Clarence Thomas accepted more gifts from rich benefactors, new report says

It's only a bribe if they get something for it. Otherwise it's a gift. What does the racist left think that bribing Clarence Thomas would accomplish when nobody knows what cases would be taken up by the Court?

yea right all these deep state billionaires were just "gifting" millions to these corrupt judges !!!

You epitomize gullible. I am going to go rob a bunch of banks and if I get caught, I am going to put you on my jury. You will believe any lie you are told.

You have completely exposed yourself for being gullible and manipulated.
A new report out shows how the corruption of Clarence Thomas was even worse than thought, he took millions in bribes from several GOP billionaires, selling influence and America out.

This is extreme Deep State corruption on the highest level, the Supreme Court level.

Do Republicans even care? If a dem did 1/10th of this there would be 500 investigations and around the clock coverage on Fox News.

ProPublica detailed lavish vacations, private jet trips and VIP treatment at sporting events, more than was known about before, all paid for by a wider circle of billionaire friends.
The most complete accounting yet of the high life of Thomas, shows gifts from mega-rich businessmen documented through public and private records, plus interviews by ProPublica.
Justice Thomas has been living a life of extreme luxury for 30 years, underwritten by at least four different ultra wealthy benefactors,” said Brett Murphy, ProPublica reporter.
The dollar value is “likely in the millions,” little of which appeared in required financial disclosures, according to ProPublica.
ProPublica reported that Paul "Tony" Novelly, the oil baron, is a previously unnamed benefactor of the justice.
Ok, so, what was the bribe?

yea right all these deep state billionaires were just "gifting" millions to these corrupt judges !!!

You epitomize gullible. I am going to go rob a bunch of banks and if I get caught, I am going to put you on my jury. You will believe any lie you are told.

You have completely exposed yourself for being gullible and manipulated.
Ahahah doesn't make your case. Only racist democrats attack Justice Thomas.
Cancel culture, the conservative mods silence the facts and truth, hence they try to cancel me.
Nah, it’s because you’re a boring monotonous putz. No one wants to hear you whine about the same bullshit every 5 minutes, kid.
you did not answer my question yet again like always !!!
You never ever answer my questions, this is your last chance:

Do you even care that Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito are dirty and corrupt and for sale and taking millions in bribes from GOP billionaires, selling out America at the highest level???
if you had any fucking unbiased brains you would realize that with 10 year terms both of those assholes would have been gone years ago......wake up banker .....
No way to tell that can be proven on a discussion board. I can't and neither can you.

It shouldn't be done.

if you had any fucking unbiased brains you would realize that with 10 year terms both of those assholes would have been gone years ago......wake up banker .....
Holy fuck!! I gave you 2 chances to admiot this and you still have not done it !!!!

You still haven't answered y question !!
You refuse to do it !!

You can not hold the corrupt criminal republicans accountable at all and you can't admit they are corrupt beyond belief.

What liberal judge is taking million dollar bribes?? none.
You can not admit to anything at all.

Every aspect of you is to spin and undercover excuse and defend the corrupt failed crooked republicans.
Ok, so, what was the bribe?
You didn;t read the report.

4 deep state GOP billionaires gave Thomas millions in lavish gifts and accommodations, then he would make rulings on cases involving them...

GOP Deep State controls America and controls our courts, the republicans are the swamp and the deep state and are totally corrupt even at the highest levels.
Clarence may be the worst but he's not even close to alone in this. IMHO we need to flush the whole thing and start fresh.
Hey Crep, I heard you just rolled back into town today!

Nice to see you back! :113:

I agree, we shouldn't have our judges. . . or presidents? Taking bribes, especially from foreigners.

A new report out shows how the corruption of Clarence Thomas was even worse than thought, he took millions in bribes from several GOP billionaires, selling influence and America out.

This is extreme Deep State corruption on the highest level, the Supreme Court level.

Do Republicans even care? If a dem did 1/10th of this there would be 500 investigations and around the clock coverage on Fox News.

ProPublica detailed lavish vacations, private jet trips and VIP treatment at sporting events, more than was known about before, all paid for by a wider circle of billionaire friends.
The most complete accounting yet of the high life of Thomas, shows gifts from mega-rich businessmen documented through public and private records, plus interviews by ProPublica.
Justice Thomas has been living a life of extreme luxury for 30 years, underwritten by at least four different ultra wealthy benefactors,” said Brett Murphy, ProPublica reporter.
The dollar value is “likely in the millions,” little of which appeared in required financial disclosures, according to ProPublica.
ProPublica reported that Paul "Tony" Novelly, the oil baron, is a previously unnamed benefactor of the justice.
Prove something, peter puffer.
Hey Crep, I heard you just rolled back into town today!

Nice to see you back! :113:

I agree, we shouldn't have our judges. . . or presidents? Taking bribes, especially from foreigners.

I'm surprised anyone here remembers me.
What did they get in return? Did they have business before the court?

Purdue Pharma will get their case in the supreme court.

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