Classified Document Time Line & Facts

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
1. The FBI raids Trump's Mar a Lago home on Aug 8, 2022 in an unprecedented move in history just before the midterm elections and it is plastered all over the news

2. Classified documents are found in Biden's possession just before the midterm elections but it is kept hush hush so that it will not make the news and, in fact, is kept hush hush for months

3. Biden defends the fact that classified documents were found at his home, declaring that his garage was locked

4. I've heard nothing from the media about Mar a Lago's doors being locked so, apparently they must have been unlocked LOL

No, we don't need any investigations of this.
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I think we all would agree that regardless of any other issue Biden needs to have his security clearance revoked because he has blatantly demonstrated that he doesn't abide by security requirements.
I think we all would agree that regardless of any other issue Biden needs to have his security clearance revoked because he has blatantly demonstrated that he doesn't abide by security requirements.
I agree and Biden should yank Trump's security clearance too.
1. The FBI raids Trump's Mar a Lago home on Aug 8, 2022 in an unprecedented move in history just before the midterm elections and it is plastered all over the news

2. Classified documents are found in Biden's possession just before the midterm elections but it is kept hush hush so that it will not make the news and, in fact, is kept hush hush for months

3. Biden defends the fact that classified documents were found at his home, declaring that his garage was locked

4. I've heard nothing from the media about Mar a Lago's doors being locked so, apparently they must have been unlocked LOL

No, we don't need any investigations of this.

1. This is due to him refusing to hand them back over to the NA.

2. Once they were found, they were returned. Thus no need for an FBI search.

3. Biden is an idiot and should be booted from office over this. When he talks about it, he just makes it worse on himself.

4. Good bet they were.
I think we all would agree that regardless of any other issue Biden needs to have his security clearance revoked because he has blatantly demonstrated that he doesn't abide by security requirements.

But as we have been told endlessly, the POTUS is the final authority on security clearances, thus there is nobody that has the authority to revoke it
I think we all would agree that regardless of any other issue Biden needs to have his security clearance revoked because he has blatantly demonstrated that he doesn't abide by security requirements.
Sigh, elected representatives, senators, POTUS, and VP do not need a security clearance....They are considered "vetted" by the electorate.....of course we all know that is folly.

It's up to congressional leaders to keep those they suspect will be a security risk off certain committees and POTUS to keep people in his sphere of influence away if they have issues.
I agree and Biden should yank Trump's security clearance too.
Trump's lawyers would argue that as President he had a right to de-classify the documents, which would make him immune to the security requirements.

Biden, as VP, had no such authority so therefore a blatant disregard of the law and a criminal offense and certainly worthy of losing his access to classified information.
I think we all would agree that regardless of any other issue Biden needs to have his security clearance revoked because he has blatantly demonstrated that he doesn't abide by security requirements.
While others might gain unauthorized access to Biden's classified documents, I don't think we have to worry about Biden remembering anything that was in them.
1. This is due to him refusing to hand them back over to the NA.

2. Once they were found, they were returned. Thus no need for an FBI search.

3. Biden is an idiot and should be booted from office over this. When he talks about it, he just makes it worse on himself.

4. Good bet they were.
2. Trump's classified documents were made public just before the midterms so that it could be plastered all over the news. Biden's classified documents, even though discovered before the midterms, were withheld from the public so that they did not make the news before the midterm elections.
2. Trump's classified documents were made public just before the midterms so that it could be plastered all over the news. Biden's classified documents, even though discovered before the midterms, were withheld from the public so that they did not make the news before the midterm elections.

Trump's drama with the documents goes back to at least Feb of 2022.
They had been news for close to a year.
The fact remains that Trump's documents and raid were plastered on the news before the midterm elections while Biden's were purposely shoved under the rug so that they did not make the news before the midterm elections, even though they were discovered before the midterms.
Trump's lawyers would argue that as President he had a right to de-classify the documents, which would make him immune to the security requirements.

Biden, as VP, had no such authority so therefore a blatant disregard of the law and a criminal offense and certainly worthy of losing his access to classified information.
Also, if you check the arrival of these documents at MAL, they accompanied Trump on his flight there while he was still president and before Poopeypants was officially sworn in(13 minutes early by the way, an illegal act). So make all the arguments you want for him not returning them/some of them as ordered by the Archives, but he certainly had every right to them and their arrival at MAL.
I think we all would agree that regardless of any other issue Biden needs to have his security clearance revoked because he has blatantly demonstrated that he doesn't abide by security requirements.
Too funny. I've spent years reading posts by Trump folks about how the President need no 'security clearance'...that The President cannot be charged with having classified documents..because, as the President, he can do no wrong. That the President defines the rules, in the moment--as to classification and dissemination.
So what changed? Sorry..rhetorical. Perhaps Biden should pardon himself...his VP self?

You literally cannot revoke the President's security clearance//because he needs none, right? So you all have said, time and time again.

Ahh..memory lane:

A career official in the White House security office says dozens of people in President Donald Trump's administration were granted security clearances despite "disqualifying issues" in their backgrounds, such as concerns about foreign influence, drug use and criminal conduct.
Tricia Newbold, an 18-year government employee who oversees the issuance of clearances for some senior White House aides, says she compiled a list of at least 25 officials who were initially denied security clearances last year because of their backgrounds. But she says senior Trump aides overturned those decisions, moves that she said weren't made "in the best interest of national security."
Newbold's allegations were detailed in a letter and memo released Monday by Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, chairman of the House Oversight and Reform committee. Cummings panel has been investigating security clearances issued to senior officials including Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, former national security adviser Michael Flynn, and former White House aide Rob Porter.

The documents don't identify the officials on Newbold's list but they note that two are "current senior White House officials."

If acquiring security clearances are so challenging in background cases, how did Donald Trump pass it?
He didn’t, and definitely wouldn’t*, but he doesn’t have or need one, as all security clearances stem from the president.
No one could possibly tell the elected head of the executive branch that his background is too shady to see Top Secret materials produced (or obtained) by the executive branch. The intelligence community produces an intelligence product and the POTUS is known as the “First Customer.” There’s no question that he gets access as needed. The upside of that is that it doesn’t allow unelected people to overrule the judgment of the voters and prevent a president from information vital to his/her job. The downside, of course, is that the voters can make a mistake and empower the wrong individual, but that’s the risk of democracy.
The president has the authority to see anything and even to declassify or give clearances to those deemed inappropriate to have them.

This is why the current president was able to declassify materials for political reasons, and to overrule the decisions of career professionals who determined his daughter and son-in-law couldn’t be trusted with classified information.
Also, if you check the arrival of these documents at MAL, they accompanied Trump on his flight there while he was still president and before Poopeypants was officially sworn in(13 minutes early by the way, an illegal act). So make all the arguments you want for him not returning them/some of them as ordered by the Archives, but he certainly had every right to them and their arrival at MAL.
Right now it ain't bout Trump.

It is about this idiot the Moon Bats let get away with stealing the 2020 election.

He is the one that has to answer for significant breaches in security. Some that may be treasonous with foreign interest.

Also, it has already been proven with he existing revelations that he can't be trusted with classified information so therefore he shouldn't have any more access to classified material. We are talking impeachment here.

Remember The Worthless Negro saying to never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to fuck things up?

Here is great example. He handed the American people a "Watergate" type scandal on a silver platter.

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