberals? And in the guise of protecting against people shouting "Shame!"
Now, I don't agree with those people, but last I checked, that was not a capital offense.


No one is dreaming of it. However, no one should have to fear to go to an event simply because of your politics.

When they begin attacking people en masse, then they are declaring war on your rights and beliefs.

Simply put, if this is the way that the left is going to act, then do not be surprised when the right comes out swinging.

And if they commit a crime they will go to jail. This talk of civil war is childish. You can't be an adult with children.

If you are a Trump supporter, start attending events, restaurants and anywhere in public armed or ready for conflict.

Freedom is dying a slow death.

Anyone who carries must be responsible enough to know that putting yourself out there for conflict and finding conflict precludes your use of legally justified lethal force. Even if concealed carrying in that video, that person should read the context of the mob mentality and be willing to absorb some level of assault and battery way, way prior to drawing their weapon. While I am a staunch 2A'r and believe all (non-prohibited possessors with a secure residence) single citizens and households should own (not necessarily carry) a firearm I am likewise a staunch believer in 'draconianesque' consequences for unjustified brandishing, abuse & use of firearms! (and yes I do believe in the death penalty)

P.S. I know there will be some twit who is appalled at my advocating the near ubiquitous possession of firearms. To them I say this, it is incumbent on you to take the 15 or 20 minutes in learning the handling & use of a basic firearm, (single shot long gun or revolver) & review remedial safety scenarios that any 6yr. old instinctually knows. (use your 'google box' and lookup Switzerland's household gun policy btw)

I'll end with a quote that has been impactful in my life, since my late teens when I found myself compelled to conceal carry, it is from a letter from Jefferson to Madison late 18th century, in Latin & how I like to recall it.
"Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem." (I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery) Sorry for rambling y'all it's kind of personal topic for me...
Okay, one more attention this time...

There will be no civil war. Trumpkins are generally fat, lazy, and ignorant, and they struggle just to open the damn 2 liter of mountain dew. They are already heavily out numbered, and they are dying like flies from heart disease and opioid overdoses.

Got it?
Not the ones I know.
Most of them are gun owners and gym enthusiasts.
Yep, and people who work hard which helps to maintain physical fitness.

Besides, how much conditioning does it take to rap a lead pipe alongside the head of a progressive attacker?
That's an adorable little fairy tale,but,as everyone knows, Trump supporters in red States are generally poor and and take food stamps.

As long as the left keeps on insisting there be government handouts, people will keep taking them.
The red states thank you very much for the freebies. :biggrin:
What a stupid thing to say....Republicans support having these programs in place...ya sound like a fool, son....

You guys on the left are the ones that push for the government handouts, I'm not saying anything that's not true.
Not the ones I know.
Most of them are gun owners and gym enthusiasts.
Yep, and people who work hard which helps to maintain physical fitness.

Besides, how much conditioning does it take to rap a lead pipe alongside the head of a progressive attacker?
That's an adorable little fairy tale,but,as everyone knows, Trump supporters in red States are generally poor and and take food stamps.

As long as the left keeps on insisting there be government handouts, people will keep taking them.
The red states thank you very much for the freebies. :biggrin:
What a stupid thing to say....Republicans support having these programs in place...ya sound like a fool, son....

You guys on the left are the ones that push for the government handouts, I'm not saying anything that's not true.
And red states benefit the most...
Yep, and people who work hard which helps to maintain physical fitness.

Besides, how much conditioning does it take to rap a lead pipe alongside the head of a progressive attacker?
That's an adorable little fairy tale,but,as everyone knows, Trump supporters in red States are generally poor and and take food stamps.

As long as the left keeps on insisting there be government handouts, people will keep taking them.
The red states thank you very much for the freebies. :biggrin:
What a stupid thing to say....Republicans support having these programs in place...ya sound like a fool, son....

You guys on the left are the ones that push for the government handouts, I'm not saying anything that's not true.
And red states benefit the most...

And they thank you so much for creating the handouts ! They'll keep taking, and taking, and taking...…………….
That's an adorable little fairy tale,but,as everyone knows, Trump supporters in red States are generally poor and and take food stamps.

As long as the left keeps on insisting there be government handouts, people will keep taking them.
The red states thank you very much for the freebies. :biggrin:
What a stupid thing to say....Republicans support having these programs in place...ya sound like a fool, son....

You guys on the left are the ones that push for the government handouts, I'm not saying anything that's not true.
And red states benefit the most...

And they thank you so much for creating the handouts ! They'll keep taking, and taking, and taking...…………….
Indeed they will. Do you really think Republicans don't want them? I mean they control the government and aren't cutting anything, in fact they are spending a lot!
As long as the left keeps on insisting there be government handouts, people will keep taking them.
The red states thank you very much for the freebies. :biggrin:
What a stupid thing to say....Republicans support having these programs in place...ya sound like a fool, son....

You guys on the left are the ones that push for the government handouts, I'm not saying anything that's not true.
And red states benefit the most...

And they thank you so much for creating the handouts ! They'll keep taking, and taking, and taking...…………….
Indeed they will. Do you really think Republicans don't want them? I mean they control the government and aren't cutting anything, in fact they are spending a lot!

The entire country now wants government to hand over money, benefits, programs etc.
Once you start down the road, people fight it at first, then nervously try it, then embrace it, then demand it.

If someone isn't collecting food stamps, they're collecting disability, or SS. Once that Pandora's box was opened, there's simply no way to go except opening it further.

Yesterday, it was "ask not, what your country can do for you, ask, what you can do for your country.

Today it's "ask not, what your country can do for you, DEMAND IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a stupid thing to say....Republicans support having these programs in place...ya sound like a fool, son....

You guys on the left are the ones that push for the government handouts, I'm not saying anything that's not true.
And red states benefit the most...

And they thank you so much for creating the handouts ! They'll keep taking, and taking, and taking...…………….
Indeed they will. Do you really think Republicans don't want them? I mean they control the government and aren't cutting anything, in fact they are spending a lot!

The entire country now wants government to hand over money, benefits, programs etc.
Once you start down the road, people fight it at first, then nervously try it, then embrace it, then demand it.

If someone isn't collecting food stamps, they're collecting disability, or SS. Once that Pandora's box was opened, there's simply no way to go except opening it further.

Yesterday, it was "ask not, what your country can do for you, ask, what you can do for your country.

Today it's "ask not, what your country can do for you, DEMAND IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, so you are saying Republicans are demanding it?
You guys on the left are the ones that push for the government handouts, I'm not saying anything that's not true.
And red states benefit the most...

And they thank you so much for creating the handouts ! They'll keep taking, and taking, and taking...…………….
Indeed they will. Do you really think Republicans don't want them? I mean they control the government and aren't cutting anything, in fact they are spending a lot!

The entire country now wants government to hand over money, benefits, programs etc.
Once you start down the road, people fight it at first, then nervously try it, then embrace it, then demand it.

If someone isn't collecting food stamps, they're collecting disability, or SS. Once that Pandora's box was opened, there's simply no way to go except opening it further.

Yesterday, it was "ask not, what your country can do for you, ask, what you can do for your country.

Today it's "ask not, what your country can do for you, DEMAND IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, so you are saying Republicans are demanding it?

The entire country, right, left, all want it now.
It used to be, people viewed government programs as a temporary safety net. Today, they view it as a hammock, and they don't want to get out of it..

If you are a Trump supporter, start attending events, restaurants and anywhere in public armed or ready for conflict.

Freedom is dying a slow death.

Why do we have at least one of these threads a day, dreaming of a Civil War, just so you can shoot liberals? And in the guise of protecting against people shouting "Shame!"
Now, I don't agree with those people, but last I checked, that was not a capital offense.


No one is dreaming of it. However, no one should have to fear to go to an event simply because of your politics.

When they begin attacking people en masse, then they are declaring war on your rights and beliefs.

Simply put, if this is the way that the left is going to act, then do not be surprised when the right comes out swinging.

Are you saying you're walking a mile in the shoes of Hispanic people? Constantly looking over your shoulder, fearing the wrath of those who hate you for being someplace they also want to be?

No, but that is a made up intent, isn't it?

If you are a Trump supporter, start attending events, restaurants and anywhere in public armed or ready for conflict.

Freedom is dying a slow death.

Why do we have at least one of these threads a day, dreaming of a Civil War, just so you can shoot liberals? And in the guise of protecting against people shouting "Shame!"
Now, I don't agree with those people, but last I checked, that was not a capital offense.

Yeah, you notice the political bend of the people who keep bringing it up...almost always conservative.

Meanwhile back in reality, voter turnout is about 50% meaning that half the nation doesn't care enough to vote. You think that they care enough to fight in a war for/against some pompus jackass like Donald Trump way or the other...will be gone in no more than 6 years? LOL

Have you noticed the political bend of the people who are actually being violent?

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