Clarence Thomas accepted more gifts from rich benefactors, new report says

A new report out shows how the corruption of Clarence Thomas was even worse than thought, he took millions in bribes from several GOP billionaires, selling influence and America out.

This is extreme Deep State corruption on the highest level, the Supreme Court level.

Do Republicans even care? If a dem did 1/10th of this there would be 500 investigations and around the clock coverage on Fox News.

ProPublica detailed lavish vacations, private jet trips and VIP treatment at sporting events, more than was known about before, all paid for by a wider circle of billionaire friends.
The most complete accounting yet of the high life of Thomas, shows gifts from mega-rich businessmen documented through public and private records, plus interviews by ProPublica.
Justice Thomas has been living a life of extreme luxury for 30 years, underwritten by at least four different ultra wealthy benefactors,” said Brett Murphy, ProPublica reporter.
The dollar value is “likely in the millions,” little of which appeared in required financial disclosures, according to ProPublica.
ProPublica reported that Paul "Tony" Novelly, the oil baron, is a previously unnamed benefactor of the justice.
Did he get wired the exact amount for an expensive sports car, then buy it at that exact price the next day?

Where is your thread on that? I missed it.
banker if i had my way being a supreme court justice would not be a lifetime job......10 year terms and you are gone......
you did not answer my question yet again like always !!!
You never ever answer my questions, this is your last chance:

Do you even care that Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito are dirty and corrupt and for sale and taking millions in bribes from GOP billionaires, selling out America at the highest level???
A new report out shows how the corruption of Clarence Thomas was even worse than thought, he took millions in bribes from several GOP billionaires, selling influence and America out.

This is extreme Deep State corruption on the highest level, the Supreme Court level.

Do Republicans even care? If a dem did 1/10th of this there would be 500 investigations and around the clock coverage on Fox News.

ProPublica detailed lavish vacations, private jet trips and VIP treatment at sporting events, more than was known about before, all paid for by a wider circle of billionaire friends.
The most complete accounting yet of the high life of Thomas, shows gifts from mega-rich businessmen documented through public and private records, plus interviews by ProPublica.
Justice Thomas has been living a life of extreme luxury for 30 years, underwritten by at least four different ultra wealthy benefactors,” said Brett Murphy, ProPublica reporter.
The dollar value is “likely in the millions,” little of which appeared in required financial disclosures, according to ProPublica.
ProPublica reported that Paul "Tony" Novelly, the oil baron, is a previously unnamed benefactor of the justice.

It's not corruption if your own side did it.
A new report out shows how the corruption of Clarence Thomas was even worse than thought, he took millions in bribes from several GOP billionaires, selling influence and America out.

This is extreme Deep State corruption on the highest level, the Supreme Court level.

Do Republicans even care? If a dem did 1/10th of this there would be 500 investigations and around the clock coverage on Fox News.

ProPublica detailed lavish vacations, private jet trips and VIP treatment at sporting events, more than was known about before, all paid for by a wider circle of billionaire friends.
The most complete accounting yet of the high life of Thomas, shows gifts from mega-rich businessmen documented through public and private records, plus interviews by ProPublica.
Justice Thomas has been living a life of extreme luxury for 30 years, underwritten by at least four different ultra wealthy benefactors,” said Brett Murphy, ProPublica reporter.
The dollar value is “likely in the millions,” little of which appeared in required financial disclosures, according to ProPublica.
ProPublica reported that Paul "Tony" Novelly, the oil baron, is a previously unnamed benefactor of the justice.

Yep, we don't care...:itsok:
It's only a bribe if they get something for it. Otherwise it's a gift. What does the racist left think that bribing Clarence Thomas would accomplish when nobody knows what cases would be taken up by the Court?
Q: Did his single vote sway the decision one way or the other.


Do not respond again, unless you answer my question.

No idea as I do not care because it should NOT be done.
You should not respond to posts that ask questions, unless you answer the question.
I do not give a fuck about your opinions

You are asking me to prove what Thomas was thinking.

I care less.
How can you be sure that Thomas’s position as a Justice has not been compromised? You cannot defend the position that by accepting lavish gifts and lifestyle that Thomas does not give the appearance of impropriety.

I would give Thomas more credibility if he occasionally recused himself because of his wealthy benefactors. But his refusal to even consider it compromises him.

And you can't ensure the more likely corrupt left wing justices aren't corrupt to their core.....
It isnt complicated is it ?
And they know it. But Thomas is on their team.

Do you understand that Sotomayor is far more compromised than Thomas....directly compromised by her actions....

In her case, the documents reveal repeated examples of taxpayer-funded court staff performing tasks for the justice’s book ventures, which workers in other branches of government are barred from doing. But when it comes to promoting her literary career, Sotomayor is free to do what other government officials cannot because the Supreme Court does not have a formal code of conduct, leaving the nine justices to largely write and enforce their own rules.
Sotomayor, whose annual salary this year is $285,400, is not alone in earning money by writing books. Such income is exempt from the court’s $30,000 restriction on outside yearly pay. But none of the justices has as forcefully leveraged publicly sponsored travel to boost book sales as has Sotomayor, according to emails and other records reviewed by the AP.
Sotomayor’s publisher, Penguin Random House, also has played a role in organizing her talks, in some cases pressing public institutions to commit to buying a specific number of copies or requesting that attendees purchase books to obtain tickets, emails show. The publisher has had several matters before the court in which Sotomayor did not recuse herself.

“Justice Sotomayor would have recused in cases in which Penguin Random House was a party, in light of her close and ongoing relationship with the publisher,” the Supreme Court said in a statement. “An inadvertent omission failed to bring Penguin’s participation in several cases to her attention; those cases ultimately were not selected for review by the Court. Chambers’ conflict check procedures have since been changed.”

Thomas’s gifts

Their gifts include:

At least 38 destination vacations, including a previously unreported voyage on a yacht around the Bahamas; 26 private jet flights, plus an additional eight by helicopter; a dozen VIP passes to professional and college sporting events, typically perched in the skybox; two stays at luxury resorts in Florida and Jamaica; and one standing invitation to an uber-exclusive golf club overlooking the Atlantic coast.
Thomas has earned all of that with his court decisions that benefit patriotic Americans.

38 holidays paid for !!
When did he have time to get round to doing any judging ?
It can be argued that the donors got a good return on their investment in this character.
But its starting to look like the American legal system is more corrupt than its political system. Something I would have not thought possible.
Would you call him “the big guy”?
STFU ya retard!

Q: Did his single vote sway the decision one way or the other.


No way to tell that can be proven on a discussion board. I can't and neither can you.

It shouldn't be done.
Multiple ethics experts told the investigative news outlet that the scope of unreported gifts was staggering. “In my career I don’t remember ever seeing this degree of largesse given to anybody,” Jeremy Fogel, a former federal judge who reviewed judges’ financial disclosures, told ProPublica. “I think it’s unprecedented.”

New Clarence Thomas Sugar Daddies Just Dropped

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