Clarence Thomas accepted more gifts from rich benefactors, new report says

If rich benefactors were offering me gifts, I'd take them in a heartbeat. You only live this life once.
Everything we read, hear, see, experience influences us in some way. Clarence Thomas is no different. But other than being a total hermit and foregoing all human contact and all outside information and stimuli, there is no way to avoid such influence. It would also render a person pretty ineffective in making informed decisions about anything.

Again, these friends of Clarence Thomas do not have businesses or cases involving the Supreme Court in any way. If they did, then yes, he should recuse himself. But since it hasn't happened, he doesn't need to recuse himself.

What is it that prompts people to see the worst in something and draw the worst conclusions from it when that something is entirely innocuous, normal, unimportant to anybody other than those participating in it? Do they hate Clarence Thomas so much? Why? Because he's black? Because he is conservative not allowed for black people by those on the left? Because he has been pretty much 100% consistent?

Are you as concerned about what bribes, payment, relationships are being taken by those in government you voted for or support? Those with Ds after their name? Those you consider to be morally superior to Clarence Thomas? I don't mean that as a whataboutism, but I'm only pointing out the irrational dysfunctional derangement syndrome that exists among those who engage in the cancel culture and don't care whether they are ethical doing it.

Those billionaire friends of Thomas have a political agenda that Thomas gets to vote on. By accepting lavish gifts that provide a lifestyle he cannot otherwise support, Thomas is compromised.
The prudent response would be to decline such gifts that “don’t look right”

What would be the Conservative response if the Liberal Judges were accepting lavish gifts from their close friend George Soros?
Those billionaire friends of Thomas have a political agenda that Thomas gets to vote on. By accepting lavish gifts that provide a lifestyle he cannot otherwise support, Thomas is compromised.
The prudent response would be to decline such gifts that “don’t look right”

What would be the Conservative response if the Liberal Judges were accepting lavish gifts from their close friend George Soros?
I'll just refer you to previous posts and points made that you seem to be ignoring and wish you a pleasant afternoon. (FYI Clarence Thomas's friends are not George Soros and there is no indication they have any political agenda whatsoever.)
The other Justices need to take Clarence Thomas aside and explain……Clarence, what you are doing just doesn’t look right. It is making the entire Court look bad. Do you really want this to be your legacy as a Justice?

Then they need to pull out the ethical standards that apply to lower courts and declare publicly that they are voluntarily applying those standards to their own actions
FYI Clarence Thomas's friends are not George Soros and there is no indication they have any political agenda whatsoever.)

Not true at all

Just like George Soros, they are large political donors from the right.
How would you react if Soros were spreading lavish gifts on Liberal Judges?
A new report out shows how the corruption of Clarence Thomas was even worse than thought, he took millions in bribes from several GOP billionaires, selling influence and America out.

This is extreme Deep State corruption on the highest level, the Supreme Court level.

Do Republicans even care? If a dem did 1/10th of this there would be 500 investigations and around the clock coverage on Fox News.

ProPublica detailed lavish vacations, private jet trips and VIP treatment at sporting events, more than was known about before, all paid for by a wider circle of billionaire friends.
The most complete accounting yet of the high life of Thomas, shows gifts from mega-rich businessmen documented through public and private records, plus interviews by ProPublica.
Justice Thomas has been living a life of extreme luxury for 30 years, underwritten by at least four different ultra wealthy benefactors,” said Brett Murphy, ProPublica reporter.
The dollar value is “likely in the millions,” little of which appeared in required financial disclosures, according to ProPublica.
ProPublica reported that Paul "Tony" Novelly, the oil baron, is a previously unnamed benefactor of the justice.
you just did this thread an hour ago....

Cancel culture, the conservative mods silence the facts and truth, hence they try to cancel me.

Republicans don't want to hear the truth, they want to cancel and hide the truth.
The facst are truth are kryptonite to republicans, as we can see here, the corrupt Deep State swamp GOP have the Supreme court in their pocket.

Do you even care that Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito are dirty and corrupt and for sale and taking millions in bribes???
Cancel culture, the conservative mods silence the facts and truth, hence they try to cancel me.

Republicans don't want to hear the truth, they want to cancel and hide the truth.
The facst are truth are kryptonite to republicans, as we can see here, the corrupt Deep State swamp GOP have the Supreme court in their pocket.

Do you even care that Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito are dirty and corrupt and for sale and taking millions in bribes???
banker if i had my way being a supreme court justice would not be a lifetime job......10 year terms and you are gone......
Yet he is able to live an affluent lifestyle through his friends
Private jets, luxury boxes, elite golf clubs, private yachts

Nothing illegal but highly unethical

As a minimum he should have to report these gifts and from who to see if there is a conflict of interest


Not true at all

Just like George Soros, they are large political donors from the right.
How would you react if Soros were spreading lavish gifts on Liberal Judges?

Most of your silly leftist co-cultists at least make an effort to come up with some actual proof for statements like this, even if it's a pathetic effort.

Hint: Just because you say it doesn't make it so, except maybe in the fictional world you win awards writing about.

A new report out shows how the corruption of Clarence Thomas was even worse than thought, he took millions in bribes from several GOP billionaires, selling influence and America out.

This is extreme Deep State corruption on the highest level, the Supreme Court level.

Do Republicans even care? If a dem did 1/10th of this there would be 500 investigations and around the clock coverage on Fox News.

ProPublica detailed lavish vacations, private jet trips and VIP treatment at sporting events, more than was known about before, all paid for by a wider circle of billionaire friends.
The most complete accounting yet of the high life of Thomas, shows gifts from mega-rich businessmen documented through public and private records, plus interviews by ProPublica.
Justice Thomas has been living a life of extreme luxury for 30 years, underwritten by at least four different ultra wealthy benefactors,” said Brett Murphy, ProPublica reporter.
The dollar value is “likely in the millions,” little of which appeared in required financial disclosures, according to ProPublica.
ProPublica reported that Paul "Tony" Novelly, the oil baron, is a previously unnamed benefactor of the justice.
A new report out shows how the corruption of Clarence Thomas was even worse than thought, he took millions in bribes from several GOP billionaires, selling influence and America out.

This is extreme Deep State corruption on the highest level, the Supreme Court level.

Do Republicans even care? If a dem did 1/10th of this there would be 500 investigations and around the clock coverage on Fox News.

ProPublica detailed lavish vacations, private jet trips and VIP treatment at sporting events, more than was known about before, all paid for by a wider circle of billionaire friends.
The most complete accounting yet of the high life of Thomas, shows gifts from mega-rich businessmen documented through public and private records, plus interviews by ProPublica.
Justice Thomas has been living a life of extreme luxury for 30 years, underwritten by at least four different ultra wealthy benefactors,” said Brett Murphy, ProPublica reporter.
The dollar value is “likely in the millions,” little of which appeared in required financial disclosures, according to ProPublica.
ProPublica reported that Paul "Tony" Novelly, the oil baron, is a previously unnamed benefactor of the justice.
Clarence may be the worst but he's not even close to alone in this. IMHO we need to flush the whole thing and start fresh.
A new report out shows how the corruption of Clarence Thomas was even worse than thought, he took millions in bribes from several GOP billionaires, selling influence and America out.

This is extreme Deep State corruption on the highest level, the Supreme Court level.

Do Republicans even care? If a dem did 1/10th of this there would be 500 investigations and around the clock coverage on Fox News.

ProPublica detailed lavish vacations, private jet trips and VIP treatment at sporting events, more than was known about before, all paid for by a wider circle of billionaire friends.
The most complete accounting yet of the high life of Thomas, shows gifts from mega-rich businessmen documented through public and private records, plus interviews by ProPublica.
Justice Thomas has been living a life of extreme luxury for 30 years, underwritten by at least four different ultra wealthy benefactors,” said Brett Murphy, ProPublica reporter.
The dollar value is “likely in the millions,” little of which appeared in required financial disclosures, according to ProPublica.
ProPublica reported that Paul "Tony" Novelly, the oil baron, is a previously unnamed benefactor of the justice.
I guess more bad news for the Biden's is forthcoming so we go back to the get Justice Thomas at any cost BS.
A new report out shows how the corruption of Clarence Thomas was even worse than thought, he took millions in bribes from several GOP billionaires, selling influence and America out.

This is extreme Deep State corruption on the highest level, the Supreme Court level.

Do Republicans even care? If a dem did 1/10th of this there would be 500 investigations and around the clock coverage on Fox News.

ProPublica detailed lavish vacations, private jet trips and VIP treatment at sporting events, more than was known about before, all paid for by a wider circle of billionaire friends.
The most complete accounting yet of the high life of Thomas, shows gifts from mega-rich businessmen documented through public and private records, plus interviews by ProPublica.
Justice Thomas has been living a life of extreme luxury for 30 years, underwritten by at least four different ultra wealthy benefactors,” said Brett Murphy, ProPublica reporter.
The dollar value is “likely in the millions,” little of which appeared in required financial disclosures, according to ProPublica.
ProPublica reported that Paul "Tony" Novelly, the oil baron, is a previously unnamed benefactor of the justice.
No, and you wouldn’t care if Thomas was a Democrat appointed Judge.

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