Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire.

I think we agree they need to have a list of rules/ethics and they can not break those rules. If they do they have to go.

Lower courts have these rules and they are bound by them. The Supreme's don't. This is one of the examples that prove this system we have is rigged. Like the electoral college or how a senator of a small state has just as much power as a senator who resides in a much bigger state. How the fuck do the Supreme Court justices not have rules they have to follow?

And another thing. Appointed for life? How about we cut that to 10 years. A lot can change in a country in 20 years. What if we appointed a 30 year old KKK judge in 1963? He'd be a 90 year old judge still on the bench. And before you think that's a stretch. remember RBG was 87 and still on the court.

We aren't going to appoint a 30 year old judge. The part I would hate about changing out judges is that the parties push awful candidates and then argue "well what about the courts"?

Last thing I want to do is help them with their lousy picks.
We aren't going to appoint a 30 year old judge. The part I would hate about changing out judges is that the parties push awful candidates and then argue "well what about the courts"?

Last thing I want to do is help them with their lousy picks.
Compared to a party pushing an awful candidate that we are stuck with for life?

For example. This Supreme Court's decision on abortion. So unpopular. Even in red states their decision was unpopular. So of course now we can't wait for all of Trump's appointments to die or quit.

Compared to a party pushing an awful candidate that we are stuck with for life?

For example. This Supreme Court's decision on abortion. So unpopular. Even in red states their decision was unpopular. So of course now we can't wait for all of Trump's appointments to die or quit.

Hillary. There are no Trump picks without the Democrats insistence on running an absolutely awful candidate. Now they live with the results of that. Learn from it? Not likely.
Hillary. There are no Trump picks without the Democrats insistence on running an absolutely awful candidate. Now they live with the results of that. Learn from it? Not likely.
Hillary wasn't a bad candidate. Besides the fact Republicans have been afraid of her since Bill was POTUS and they knew she might run for POTUS someday so they trashed her for 20 years.

Remember, you HATE her just as much as you hate Kamala, Pelosi, Whitmer, etc... Just because your 20 year smear campaign worked doesn't mean she was an awful candidate. Women are stupid. Seriously. Women don't support women. Where did that get them? It got them Trump appointing judges that took their right to abortion away. And now we see that isn't even popular in red states. And the funny thing is, I think Trump even said he would treat abortion as a crime. I think he told us he would support that. And women didn't believe he could/would do it. Well, he did.

You guys ran a seriously flawed candidate and it didn't hurt you. LOL.
Hillary wasn't a bad candidate. Besides the fact Republicans have been afraid of her since Bill was POTUS and they knew she might run for POTUS someday so they trashed her for 20 years.

Remember, you HATE her just as much as you hate Kamala, Pelosi, Whitmer, etc... Just because your 20 year smear campaign worked doesn't mean she was an awful candidate. Women are stupid. Seriously. Women don't support women. Where did that get them? It got them Trump appointing judges that took their right to abortion away. And now we see that isn't even popular in red states. And the funny thing is, I think Trump even said he would treat abortion as a crime. I think he told us he would support that. And women didn't believe he could/would do it. Well, he did.

You guys ran a seriously flawed candidate and it didn't hurt you. LOL.

I voted female the last two elections. Hillary was a war mongering slave to Wall Street.
It's been noted many have not recused themselves in cases they should have.

Recent Times a Justice Failed to Recuse Despite a Conflict of Interest - Fix the Court

I don't really expect you to read the second link completely but it does a good job of noting how often Ginsberg refused to recuse herself despite a clear conflict of interest.

What is wrong with NO money to Supreme Court justices?
“This is a shameless lifestyle underwritten for years by a gaggle of fawning billionaires,” Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) wrote on Twitter. “Justices Thomas and [Samuel] Alito have made it clear that they’re oblivious to the embarrassment they’ve visited on the highest court in the land.”

He said that if the court wouldn’t reform itself, Congress should step in and do it for them.

But other lawmakers went even further, calling for Thomas to step down.

“Thomas takes cash bribes while crushing your freedoms,” Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-N.J.) wrote on Twitter. “He’s corrupt as hell and should resign today.”
Others also called on him to pack up his robes:

Would billionaires have given Justice Clarence Thomas massive gifts if he was just a law clerk? NO. That’s what makes this corrupt. They were seeking to curry favor with Justice Thomas, either directly or indirectly. And Justice Thomas violated the law in accepting the gifts.

Justice Thomas has brought shame upon himself and the United States Supreme Court with his acceptance of massive, repeated and undisclosed gifts. No government official, elected or unelected, could ethically or legally accept gifts of that scale. He should resign immediately.

The Thomas scandal has led to growing call for ethics reform of the court ― but at least one justice has bristled publicly at the notion of Congress stepping in.
“No provision in the Constitution gives them the authority to regulate the Supreme Court,” Associate Justice Samuel Alito told the Wall Street Journal last month. “Period.”
I voted female the last two elections. Hillary was a war mongering slave to Wall Street.

Biden and the Clinton's might go along with the Republicans more than I like but at least the aren't Republicans. I prefer Democrats even DINO's to Republicans.
“This is a shameless lifestyle underwritten for years by a gaggle of fawning billionaires,” Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) wrote on Twitter. “Justices Thomas and [Samuel] Alito have made it clear that they’re oblivious to the embarrassment they’ve visited on the highest court in the land.”

He said that if the court wouldn’t reform itself, Congress should step in and do it for them.

But other lawmakers went even further, calling for Thomas to step down.

“Thomas takes cash bribes while crushing your freedoms,” Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-N.J.) wrote on Twitter. “He’s corrupt as hell and should resign today.”
Others also called on him to pack up his robes:

Would billionaires have given Justice Clarence Thomas massive gifts if he was just a law clerk? NO. That’s what makes this corrupt. They were seeking to curry favor with Justice Thomas, either directly or indirectly. And Justice Thomas violated the law in accepting the gifts.

Justice Thomas has brought shame upon himself and the United States Supreme Court with his acceptance of massive, repeated and undisclosed gifts. No government official, elected or unelected, could ethically or legally accept gifts of that scale. He should resign immediately.

The Thomas scandal has led to growing call for ethics reform of the court ― but at least one justice has bristled publicly at the notion of Congress stepping in.
“No provision in the Constitution gives them the authority to regulate the Supreme Court,” Associate Justice Samuel Alito told the Wall Street Journal last month. “Period.”

I've not argued it wasn't corrupt.
Biden and the Clinton's might go along with the Republicans more than I like but at least the aren't Republicans. I prefer Democrats even DINO's to Republicans.

All well and fine. I expect more to get my vote.
“This is a shameless lifestyle underwritten for years by a gaggle of fawning billionaires,” Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) wrote on Twitter. “Justices Thomas and [Samuel] Alito have made it clear that they’re oblivious to the embarrassment they’ve visited on the highest court in the land.”

He said that if the court wouldn’t reform itself, Congress should step in and do it for them.
All well and fine. I expect more to get my vote.

In the 90's when the economy was rocking for the middle class did you care that our government was "corrupt"? Nope. Because they are all corrupt to some extent. Power corrupts. But how is everyone doing? I believe from the New Deal to today, the world has never seen such a big happy successful middle class. Yes I said till today. Even though since the late 70's the rich and corporations have waged war on the middle class. We made too much and had it too good. Job security. Pensions. Labor laws.

But corporations and the rich don't like any of that. Those things cut into profits. And as a shareholder a lot of us workers went along because we have 401K's. Yes remember that argument? Don't you have a 401K? Then you should like buying cheap shit from China because it's making your investments and corporations more money. You want to bring jobs home? That's not going to be good for your stocks.

Anyways, from 1978 to today union membership went from 35% of our workers being in unions to today, where it's about 9%. So workers don't have a seat at the table anymore. We have no power. So it's no coincident in the same time, CEO pay went up 1322% and our pay only went up 18%. Who is going to argue? 9%? Good luck with that.

When Clinton signed NAFTA, a bill Republicans invented and supported, at least Clinton put in some worker and environmental protections before he signed it. Bush didn't put those in. And then his son removed those protections.

So you may expect more from Democrats but you shouldn't. It's the system we are in. The question is, do you believe the middle class has it too good? Because that's what Republicans told us when they broke the unions and sent those jobs overseas. Did you lose your job to a Mexican worker or did your stock go up because the company is more profitable manufacturing in Mexico?
Hillary wasn't a bad candidate. Besides the fact Republicans have been afraid of her since Bill was POTUS and they knew she might run for POTUS someday so they trashed her for 20 years.

Remember, you HATE her just as much as you hate Kamala, Pelosi, Whitmer, etc... Just because your 20 year smear campaign worked doesn't mean she was an awful candidate. Women are stupid. Seriously. Women don't support women. Where did that get them? It got them Trump appointing judges that took their right to abortion away. And now we see that isn't even popular in red states. And the funny thing is, I think Trump even said he would treat abortion as a crime. I think he told us he would support that. And women didn't believe he could/would do it. Well, he did.

You guys ran a seriously flawed candidate and it didn't hurt you. LOL.

Hillary wasn't a bad candidate.

She was awful!

Just because your 20 year smear campaign worked doesn't mean she was an awful candidate.

Smeared her with the truth.
Lack of a backbone from the gop
BULLSHIT! They'd LOVE to impeach him. Don't the Democrats control the Senate? So it would be simply payback for doing it to Trump. Only problem is the American people will see the Biden impeachment is a joke and notice it's happening when Trump is on trial for his life. In 4 separate cases.

This isn't a joke. This isn't politics. These 4 indictments aren't witch hunts. If they were we'd all know it. The fact is, half the GOP knows/admits Trump is guilty too. But if they speak up you call them RINO's, vote them out of office or threaten their lives.

Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, his wife, Tricia, and their family received threats of violence months after the election that former President Donald Trump falsely claims was riddled with fraud, Tricia Raffensperger told Reuters in an exclusive interview.

Tricia Raffensperger, whose husband became persona non grata within his state GOP for stating that President Joe Biden won Georgia in November, told Reuters about the intimidation and shared threatening text messages sent to her in April.

“You and your family will be killed very slowly,” read one anonymous text Tricia Raffensperger told Reuters was sent on April 24.

It would be "playing politics" and a "sweatheart deal" if we didn't charge Trump.
Republican reply when we say Trump is a criminal that should go to jail. So is Joe. LOL. Not even close. And didn't they say the same thing about Hillary? Keep in mind Team Trump used private phones, emails and servers too to do official business. Fucking hypocrites. Lock her up? No. Lock you up for thinking that Hillary using a private server gives you a free pass to break all kinds of laws. To commit treason.

And for the record, Bush deleted a lot of emails too as I recall. Did Republicans care? Nope. So Republicans are very selective. Imagine a liberal judge doing what Clarence Thomas and Alito are doing rubbing elbows with the billionaires we already suspected had them in their pockets.
In the 90's when the economy was rocking for the middle class did you care that our government was "corrupt"? Nope. Because they are all corrupt to some extent. Power corrupts. But how is everyone doing? I believe from the New Deal to today, the world has never seen such a big happy successful middle class. Yes I said till today. Even though since the late 70's the rich and corporations have waged war on the middle class. We made too much and had it too good. Job security. Pensions. Labor laws.

But corporations and the rich don't like any of that. Those things cut into profits. And as a shareholder a lot of us workers went along because we have 401K's. Yes remember that argument? Don't you have a 401K? Then you should like buying cheap shit from China because it's making your investments and corporations more money. You want to bring jobs home? That's not going to be good for your stocks.

Anyways, from 1978 to today union membership went from 35% of our workers being in unions to today, where it's about 9%. So workers don't have a seat at the table anymore. We have no power. So it's no coincident in the same time, CEO pay went up 1322% and our pay only went up 18%. Who is going to argue? 9%? Good luck with that.

When Clinton signed NAFTA, a bill Republicans invented and supported, at least Clinton put in some worker and environmental protections before he signed it. Bush didn't put those in. And then his son removed those protections.

So you may expect more from Democrats but you shouldn't. It's the system we are in. The question is, do you believe the middle class has it too good? Because that's what Republicans told us when they broke the unions and sent those jobs overseas. Did you lose your job to a Mexican worker or did your stock go up because the company is more profitable manufacturing in Mexico?

I've complained about a corrupt government for a long time. I supported Ron Paul back when you were considered even more fring than today.

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