Civility Watch: Grooving to the Climate of Hate

I guess it's a slow news day, needed something to stroke the faux outrage there Chanel?
Um when they attack conservatives, where do you think they come from? Are you a roofer too?

I wonder how many "random" rap artists even know who Malkin is. Someone wrote those lyrics and they were pure lefties. Just a hunch.

Are YOU serious?

Why don't you take it up with them? Or do they post here?
You people are IDIOTS' !! You think God, yeah, I said God, gives a damn if you are a Liberal or Conservative? God rules this world not Libs or Reps and he's been trying to let them know but they just don't want to listen...neither do we.:eusa_whistle:
No. Because I don't care.

There are millions of dumbasses in the world. I feel no need to single a nobody out, and condemn him.

I don't "condemn" any language used by Cons either.

Because I simply don't care.

This is just another mindless thing to get "outraged" about, keep you going until the next "outrageous" thing.

Sorry, I won't play your stupid game.

Okay that's cool. I take your comment to mean that you don't care about civility and I'm sure you are no hypocrite who has never criticized or called out somebody on the right for an uncivil remark.

But most here have accused the right of all manner of hate speech and uncivility. So I was just wondering if those same people would accuse this rapper of offensive speech directed at rightwingers?

If you're asking me to defend the board's lefties in general, you're asking the wrong person :razz:

But the thing is, this is a random rapper from youtube. This isn't a famous person - this isn't a public figure at all. This would be the equivalent to me asking you to condemn a random skinhead or militia video - it's entirely irrelevant.

The only reason why ANYONE has ever heard of "Nicadeamus" or whatever his name is, is in the hunt to find something to be "outraged" about.

Since I don't know you well enough to know whether you are likely sincere or not, I'll accept that as your point of view at face value.

But I wonder how many who don't care what this rapper is saying would still not care if he had been named President Obama or the First Lady or the Secretary of State or Nancy Pelosi instead of 'hated' rghtwing figures?
Okay that's cool. I take your comment to mean that you don't care about civility and I'm sure you are no hypocrite who has never criticized or called out somebody on the right for an uncivil remark.

But most here have accused the right of all manner of hate speech and uncivility. So I was just wondering if those same people would accuse this rapper of offensive speech directed at rightwingers?

If you're asking me to defend the board's lefties in general, you're asking the wrong person :razz:

But the thing is, this is a random rapper from youtube. This isn't a famous person - this isn't a public figure at all. This would be the equivalent to me asking you to condemn a random skinhead or militia video - it's entirely irrelevant.

The only reason why ANYONE has ever heard of "Nicadeamus" or whatever his name is, is in the hunt to find something to be "outraged" about.

Since I don't know you well enough to know whether you are likely sincere or not, I'll accept that as your point of view at face value.

But I wonder how many who don't care what this rapper is saying would still not care if he had been named President Obama or the First Lady or the Secretary of State or Nancy Pelosi instead of 'hated' rghtwing figures?

Well, the Secret Service might care.

But do you really think there aren't comparable videos out there on the internet about Obama?
If you're asking me to defend the board's lefties in general, you're asking the wrong person :razz:

But the thing is, this is a random rapper from youtube. This isn't a famous person - this isn't a public figure at all. This would be the equivalent to me asking you to condemn a random skinhead or militia video - it's entirely irrelevant.

The only reason why ANYONE has ever heard of "Nicadeamus" or whatever his name is, is in the hunt to find something to be "outraged" about.

Since I don't know you well enough to know whether you are likely sincere or not, I'll accept that as your point of view at face value.

But I wonder how many who don't care what this rapper is saying would still not care if he had been named President Obama or the First Lady or the Secretary of State or Nancy Pelosi instead of 'hated' rghtwing figures?

Well, the Secret Service might care.

But do you really think there aren't comparable videos out there on the internet about Obama?

I haven't heard any but if I did, I would have absolutely no problem condemning it as crude and hateful.
Since I don't know you well enough to know whether you are likely sincere or not, I'll accept that as your point of view at face value.

But I wonder how many who don't care what this rapper is saying would still not care if he had been named President Obama or the First Lady or the Secretary of State or Nancy Pelosi instead of 'hated' rghtwing figures?

Well, the Secret Service might care.

But do you really think there aren't comparable videos out there on the internet about Obama?

I haven't heard any but if I did, I would have absolutely no problem condemning it as crude and hateful.

It's the retarded "guilt by not condemning" bullshit that I have a problem with. You shouldn't have to condemn some random right-wing militia guy on the internet any more than I should have to condemn this rapper - neither has anything to do with us. I'm not guilty of every crime that someone I agree with politically commits, and neither are you.
Well, the Secret Service might care.

But do you really think there aren't comparable videos out there on the internet about Obama?

I haven't heard any but if I did, I would have absolutely no problem condemning it as crude and hateful.

It's the retarded "guilt by not condemning" bullshit that I have a problem with. You shouldn't have to condemn some random right-wing militia guy on the internet any more than I should have to condemn this rapper - neither has anything to do with us. I'm not guilty of every crime that someone I agree with politically commits, and neither are you.

I don't feel in the least bit guilty because I generally don't speak about other people in crude and hateful ways. But when people speak about others in crude and hateful--not to mention hurtful--ways, I think it should be condemned. If more people did so, we might have a great deal more civility.
I haven't heard any but if I did, I would have absolutely no problem condemning it as crude and hateful.

It's the retarded "guilt by not condemning" bullshit that I have a problem with. You shouldn't have to condemn some random right-wing militia guy on the internet any more than I should have to condemn this rapper - neither has anything to do with us. I'm not guilty of every crime that someone I agree with politically commits, and neither are you.

I don't feel in the least bit guilty because I generally don't speak about other people in crude and hateful ways. But when people speak about others in crude and hateful--not to mention hurtful--ways, I think it should be condemned. If more people did so, we might have a great deal more civility.

I don't think you're right about that, but that's beside the point.

My point is that you're welcome to "condemn" whatever you like - my problem with it is the demands for "condemnation" from right wingers about this - and from left wingers on countless other topics.

If it makes you feel better to "condemn", by all means go ahead. But if you feel the need to "condemn" every rude thing that people say or do, you're going to be pretty busy.

This is not important, in any sense of the word. It's not important enough for me to "condemn" it.
I don't demand condemnation by anyone. The point of the OP was to highlight the hypocrisy when it comes to "hate speech". This is pure hate. It is not "vitriol" or "inflammatory rhetoric" that the lefties accuse Malkin, Beck, Palin, etc. of using.

The left would like to see conservative speech silenced because they disagree with it. But this garbage? It's art. :cuckoo:
I don't demand condemnation by anyone. The point of the OP was to highlight the hypocrisy when it comes to "hate speech". This is pure hate. It is not "vitriol" or "inflammatory rhetoric" that the lefties accuse Malkin, Beck, Palin, etc. of using.

The left would like to see conservative speech silenced because they disagree with it. But this garbage? It's art. :cuckoo:

No, it's not art.

It's some dumb-ass who made a video and put it online.

I'm not going to post a video of it, but google "Prussian Blue". Do you think that's art?

Can you point out a single "leftist" who's defending this? Or even any leftist outside this board that even knows it exists?

This is about as "outrageous" as LaRouchers on the street corner with Obama-as-Hitler posters. (Not at all, in case you were confused)
When you have to pull an obscure youtube rap song written by someone nobody has heard of to try and draw a comparison to talking heads who have their own radio show, cable show, or mainstream blog read by millions you have already failed.
I don't demand condemnation by anyone. The point of the OP was to highlight the hypocrisy when it comes to "hate speech". This is pure hate. It is not "vitriol" or "inflammatory rhetoric" that the lefties accuse Malkin, Beck, Palin, etc. of using.

The left would like to see conservative speech silenced because they disagree with it. But this garbage? It's art. :cuckoo:

No, it's not art.

It's some dumb-ass who made a video and put it online.

I'm not going to post a video of it, but google "Prussian Blue". Do you think that's art?

Can you point out a single "leftist" who's defending this? Or even any leftist outside this board that even knows it exists?

This is about as "outrageous" as LaRouchers on the street corner with Obama-as-Hitler posters. (Not at all, in case you were confused)

Glad you feel that way. This was not an attack of lefties on this board or in general. It was to highlight the hypocrisy of those that want to silence free speech. I think I made that point.

Oh and there are plenty who have seen this. I would imagine there are hundreds of left wing pundits who read Malkin. They need to monitor her speech in case she uses an objectionable metaphor or mean words like "illegal alien".
I don't demand condemnation by anyone. The point of the OP was to highlight the hypocrisy when it comes to "hate speech". This is pure hate. It is not "vitriol" or "inflammatory rhetoric" that the lefties accuse Malkin, Beck, Palin, etc. of using.

The left would like to see conservative speech silenced because they disagree with it. But this garbage? It's art. :cuckoo:

No, it's not art.

It's some dumb-ass who made a video and put it online.

I'm not going to post a video of it, but google "Prussian Blue". Do you think that's art?

Can you point out a single "leftist" who's defending this? Or even any leftist outside this board that even knows it exists?

This is about as "outrageous" as LaRouchers on the street corner with Obama-as-Hitler posters. (Not at all, in case you were confused)

Glad you feel that way. This was not an attack of lefties on this board or in general. It was to highlight the hypocrisy of those that want to silence free speech. I think I made that point.

Oh and there are plenty who have seen this. I would imagine there are hundreds of left wing pundits who read Malkin. They need to monitor her speech in case she uses an objectionable metaphor or mean words like "illegal alien".

But the problem is that in order for there to be "hypocrisy", there need to be "lefties" who are excusing this song, which there are not.

It would be hypocritical if the rapper had been quoted before calling for civility. Or if a lefty who called for civility excused or encouraged this song. But "Nicadaemeus" or whatever his name is isn't "the left". He's just some idiot.

He isn't the spokesman for "the left" any more than "We'll put a boot up their ass, it's the American way" is the official theme song of the right.

You're not showing any hypocrisy at all.

And Malkin - that's where this came from. I was betting Breitbart. Good, unbiased sources.
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Who are the boogeymen "looking to silence free speech?"

Seriously art? Did you miss the whole AZ massacre conversations? Are you unfamiliar with the "fairness doctrine"?

I just checked out the artist's myspace and facebook pages. He's a Nicaraguan immigrant who hates American capitalism. He has another song called "Fuck Arizona".

I hope his paperwork is in order. :lol:
Who are the boogeymen "looking to silence free speech?"

Seriously art? Did you miss the whole AZ massacre conversations? Are you unfamiliar with the "fairness doctrine"?

I just checked out the artist's myspace and facebook pages. He's a Nicaraguan immigrant who hates American capitalism. He has another song called "Fuck Arizona".

I hope his paperwork is in order. :lol:

I am aware of both. I think the Fairness Doctrine is silly and I dont support it but it certainly doesn't "silence free speech."

re Arizona: Criticizing the rhetoric and saying it needs to be toned down is not an attempt to "silence free speech." That was how many on the right reacted to the criticism in an effort to deflect from it .... "ZOMG you are trying to silence our free speech." It's a bunch of hyperbolic overdramatized crap. Nothing is being forced or attempted to be forced on anybody.

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