Clapper Admitted Spying On Trump Ordered By Obama

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

In the search for the answer as to how the whole Mueller collusion probe and spying on Team Trump originated, one does not have to look far. One need only to revisit the interview deep state conspirator and perjurer James Clapper gave with CNN’s Anderson Cooper. He points his finger directly at Barack Hussein Obama as leader of the coup against Donald Trump:

Former Obama administration director of national intelligence James Clapper admitted that former president Barack Obama gave the order to Peter Strzok to kick off his Operation Crossfire Hurricane targeting of President Donald Trump.
Obama — who also gave a stand-down order on stopping alleged Russian hacking — was personally implicated in the plot according to Peter Strzok and Lisa Page’s texts. Clapper confirms the obvious.

This is James Clapper’s interview with Anderson Cooper, which confirms that Obama ordered Strzok to carry out an Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA), which became the basis for the entire Mueller probe.

“If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place,” Clapper said in his Anderson Cooper interview.

That intelligence community assessment would have included in it the “unverified and salacious”, as former FBI Director James Comey described it, dossier paid for by Hillary and the DNC and compiled from Russian disinformation source by British agent Christopher Steele in the only real collusion with Russia in this whole affair.
The announcement by Attorney General William Barr that yes, he believes Team Trump was spied upon by Hillary and the Democrats and yes, he’s going to look into it is a rarity these days – a genuine bombshell. And he’s going to examine the application process used by the FBI to convince a FISA judge to grant a surveillance warrant against Trump campaign gadfly Carter Page. Make some popcorn and sit back. AG Barr will find all the bread crumbs in this genuine conspiracy leading back to Obama

As Fox News noted, the counterintelligence investigation used as a cover for this political spying, was begun on Obama’s watch by two corrupt FBI officials working for the disgraced leaker and liar James Comey, officials looking for an “insurance policy” against the victory of Donald Trump:

The FBI's July 2016 counterintelligence investigation was formally opened by anti-Trump former FBI agent Peter Strzok. Ex-FBI counsel Lisa Page, with whom Strzok was romantically involved, revealed during a closed-door congressional interview that the FBI "knew so little" about whether allegations against the Trump campaign were "true or not true" at the time they opened the probe, noting they had just "a paucity of evidence because we are just starting down the path" of vetting the allegations.In this case there was such a paucity of evidence that Strzok and his co-conspirators relied on the fake Steele dossier compiled by British agent Christopher Steele from Russian sources and paid for by Team Hillary and the DNC to obtain the first FISA warrant authorizing surveillance of Team Trump.
In any criminal investigation where the suspect is not immediately known, the first question usually asked is who would have the most to gain? As we follow the bread crumbs of the text messages of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page and await release of the House Intelligence Committee’s memo regarding the collusion between the DNC, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the DOJ and FBI to interfere with the 2016, ensure the election of Hillary and the defeat or impeachment of Donald Trump, the answer to that question is clear, one Barack Hussein Obama.

Can it be believed that as key players in the Obama administration like Strzok and Page, as well as FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, number 4 at Justice Bruce Ohr, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and many others were liked in a vast criminal conspiracy to keep Hillary Clinton out of prison, and Donald Trump out of the White House, Barack Obama was blissfully unaware of all this? Rather, it can be plausibly argued that he was orchestrating it.


Let’s not leave Valarie Jarrett out of this.

She likely orchestrated this with others and then just told The Little Kenyan Boy what to do and when
Add this from New York Times

New York Times Admits Obama Admin Deployed Multiple Spies Against Trump Campaign In 2016

May 2, 2019

Mollie Hemingway


Following months of angry claims by journalists and Democratic operatives that the Obama administration never spied on Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, The New York Times admitted Thursday that multiple overseas intelligence assets were deployed against associates of the Republican nominee. It is not the first time the Times has revealed widespread spying operations against the campaign.
Now I can understand why Clapper was so worried nearly two years ago......
Add this from New York Times

New York Times Admits Obama Admin Deployed Multiple Spies Against Trump Campaign In 2016

May 2, 2019

Mollie Hemingway


Following months of angry claims by journalists and Democratic operatives that the Obama administration never spied on Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, The New York Times admitted Thursday that multiple overseas intelligence assets were deployed against associates of the Republican nominee. It is not the first time the Times has revealed widespread spying operations against the campaign.
Now I can understand why Clapper was so worried nearly two years ago......
In 2 years of worry, Clapper's pate has gone from the smooth look of a billiard ball to the look of a wrinkled scrotum.

In the search for the answer as to how the whole Mueller collusion probe and spying on Team Trump originated, one does not have to look far. One need only to revisit the interview deep state conspirator and perjurer James Clapper gave with CNN’s Anderson Cooper. He points his finger directly at Barack Hussein Obama as leader of the coup against Donald Trump:

Former Obama administration director of national intelligence James Clapper admitted that former president Barack Obama gave the order to Peter Strzok to kick off his Operation Crossfire Hurricane targeting of President Donald Trump.
Obama — who also gave a stand-down order on stopping alleged Russian hacking — was personally implicated in the plot according to Peter Strzok and Lisa Page’s texts. Clapper confirms the obvious.

This is James Clapper’s interview with Anderson Cooper, which confirms that Obama ordered Strzok to carry out an Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA), which became the basis for the entire Mueller probe.

“If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place,” Clapper said in his Anderson Cooper interview.

That intelligence community assessment would have included in it the “unverified and salacious”, as former FBI Director James Comey described it, dossier paid for by Hillary and the DNC and compiled from Russian disinformation source by British agent Christopher Steele in the only real collusion with Russia in this whole affair.
The announcement by Attorney General William Barr that yes, he believes Team Trump was spied upon by Hillary and the Democrats and yes, he’s going to look into it is a rarity these days – a genuine bombshell. And he’s going to examine the application process used by the FBI to convince a FISA judge to grant a surveillance warrant against Trump campaign gadfly Carter Page. Make some popcorn and sit back. AG Barr will find all the bread crumbs in this genuine conspiracy leading back to Obama

As Fox News noted, the counterintelligence investigation used as a cover for this political spying, was begun on Obama’s watch by two corrupt FBI officials working for the disgraced leaker and liar James Comey, officials looking for an “insurance policy” against the victory of Donald Trump:

The FBI's July 2016 counterintelligence investigation was formally opened by anti-Trump former FBI agent Peter Strzok. Ex-FBI counsel Lisa Page, with whom Strzok was romantically involved, revealed during a closed-door congressional interview that the FBI "knew so little" about whether allegations against the Trump campaign were "true or not true" at the time they opened the probe, noting they had just "a paucity of evidence because we are just starting down the path" of vetting the allegations.In this case there was such a paucity of evidence that Strzok and his co-conspirators relied on the fake Steele dossier compiled by British agent Christopher Steele from Russian sources and paid for by Team Hillary and the DNC to obtain the first FISA warrant authorizing surveillance of Team Trump.
In any criminal investigation where the suspect is not immediately known, the first question usually asked is who would have the most to gain? As we follow the bread crumbs of the text messages of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page and await release of the House Intelligence Committee’s memo regarding the collusion between the DNC, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the DOJ and FBI to interfere with the 2016, ensure the election of Hillary and the defeat or impeachment of Donald Trump, the answer to that question is clear, one Barack Hussein Obama.

Can it be believed that as key players in the Obama administration like Strzok and Page, as well as FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, number 4 at Justice Bruce Ohr, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and many others were liked in a vast criminal conspiracy to keep Hillary Clinton out of prison, and Donald Trump out of the White House, Barack Obama was blissfully unaware of all this? Rather, it can be plausibly argued that he was orchestrating it.


Let’s not leave Valarie Jarrett out of this.

She likely orchestrated this with others and then just told The Little Kenyan Boy what to do and when

I so doubt it. See nothing you post is true, as it comes from political biased sites that most people have never hear of. I do not trust Barr either. Crooked is as crooked does. All you your right wing spread false news. See the issue is you go off on a tantrum, covering all bases in one post. That is how we know you are howling at the moon.

Now if Obama did 1/1000 th of what Tramp has done, the republicans would have him tarred and feathered, and he'd be long gone.

In the search for the answer as to how the whole Mueller collusion probe and spying on Team Trump originated, one does not have to look far. One need only to revisit the interview deep state conspirator and perjurer James Clapper gave with CNN’s Anderson Cooper. He points his finger directly at Barack Hussein Obama as leader of the coup against Donald Trump:

Former Obama administration director of national intelligence James Clapper admitted that former president Barack Obama gave the order to Peter Strzok to kick off his Operation Crossfire Hurricane targeting of President Donald Trump.
Obama — who also gave a stand-down order on stopping alleged Russian hacking — was personally implicated in the plot according to Peter Strzok and Lisa Page’s texts. Clapper confirms the obvious.

This is James Clapper’s interview with Anderson Cooper, which confirms that Obama ordered Strzok to carry out an Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA), which became the basis for the entire Mueller probe.

“If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place,” Clapper said in his Anderson Cooper interview.

That intelligence community assessment would have included in it the “unverified and salacious”, as former FBI Director James Comey described it, dossier paid for by Hillary and the DNC and compiled from Russian disinformation source by British agent Christopher Steele in the only real collusion with Russia in this whole affair.
The announcement by Attorney General William Barr that yes, he believes Team Trump was spied upon by Hillary and the Democrats and yes, he’s going to look into it is a rarity these days – a genuine bombshell. And he’s going to examine the application process used by the FBI to convince a FISA judge to grant a surveillance warrant against Trump campaign gadfly Carter Page. Make some popcorn and sit back. AG Barr will find all the bread crumbs in this genuine conspiracy leading back to Obama

As Fox News noted, the counterintelligence investigation used as a cover for this political spying, was begun on Obama’s watch by two corrupt FBI officials working for the disgraced leaker and liar James Comey, officials looking for an “insurance policy” against the victory of Donald Trump:

The FBI's July 2016 counterintelligence investigation was formally opened by anti-Trump former FBI agent Peter Strzok. Ex-FBI counsel Lisa Page, with whom Strzok was romantically involved, revealed during a closed-door congressional interview that the FBI "knew so little" about whether allegations against the Trump campaign were "true or not true" at the time they opened the probe, noting they had just "a paucity of evidence because we are just starting down the path" of vetting the allegations.In this case there was such a paucity of evidence that Strzok and his co-conspirators relied on the fake Steele dossier compiled by British agent Christopher Steele from Russian sources and paid for by Team Hillary and the DNC to obtain the first FISA warrant authorizing surveillance of Team Trump.
In any criminal investigation where the suspect is not immediately known, the first question usually asked is who would have the most to gain? As we follow the bread crumbs of the text messages of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page and await release of the House Intelligence Committee’s memo regarding the collusion between the DNC, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the DOJ and FBI to interfere with the 2016, ensure the election of Hillary and the defeat or impeachment of Donald Trump, the answer to that question is clear, one Barack Hussein Obama.

Can it be believed that as key players in the Obama administration like Strzok and Page, as well as FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, number 4 at Justice Bruce Ohr, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and many others were liked in a vast criminal conspiracy to keep Hillary Clinton out of prison, and Donald Trump out of the White House, Barack Obama was blissfully unaware of all this? Rather, it can be plausibly argued that he was orchestrating it.


Let’s not leave Valarie Jarrett out of this.

She likely orchestrated this with others and then just told The Little Kenyan Boy what to do and when

I so doubt it. See nothing you post is true, as it comes from political biased sites that most people have never hear of. I do not trust Barr either. Crooked is as crooked does. All you your right wing spread false news. See the issue is you go off on a tantrum, covering all bases in one post. That is how we know you are howling at the moon.

You remain ignorant because you are a BIGOT!

From the article you ignored:

“If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place,” Clapper said in his Anderson Cooper interview."

Add this from New York Times

New York Times Admits Obama Admin Deployed Multiple Spies Against Trump Campaign In 2016

May 2, 2019

Mollie Hemingway


Following months of angry claims by journalists and Democratic operatives that the Obama administration never spied on Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, The New York Times admitted Thursday that multiple overseas intelligence assets were deployed against associates of the Republican nominee. It is not the first time the Times has revealed widespread spying operations against the campaign.
Now I can understand why Clapper was so worried nearly two years ago......
In 2 years of worry, Clapper's pate has gone from the smooth look of a billiard ball to the look of a wrinkled scrotum.

interesting; I never heard of that.

Pâté - Wikipedia

is that the paste, the pie, or the loaf? Liver really sucks.
Add this from New York Times

New York Times Admits Obama Admin Deployed Multiple Spies Against Trump Campaign In 2016

May 2, 2019

Mollie Hemingway


Following months of angry claims by journalists and Democratic operatives that the Obama administration never spied on Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, The New York Times admitted Thursday that multiple overseas intelligence assets were deployed against associates of the Republican nominee. It is not the first time the Times has revealed widespread spying operations against the campaign.
Now I can understand why Clapper was so worried nearly two years ago......
'A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall' on Obama's Bad Cops and Spies

The skies are growing dark and increasingly ominous for dirty officials at the top of Obama-era law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Leading the “I’m really worried” list are James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Loretta Lynch, and their senior aides, all political appointees. They expected Hillary Clinton to win in 2016 and bury any traces of malfeasance, just as they had buried hers. It didn’t work out that way.

Now they need protection themselves. House Democrats and anonymous leakers are busy providing it. Many are delicately called “current and former senior officials” by the New York Times, Washington Post, and other legacy media. Gee, I wonder who they are?

These defenders of the old guard are sliming Attorney General Bill Barr, who heads the investigation into their actions. They have good reasons, if not clean hands, for their attack. First, they want to keep as much secret as they can. Exposure can only harm them. Their main argument is that any disclosures will damage U.S. national security. Second, they want to paint the disclosures and forthcoming indictments as President Trump’s revenge, the illegitimate use of powerful agencies that should be nonpartisan. That, of course, is precisely what they are accused of doing.

'A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall' on Obama's Bad Cops and Spies | RealClearPolitics

In the search for the answer as to how the whole Mueller collusion probe and spying on Team Trump originated, one does not have to look far. One need only to revisit the interview deep state conspirator and perjurer James Clapper gave with CNN’s Anderson Cooper. He points his finger directly at Barack Hussein Obama as leader of the coup against Donald Trump:

Former Obama administration director of national intelligence James Clapper admitted that former president Barack Obama gave the order to Peter Strzok to kick off his Operation Crossfire Hurricane targeting of President Donald Trump.
Obama — who also gave a stand-down order on stopping alleged Russian hacking — was personally implicated in the plot according to Peter Strzok and Lisa Page’s texts. Clapper confirms the obvious.

This is James Clapper’s interview with Anderson Cooper, which confirms that Obama ordered Strzok to carry out an Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA), which became the basis for the entire Mueller probe.

“If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place,” Clapper said in his Anderson Cooper interview.

That intelligence community assessment would have included in it the “unverified and salacious”, as former FBI Director James Comey described it, dossier paid for by Hillary and the DNC and compiled from Russian disinformation source by British agent Christopher Steele in the only real collusion with Russia in this whole affair.
The announcement by Attorney General William Barr that yes, he believes Team Trump was spied upon by Hillary and the Democrats and yes, he’s going to look into it is a rarity these days – a genuine bombshell. And he’s going to examine the application process used by the FBI to convince a FISA judge to grant a surveillance warrant against Trump campaign gadfly Carter Page. Make some popcorn and sit back. AG Barr will find all the bread crumbs in this genuine conspiracy leading back to Obama

As Fox News noted, the counterintelligence investigation used as a cover for this political spying, was begun on Obama’s watch by two corrupt FBI officials working for the disgraced leaker and liar James Comey, officials looking for an “insurance policy” against the victory of Donald Trump:

The FBI's July 2016 counterintelligence investigation was formally opened by anti-Trump former FBI agent Peter Strzok. Ex-FBI counsel Lisa Page, with whom Strzok was romantically involved, revealed during a closed-door congressional interview that the FBI "knew so little" about whether allegations against the Trump campaign were "true or not true" at the time they opened the probe, noting they had just "a paucity of evidence because we are just starting down the path" of vetting the allegations.In this case there was such a paucity of evidence that Strzok and his co-conspirators relied on the fake Steele dossier compiled by British agent Christopher Steele from Russian sources and paid for by Team Hillary and the DNC to obtain the first FISA warrant authorizing surveillance of Team Trump.
In any criminal investigation where the suspect is not immediately known, the first question usually asked is who would have the most to gain? As we follow the bread crumbs of the text messages of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page and await release of the House Intelligence Committee’s memo regarding the collusion between the DNC, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the DOJ and FBI to interfere with the 2016, ensure the election of Hillary and the defeat or impeachment of Donald Trump, the answer to that question is clear, one Barack Hussein Obama.

Can it be believed that as key players in the Obama administration like Strzok and Page, as well as FBI Director James Comey, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, number 4 at Justice Bruce Ohr, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and many others were liked in a vast criminal conspiracy to keep Hillary Clinton out of prison, and Donald Trump out of the White House, Barack Obama was blissfully unaware of all this? Rather, it can be plausibly argued that he was orchestrating it.


Let’s not leave Valarie Jarrett out of this.

She likely orchestrated this with others and then just told The Little Kenyan Boy what to do and when

I so doubt it. See nothing you post is true, as it comes from political biased sites that most people have never hear of. I do not trust Barr either. Crooked is as crooked does. All you your right wing spread false news. See the issue is you go off on a tantrum, covering all bases in one post. That is how we know you are howling at the moon.

Now if Obama did 1/1000 th of what Tramp has done, the republicans would have him tarred and feathered, and he'd be long gone.
Obama illegally spied on Americans.


Before becoming a national security analyst for CNN, former director of national intelligence, James Crapper, had previously been a news item himself after lying to Congress in 2013 when he testified that the NSA wasn’t collecting data on Americans. He later provided inconsistent testimony to Congress in 2017 when he said he had not spoken with the press about the Steele dossier while he was DNI and then admitted he’d spoken with future CNN colleague Jake Tapper about it.​

Other members of CNN’s shadow intelligence organization include Josh Campbell, one-time special assistant to ex-FBI Director James Comey, and CIA official Philip Mudd. What qualifies them as journalists, as opposed to Assange? They worked in the intelligence community.​

CNN rival NBC/MSNBC features an even more formidable roster of spooks. At the top is John Brennan, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency. During his time at the helm of the CIA, the agency spied on Congress, lied about it and finally got outed by an internal report forcing Brennan to issue apologies to the senators who had been targets of the intelligence operation. “The C.I.A. unconstitutionally spied on Congress by hacking into the Senate Intelligence Committee computers,” Colorado Democratic Sen. Mark Udall wrote at the time. In a statement calling on Brennan to resign, Udall wrote: “This grave misconduct not only is illegal but it violates the U.S. Constitution’s requirement of separation of powers” and called the episode evidence of “a tremendous failure of leadership.”​

Another NBC contributor is former CIA analyst Ned Price, who as Obama national security staff spokesman misled the U.S. press and public regarding Obama administration policy.​

NBC reporter Ken Dilanian said of the WikiLeaks founder: “Many believe that if [Assange] ever was a journalist, those days ended a long time ago.” Others have said the same of Dilanian, based on a 2014 report showing that the NBC journalist was sending his articles to CIA headquarters for fact-checking.​

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