Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire.

BULLSHIT! They'd LOVE to impeach him. Don't the Democrats control the Senate? So it would be simply payback for doing it to Trump. Only problem is the American people will see the Biden impeachment is a joke and notice it's happening when Trump is on trial for his life. In 4 separate cases.

This isn't a joke. This isn't politics. These 4 indictments aren't witch hunts. If they were we'd all know it. The fact is, half the GOP knows/admits Trump is guilty too. But if they speak up you call them RINO's, vote them out of office or threaten their lives.

Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, his wife, Tricia, and their family received threats of violence months after the election that former President Donald Trump falsely claims was riddled with fraud, Tricia Raffensperger told Reuters in an exclusive interview.

Tricia Raffensperger, whose husband became persona non grata within his state GOP for stating that President Joe Biden won Georgia in November, told Reuters about the intimidation and shared threatening text messages sent to her in April.

“You and your family will be killed very slowly,” read one anonymous text Tricia Raffensperger told Reuters was sent on April 24.

It would be "playing politics" and a "sweatheart deal" if we didn't charge Trump.
Bullshit lack of a backbone
sealybobo I guess you can't find the legal definition of insurrection you lost
Are you suggesting Trump is an innocent man? So then it doesn't matter what the legal definition is. Trump is guilty of enough I don't care if he's being charged with insurrection. You know what he did. He tried to steal an election.

The funny thing is, Bush used every tactic Trump tried using. Only Bush did it all in one state. A lot easier to steal one state. But Trump attempted to either

a. Use tactics Bush used in 2000
b. Or he accused Democrats of doing what Bush did in 2000
Are you suggesting Trump is an innocent man? So then it doesn't matter what the legal definition is. Trump is guilty of enough I don't care if he's being charged with insurrection. You know what he did. He tried to steal an election.

The funny thing is, Bush used every tactic Trump tried using. Only Bush did it all in one state. A lot easier to steal one state. But Trump attempted to either

a. Use tactics Bush used in 2000
b. Or he accused Democrats of doing what Bush did in 2000
Give the legal definition of insurrection
I have to think this will get interesting. Thomas has taken a ton of trips paid for by a billionaire campaign donor.

On the surface this appears to be in violations of federal law when he reported none of them.

IN LATE JUNE 2019, right after the U.S. Supreme Court released its final opinion of the term, Justice Clarence Thomas boarded a large private jet headed to Indonesia. He and his wife were going on vacation: nine days of island-hopping in a volcanic archipelago on a superyacht staffed by a coterie of attendants and a private chef.

If Thomas had chartered the plane and the 162-foot yacht himself, the total cost of the trip could have exceeded $500,000. Fortunately for him, that wasn’t necessary: He was on vacation with real estate magnate and Republican megadonor Harlan Crow, who owned the jet — and the yacht, too.....................................

.....................These trips appeared nowhere on Thomas’ financial disclosures. His failure to report the flights appears to violate a law passed after Watergate that requires justices, judges, members of Congress and federal officials to disclose most gifts, two ethics law experts said. He also should have disclosed his trips on the yacht, these experts said.

Clarence Thomas Secretly Accepted Luxury Trips From Major GOP Donor

A bought and paid for Supreme Court judge. That's the very definition of a banana republic. we have the actual truth....

ProPublica is at it again. On Aug. 10 the website, which styles itself “an independent, nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism with moral force,” published its latest hit piece against my friend Justice Clarence Thomas. The article focuses on three friends of Justice Thomas—Tony Novelly, David Sokol and Wayne Huizenga—and gets significant facts wrong.

The story makes much of Mr. Novelly’s 126-foot yacht, the Le Montrachet, which he takes on fishing expeditions in the Bahamas. ProPublica claims to have found that Justice Thomas took “a previously unreported voyage on a yacht around the Bahamas.” Justice Thomas tells me he has never seen this yacht and hasn’t been to the Bahamas since the 1980s, before he joined the high court. A senior official with the Novelly organization confirmed that its records show Justice Thomas was never a passenger on any yacht owned by Mr. Novelly.

Mr. Novelly co-owned a different yacht, the Daybreak, with Mr. Sokol. That boat was docked at Mr. Sokol’s home in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., when Justice Thomas visited in 2018. Mr. Sokol and Justice Thomas have both confirmed that Justice Thomas walked onto the boat, got a tour of the engine room, and left within 30 minutes. Mr. Novelly wasn’t there, and the boat never left the dock. That’s the only time he has set foot on a boat owned by Mr. Novelly.

As for Mr. Huizenga, ProPublica reports that in the early 2000s he “gave Thomas something that was priceless at the time: a standing invitation to his exclusive, members-only golf club”—but leaves out that Justice Thomas, who doesn’t play golf, declined the invitation. His only connection to the club is that he visited once a year, no more than five times in total, to have lunch with Mr. Huizenga when he traveled to Florida to visit Ginni Thomas’s parents, who lived in the Sunshine State. Justice Thomas’s in-laws came along for the lunches.

ProPublica also finds a scandal in Justice Thomas’s attending a University of Nebraska football game with Mr. Sokol and sitting in a suite hosted by former Nebraska coach and athletic director Tom Osborne. The reporters cite a “typical” suite’s annual price tag, $40,000, and quote an “ethics expert” saying that Justice Thomas should have reported this ticket as a gift. But the price of a ticket has nothing to do with the price of a suite.

The ticket price for Justice Thomas’s seats at this game was $65, based on information provided by the Nebraska Athletic Department.

There’s plenty of evidence about our president’s corruption.
No there isn't.

Thomas, the present Court's longest-serving member and most senior conservative failed to repay most if not all of a $267,230 loan from a wealthy friend

No there isn't.

Thomas, the present Court's longest-serving member and most senior conservative failed to repay most if not all of a $267,230 loan from a wealthy friend

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Where did the money come from for Jim to write that $200,000 check when prior to that he never had more than about $6000 in his checking account?

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