Clarence Thomas - 5 Year Silence

Justice Thomas has repeatedly said he thinks questions from the bench should be unnecessary, and are given the way the court operatates (An attorney only has a set amount of time for arguments)rude and self aggrandizing. If you can't make your argument in your brief or your statement, argument from the bench won't help. And given the time limits, will cause huge harm to a litigant's case.
His position on this has been clear forever.
As far as Thomas is concerned, his silence is good manners.
Clarence is a RW hack of the highest order. He's a plant of the GOP to legislate their RW agenda from the bench.

He should be stripped from his position. He should be in jail not on the bench.

The man is a criminal. Plain and simple.
As far as Thomas is concerned, his silence is good manners.

Justice Thomas is a brilliant man and a brilliant Jurist.

People like Jillian attack Thomas, not based on fact nor knowledge. When these leftist goons attack, they do so from a position of abject ignorance.

Jillian has no clue as to the prowess of Thomas as a Jurist, nor does she care. Thomas is black and moderate - for that she will attack him - no other consideration is made.
I think you are barking up the wrong tree here, J is a blind political hack :lol: but she isnt a racist .

This thread demonstrates otherwise.

Jillian is a racist who views blacks as property of the left. Those who DARE move to the center or rights are to be destroyed at all costs.

Supporting the "rights" of blacks to be obedient leftists is not supporting civil rights for blacks.

You might has missed this post.
J is a lawyer so she is all up in the stink of it I suggest you give her the benefit of the doubt on this and walk back towards the line you have crossed.
I'm guessing it's because he's black. I'm sure William Joyce can back me up on this.

no. it's because he was never equipped to be on the supreme court.

nice try, though.
Clarence is a RW hack of the highest order.

In what way?

Substantiate your claim.

You say what you do on the basis that Thomas is black and moderate - not based on his performance.

In one of the most important cases affecting the liberty of Americans in the last century, Thomas wrote;

{“ This deferential shift in phraseology enables the Court to hold, against all common sense, that a costly urban-renewal project whose stated purpose is a vague promise of new jobs and increased tax revenue, but which is also suspiciously agreeable to the Pfizer Corporation, is for a 'public use.' ”

“ Allowing the government to take property solely for public purposes is bad enough, but extending the concept of public purpose to encompass any economically beneficial goal guarantees that these losses will fall disproportionately on poor communities. Those communities are not only systematically less likely to put their lands to the highest and best social use, but are also the least politically powerful.[11]}

Kelo v. City of New London - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Notice that the leftist thugs on the court held that a persons property could be taken and given to a well connected looter.

Thomas stood for liberty.

Thomas is a great man.

You are just a racist.
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Clarence is a RW hack of the highest order.

In what way?

Substantiate your claim.

You say what you do on the basis that Thomas is black and moderate - not based on his performance.

In one of the most important cases affecting the liberty of Americans in the last century, Thomas wrote;

{“ This deferential shift in phraseology enables the Court to hold, against all common sense, that a costly urban-renewal project whose stated purpose is a vague promise of new jobs and increased tax revenue, but which is also suspiciously agreeable to the Pfizer Corporation, is for a 'public use.' ”

“ Allowing the government to take property solely for public purposes is bad enough, but extending the concept of public purpose to encompass any economically beneficial goal guarantees that these losses will fall disproportionately on poor communities. Those communities are not only systematically less likely to put their lands to the highest and best social use, but are also the least politically powerful.[11]}

Kelo v. City of New London - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Notice that the leftist thugs on the court held that a persons property could be taken and given to a well connected looter.

Thomas stood for liberty.

Thomas is a great man.

You are just a racist.
Why has the MFer FAILED to disclose that his wife was getting PAYOLA from one of the biggest RW Think Thanks in this nation...The Heritage Foundation.

Clarence Thomas failed to report wife's income, watchdog says - Los Angeles Times

He sat in on the case they were lobyying for...Citizens United.

Lemme guess, you A.) didn't know about it or B.) don't see any thing wrong with it...

Am I right?
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Justice Thomas has repeatedly said he thinks questions from the bench should be unnecessary, and are given the way the court operatates (An attorney only has a set amount of time for arguments)rude and self aggrandizing. If you can't make your argument in your brief or your statement, argument from the bench won't help. And given the time limits, will cause huge harm to a litigant's case.
His position on this has been clear forever.
As far as Thomas is concerned, his silence is good manners.

That is an excuse for being incapable of asking a question. There is no "good manners" about it when process dictates a different means of handling an issue.
]Why has the MFer FAILED

Try dealing with substance.

You claim Thomas is stupid, provide evidence.

We already know that you hate him, we already know that your party will do ANYTHING to destroy him, any lie, truth or half-truth will be spun by the party media to attack him.

But show us something which indicates that Thomas is "stupid," as you claimed - or admit you were lying.
]Why has the MFer FAILED

Try dealing with substance.

You claim Thomas is stupid, provide evidence.

We already know that you hate him, we already know that your party will do ANYTHING to destroy him, any lie, truth or half-truth will be spun by the party media to attack him.

But show us something which indicates that Thomas is "stupid," as you claimed - or admit you were lying.

No liar.

I stated the fact that he's a RW hack, intended to legislate the RW agenda from the Bench.

He's been openly hiding the fact that he and his wife have been getting PAYOLA from one of America's biggest RW Think Thanks.

Nowhere did I state he was stupid.

Thanks for playing.
]Why has the MFer FAILED

Try dealing with substance.

You claim Thomas is stupid, provide evidence.

We already know that you hate him, we already know that your party will do ANYTHING to destroy him, any lie, truth or half-truth will be spun by the party media to attack him.

But show us something which indicates that Thomas is "stupid," as you claimed - or admit you were lying.

No liar.

I stated the fact that he's a RW hack, intended to legislate the RW agenda from the Bench.

He's been openly hiding the fact that he and his wife have been getting PAYOLA from one of America's biggest RW Think Thanks.

Nowhere did I state he was stupid.

Thanks for playing.

I don't think he is a RW hack.....I look at Thomas as a puppet of Scalia

There is no reason for Thomas to say a thing if he is only going to do what Scalia tells him. Scalia asks the questions....Thomas just follows suit
I love how the liar is not TOUCHING the fact that the RW hack, Clarence, has been placed their to leglislate the RW agenda from the Bench.

Nor Clarence's lies about his wife's PAYOLA from one of the biggest RW think thanks in the nation, The Heritage Foundation.

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Cite where I stated Clarence was/is stupid...liar.

BTW; regarding your straw man...

{But Steven Lubet, an expert on judicial ethics at Northwestern University School of Law, said such an infraction was unlikely to result in a penalty. Although unfamiliar with the complaint about Thomas' forms, Lubet said failure to disclose spousal income "is not a crime of any sort, but there is a potential civil penalty" for failing to follow the rules. He added: "I am not aware of a single case of a judge being penalized simply for this."}

Clarence Thomas failed to report wife's income, watchdog says - Los Angeles Times

Even the absurd LA Times had to acknowledge that their hit piece is just demagoguery with no substance.
Stating the fact that these judges are above the law by default doesn't change the facts liar.
You might has missed this post.
J is a lawyer so she is all up in the stink of it I suggest you give her the benefit of the doubt on this and walk back towards the line you have crossed.

I can only judge her based on what she posts.

Based on what she posts, she is a full on racist.

So you are going to ignore what she posted and judge her on something what you imagine .:cuckoo:It isnt racism to hold a different opinion.
Remind me to stay on the friendly side of your delusions.:lol:
So you are going to ignore what she posted and judge her on something what you imagine .:cuckoo:It isnt racism to hold a different opinion.
Remind me to stay on the friendly side of your delusions.:lol:

I'm not ignoring what she posts, I'm basing this on what she posts.

She claims Thomas is stupid, has she offered any evidence to support this, or is it pure demagoguery?

We both know full well it is the latter. So WHY the attacks on Thomas? She doesn't levy the same level of vitriol and dishonesty at Scalia or Roberts, though they are more conservative than Thomas. So her attacks MUST be something more than the general partisan hatred that leftists have.

The Left’s Common Cause: “Lynch Clarence Thomas!” | RedState

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