Clarence Thomas accepted more gifts from rich benefactors, new report says

38 holidays paid for !!
When did he have time to get round to doing any judging ?
It can be argued that the donors got a good return on their investment in this character.
But its starting to look like the American legal system is more corrupt than its political system. Something I would have not thought possible.
What return did they get?

Or are you getting into the American free speech malarkey of claiming something with no evidence?
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The double standards here are astounding.

Clarence Thomas just so happens to have gotten all these billionaire “friends” since being on the Supreme Court.

Totally normal. Couldn’t possibly have anything to do with being a Supreme Court Justice.
I don't know that he has 'all these billionaire friends.' I know more rich people because of the few really rich people I am friends with--I meet them just as you too often meet friends of your friends--but the fact that I have some wealthy friends has never compromised in any way how I have conducted myself in my personal or personal life even though opportunity was possible. And I am sure it has not affected how Clarence Thomas has conducted himself in his personal or professional life or we would have heard about it.

A billionaire did loan Thomas some money to buy a very nice mobile home that he and Ginny have used to travel the country. But the record shows that loan was satisfied. It also shows that the same billionaire, a registered Democrat gave or raised huge amounts of $ for Obama and no doubt to Biden.

Clarence Thomas is the target of a very evil, malicious, vindictive, politically motivated left. That's it pure and simple. And in my opinion those participating in the malicious smearing of a very good man should very much have to account for that.
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I don't know that he has 'all these billionaire friends.' I know more rich people because of the few really rich people I am friends with--I meet them just as you too often meet friends of your friends--but the fact that I have some wealthy friends has never compromised in any way how I have conducted myself in my personal or personal life even though opportunity was possible. And I am sure it has not affected how Clarence Thomas has conducted himself in his personal or professional life or we would have heard about it.

Clarence Thomas is the target of a very evil, malicious, vindictive, politically motivated left. That's it pure and simple. And in my opinion those participating in the malicious smearing of a very good man should very much have to account for that.

Yep....the democrats are simply preparing to impeach him to drive him off the court if they retake the House and Senate
I don't know that he has 'all these billionaire friends.' I know more rich people because of the few really rich people I am friends with--I meet them just as you too often meet friends of your friends--but the fact that I have some wealthy friends has never compromised in any way how I have conducted myself in my personal or personal life even though opportunity was possible. And I am sure it has not affected how Clarence Thomas has conducted himself in his personal or professional life or we would have heard about it.

Clarence Thomas is the target of a very evil, malicious, vindictive, politically motivated left. That's it pure and simple. And in my opinion those participating in the malicious smearing of a very good man should very much have to account for that.
How does your accepting gifts from rich people impact your current job? Probably not at all.

But Thomas living a lavish lifestyle and accepting expensive personal gifts from large political donors compromises his integrity as a judge.
How does your accepting gifts from rich people impact your current job? Probably not at all.

But Thomas living a lavish lifestyle and accepting expensive personal gifts from large political donors compromises his integrity as a judge.

They dont have business before the court unlike Sotomayor and kagans buddies
I worked for DoD for over 30 years and I had to take Ethics Training once a year.
One thing that was stressed was not just doing something that was improper but the “appearance”of impropriety.
You do not want to appear to be compromised whether you are or not.

When I first started working for the Government, I could not even accept a cup of coffee from a defense contractor without putting a quarter in the cup

Those rules were later relaxed but I would never accept anything from a Defense Contractor whether it was a meal or sports tickets that “they were not using“. I would not even socialize with them after hours because it might not look right.

Thomas is unquestionably compromised. Even if they are “just his friends”, he is accepting gifts of great value from large political donors without reporting them. I had to decline such offers when I worked for the Government, so should Thomas.
There is a huge difference between the relationship between a government agency and a contractor and the relationship between you and a personal friend. I don't really expect for you to see or understand that distinction but oh well. There is another current thread dealing with the topic of those on the left's inability to think abstractly.
Yep....the democrats are simply preparing to impeach him to drive him off the court if they retake the House and Senate
No doubt. And as they have already demonstrated in the impeachment processes and J6 Committee smears, they have absolutely no integrity when it comes to ethics, honor, integrity, or constitutional requirement for due process.
It seems that the president's son sold access to his father but what could the "benefactors" hope to gain by befriending a single Supreme Court Justice?
There is a huge difference between the relationship between a government agency and a contractor and the relationship between you and a personal friend. I don't really expect for you to see or understand that distinction but oh well.

A Supreme Court Justice has much more influence than I had as a Government employee. That is why I expect them to be held to a higher standard
Lower court Judges are required to meet ethical standards that Thomas cannot meet. There is no reason the Supreme Court should not impose similar or stricter standards on themselves
His personal life is affecting his professional life as a Justice.

He needs to make a choice
No doubt. And as they have already demonstrated in the impeachment processes and J6 Committee smears, they have absolutely no integrity when it comes to ethics, honor, integrity, or constitutional requirement for due process.

Trump received due process and still is.
But he is not above the law
How does your accepting gifts from rich people impact your current job? Probably not at all.

But Thomas living a lavish lifestyle and accepting expensive personal gifts from large political donors compromises his integrity as a judge.
No it doesn't. If it did I wouldn't accept those gifts. Like you I do not accept any gratuities from people that could appear they were influencing the choices/decisions I made on the job. So I turn down the offered glass of wine from the person I am auditing. A glass of wine that I might accept in another situation unrelated to my job.

And I'm quite certain that if the 'gifts' Thomas has received from the generosity of his friends have not in any way compromised his job. He has not been accused of not recusing himself in any case that affected those friends.
And I'm quite certain that if the 'gifts' Thomas has received from the generosity of his friends have not in any way compromised his job. He has not been accused of not recusing himself in any case that affected those friends.

How can you be sure that Thomas’s position as a Justice has not been compromised? You cannot defend the position that by accepting lavish gifts and lifestyle that Thomas does not give the appearance of impropriety.

I would give Thomas more credibility if he occasionally recused himself because of his wealthy benefactors. But his refusal to even consider it compromises him.
How can you be sure that Thomas’s position as a Justice has not been compromised? You cannot defend the position that by accepting lavish gifts and lifestyle that Thomas does not give the appearance of impropriety.

I would give Thomas more credibility if he occasionally recused himself because of his wealthy benefactors. But his refusal to even consider it compromises him.
... to his little MAGA cuck incel bone.
How can you be sure that Thomas’s position as a Justice has not been compromised? You cannot defend the position that by accepting lavish gifts and lifestyle that Thomas does not give the appearance of impropriety.

I would give Thomas more credibility if he occasionally recused himself because of his wealthy benefactors. But his refusal to even consider it compromises him.
I can be sure because if he was compromised, people like you would be smearing it all over the internet. Nobody is. And you cannot name a single case that Thomas should have recused himself from because of his friends. Even the hard leftists on the Supreme Court consider his character and ethics to be impeccable however much they disagree with his decisions.

What value do I put on an opportunity to meet with friends and family with that offered cabin in the mountains? It increased my wealth or other opportunities not one bit and there was no monetary benefit to anybody.

What value do I put on an opportunity to join a friend when invited to enjoy his Jockey Club advantage point at the race track? It gives me not a single opportunity I didn't have before and doesn't put a dime in my pocket.

When my friend offers to fly me to a distant meeting to spare me hours of travel in my car, what value do I put on that? I wouldn't have bought an airline ticket if the free flight was not available. She gained nothing and expected nothing from it other than my company.

Again if it was a person who could benefit financially from 'being nice' to me, I would decline because of the appearance of impropriety. But does enjoying the lifestyle of my rich friends for awhile constitute impropriety? No it does not. Nor does it for Clarence Thomas.

And shame on those who hate him so much they accuse him with zero evidence to back up their accusations.

38 holidays paid for !!
When did he have time to get round to doing any judging ?
It can be argued that the donors got a good return on their investment in this character.
But its starting to look like the American legal system is more corrupt than its political system. Something I would have not thought possible.
He would be less conservative if he received no gifts from rich cons.
No it doesn't. If it did I wouldn't accept those gifts. Like you I do not accept any gratuities from people that could appear they were influencing the choices/decisions I made on the job. So I turn down the offered glass of wine from the person I am auditing. A glass of wine that I might accept in another situation unrelated to my job.
Now, take that glass of wine and multiply it a million times with Clarence Thomas.
You will not accept gratuities that could appear to influence the choice / decisions you make on the job.

Thomas is accepting massive gifts and a lifestyle from billionaire conservative donors. How can that possibly not give the appearance that his decisions are not being influenced?
Now, take that glass of wine and multiply it a million times with Clarence Thomas.
You will not accept gratuities that could appear to influence the choice / decisions you make on the job.

Thomas is accepting massive gifts and a lifestyle from billionaire conservative donors. How can that possibly not give the appearance that his decisions are not being influenced?
Everything we read, hear, see, experience influences us in some way. Clarence Thomas is no different. But other than being a total hermit and foregoing all human contact and all outside information and stimuli, there is no way to avoid such influence. It would also render a person pretty ineffective in making informed decisions about anything.

Again, these friends of Clarence Thomas do not have businesses or cases involving the Supreme Court in any way. If they did, then yes, he should recuse himself. But since it hasn't happened, he doesn't need to recuse himself.

What is it that prompts people to see the worst in something and draw the worst conclusions from it when that something is entirely innocuous, normal, unimportant to anybody other than those participating in it? Do they hate Clarence Thomas so much? Why? Because he's black? Because he is conservative not allowed for black people by those on the left? Because he has been pretty much 100% consistent?

Are you as concerned about what bribes, payment, relationships are being taken by those in government you voted for or support? Those with Ds after their name? Those you consider to be morally superior to Clarence Thomas? I don't mean that as a whataboutism, but I'm only pointing out the irrational dysfunctional derangement syndrome that exists among those who engage in the cancel culture and don't care whether they are ethical doing it.
I worked for DoD for over 30 years and I had to take Ethics Training once a year.
One thing that was stressed was not just doing something that was improper but the “appearance”of impropriety.
You do not want to appear to be compromised whether you are or not.

When I first started working for the Government, I could not even accept a cup of coffee from a defense contractor without putting a quarter in the cup

Those rules were later relaxed but I would never accept anything from a Defense Contractor whether it was a meal or sports tickets that “they were not using“. I would not even socialize with them after hours because it might not look right.

Thomas is unquestionably compromised. Even if they are “just his friends”, he is accepting gifts of great value from large political donors without reporting them. I had to decline such offers when I worked for the Government, so should Thomas.
It isnt complicated is it ?
And they know it. But Thomas is on their team.

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