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Classified documents discovered at Mike Pence’s home in Indiana

Compared to the guy who told us all to inject bleach for Covid?
I never got vaccinated or took bleach. You most likely believed Dr Fauci when he said the vaccine would prevent you from getting the virus. I was smart enough to not get vaccinated and didn't get the virus unlike the idiots like you that trusted that quack.
Right wing, bullshit propaganda. That's all that bullshit is, your Orange God is the one leaders from other countries was laughing at for the simple fact he was a cooked buffoon. That's why he is a ONE and DONE president.
Ya? Why did Putin invade Ukraine under Obama-Biden and again under Biden-Harris and not Trump-Pence? Why did several Islamic countries sign peace treaties with Israel with Trump as President? Many more were ready to sign up as well until Biden took over. Then, there was little Rocketman in NK that was threatening nuclear war with Obama-Biden and if Clinton was elected. That all stopped with Trump. When Trump dealt with Syria and Russia, they stopped as well. And, Germany with other European countries shaped up and started paying their fair share to NATO. Then, Canada and Mexico shaped up and worked out a much better treaty than what Clinton had done. Mexico had to stop the illegal alien crossings and fight the cartels as well or Trump was willing to let them hang alone without support. And, we were energy independent. See, Trump kept his promises. That's what politicians on both sides didn't like. He wasn't willing to play the game. I have a list of 26 pages of accomplishments of Trump that he kept his promises with. What Trump did wrong was not drain the swamp in all agencies of the Federal Government starting with the FBI, CIA, DOJ...
Uh, let's get real here. The two biggest government expenditures are Social Security and Medicare- programs that largely benefit middle class white people over the age of 65.

Um, except that unemployment is currently at 3.5% and the companies that normally employ people at minimum wage can't get people to work for them. The real problem with the minimum wage sector is that Covid (AKA TRUMP PLAGUE) blew the old model up. The old Model was that parents kicked their teenagers in the ass to go out and get a job and "learn some responsibility". Then Covid hit, and those same parents weren't that keen to expose their kids to a biological hazard.

Which, again, is an international problem caused by an increase demand for commodities.

And then Trump fucked up the response to Covid, and unemployment jumped to 14.8%, and Trump was the first president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss. Funny you guys keep leaving that part out.
SS and M benefit everyone who reaches a certain age and claim it. Nothing to do with middle class or the color of one's skin. Always trying to race bait. That's all you got.

Unemployment was lower with Trump especially with minorities and women. That's a fact.
Now, prove Trump started Covid19? That is just a stupid liberal race bait type of comment. And, Covid19 "Plague" is over. As you said, unemployment is low. So, why aren't young people working as much as they should? It's really simple economics. With raising the minimum wage to "living" wages, older people are taking the jobs young adults used to work in. So have illegal aliens as well. I go to most fast food places now and the age of the workers is much older than say 40-50 years ago. And, as wages are forced up by the Government, so are prices of goods and services including medical. Nice move Ex-Lax.

Why you try to move the goal posts with inflation to other countries is really pathetic. Biden is the problem with trade problems at ports. Such a dimwit. Parents are still having trouble finding baby formula.

Now, explain why Trump caused unemployment to jump? It wasn't his policies that shut down businesses forever! He was gone when most of this happened. When Trump left, Biden did nothing to change things in 2021. People finally began to rebel against the fascists (Fauci, Biden and others). Biden still wanted to keep things shut down. But, sane Governors like DeSantis never shut down and their economy did just fine without any more deaths than California in percentages. I suppose you still wear masks...
Ya? Why did Putin invade Ukraine under Obama-Biden and again under Biden-Harris and not Trump-Pence?
You talking about the Putin flunky?
Why did several Islamic countries sign peace treaties with Israel with Trump as President? Many more were ready to sign up as well until Biden took over.
Did Iran, Iraq, Syria or the Palestinians sign one?
Then, there was little Rocketman in NK that was threatening nuclear war with Obama-Biden and if Clinton was elected.
Why aren't we at war yet?
That all stopped with Trump. When Trump dealt with Syria and Russia, they stopped as well.
And, Germany with other European countries shaped up and started paying their fair share to NATO.
The new numbers were published Thursday in NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's annual report for 2021. While figures show more members of the Cold War-era military alliance are meeting their spending commitments, they confirm a complaint from some Republicans, and others, that member countries aren't paying their fair share.
Then, Canada and Mexico shaped up and worked out a much better treaty than what Clinton had done.
When is Mexico going to pay for the wall?
Mexico had to stop the illegal alien crossings and fight the cartels as well or Trump was willing to let them hang alone without support.
So why are right wingers whining about the border if Trump fixed it. Why are you whining about the cartels and drugs if Trump fixed it.
And, we were energy independent.
We have never been energy independent, right wing talking point.
See, Trump kept his promises.
That's what politicians on both sides didn't like. He wasn't willing to play the game. I have a list of 26 pages of accomplishments of Trump that he kept his promises with. What Trump did wrong was not drain the swamp in all agencies of the Federal Government starting with the FBI, CIA, DOJ...
Hard to drain the swamp, when you are the main creature swimming in it.
Wow, guy, all that mormon Brainwashing really did make you stupid, didn't it?

SS and M benefit everyone who reaches a certain age and claim it. Nothing to do with middle class or the color of one's skin. Always trying to race bait. That's all you got.

Uh, it has everything to do with class... If you are poor you are less likely to reach that age to even collect them, and the monetary benefits go far more to white people than people of color.

Unemployment was lower with Trump especially with minorities and women. That's a fact.
Until it wasn't. Unemployment has been declining since 2010, and it has less to do with any president's policy than it has to do with the mass retirement of baby boomers without enough Gen Z to replace them.

Now, prove Trump started Covid19? That is just a stupid liberal race bait type of comment. And, Covid19 "Plague" is over.

He didn't "start" it, but his criminal incompetence made it ten times worse than it needed to be.

As you said, unemployment is low. So, why aren't young people working as much as they should?

Who says they aren't? Are they less likely to knock themselves out for a job that doesn't pay well? Um, yeah, I guess. Can't really blame them, either.

It's really simple economics. With raising the minimum wage to "living" wages, older people are taking the jobs young adults used to work in. So have illegal aliens as well. I go to most fast food places now and the age of the workers is much older than say 40-50 years ago. And, as wages are forced up by the Government, so are prices of goods and services including medical. Nice move Ex-Lax.

Wow..so much wrong with this... so much. You think that someone who has already gained experience in another field is going to rush out and take a burger flipper job just because they started offering a "living wage" for it?

Now, rising wages ARE a factor in inflation, because of the aforementioned labor shortage. (Simplest solution, start fast tracking those immigrants into working jobs). But a bigger factor is in fact the global increase in the costs of commodities.

Why you try to move the goal posts with inflation to other countries is really pathetic. Biden is the problem with trade problems at ports. Such a dimwit. Parents are still having trouble finding baby formula.

Actually, if you worked in Supply Chain, as I have, you'd know we were having problems at the ports long before Biden got there. Part of the problem is that for years, we haven't expanded capacity at them. Another part of the problem is TRUMP PLAGUE took out a sizeable portion of that workforce.

Now, explain why Trump caused unemployment to jump? It wasn't his policies that shut down businesses forever! He was gone when most of this happened. When Trump left, Biden did nothing to change things in 2021.

Actually, Biden inherited an economy with 6% unemployment, he got it down to 3.5%. Trump incompetence in dealing with Covid killed all those businesses because it was impossible for small businesses to get promised loans.

People finally began to rebel against the fascists (Fauci, Biden and others). Biden still wanted to keep things shut down. But, sane Governors like DeSantis never shut down and their economy did just fine without any more deaths than California in percentages. I suppose you still wear masks...
Actually, Florida had the third highest number of Covid Deaths, far more than the states that did shut down except for CA and NY, which were the first hit.
Close aides to Mike Pence discovered about a dozen classified-marked documents stored in boxes at his home in Indiana last week and turned over the materials to the US justice department, according to a top adviser to the former vice-president.

The documents were inadvertently taken to Pence’s home at the end of the Donald Trump administration and Pence was unaware of their presence, his representative to the National Archives and former counsel Greg Jacob said in a letter.

The presence of sensitive papers in Pence’s home, weeks after similar discoveries at Biden’s properties and after the FBI seized hundreds of classified-marked documents from Donald Trump, also raises more questions about the management of sensitive government records.

Special counsels have been appointed to investigate Biden and Trump over the retention of such documents.

Jacob said in the letter, dated 18 January and first reported by CNN, that Pence hired an outside lawyer to search his home out of an abundance of caution after the discovery of classified-marked documents at Biden’s residence and a private office in Washington.

The letter added that the lawyer could not specify anything more about the documents – including the content, dates and classification level, which remain unclear – because he stopped looking as soon he saw the classified markings.

How do Trump Humpes, Republicans, right wingers, conservatives, etc. feel about classified documents being found at Pence's house?

Did Pence declassify these documents?

Are the Republicans in the House going to call for an investigation into these classified documents?

Let the hypocrisy begin.
I think, he should go to prison, just like Biden. A vice president doesn't have the authority to take classified documents. What's so hard about this?
I think, he should go to prison, just like Biden. A vice president doesn't have the authority to take classified documents. What's so hard about this?
It is hard because it isn’t true. Both the president and the VP as well as others with the appropriate clearance can access and remove classified material with the appropriate authorization.

Hillary got kid glove treatment when she had classified documents in her home. So will Biden and Pence. All three were allowed to have their lawyers search for classified documents, instead of the FBI doing it.

Truth be told though, Trump also got much better treatment than I would have gotten if I were suspected to have classified documents at my house. I once worked with classifed documents, a lot of them. That was decades ago. But if someone made an anonymous call to the FBI and told them I had a box of classified docs in my house, their would have gotten a warrant immediately and been at my house before the ink was dry.

Let's not pretend that it isn't a common practice for senior officials to take work home with them and a common practice for law enforcement to igore them doing so.
Wow, guy, all that mormon Brainwashing really did make you stupid, didn't it?

Uh, it has everything to do with class... If you are poor you are less likely to reach that age to even collect them, and the monetary benefits go far more to white people than people of color.

Until it wasn't. Unemployment has been declining since 2010, and it has less to do with any president's policy than it has to do with the mass retirement of baby boomers without enough Gen Z to replace them.

He didn't "start" it, but his criminal incompetence made it ten times worse than it needed to be.

Who says they aren't? Are they less likely to knock themselves out for a job that doesn't pay well? Um, yeah, I guess. Can't really blame them, either.

Wow..so much wrong with this... so much. You think that someone who has already gained experience in another field is going to rush out and take a burger flipper job just because they started offering a "living wage" for it?

Now, rising wages ARE a factor in inflation, because of the aforementioned labor shortage. (Simplest solution, start fast tracking those immigrants into working jobs). But a bigger factor is in fact the global increase in the costs of commodities.

Actually, if you worked in Supply Chain, as I have, you'd know we were having problems at the ports long before Biden got there. Part of the problem is that for years, we haven't expanded capacity at them. Another part of the problem is TRUMP PLAGUE took out a sizeable portion of that workforce.

Actually, Biden inherited an economy with 6% unemployment, he got it down to 3.5%. Trump incompetence in dealing with Covid killed all those businesses because it was impossible for small businesses to get promised loans.

Actually, Florida had the third highest number of Covid Deaths, far more than the states that did shut down except for CA and NY, which were the first hit.
Ian Malcolm can say it best...

Hillary got kid glove treatment when she had classified documents in her home. So will Biden and Pence. All three were allowed to have their lawyers search for classified documents, instead of the FBI doing it.

All three of them didn't spend years demonizing the FBI, like Trump did.

Truth be told though, Trump also got much better treatment than I would have gotten if I were suspected to have classified documents at my house. I once worked with classifed documents, a lot of them. That was decades ago. But if someone made an anonymous call to the FBI and told them I had a box of classified docs in my house, their would have gotten a warrant immediately and been at my house before the ink was dry.

As they should have been.

Let's not pretend that it isn't a common practice for senior officials to take work home with them and a common practice for law enforcement to igore them doing so.

Probably not, because mostly when you are a senior official, there's very little distinction between your home and office life.

So the real question here is, what was the INTENT of the principles involved in retaining documents after their service had ended.

In the case of Hillary, the documents in question were usually at the bottom of an email that someone else sent her electronically. She was careless in using her personal devices for government business, to be sure, but the government devices were probably about ten years behind in technology, and Condi Rice and Colin Powell did the same thing.

In the case of Biden and Pence, it's pretty clear that when clearing their offices, underlings packed documents in the wrong boxes. The Archives weren't even aware these documents were missing. Again. No criminal intent.

Trump, on the other hand, after being impeached twice and trying to overthrow democracy, snuck out of the White House with boxes he was directly told he wasn't allowed to have, and fought with the FBI for months before they finally got sick and tired of his shit and raided his home/golf club after his own family ratted him out.
No they don't. Both should be investigated.

This would throw a monkey wrench in the gears.

"Under an Obama-era executive order that retained a Bush-era order, vice presidents have the authority to classify and declassify documents — just like presidents"

Here is the EO. Under it, it states that Pres or VP can declassify documents. However, nowhere in the document does it state the VP can DECLASSIFY them. It only says they can classify them. That's how I read it. I'm not legal scholar, so I don't know.

Sec. 1.3. Classification Authority. (a) The authority to classify information originally may be exercised only by:

(1) the President and the Vice President;
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It is hard because it isn’t true. Both the president and the VP as well as others with the appropriate clearance can access and remove classified material with the appropriate authorization.

Lol, okay then Pence is okay, but Biden took classified documents when he was a senator. You gonna tell me now that senators have authority to take them?
I never believed that. I just knew that with the vaccine, my chances of getting the virus were reduced and if I did, it wouldn't be as severe.
I didn't get vaccinated and never caught the virus. Now what is your answer?

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