Classic Case: FBI Inspector General report/Bias & Conspiracy Theories

Did the FBI's Inspector General Find Bias?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Don't Know

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VIP Member
Jun 7, 2018
The conspiracy is that the FBI was biased against DJT during the 2016 campaign

You have a president who is obviously triggered by the littlest reference to himself that he views as negative, whether meant jokingly or not. He has proven himself prone to easy belief in conspiracy theories on 91 & President Obama's birth and religious faith

Witness his latest insane Tweets


Weird thing about his world of magical thinking is, he believes he can persuade others that Comey was biased - against him. When we know Comey's public comments were biased against Hillary

{ Trump praised a Wall Street Journal op-ed by David Rivkin and Elizabeth Price Foley, two conservative legal apparatchiks.

1. The jumping-off point for their defense of Trump is the recent FBI Inspector General report, which lambasted former director James Comey for evading Bureau protocol and announcing the reopening of the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails. While they concede that the report “found no evidence that then-FBI Director James Comey was trying to influence the election,” Comey confessed “that his election-eve decision to reopen the Clinton email investigation was motivated by a desire to protect her assumed presidency’s legitimacy.”

This finding of “bias” is the foundation for the argument. What they authors don’t acknowledge is that it was bias against Hillary Clinton. Yes, Comey was trying to safeguard the legitimacy of her presumably certain election. But what was he trying to safeguard it against? The conspiracy theories of the Republican Party, which was already ginning up a postelection campaign to discredit the election as “rigged.” }

Conspiracies about bias and use of The Big Lie. Will it work again, this time?

I'm starting to believe in a conspiracy. A conspiracy to make America into a one party state. Trumpism

Trump’s Latest and Most Insane New Theory For Shutting Down Mueller Probe
Former FBI official: IG report is wrong -- FBI officials were ...
The report on the FBI’s Hillary Clinton email investigation issued Thursday by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz confirms the gross misconduct of fired FBI Director James Comey, but – incredibly – fails to find any political bias in the actions of Comey and his inner circle.
I love it, two co-workers as lovers carrying on an affair, bragging and talking shit and it ends up being painted as a big conspiracy. I wonder who else was in on it.

Demand more personal emails! We need to discover more plotters and then spin it into a diabolical plan to make Hillary the Empress

but first we need to deal with how biased the FBI was against Hillary. Where is Glen Beck when we need him

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