Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire.

There's no comparison, moron. Soros spends billions of dollars influencing thousands of American politicians and iour goverment. All you have is one guy spending a few thousand on one justge

So I believe I showed you that if you take all the top 10 or 20 donors, Soros might be the biggest donor but combined the top 20 donate way more to Republicans. So you can't complain about this really. You'd be a hypocrite.

Did you watch the White House Correspondence Dinner?

Roy Wood Jr. ripped on Thomas as he emphasized that billionaires like Crow “always come up with something new to buy.”

“This man bought a Supreme Court justice. Do you understand how rich you have to be to buy a Supreme — a Black one on top of that. There’s only two in stock and Harlan Crow owns half the inventory,” joked Wood.

“We can all see Clarence Thomas but he belongs to billionaire Harlan Crow. And that’s what an NFT is,” he added.

NFT stands for 'non-fungible token'. It's basically a unique digital identifier recorded in a blockchain. There's a unique and non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a digital ledger using blockchain technology to establish proof of ownership, as with cryptocurrenices like bitcoin.
So I believe I showed you that if you take all the top 10 or 20 donors, Soros might be the biggest donor but combined the top 20 donate way more to Republicans. So you can't complain about this really. You'd be a hypocrite.

Did you watch the White House Correspondence Dinner?

Roy Wood Jr. ripped on Thomas as he emphasized that billionaires like Crow “always come up with something new to buy.”

“This man bought a Supreme Court justice. Do you understand how rich you have to be to buy a Supreme — a Black one on top of that. There’s only two in stock and Harlan Crow owns half the inventory,” joked Wood.

“We can all see Clarence Thomas but he belongs to billionaire Harlan Crow. And that’s what an NFT is,” he added.

NFT stands for 'non-fungible token'. It's basically a unique digital identifier recorded in a blockchain. There's a unique and non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a digital ledger using blockchain technology to establish proof of ownership, as with cryptocurrenices like bitcoin.
Again, you're only counting donations to political campaigns. Soros funds hundreds of 501.3C organizations to the tune of many billions of dollars. These organizations spend all that money subverting our government and our society. For instance, soros financed an effort to replace hundreds of DAs with his woke favorites. That's why we have so many criminals on the street.

You obviously can't be honest in your responses so there's no point in treating your posts seriously. Verbal abuse is all you deserve.
Again, you're only counting donations to political campaigns. Soros funds hundreds of 501.3C organizations to the tune of many billions of dollars. These organizations spend all that money subverting our government and our society. For instance, soros financed an effort to replace hundreds of DAs with his woke favorites. That's why we have so many criminals on the street.

You obviously can't be honest in your responses so there's no point in treating your posts seriously. Verbal abuse is all you deserve.
Yes lots of Republicans give dark money too

FTX's Sam Bankman-Fried Says He Made Secret Donations to Republicans​

In a newly published phone call SBF claims, "reporters freak the fuck out if you donate to a Republican because they’re all super liberal."​


Samuel Benjamin Bankman-Fried, also known by the initialism SBF, is an American entrepreneur, investor, and alleged fraudster.

He publicly gives to Democrats to look good but privately, we all know, he's a Republican. Of course he is. Just like Trump.
And he is not unethical. He followed the laws as written. So you can’t actually show that particular man having business before the court. Don’t feel bad, nobody else has been able to either.
If you are a patriot , You would want the Uncle Tom Thomases of the world to die. In the same way that any person of conscience would have wished for Hitler to die .
I have to think this will get interesting. Thomas has taken a ton of trips paid for by a billionaire campaign donor.

On the surface this appears to be in violations of federal law when he reported none of them.

IN LATE JUNE 2019, right after the U.S. Supreme Court released its final opinion of the term, Justice Clarence Thomas boarded a large private jet headed to Indonesia. He and his wife were going on vacation: nine days of island-hopping in a volcanic archipelago on a superyacht staffed by a coterie of attendants and a private chef.

If Thomas had chartered the plane and the 162-foot yacht himself, the total cost of the trip could have exceeded $500,000. Fortunately for him, that wasn’t necessary: He was on vacation with real estate magnate and Republican megadonor Harlan Crow, who owned the jet — and the yacht, too.....................................

.....................These trips appeared nowhere on Thomas’ financial disclosures. His failure to report the flights appears to violate a law passed after Watergate that requires justices, judges, members of Congress and federal officials to disclose most gifts, two ethics law experts said. He also should have disclosed his trips on the yacht, these experts said.

Clarence Thomas Secretly Accepted Luxury Trips From Major GOP Donor

A bought and paid for Supreme Court judge. That's the very definition of a banana republic.

Hey.......twit.......notice anything.......?

For example, in 2018, the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg took 14 reimbursed trips — the most of any justice that year — including one in which she was "provided transportation, food and lodging as a tourist and guest of billionaire Israeli businessman Morris Kahn" who "had business before the Supreme Court before" when SCOTUS "handed Kahn’s company Amdocs Limited a win in November 2017 when it declined to take up a patent-related case."

Additionally, "in 2012, Ginsburg traveled to New York to accept Glamour Magazine’s Woman of the Year award, which came with a gift bag valued at $2,500," according to The Washington Post. That is, receiving valuable items is hardly outside the realm of normalcy.

From 2004 to 2018, former Justice Stephen Breyer — another liberal who was nominated by President Bill Clinton — held the record for the most reimbursed trips of any sitting justice at 219, according to OpenSecrets' report.

But, you may say, the issue that makes trips problematic is when they're not reported. Well, you're in luck because liberal Justice Sonio Sotomayor let covered travel expenses go unreported.

A 2020 public records request filed by Fix the Court revealed that Justice Sotomayor did not initially report free air travel and lodging she received to deliver the commencement address at the University of Rhode Island. That included a "$1,045 flight to Rhode Island in 2016...and the block of up to 11 rooms reserved for her, her friends and her security detail at one of the state’s nicest hotels."
Despite the fact that liberal justices hold the records for most trips in a given year in recent memory, and the most trips in a 14-year period, and they've failed to disclose reimbursed travel expenses in the past, and have enjoyed trips covered by individuals who've done business before the Supreme Court, it's only conservative justices who face calls to resign. Funny how that works, eh?

Fix the Court subsequently found that Sotomayor's previous "trips to visit universities in Illinois, New Jersey, Alaska, Wisconsin and Minnesota were also omitted" from her disclosures. The Obama nominee subsequently had to amend her disclosures to note the six originally unreported situations.

Hey.......twit.......notice anything.......?

For example, in 2018, the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg took 14 reimbursed trips — the most of any justice that year — including one in which she was "provided transportation, food and lodging as a tourist and guest of billionaire Israeli businessman Morris Kahn" who "had business before the Supreme Court before" when SCOTUS "handed Kahn’s company Amdocs Limited a win in November 2017 when it declined to take up a patent-related case."

Additionally, "in 2012, Ginsburg traveled to New York to accept Glamour Magazine’s Woman of the Year award, which came with a gift bag valued at $2,500," according to The Washington Post. That is, receiving valuable items is hardly outside the realm of normalcy.

From 2004 to 2018, former Justice Stephen Breyer — another liberal who was nominated by President Bill Clinton — held the record for the most reimbursed trips of any sitting justice at 219, according to OpenSecrets' report.

But, you may say, the issue that makes trips problematic is when they're not reported. Well, you're in luck because liberal Justice Sonio Sotomayor let covered travel expenses go unreported.

A 2020 public records request filed by Fix the Court revealed that Justice Sotomayor did not initially report free air travel and lodging she received to deliver the commencement address at the University of Rhode Island. That included a "$1,045 flight to Rhode Island in 2016...and the block of up to 11 rooms reserved for her, her friends and her security detail at one of the state’s nicest hotels."
Despite the fact that liberal justices hold the records for most trips in a given year in recent memory, and the most trips in a 14-year period, and they've failed to disclose reimbursed travel expenses in the past, and have enjoyed trips covered by individuals who've done business before the Supreme Court, it's only conservative justices who face calls to resign. Funny how that works, eh?

Fix the Court subsequently found that Sotomayor's previous "trips to visit universities in Illinois, New Jersey, Alaska, Wisconsin and Minnesota were also omitted" from her disclosures. The Obama nominee subsequently had to amend her disclosures to note the six originally unreported situations.

Did you notice I'm NOT calling out just one justice?
Hey.......twit.......notice anything.......?

For example, in 2018, the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg took 14 reimbursed trips — the most of any justice that year — including one in which she was "provided transportation, food and lodging as a tourist and guest of billionaire Israeli businessman Morris Kahn" who "had business before the Supreme Court before" when SCOTUS "handed Kahn’s company Amdocs Limited a win in November 2017 when it declined to take up a patent-related case."

Additionally, "in 2012, Ginsburg traveled to New York to accept Glamour Magazine’s Woman of the Year award, which came with a gift bag valued at $2,500," according to The Washington Post. That is, receiving valuable items is hardly outside the realm of normalcy.

From 2004 to 2018, former Justice Stephen Breyer — another liberal who was nominated by President Bill Clinton — held the record for the most reimbursed trips of any sitting justice at 219, according to OpenSecrets' report.

But, you may say, the issue that makes trips problematic is when they're not reported. Well, you're in luck because liberal Justice Sonio Sotomayor let covered travel expenses go unreported.

A 2020 public records request filed by Fix the Court revealed that Justice Sotomayor did not initially report free air travel and lodging she received to deliver the commencement address at the University of Rhode Island. That included a "$1,045 flight to Rhode Island in 2016...and the block of up to 11 rooms reserved for her, her friends and her security detail at one of the state’s nicest hotels."
Despite the fact that liberal justices hold the records for most trips in a given year in recent memory, and the most trips in a 14-year period, and they've failed to disclose reimbursed travel expenses in the past, and have enjoyed trips covered by individuals who've done business before the Supreme Court, it's only conservative justices who face calls to resign. Funny how that works, eh?

Fix the Court subsequently found that Sotomayor's previous "trips to visit universities in Illinois, New Jersey, Alaska, Wisconsin and Minnesota were also omitted" from her disclosures. The Obama nominee subsequently had to amend her disclosures to note the six originally unreported situations.

Retired Conservative justice calls for ethic reforms for the Supreme Court.

WASHINGTON — A prominent conservative former federal judge joined a chorus of legal experts from across the political spectrum Tuesday in calling on Congress to enact new ethical standards for Supreme Court justices, after a series of revelations about the justices’ undisclosed gifts, luxury travel and property deals.

Prominent Retired Judge Calls for Ethics Rules for Supreme Court Justices
Retired Conservative justice calls for ethic reforms for the Supreme Court.

WASHINGTON — A prominent conservative former federal judge joined a chorus of legal experts from across the political spectrum Tuesday in calling on Congress to enact new ethical standards for Supreme Court justices, after a series of revelations about the justices’ undisclosed gifts, luxury travel and property deals.

Prominent Retired Judge Calls for Ethics Rules for Supreme Court Justices
"Conservative" according to whom?
So I believe I showed you that if you take all the top 10 or 20 donors, Soros might be the biggest donor but combined the top 20 donate way more to Republicans. So you can't complain about this really. You'd be a hypocrite.

Did you watch the White House Correspondence Dinner?

Roy Wood Jr. ripped on Thomas as he emphasized that billionaires like Crow “always come up with something new to buy.”

“This man bought a Supreme Court justice. Do you understand how rich you have to be to buy a Supreme — a Black one on top of that. There’s only two in stock and Harlan Crow owns half the inventory,” joked Wood.

“We can all see Clarence Thomas but he belongs to billionaire Harlan Crow. And that’s what an NFT is,” he added.

NFT stands for 'non-fungible token'. It's basically a unique digital identifier recorded in a blockchain. There's a unique and non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a digital ledger using blockchain technology to establish proof of ownership, as with cryptocurrenices like bitcoin.
I've already explained why this claim is meaningless.

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