Clarence Thomas accepted more gifts from rich benefactors, new report says

A new report out shows how the corruption of Clarence Thomas was even worse than thought, he took millions in bribes from several GOP billionaires, selling influence and America out.

This is extreme Deep State corruption on the highest level, the Supreme Court level.

Do Republicans even care? If a dem did 1/10th of this there would be 500 investigations and around the clock coverage on Fox News.

ProPublica detailed lavish vacations, private jet trips and VIP treatment at sporting events, more than was known about before, all paid for by a wider circle of billionaire friends.
The most complete accounting yet of the high life of Thomas, shows gifts from mega-rich businessmen documented through public and private records, plus interviews by ProPublica.
Justice Thomas has been living a life of extreme luxury for 30 years, underwritten by at least four different ultra wealthy benefactors,” said Brett Murphy, ProPublica reporter.
The dollar value is “likely in the millions,” little of which appeared in required financial disclosures, according to ProPublica.
ProPublica reported that Paul "Tony" Novelly, the oil baron, is a previously unnamed benefactor of the justice.
Private jets and sporting events? No, i dont care about that. I cant imagine any SC judge getting bribed to change US law for a fucking plane ride. Thats absurd.

"You want me to overturn roe v wade? Ok, but I want dodgers tickets in return." :cuckoo:
You didn;t read the report.

4 deep state GOP billionaires gave Thomas millions in lavish gifts and accommodations, then he would make rulings on cases involving them...

GOP Deep State controls America and controls our courts, the republicans are the swamp and the deep state and are totally corrupt even at the highest levels.
Where does it say that?

The pro publica site says
“ProPublica has not identified any legal cases that Huizenga, Sokol or Novelly had at the Supreme Court during their documented relationships with Thomas, although they all work in industries significantly impacted by the court’s decisions.”

So, again, where is the bribe
Holy fuck!! I gave you 2 chances to admiot this and you still have not done it !!!!

You still haven't answered y question !!
You refuse to do it !!

You can not hold the corrupt criminal republicans accountable at all and you can't admit they are corrupt beyond belief.

What liberal judge is taking million dollar bribes?? none.
You can not admit to anything at all.

Every aspect of you is to spin and undercover excuse and defend the corrupt failed crooked republicans.
banker you are to full of hate and bias to do these kind of threads.....i have told you many times that both of the parties die hards should go straight to hell..and yes that probably includes you......but to you i am defending the republicans....but yet cant give me one fucking example of me doing that.....all because i dont do what you want me to are a you can see by the replies to your threads....
Proving nothing lying peter puffer.

It proves Thomas took bribes

If you big grand defense is that Thomas didn't take bribes then good luck with that trash, it has already been proven and established.

The republicans are deep state and the swamp, they are corrupt and rotten to the core and this Thomas bribery scandal is another example of that

It proves Thomas took bribes

If you big grand defense is that Thomas didn't take bribes then good luck with that trash, it has already been proven and established.

The republicans are deep state and the swamp, they are corrupt and rotten to the core and this Thomas bribery scandal is another example of that
so are the die hards in your party....but since you are just like they are you cant see your eyes banker,start asking questions....
banker you are to full of hate and bias to do these kind of threads.....i have told you many times that both of the parties die hards should go straight to hell..and yes that probably includes you......but to you i am defending the republicans....but yet cant give me one fucking example of me doing that.....all because i dont do what you want me to are a you can see by the replies to your threads....

Yet you still, you still have not said Thomas is a completely corrupt conservative judge. You still try to not hold him accountable, and you still defend your beloved GOP.

I have never ever ever seen you hold these corrupt republicans accountable ever, you always defend them at all costs.

No democrat judge is doing this shit. NONE. Yet there are at least 2 corrupt republican judges taking big time bribes.
Republicans have no accountability and have sold out America

Republicans are the cause of the majority of the problems in America
Private jets and sporting events? No, i dont care about that. I cant imagine any SC judge getting bribed to change US law for a fucking plane ride. Thats absurd.

"You want me to overturn roe v wade? Ok, but I want dodgers tickets in return." :cuckoo:

So according to you it is ok that that deep state republican judges take millions in bribes ???

You people are total trash, and a disgrace to America. Republicans are corrupt and rotten to the core and are the cause of the majority of our problems.

Republicans have no accountability at all in life.
Republicans have sold out our country and you don't care
Nah, it’s because you’re a boring monotonous putz. No one wants to hear you whine about the same bullshit every 5 minutes, kid.
Its ok that these conservative judges are taking millions in bribes to influence policy and law at the highest level.

You people are total trash and totally corrupt. Republicans are a disgrace and have sold our country out.

So according to you it is ok that that deep state republican judges take millions in bribes ???

You people are total trash, and a disgrace to America. Republicans are corrupt and rotten to the core and are the cause of the majority of our problems.

Republicans have no accountability at all in life.
Republicans have sold out our country and you don't care
If a judge took millions in bribes, then throw him in prison, but dont ask me to care about plane rides and sports tickets.

Yet you still, you still have not said Thomas is a completely corrupt conservative judge. You still try to not hold him accountable, and you still defend your beloved GOP.

I have never ever ever seen you hold these corrupt republicans accountable ever, you always defend them at all costs.

No democrat judge is doing this shit. NONE. Yet there are at least 2 corrupt republican judges taking big time bribes.
Republicans have no accountability and have sold out America

Republicans are the cause of the majority of the problems in America
spoken like a true die hard democrat......banker do you still think you and your party leaders can walk on water?...
Just because someone is a recipient of gifts, doesn't make them "corrupt" at all.

There has to be a quid pro quo. The recipient has to expect of receive something in exchange. Like access to the Vice President or President for the money.

Thomas' friends didn't have cases before the Supreme Court.

So these allegations of Hunter receiving a "gift" from some foreigners from Kazakhstan should be ok then, right?

"Hunter used $142,000 wired from a Kazakh oligarch to his shell company to buy a Porsche."
A new report out shows how the corruption of Clarence Thomas was even worse than thought, he took millions in bribes from several GOP billionaires, selling influence and America out.

This is extreme Deep State corruption on the highest level, the Supreme Court level.

Do Republicans even care? If a dem did 1/10th of this there would be 500 investigations and around the clock coverage on Fox News.

ProPublica detailed lavish vacations, private jet trips and VIP treatment at sporting events, more than was known about before, all paid for by a wider circle of billionaire friends.
The most complete accounting yet of the high life of Thomas, shows gifts from mega-rich businessmen documented through public and private records, plus interviews by ProPublica.
Justice Thomas has been living a life of extreme luxury for 30 years, underwritten by at least four different ultra wealthy benefactors,” said Brett Murphy, ProPublica reporter.
The dollar value is “likely in the millions,” little of which appeared in required financial disclosures, according to ProPublica.
ProPublica reported that Paul "Tony" Novelly, the oil baron, is a previously unnamed benefactor of the justice.
We get it - SCOTUS can stop the witch hunt of Trump, so racist attacks on Thomas.

Sooooooo predictable.


38 holidays paid for !!
When did he have time to get round to doing any judging ?
It can be argued that the donors got a good return on their investment in this character.
But its starting to look like the American legal system is more corrupt than its political system. Something I would have not thought possible.

It's pretty obvious there are a couple of corrupt justices on the court, and people want to believe they're not corrupt, but we all know they are. And they just happen to be right wing justices.... and they don't want to resign because a Democrat's in place in the White House.
It's pretty obvious there are a couple of corrupt justices on the court, and people want to believe they're not corrupt, but we all know they are. And they just happen to be right wing justices.... and they don't want to resign because a Democrat's in place in the White House.
You know damn well that he lates addition to the Supreme Court would spread her legs to survive if an economic collapse/decline occurred. And that would be if she would get people to screw her. Right now, we have mostly men dying as defenders of our nation with many being authoritarians on the domestic tyranny sides as police.
If a judge took millions in bribes, then throw him in prison, but dont ask me to care about plane rides and sports tickets.
Let the corrupt GOP deep state judges take all the millions in bribes they want.

They took millions in luxury gifts, the same as bribes. If your big defense is that they took luxury vacations and cruises and cars etc, instead of cash, than that is a fail.

The reality is the GOP are corrupt and you don;t care and you will never hold them accountable.

Republicans are deep state and have sold out America and gullible trash republican voters don't even care

Republicans aree a disgrace to America and the cause of most of our problems

It proves Thomas took bribes

If you big grand defense is that Thomas didn't take bribes then good luck with that trash, it has already been proven and established.

The republicans are deep state and the swamp, they are corrupt and rotten to the core and this Thomas bribery scandal is another example of that
You are a simple imbecile. Try using your proof in court moron.

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