Claims of Israeli genocide were proven false, face it


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Whatā€™s happening now is Hamas and the Palestinians who support them are receiving the consequences of their Oct. 7 actions. This is what you get when you fuck with Israel and send 3000 Palestinian animals to slaughter, rape, torture and murder 1400 completely innocent people. The claims of Israel committing genocide fell flat, if there was genocide the ICJ court would have called it that and asked for a ceasefire. It didnā€™t. Instead it asked that the hostages be released IMMEDIATELY. You lost, game over.
Whatā€™s happening now is Hamas and the Palestinians who support them are receiving the consequences of their Oct. 7 actions. This is what you get when you fuck with Israel and send 3000 Palestinian animals to slaughter, rape, torture and murder 1400 completely innocent people. The claims of Israel committing genocide fell flat, if there was genocide the ICJ court would have called it that and asked for a ceasefire. It didnā€™t. Instead it asked that the hostages be released IMMEDIATELY. You lost, game over.
We all know it was just a show by islamofadcists using South Africa as a front.
US maintains genocide allegations against Israel are unfounded, after ICJ ruling.
By Jacob Magid, 26 Jan 2024,

ā€œWe continue to believe that allegations of genocide are unfounded and note the court did not make a finding about genocide or call for a ceasefire in its ruling and that it called for the unconditional, immediate release of all hostages being held by Hamas,ā€ a US State Department spokesperson tells The Times of Israel.
"The courtā€™s ruling is consistent with our view that Israel has the right to take action to ensure the terrorist attacks of October 7 cannot be repeated, in accordance with international law," the spokesperson adds.
US maintains genocide allegations against Israel are unfounded, after ICJ ruling


Seth Frantzman @sfrantzman:

Israel's Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant in the wake of the ICJ news: "The State of Israel does not need to be lectured on morality in order to distinguish between terrorists and the civilian population in Gaza. The International Court of Justice in The Hague went above and beyond, when it granted South Africa's antisemitic request to discuss the claim of genocide in Gaza, and now refuses to reject the petition outright. Those who seek justice, will not find it on the leather chairs of the court chambers in The Hague - they will find it in the Hamas tunnels in Gaza, where 136 hostages are held, and where those who murdered our children are hiding."

He went on to say : "Those who seek justice, will not find it in the operational plans found in the pockets of Nukhba terrorists, who were instructed to ā€˜drink the blood of the Jewsā€™. They will find it in the ā€˜Spirit of The IDF,ā€™ a document that outlines the values and conduct of our moral and professional soldiers. The State of Israel will never forget October 7th. The IDF and security agencies will continue operating to dismantle the military and governing capabilities of the Hamas terrorist organization, and to return the hostages to their homes. I have full confidence in the commanders and soldiers of the IDF and the forces serving in our security agencies."
8:48 AM Ā· Jan 26, 2024


Israel survived the display of hypocrisy at the International Court of Justice.
Analysis: South Africa has failed to implement the objective of its appeal to the ICJ, making the court order Israel to carry out interim decisions in Gaza it does as part of routine.
Dr. Matan Gutman | YNet| 01.26.24:13:29
Israel survived the display of hypocrisy at the International Court of Justice


Why justice wasn't done at the Internatioal Court of Justice

Opinion| A top U.N. court's ruling on Israel and Gaza is a perversion of justice.

By Ruth Marcus, Associate editor |WashingtonPosst| January 26, 2024 at 4:41 p.m. EST

Somewhere, Raphael Lemkin is weeping.

Lemkin was a Polish Jew who escaped the Holocaust, coined the term "genocide" and campaigned for the United Nations to declare genocide a crime punishable under international law. On the 50th anniversary of the genocide convention in 2001, U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan called Lemkin "an inspiring example of moral engagement."

The same cannot be said of Annanā€™s institution. In a complaint to the International Court of Justice, the United Nationsā€™ main judicial body, South Africa accused Israel of acts that are "genocidal[sic] in character" in waging war in Gaza ā€” and, grotesquely, quoted Lemkin in support of its charges. "Israel, its officials and/or agents, have acted with the intent to destroy Palestinians in Gaza," South Africa claimed.

On Friday, the ICJ issued a preliminary ruling against Israel. It could have been far worse: The order stopped short of instructing Israel to immediately cease military operations in Gaza, as South Africa had sought. But the court found, in the anodyne language of international law, that "at least some of the acts and omissions alleged ā€¦ to have been committed by Israel in Gaza appear to be capable of falling within the provisions of the Convention."

This is a gross misreading of genocide; indeed, it is a perversion of the term. It would be appalling applied against any state, but it is especially offensive wielded against Israel ā€” a country that was forged in the ashes of the worst genocide in human history, that was one of the early signatories to the genocide convention and that is now responding to the greatest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust.

If there is a party guilty of genocidal intent and acts in this war, it is Hamas ā€” although, because it is not a state, the terrorist group cannot be brought before the ICJ. Hamas speaks in its founding charter of "the Jews' usurpation" of the land and "our struggle against the Jews.ā€ It proclaims that "the day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight Jews and kill them."

Hamas is committed to the destruction of Israel and would repeat the atrocities of Oct. 7 if permitted. "Israel is a country that has no place on our land," senior Hamas official Ghazi Hamid told a Lebanese TV station after the attack. "We must teach Israel a lesson, and we will do this again and again. The Al-Aqsa Flood is just the first time, and there will be a second, a third, a fourth." Who has genocidal intent here?

None of this is to defend the entirety of Israelā€™s actions before or after Oct. 7. I am a proud Jew and Zionist, but I am also no supporter of the Israeli government under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his ... allies. Israelā€™s relentless expansion of settlements in the West Bank and mistreatment of Palestinians are indefensible and counterproductive.

As to the current war, Hamas is doubly at fault, yet that does not leave Israel blameless. First, Hamas is responsible for the barbaric attack; Israel was amply justified in responding to prevent future slaughter. Second, Hamas is responsible for the terrible scope of civilian casualties, having deliberately embedded itself within the civilian population in Gaza. Keep in mind: None of this ā€” none ā€” would be happening were it not for Hamas.

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Still, Israel is left in a terrible predicament as it seeks to hobble, if not destroy, Hamas and recover the hostages, whose seizure and captivity itself constitute a war crime. When attacks can be expected to cause civilian casualties, the law of war requires that they be proportionate to the military objective; there is a duty to take all feasible precautions to minimize harm to noncombatants. Given the ferocity and scope of the attack, Israel has the right and duty to defend itself.

But it is fair to question, as the Biden administration has, whether the Israeli response has gone too far ā€” whether the collateral damage is disproportionate, given the effective impossibility of eradicating Hamas, and, at the very least, whether Israel is doing itself a disservice in the court of public opinion.

All of this is a far cry, however, from deeming Israelā€™s actions genocidal. Letā€™s go to the text of the genocide convention, which requires both acts and intent. The acts include killing members of a "national, ethnical, racial or religious group"; causing them "serious bodily or mental harm"; and "deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part." Those acts must be accompanied by intent: "to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group."

Is that Israelā€™s aim here? Killing civilians serves the interests of Hamas and undermines those of Israel. Israel has taken extraordinary steps to prevent civilian casualties and otherwise mitigate the suffering of innocents. To argue those have not been enough ā€” or even that Israelā€™s conduct violated international humanitarian law ā€” is not to conclude that the actions are genocidal. If Hamas magically disappeared tomorrow, if Israel found its safety somehow assured, it would have no interest, none, in causing any harm to the civilian population.

The courtā€™s opinion conveniently ignores this. You would not know from reading it that Hamas locates its operations within the civilian population, precisely to use civilians as human shields and to maximize casualties. The order focuses instead on a few statements by Israeli officials in the immediate aftermath of Oct. 7 that were inadvisable but fall far short of demonstrating genocidal intent ā€” for example, Defense Minister Yoav Gallantā€™s statement, ā€œWe are fighting human animals.ā€

The sole dissenter, Justice Julia Sebutinde of Uganda, said South Africa hadnā€™t come close to proving its case. She noted Israelā€™s "restricted and targeted attacks of legitimate military targets in Gaza," its "mitigation of civilian harm by warning them through leaflets, radio messages and telephone calls of impending attacks," and its "facilitation of humanitarian assistance."

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The problematic Israeli statements, she said, were yanked out of context or misinterpreted, while the "official war policy of the Israeli Government, as presented to the Court, contains no indicators of a genocidal intent." Somehow, the majority couldnā€™t manage to say the same.

The most searing statement of all came from Israelā€™s representative to the court, Aharon Barak, a former Israeli Supreme Court justice who survived the Holocaust as a boy in Lithuania and emerged to be a champion of human rights in Israel. ā€œGenocide is more than just a word for me; it represents calculated destruction and human behavior at its very worst,ā€ Barak wrote. ā€œIt is the gravest possible accusation and is deeply intertwined with my personal life experience.ā€

Barak, invoking Lemkin, convincingly demonstrated how the courtā€™s approach served to ā€œdilute the concept of genocideā€ and was at odds with the high standards for proving intent applied in other, far more compelling cases. For example, he noted, the ICJ concluded that, except for the 1995 massacre of Muslims in Srebrenica, ā€œthe widespread and serious atrocities committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina were not carried out with the specific intent to destroy, in part, the Bosnian Muslim group.ā€

In comparison to the ā€œscant evidenceā€ of genocidal intent by Israel relied on here, he noted, the ICJ, investigating Myanmarā€™s treatment of the Muslim Rohingya, engaged in ā€œmeticulous collection of evidence over two years, which included 400 interviews with victims and eyewitnesses, analysis of satellite imagery, photographs and videos, the cross-checking of information against credible secondary information, expert interviews and raw dataā€ before concluding that there was ā€œplausibleā€ proof of intent.

What accounts for the different treatment of Israel? I canā€™t help but think it is the same one that necessitated the existence of a Jewish state to begin with.
Nazi Israelis now ridiculed around the globe .
Freedom Fighters united and picking off the weak IDF .

Nutty desperate for a pause as the insane extremists are running short of ammunition , and being thrashed in the north by the Hezzers.

Perhaps the novice Trilly Trolls should go back to Hasbara for better material .
None of you are really very good at your job .
Nazi Israelis now ridiculed around the globe .
Freedom Fighters united and picking off the weak IDF .

Nutty desperate for a pause as the insane extremists are running short of ammunition , and being thrashed in the north by the Hezzers.

Perhaps the novice Trilly Trolls should go back to Hasbara for better material .

None of you are really very good at your job .
How so, you delusional fool? The court found that the horrific behavior of Palestinian animals on Oct 7. justified the Israeli reaction and asked that the hostages be released immediately. It did not find any ethnic cleansing or genocide by Israelis, if there was it would have asked for a ceasefire. Instead it asked the Israelis to ā€œbe carefulā€..,.well duh!
How so, you delusional fool? The court found that the horrific behavior of Palestinian animals on Oct 7. justified the Israeli reaction and asked that the hostages be released immediately. It did not find any ethnic cleansing or genocide by Israelis, if there was it would have asked for a ceasefire. Instead it asked the Israelis to ā€œbe carefulā€..,.well duh!
Lonely outcast Hitler-fan racist-Luiza just looks for attention.
And usually also ith


Big fonts is a sign of a very small brain.
She can't help herself. Look an example of her desperation...
One after the other within seconds...

Israel can limit the ICJā€™s potential damage.
Israel must immediately end its acceptance of the ICJ's jurisdiction with respect to the Genocide Convention.
Eugene Kontorovich
(January 28, 2024 / Israel Hayom)

Israelis on Friday displayed what is called Jewish joyā€”they celebrated that the pogromniks only broke the windows, but did not kill anyone. The good news was the International Court of Justice did not effectively order us to wait to be tortured and murdered, by demanding a halt to the Gaza War. That is certainly goodā€”but only in the twisted world where the ICJ is putting Israel, not Hamas, on trial for the absolutely absurd charge of genocide.

Otherwise, the decision was horrible. The court accepted South Africaā€™s argument that it has jurisdiction and that Israel could possibly be proven to be committing genocide. The case is not over and will go on for years. In the meantime, the court has made clear that it considers itself to have authority to review and superintend every aspect of Israelā€™s war for survivalā€”and demands monthly reports. No other country receives such treatment, and it is designed to make the military constantly look over its soldiersā€™ shoulders.

The ICJ is not an independent bodyā€”it is an organ of the United Nations. Its justices serve a renewable nine-year term, further undermining their independence. The judges are elected by the General Assembly and Security Council, and their positions largely track the foreign policy of their home countries. Thus while we might get lucky sometimes, over the long run, the policy of the court will reflect the policy of the United Nations.

The General Assemblyā€™s obsessive condemnation of the Jewish state is well knownā€”Israel would never agree to have its fate determined by them. But agreeing to the jurisdiction of the court indirectly does the same thing. In Israel it is thought unacceptable to have judges appointed by democratically elected politicians decide the meaning of ordinary laws. Yet we have agreed to have judges elected by dictatorial regimes decide the basic question of whether we can existā€”whether we can defend ourselves.

It does not have to be this way: The ICJ does not automatically have jurisdiction over countriesā€”they must specifically agree, typically by agreeing that The Hague can decide a specific dispute or questions under a specific treaty. In this case, Israel signed the Genocide Convention, which provides that ā€œdisputes between theā€¦partiesā€ about the treaty can be decided by the ICJ. But that does not mean cases like this, where a totally unrelated state has brought a purely political complaint in a matter it has no relation to. The court should not have accepted jurisdiction, and by doing so it effectively claimed for itself power to supervise the conduct of wars around the world, so long as some country claims genocide is involved.

Israel did not have to agree to the ICJ jurisdiction to be a member of the Genocide Convention, and in retrospect, doing so was a major mistake. Countries are allowed to opt out of ICJ jurisdiction in various treaties, and very commonly do so. Indeed, 16 countries have opted out of the Genocide Convention minus the ICJ jurisdictionā€”including the worldā€™s largest democracies, the United States and India. Even the worldā€™s biggest superpowers did not trust the ICJ to hear cases involving the use of force in an apolitical way.

Israel can limit the ICJ's potential damage

Israel must immediately end its acceptance of the ICJ's jurisdiction with respect to the Genocide Convention.


WSJ Editorial: The U.N.ā€™s War on Israel.
The Editorial Board.
Jan. 26, 2024 5:51 pm ET

What a day for the United Nations. Its International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued a preliminary ruling Friday in South Africaā€™s case against Israel that managed to be both outrageous and meaningless. At the same time, its special forever-refugee agency for the Palestinians, Unrwa, had to fire staff accused of involvement in Hamasā€™s Oct. 7 massacre. Our global moral beacon in action.

The ICJ tribunal indulged South Africaā€™s genocide libel by going ahead with a trial and trashing Israel for self-defense against Hamas. But the justices rejected Pretoriaā€™s request to order Israel to stop the war. The court instead instructed Israel to prevent acts of genocide, punish incitement and facilitate aid to civiliansā€”which Jerusalem is already doing. Israel will have to report back in a month, and the court could take years to decide on the merits.

As law professor Eugene Kontorovich writes, ā€œThatā€™s Jewish joyā€”they defamed us, treated us like no other democracy, undermined our right to self-defense, put the victim on trialā€”but it could have been worse!ā€ All true, and an order to halt the war while Hamas holds territory and 136 hostages would have put Israel in a tight spot.

The U.N.ā€™s credibility is also on trial, especially through Unrwa, whose reports the court relied on. After Israel brought evidence that 12 Unrwa employees participated in the Oct. 7 attack, the U.S. State Department announced on Friday a pause in funding to the U.N.ā€™s Palestinian refugee agency pending investigation.

A new U.N. Watch report, to be released and discussed in Congress on Tuesday, shows ā€œhow a Telegram group of 3,000 UNRWA teachers in Gaza celebrated the October 7th Hamas massacre.ā€ The message groupā€™s administrators, identified by name and Unrwa contract number, are seen praising Hamasā€™s ā€œholy warriorsā€ and praying for them to murder Israelis: ā€œO God, tear them apart,ā€ ā€œkill them one by one,ā€ ā€œleave none of them behind,ā€ ā€œexecute the first settler on live broadcast.ā€ One urged that Gazans stay in place to help Hamas...
Gaza will never be a peaceful refuge as long as its friends at the U.N. keep using it for anti-Israel purposes. Unrwa as it currently works doesnā€™t deserve U.S. support.


Sa'ar says heā€™ll start work on filing genocide case against Iran at International Court of Justice.
By Jeremy Sharon.
28 Jan 2024, 2:58 pm
Cabinet minister Gideon Saā€™ar says he will begin working on having Israel file a case against Iran in the International Court of Justice on genocide charges, pointing out that Iranian leaders have called for Israelā€™s destruction and that Iran gives strong backing to Hamas and other Gaza terror groups that carried out the October 7 atrocities.

Numerous experts in international law have said that the massacres and other crimes carried out by Hamas on October 7 likely constitute a genocidal act since they appear to have been aimed at destroying ā€œin whole or in partā€ a national group, in this case Israelis.

ā€œThere are public statements by senior Iranian officials in favor of destroying Israel,ā€ Saā€™ar tells the Kan public broadcaster.

ā€œIran finances, arms, and trains all the jihadi terrorists organizations including Hamas and Islamic Jihad which carried out October 7, so in my opinion there is an abundance of evidence which can be submitted to the court in the Hague,ā€ adds Saā€™ar, a former justice minister.

He notes that he has spoken with National Security Council head Tzachi Hanegbi on the issue and says that he intends to ensure that such a suit is filed against Iran.

ā€œIsrael is a small and persecuted nation that is fighting for its life and at the same time is fighting on the international stage for its right to self defense. It is a nation that is truly at risk of genocide given that there are enemies around it that declaredly want to destroy it,ā€ he says

Saā€™ar says heā€™ll start work on filing genocide case against Iran at International Court of Justice

* * *

Why didn't the ICJ vote on South Africa's main request for a ceasefire? Because the ICJ ruling was political, not legal.
January 28, 2024.
There is a gaping hole in the ICJ provisional measures ruling issued on January 26...

Why didn't the ICJ vote on South Africa's main request for a ceasefire? Because the ICJ ruling was political, not legal
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Splendid to see nobody else interested in the novice Trilly Troll chit chat from Raspberry and Sayiamanarse.
These two members of the Forum Outcasts have become a laughing stock as they try to justify , Genocide , Ethnic Cleansing and the casual killing of women and children .
Let's hope they seek mental health checks soon

Nazi Israelis now ridiculed around the globe .
Freedom Fighters united and picking off the weak IDF .

Nutty desperate for a pause as the insane extremists are running short of ammunition , and being thrashed in the north by the Hezzers.

Perhaps the novice Trilly Trolls should go back to Hasbara for better material .
None of you are really very good at your job .

Whatā€™s happening now is Hamas and the Palestinians who support them are receiving the consequences of their Oct. 7 actions. This is what you get when you fuck with Israel and send 3000 Palestinian animals to slaughter, rape, torture and murder 1400 completely innocent people. The claims of Israel committing genocide fell flat, if there was genocide the ICJ court would have called it that and asked for a ceasefire. It didnā€™t. Instead it asked that the hostages be released IMMEDIATELY. You lost, game over.

Ethical Jews (1) and non Jews around the world condemn the systematic extermination of Gaza's native residents.

"A Textbook Case of Genocide"

"Israel has been explicit about what itā€™s carrying out in Gaza. Why isnā€™t the world listening?"

EXCERPT "Under international law, the crime of genocide is defined by ā€œthe intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such,ā€ as noted in the December 1948 UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

In its murderous attack on Gaza, Israel has loudly proclaimed this intent. Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant declared it in no uncertain terms on October 9th: ā€œWe are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.ā€." CONTINUED

How is Israel's starvation blockade any different than Stalin's Holodomor?

How is Netanyahu's Yoav Gallant any different from Stalin's Jewish henchmen, Ginrikh Yagota and Leonid Reichman?

"Stalin's Jews"

"We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish",7340,L-3342999,00.html

EXCERPT "And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people.

In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges.

Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist."CONTINUED





luiza said:

This is so typical Nazi Luiza sh#t racist OUTCAST Troll.

Hamas supporter in London says the quiet part out loud

ā€œHitler knew how to deal with these people"

It always has been pure Jew-hatred under the guise of anti-Zionism.

Watch more from @ThevoiceAlexa on the ground at

ā€” Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) November 11, 2023

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In its murderous attack on Gaza, Israel has loudly proclaimed this intent. Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant declared it in no uncertain terms on October 9th: ā€œWe are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.ā€." CONTINUE

With the UN out of the pix, Yoav will be able to achieve Israel's goal w/out any of the outside world monitoring them

It's been over 4 months, and it's only 25x7 miles


  • who has posted Hitler glorification (and Holocaust denial IHR) has no say about any genocide, real or imagined.
  • Note how he calls Jews only when it suits his Hitherism and not his (debunked) Kh.. word (which he, outcast-racist-Luiza and other neo Nazis lovev to use).​

Because (old or neo) Nazis were never linked with facts , truth.



  • IMG-20240128-WA0003.jpg
    7.8 KB · Views: 6
Ethical Jews (1) and non Jews around the world condemn the systematic extermination of Gaza's native residents.

"A Textbook Case of Genocide"

"Israel has been explicit about what itā€™s carrying out in Gaza. Why isnā€™t the world listening?"

EXCERPT "Under international law, the crime of genocide is defined by ā€œthe intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such,ā€ as noted in the December 1948 UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

In its murderous attack on Gaza, Israel has loudly proclaimed this intent. Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant declared it in no uncertain terms on October 9th: ā€œWe are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.ā€." CONTINUED

How is Israel's starvation blockade any different than Stalin's Holodomor?

How is Netanyahu's Yoav Gallant any different from Stalin's Jewish henchmen, Ginrikh Yagota and Leonid Reichman?

"Stalin's Jews"

"We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish",7340,L-3342999,00.html

EXCERPT "And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people.

In 1934, according to published statistics, 38.5 percent of those holding the most senior posts in the Soviet security apparatuses were of Jewish origin. They too, of course, were gradually eliminated in the next purges.

Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. We'll mention just one more: Leonid Reichman, head of the NKVD's special department and the organization's chief interrogator, who was a particularly cruel sadist."CONTINUED
A textbook case of blood libel, the court found no genocide, so shove it up your Palestine.
With the UN out of the pix, Yoav will be able to achieve Israel's goal w/out any of the outside world monitoring them

It's been over 4 months, and it's only 25x7 miles

4 months and the Palestinian animals havenā€™t released a baby they took hostage when it was 9 months old. One among 130 left remaining after they slaughtered 1400.
Splendid to see nobody else interested in the novice Trilly Troll chit chat from Raspberry and Sayiamanarse.
These two members of the Forum Outcasts have become a laughing stock as they try to justify , Genocide , Ethnic Cleansing and the casual killing of women and children .
Let's hope they seek mental health checks soon

Nazi Israelis now ridiculed around the globe .
Freedom Fighters united and picking off the weak IDF .

Nutty desperate for a pause as the insane extremists are running short of ammunition , and being thrashed in the north by the Hezzers.

Perhaps the novice Trilly Trolls should go back to Hasbara for better material .
None of you are really very good at your job .

It is quite clear that everything you accuse others of, best applies to you.

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