Class act..............George HW Bush note to Bill Clinton

Why can't you find a single Democrat you admire? It shows how twisted conservatives have become with their hatred of Democrats

I don't spend my days researching Democratic party politicians, looking for admirable qualities, beliefs, and ideologies (which would probably be like looking for a needle in a haystack).

I know the 'faces of the Democratic Party' - those you call 'leaders', the out-spoken, those who claim to represent the Party, those like:

Barak Obama
We could go through the laundry list of terrorists he has aided, the Constitutional Legal violations he has committed, etc but let's not re-hash that right now.

Hillary 'The Enabler' Clinton
Her laundry list of pay-to-play, corruption, Lies, crimes, and demonizing women are also widely reported in the media - no need to cover her in great detail, either.

Bill 'The White bill Cosby' Clinton
Bill, like his wife, is a corrupt POS. UNLIKE his wife, he is also a predatory sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and Pedophile who was Impeached as President after becoming the 1st President to be dragged into court while BEING President, trying to strip an American of her Constitutional Right to a Fair trial, and lying to the whole world - not just Americans.

Harry Reid
This POS refused to do his job, refusing to let legislation come to the floor for a vote - even bi-partisan legislation which resulted in him being rebuked by his own party members (as shown in the link I posted yesterday). He admitted to LYING about Romney's taxes in the election, and when he was asked why he did that he responded despicably by saying, 'It worked, didn't it?!' The ONLY reason he is not in JAIL right now - along with Julian Castro, for breaking the law is because the President protected him from indictment, declaring 'He is SORRY'. (Refresh my memory - WHEN exactly did that become a 'get out of jail free card'?)

Nancy Pelosi
This Socialist Dictator / Elitist-wannabe should now be famous for the 'FUCK YOU' she publicly delivered to the American people when she declared about the ACA - the minority-supported liberal piece of shitty mandated legislation Liberals rammed down the throats of the majority who opposed it - 'You don't have the RIGHT to know what is in legislation until it is passed!'

EXCUSE ME, BITCH?! Ever heard of the term 'WE THE PEOPLE', a Government 'of the people for the people, by the people', politicians being called 'servants of the people' not their MASTERS?! After saying this, this bitch should have immediately been removed from 'power'! This was a MASSIVE 'FUCK YOU' to the American people, and in response the American people either didn't catch it or responded to it as they have been conditioned to - just accepted it.

THESE are the most prominent Democrats 'out there' - the FACES of the Democratic NO, I can NOT name 1 Democrat I respect.

As usual....conservatives look at Democrats as ..the enemy

I have many Republicans who I respect. I don't agree with their political positions but I respect them as politicians.......Paul Ryan, John McCain, John Kasich...all good men

That started in the 80s. All of a sudden some conservatives started believing that anyone who doesn't share their views is their enemy.

It's only gotten worse since then.

Mature adults don't behave that way. We accept and welcome differences and different opinions. We know we're all Americans and in this together so we want to roll up our sleeves, try to find what we agree on and try to work things out for our nation.

Then We can all go to Disney World together… Fuck off
Onve again Libs have to resort to false narratives, Rustic.

The ones who ended the idea that it was ok to agree to disagree were the libs. The proof today is Obama spying on Americans, Barry sending out his DOJ to threaten 1st Amendment Rights of anyone talking 'bad' about Muslims, using the IRS as a weapon against American citizens Barry called his 'political ENEMIES'...

Again, as I mentioned, one of the new favorite tactics of libs is to ACCUSE others of what THEY are actually doing.
Can you name a single Democrat that Conservatives say they admire?

John F Kennedy, but of course by today's standards he would be labeled a Republican.

Kennedy has been dead for 50 years. As I remember, Conservatives of the time called him a Communist. Now he is a hero

Can you name a single Democrat that you admire TODAY. I can name several Republicans
He was one of the most corrupt politicians of all-time. dumbass
Can you name a single Democrat that Conservatives say they admire?
Nice diatribe about Kennedy and Republicans. You asked me to name a Democrat I respect. I named one. Have a nice day.

Dead 50 years...It would be like me saying Lincoln is a Republican I admire

Why can't you find a single Democrat you admire? It shows how twisted conservatives have become with their hatred of Democrats
There's no such thing as a good person that is a career politician. Dip shit
Like MOST politicians / Presidents he had his good and bad points. He wasn't a pussy like most libs today...
Why can't you find a single Democrat you admire? It shows how twisted conservatives have become with their hatred of Democrats

I don't spend my days researching Democratic party politicians, looking for admirable qualities, beliefs, and ideologies (which would probably be like looking for a needle in a haystack).

I know the 'faces of the Democratic Party' - those you call 'leaders', the out-spoken, those who claim to represent the Party, those like:

Barak Obama
We could go through the laundry list of terrorists he has aided, the Constitutional Legal violations he has committed, etc but let's not re-hash that right now.

Hillary 'The Enabler' Clinton
Her laundry list of pay-to-play, corruption, Lies, crimes, and demonizing women are also widely reported in the media - no need to cover her in great detail, either.

Bill 'The White bill Cosby' Clinton
Bill, like his wife, is a corrupt POS. UNLIKE his wife, he is also a predatory sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and Pedophile who was Impeached as President after becoming the 1st President to be dragged into court while BEING President, trying to strip an American of her Constitutional Right to a Fair trial, and lying to the whole world - not just Americans.

Harry Reid
This POS refused to do his job, refusing to let legislation come to the floor for a vote - even bi-partisan legislation which resulted in him being rebuked by his own party members (as shown in the link I posted yesterday). He admitted to LYING about Romney's taxes in the election, and when he was asked why he did that he responded despicably by saying, 'It worked, didn't it?!' The ONLY reason he is not in JAIL right now - along with Julian Castro, for breaking the law is because the President protected him from indictment, declaring 'He is SORRY'. (Refresh my memory - WHEN exactly did that become a 'get out of jail free card'?)

Nancy Pelosi
This Socialist Dictator / Elitist-wannabe should now be famous for the 'FUCK YOU' she publicly delivered to the American people when she declared about the ACA - the minority-supported liberal piece of shitty mandated legislation Liberals rammed down the throats of the majority who opposed it - 'You don't have the RIGHT to know what is in legislation until it is passed!'

EXCUSE ME, BITCH?! Ever heard of the term 'WE THE PEOPLE', a Government 'of the people for the people, by the people', politicians being called 'servants of the people' not their MASTERS?! After saying this, this bitch should have immediately been removed from 'power'! This was a MASSIVE 'FUCK YOU' to the American people, and in response the American people either didn't catch it or responded to it as they have been conditioned to - just accepted it.

THESE are the most prominent Democrats 'out there' - the FACES of the Democratic NO, I can NOT name 1 Democrat I respect.

As usual....conservatives look at Democrats as ..the enemy

I have many Republicans who I respect. I don't agree with their political positions but I respect them as politicians.......Paul Ryan, John McCain, John Kasich...all good men

That started in the 80s. All of a sudden some conservatives started believing that anyone who doesn't share their views is their enemy.

It's only gotten worse since then.

Mature adults don't behave that way. We accept and welcome differences and different opinions. We know we're all Americans and in this together so we want to roll up our sleeves, try to find what we agree on and try to work things out for our nation.

Then We can all go to Disney World together… Fuck off
Onve again Libs have to resort to false narratives, Rustic.

The ones who ended the idea that it was ok to agree to disagree were the libs. The proof today is Obama spying on Americans, Barry sending out his DOJ to threaten 1st Amendment Rights of anyone talking 'bad' about Muslims, using the IRS as a weapon against American citizens Barry called his 'political ENEMIES'...

Again, as I mentioned, one of the new favorite tactics of libs is to ACCUSE others of what THEY are actually doing.

paid shills for dumb donald who repeat conspiracy theories from breitbart, drudge and infowars really shouldn't talk about resorting to false narratives.
paid shills for dumb donald who repeat conspiracy theories from breitbart, drudge and infowars really shouldn't talk about resorting to false narratives.
Talking out your ass still, I see, Jilly. As proof....


That's the 3rd request...PUT UP or STFU.

I'm betting you won't do EITHER.

Well I guess all of the shit that is coming out of WikiLeaks was made up too wasn't it? even though it is backed up by direct IP evidence and location technology, as anything supplied by them always is. The lying stupid asses in the clinton campaign think that all of us are as stupid as the people who would support a PROVEN lying, thieving, treasonist, criminal for streetsweeper, much less POTUS. Too much fire in the treason camp this time. ghwb was a previous director of the CIA, and had many people still in his court. He did not need to be president to have more actual power than clinton, he had it for years after he left the POTUS seat without the oversite.
Can you name a single Democrat that Conservatives say they admire?

John F Kennedy, but of course by today's standards he would be labeled a Republican.

Kennedy has been dead for 50 years. As I remember, Conservatives of the time called him a Communist. Now he is a hero

Can you name a single Democrat that you admire TODAY. I can name several Republicans
He was one of the most corrupt politicians of all-time. dumbass

ghwb Honorable service, but all NWO subscribers are dedicated to subjugating the common man into ONE worker class.
The spineless fucking coward that he is,...

Famous Veterans: George H. Bush |

"Bush enlisted in the U.S. Navy on his 18th birthday, June 12, 1942, as a Seaman 2nd Class."

"On September 2, 1944, Bush was assigned to take out a radio station located in the Bonin Islands. In the course of the action, Bush's plane was hit with enemy fire. Though the plane was on fire, he completed his strafing run on the targeted Japanese installation ... Bush was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and three Air Medals. ....."

And you?
The spineless fucking coward that he is,...

Famous Veterans: George H. Bush |

"Bush enlisted in the U.S. Navy on his 18th birthday, June 12, 1942, as a Seaman 2nd Class."

"On September 2, 1944, Bush was assigned to take out a radio station located in the Bonin Islands. In the course of the action, Bush's plane was hit with enemy fire. Though the plane was on fire, he completed his strafing run on the targeted Japanese installation ... Bush was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and three Air Medals. ....."

And you?
He is and was a career politician, THE lowest of life forms
The spineless fucking coward that he is,...

Famous Veterans: George H. Bush |

"Bush enlisted in the U.S. Navy on his 18th birthday, June 12, 1942, as a Seaman 2nd Class."

"On September 2, 1944, Bush was assigned to take out a radio station located in the Bonin Islands. In the course of the action, Bush's plane was hit with enemy fire. Though the plane was on fire, he completed his strafing run on the targeted Japanese installation ... Bush was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and three Air Medals. ....."

And you?
...And he's a lying sack of shit

The spineless fucking coward that he is,...

Famous Veterans: George H. Bush |

"Bush enlisted in the U.S. Navy on his 18th birthday, June 12, 1942, as a Seaman 2nd Class."

"On September 2, 1944, Bush was assigned to take out a radio station located in the Bonin Islands. In the course of the action, Bush's plane was hit with enemy fire. Though the plane was on fire, he completed his strafing run on the targeted Japanese installation ... Bush was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and three Air Medals. ....."

And you?
He is and was a career politician, THE lowest of life forms

He spent his entire working life serving his country. You?
The spineless fucking coward that he is,...

Famous Veterans: George H. Bush |

"Bush enlisted in the U.S. Navy on his 18th birthday, June 12, 1942, as a Seaman 2nd Class."

"On September 2, 1944, Bush was assigned to take out a radio station located in the Bonin Islands. In the course of the action, Bush's plane was hit with enemy fire. Though the plane was on fire, he completed his strafing run on the targeted Japanese installation ... Bush was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and three Air Medals. ....."

And you?

The spineless fucking coward that he is,...

Famous Veterans: George H. Bush |

"Bush enlisted in the U.S. Navy on his 18th birthday, June 12, 1942, as a Seaman 2nd Class."

"On September 2, 1944, Bush was assigned to take out a radio station located in the Bonin Islands. In the course of the action, Bush's plane was hit with enemy fire. Though the plane was on fire, he completed his strafing run on the targeted Japanese installation ... Bush was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and three Air Medals. ....."

And you?
He is and was a career politician, THE lowest of life forms

He spent his entire working life serving his country. You?
All you need to know about George HW Bush is in this video,he's a lying sack of shit. Raising taxes never helps anybody… Fact

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