Class act..............George HW Bush note to Bill Clinton

How DARE the GOP try to do its job by Impeaching Bill Clinton, the 1st sitting US President dragged into court, who tried to strip an American citizen of their right to a fair trial, was found in Contemp of Court, and was stripped of his license to practice law.

Yup, it all went downhill from there.
Dear Bill,

When I walked into this office just now I felt the same sense of wonder and respect that I felt four years ago. I know you will feel that, too.

I wish you great happiness here. I never felt the loneliness some Presidents have described.

There will be very tough times, made even more difficult by criticism you may not think is fair. I’m not a very good one to give advice; but just don’t let the critics discourage you or push you off course.

You will be our President when you read this note. I wish you well. I wish your family well.

Your success is now our country’s success. I am rooting hard for you.

Good luck,

George HW Bush was a one world government guy and a fuck up, a career politician if there was a career politician. A spineless coward in his later years.
It's politicians just like him to have destroyed this country… Fact
The spineless fucking coward that he is, this is unforgivable.
Him raising taxes helped zero people… fact

There was a reason why HW Bush was a one term president he was a really shitty ass president and a liar… Unforgivable what he did. Raising those taxes for no reason whatsoever. Lol
Dear Bill,

When I walked into this office just now I felt the same sense of wonder and respect that I felt four years ago. I know you will feel that, too.

I wish you great happiness here. I never felt the loneliness some Presidents have described.

There will be very tough times, made even more difficult by criticism you may not think is fair. I’m not a very good one to give advice; but just don’t let the critics discourage you or push you off course.

You will be our President when you read this note. I wish you well. I wish your family well.

Your success is now our country’s success. I am rooting hard for you.

Good luck,

Wrong, classless
habitual lying is what he always did… LOL
As I said, in response to such a kind, thoughtful message of hope for his success the WHITE BILL COSBY raped/assaulted another woman or so, shoved a stogie up a woman's privates, lied to the world, was dragged into court (a 1st), was found in Contempt, was stripped of his license to practice law, and was Impeached....


...oh, and HIS ENABLER did her job, harassing, demonizing, threatening, and silencing his victims...

ALSO Classy...
Dear Bill,

When I walked into this office just now I felt the same sense of wonder and respect that I felt four years ago. I know you will feel that, too.

I wish you great happiness here. I never felt the loneliness some Presidents have described.

There will be very tough times, made even more difficult by criticism you may not think is fair. I’m not a very good one to give advice; but just don’t let the critics discourage you or push you off course.

You will be our President when you read this note. I wish you well. I wish your family well.

Your success is now our country’s success. I am rooting hard for you.

Good luck,


that used to be how normal politics worked in this country... then came the GOP house during the clinton presidency and they started everything going downhill... to be topped only by the rightwingnut disfunction during the obama presidency.... and their disgusting behavior during donald's campaign.

You should study American history. You might find it interesting.
I'm not only a leftist, I'm a socialist .. and the question that I've asked many on the left, What man has saved more black lives than any other human in the modern era, and he did it almost single-handedly.

Answer: George W. Bush

Eugene Robinson: George W. Bush’s greatest legacy — his battle against AIDS
Eugene Robinson: George W. Bush’s greatest legacy — his battle against AIDS

George W. Bush has saved millions upon millions of African lives through PEPFAR. Bush walked into the White House saying that he was going to do something serious about AIDS, and he did it .. even against the wished of many in his own party.

Bush has been better to Africa and Africans than Obama has.



He didn't do this for the cameras .. he did it from his heart.

I love this picture .. I see hope for this nation.

You do know he put the country in more debt for that foolishness, and those pictures are just posing. There's nothing sincere about career politicians. You're extremely gullible… LOL
Dear Bill,

When I walked into this office just now I felt the same sense of wonder and respect that I felt four years ago. I know you will feel that, too.

I wish you great happiness here. I never felt the loneliness some Presidents have described.

There will be very tough times, made even more difficult by criticism you may not think is fair. I’m not a very good one to give advice; but just don’t let the critics discourage you or push you off course.

You will be our President when you read this note. I wish you well. I wish your family well.

Your success is now our country’s success. I am rooting hard for you.

Good luck,


that used to be how normal politics worked in this country... then came the GOP house during the clinton presidency and they started everything going downhill... to be topped only by the rightwingnut disfunction during the obama presidency.... and their disgusting behavior during donald's campaign.
You're mistaken, the GOP are not conservatives. Dip shit
There was a reason why HW Bush was a one term president he was a really shitty ass president and a liar… Unforgivable what he did. Raising those taxes for no reason whatsoever. Lol

He was really the first one to kick his base (Conservatives) in the teeth, he also just quit running at the end of the was very odd....then consider Perot.
I'm not only a leftist, I'm a socialist .. and the question that I've asked many on the left, What man has saved more black lives than any other human in the modern era, and he did it almost single-handedly.

Answer: George W. Bush

Eugene Robinson: George W. Bush’s greatest legacy — his battle against AIDS
Eugene Robinson: George W. Bush’s greatest legacy — his battle against AIDS

George W. Bush has saved millions upon millions of African lives through PEPFAR. Bush walked into the White House saying that he was going to do something serious about AIDS, and he did it .. even against the wished of many in his own party.

Bush has been better to Africa and Africans than Obama has.



He didn't do this for the cameras .. he did it from his heart.

I love this picture .. I see hope for this nation.

You do know he put the country in more debt for that foolishness, and those pictures are just posing. There's nothing sincere about career politicians. You're extremely gullible… LOL
You fo know you're gull of shit, that Barry added nearly $7 trillion in new debt in only 4 years - more than every other President COMBINED - right?
Dear Bill,

When I walked into this office just now I felt the same sense of wonder and respect that I felt four years ago. I know you will feel that, too.

I wish you great happiness here. I never felt the loneliness some Presidents have described.

There will be very tough times, made even more difficult by criticism you may not think is fair. I’m not a very good one to give advice; but just don’t let the critics discourage you or push you off course.

You will be our President when you read this note. I wish you well. I wish your family well.

Your success is now our country’s success. I am rooting hard for you.

Good luck,

It is unfortunate that we have not had a Democrat president with class since God knows when. JFK was never succeeded while alive, so have to go back to the early 19th century.

Lets see...

JFK Class
LBJ No Class
Nixon No Class
Ford Class
Carter Class
Reagan Class
Bush 41 Class
Clinton Class
Bush 43 No Class
Obama Class

Does that help? believes you
Lets see...

JFK Class
LBJ No Class
Nixon No Class
Ford Class
Carter Class
Reagan Class
Bush 41 Class
Clinton Class
Bush 43 No Class
Obama Class

Does that help?

Nah not even close! You are mistaking "Star ego" for "CLASS" The "class" people you select EXCEPT for CARTER are GLOBAL RULING CLASS NWO egotist. Carter is the ONLY REAL DEMOCRAT on the list, Nixon was the BEST president of the bunch He could have been able to win the Vietnam war, and kept the liberal crying shit from wasting the lives of over 50,000 of our best young citizens like they did to 4,400 or so by leaving Iraq. So the "Class" is Not in the liberal lying shit court, they have no HONOR, and it take HONOR to have CLASS.
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Why can't you find a single Democrat you admire? It shows how twisted conservatives have become with their hatred of Democrats

I don't spend my days researching Democratic party politicians, looking for admirable qualities, beliefs, and ideologies (which would probably be like looking for a needle in a haystack).

I know the 'faces of the Democratic Party' - those you call 'leaders', the out-spoken, those who claim to represent the Party, those like:

Barak Obama
We could go through the laundry list of terrorists he has aided, the Constitutional Legal violations he has committed, etc but let's not re-hash that right now.

Hillary 'The Enabler' Clinton
Her laundry list of pay-to-play, corruption, Lies, crimes, and demonizing women are also widely reported in the media - no need to cover her in great detail, either.

Bill 'The White bill Cosby' Clinton
Bill, like his wife, is a corrupt POS. UNLIKE his wife, he is also a predatory sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and Pedophile who was Impeached as President after becoming the 1st President to be dragged into court while BEING President, trying to strip an American of her Constitutional Right to a Fair trial, and lying to the whole world - not just Americans.

Harry Reid
This POS refused to do his job, refusing to let legislation come to the floor for a vote - even bi-partisan legislation which resulted in him being rebuked by his own party members (as shown in the link I posted yesterday). He admitted to LYING about Romney's taxes in the election, and when he was asked why he did that he responded despicably by saying, 'It worked, didn't it?!' The ONLY reason he is not in JAIL right now - along with Julian Castro, for breaking the law is because the President protected him from indictment, declaring 'He is SORRY'. (Refresh my memory - WHEN exactly did that become a 'get out of jail free card'?)

Nancy Pelosi
This Socialist Dictator / Elitist-wannabe should now be famous for the 'FUCK YOU' she publicly delivered to the American people when she declared about the ACA - the minority-supported liberal piece of shitty mandated legislation Liberals rammed down the throats of the majority who opposed it - 'You don't have the RIGHT to know what is in legislation until it is passed!'

EXCUSE ME, BITCH?! Ever heard of the term 'WE THE PEOPLE', a Government 'of the people for the people, by the people', politicians being called 'servants of the people' not their MASTERS?! After saying this, this bitch should have immediately been removed from 'power'! This was a MASSIVE 'FUCK YOU' to the American people, and in response the American people either didn't catch it or responded to it as they have been conditioned to - just accepted it.

THESE are the most prominent Democrats 'out there' - the FACES of the Democratic NO, I can NOT name 1 Democrat I respect.

As usual....conservatives look at Democrats as ..the enemy

I have many Republicans who I respect. I don't agree with their political positions but I respect them as politicians.......Paul Ryan, John McCain, John Kasich...all good men

That started in the 80s. All of a sudden some conservatives started believing that anyone who doesn't share their views is their enemy.

It's only gotten worse since then.

Mature adults don't behave that way. We accept and welcome differences and different opinions. We know we're all Americans and in this together so we want to roll up our sleeves, try to find what we agree on and try to work things out for our nation.

Then We can all go to Disney World together… Fuck off
Bush 1 brought the NWO shit into the open, every Prez since has talked of the same thing. Most American's still deny it's reality but it's because it frightens them.
It is all there to see, right out in the open.
Why can't you find a single Democrat you admire? It shows how twisted conservatives have become with their hatred of Democrats

I don't spend my days researching Democratic party politicians, looking for admirable qualities, beliefs, and ideologies (which would probably be like looking for a needle in a haystack).

I know the 'faces of the Democratic Party' - those you call 'leaders', the out-spoken, those who claim to represent the Party, those like:

Barak Obama
We could go through the laundry list of terrorists he has aided, the Constitutional Legal violations he has committed, etc but let's not re-hash that right now.

Hillary 'The Enabler' Clinton
Her laundry list of pay-to-play, corruption, Lies, crimes, and demonizing women are also widely reported in the media - no need to cover her in great detail, either.

Bill 'The White bill Cosby' Clinton
Bill, like his wife, is a corrupt POS. UNLIKE his wife, he is also a predatory sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and Pedophile who was Impeached as President after becoming the 1st President to be dragged into court while BEING President, trying to strip an American of her Constitutional Right to a Fair trial, and lying to the whole world - not just Americans.

Harry Reid
This POS refused to do his job, refusing to let legislation come to the floor for a vote - even bi-partisan legislation which resulted in him being rebuked by his own party members (as shown in the link I posted yesterday). He admitted to LYING about Romney's taxes in the election, and when he was asked why he did that he responded despicably by saying, 'It worked, didn't it?!' The ONLY reason he is not in JAIL right now - along with Julian Castro, for breaking the law is because the President protected him from indictment, declaring 'He is SORRY'. (Refresh my memory - WHEN exactly did that become a 'get out of jail free card'?)

Nancy Pelosi
This Socialist Dictator / Elitist-wannabe should now be famous for the 'FUCK YOU' she publicly delivered to the American people when she declared about the ACA - the minority-supported liberal piece of shitty mandated legislation Liberals rammed down the throats of the majority who opposed it - 'You don't have the RIGHT to know what is in legislation until it is passed!'

EXCUSE ME, BITCH?! Ever heard of the term 'WE THE PEOPLE', a Government 'of the people for the people, by the people', politicians being called 'servants of the people' not their MASTERS?! After saying this, this bitch should have immediately been removed from 'power'! This was a MASSIVE 'FUCK YOU' to the American people, and in response the American people either didn't catch it or responded to it as they have been conditioned to - just accepted it.

THESE are the most prominent Democrats 'out there' - the FACES of the Democratic NO, I can NOT name 1 Democrat I respect.

As usual....conservatives look at Democrats as ..the enemy

I have many Republicans who I respect. I don't agree with their political positions but I respect them as politicians.......Paul Ryan, John McCain, John Kasich...all good men

That started in the 80s. All of a sudden some conservatives started believing that anyone who doesn't share their views is their enemy.

It's only gotten worse since then.

Mature adults don't behave that way. We accept and welcome differences and different opinions. We know we're all Americans and in this together so we want to roll up our sleeves, try to find what we agree on and try to work things out for our nation.

Ron Reagan and Tip O'Neil were bitter political enemies. They were polar opposites on every issue. But they actually enjoyed each others company and used that to work out political compromises

Something that Republicans who look at Democrats as the devil cannot do
Most people learned in grade school but it takes two to fight you dumbass motherfucker. Of course you're too busy sucking Obamas dick… LOL
Why can't you find a single Democrat you admire? It shows how twisted conservatives have become with their hatred of Democrats

I don't spend my days researching Democratic party politicians, looking for admirable qualities, beliefs, and ideologies (which would probably be like looking for a needle in a haystack).

I know the 'faces of the Democratic Party' - those you call 'leaders', the out-spoken, those who claim to represent the Party, those like:

Barak Obama
We could go through the laundry list of terrorists he has aided, the Constitutional Legal violations he has committed, etc but let's not re-hash that right now.

Hillary 'The Enabler' Clinton
Her laundry list of pay-to-play, corruption, Lies, crimes, and demonizing women are also widely reported in the media - no need to cover her in great detail, either.

Bill 'The White bill Cosby' Clinton
Bill, like his wife, is a corrupt POS. UNLIKE his wife, he is also a predatory sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and Pedophile who was Impeached as President after becoming the 1st President to be dragged into court while BEING President, trying to strip an American of her Constitutional Right to a Fair trial, and lying to the whole world - not just Americans.

Harry Reid
This POS refused to do his job, refusing to let legislation come to the floor for a vote - even bi-partisan legislation which resulted in him being rebuked by his own party members (as shown in the link I posted yesterday). He admitted to LYING about Romney's taxes in the election, and when he was asked why he did that he responded despicably by saying, 'It worked, didn't it?!' The ONLY reason he is not in JAIL right now - along with Julian Castro, for breaking the law is because the President protected him from indictment, declaring 'He is SORRY'. (Refresh my memory - WHEN exactly did that become a 'get out of jail free card'?)

Nancy Pelosi
This Socialist Dictator / Elitist-wannabe should now be famous for the 'FUCK YOU' she publicly delivered to the American people when she declared about the ACA - the minority-supported liberal piece of shitty mandated legislation Liberals rammed down the throats of the majority who opposed it - 'You don't have the RIGHT to know what is in legislation until it is passed!'

EXCUSE ME, BITCH?! Ever heard of the term 'WE THE PEOPLE', a Government 'of the people for the people, by the people', politicians being called 'servants of the people' not their MASTERS?! After saying this, this bitch should have immediately been removed from 'power'! This was a MASSIVE 'FUCK YOU' to the American people, and in response the American people either didn't catch it or responded to it as they have been conditioned to - just accepted it.

THESE are the most prominent Democrats 'out there' - the FACES of the Democratic NO, I can NOT name 1 Democrat I respect.

As usual....conservatives look at Democrats as ..the enemy

I have many Republicans who I respect. I don't agree with their political positions but I respect them as politicians.......Paul Ryan, John McCain, John Kasich...all good men
Yeah, HW has always been a class act. Gracious, dignified, professional, respectful, thoughtful, well-spoken.

In many ways, like the President he served as veep.

All qualities currently not held in high regard by his party, sadly.
He is/was a career politician, the lowest of life forms… LOL

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