clairvoyance and realistic solutions


Mar 5, 2013
The radical pundits and figureheads of both parties will squabble over the particulars of any hot button subject just to boost ratings or how they appear in the publics eye. This extremism to attempt to be the most radical on a subject just serves to form a widening rift in the mindset of the populace. This expanding rift has caused dilution of realistic solutions to important problems facing the nation such as immigration. It seem with the right wing in a full deportation stance and the left in a open border posture it seems as if there must be a middle ground on the issue. So I would like to shed some clairvoyance on the middle ground solution. With the national mindset of the american dream as making something out of nothing in one of the only nations where it's possible to climb the ladder of status. So why should those who wish to come and work towards prosperity from the ground up should not be denied that right, but those who wish to pass and integrate into a system that supports those in need and offer nothing in return should not be welcomed in. So we must apply an amnesty system for those who have built themselves up through hard work and made the american dream a reality. We can do this by allowing a less restricted system for being able to work in America and if you maintain a stable job for one year then you can be granted full citizen ship. Those of you who would like to share an alternate and realistic solution feel free to comment.

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