Cleaning Up Our ISIS Mess: POLL: Putin Gains Record Support Among Russians Over Syria...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Very sad that Russia and Iran are stuck cleaning up our awful mess in Syria. It's time for Americans to reconsider its Government's 'Regime Change' policy. It's unjust and unwise.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s public approval rating has reached a record 89.9 percent since he ordered his military to begin air strikes in support of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, according to a state-run polling center.

Support for Putin hit the new peak in an Oct. 17-18 poll of 1,600 people conducted in 46 regions of Russia, an increase of 3.3 percentage points from a similar survey a week earlier, the Russian Public Opinion Research Center, known as VTsIOM, said on its website Thursday. The margin of error was no greater than 3.5 percentage points.

“Against the background of the successful anti-terrorist operation in Syria, Vladimir Putin’s job approval rating has reached an historic high,” with a quarter of respondents citing the military campaign as the main reason for their support, according to VTsIOM. The president’s previous record-high rating was 89.1 percent reached in June, it said...

Putin Gains Record Support Among Russians Over Syria, Poll Shows
that's because he is actually doing something. The only people that give a fuck about the "CIA backed terrorists" are the CIA, our WH, hacks and other people that think an Islamic caliphate will be better.
I can't believe there are still people dumb enough to think Putin is in Syria to clean up ISIS.

Please tell me you people aren't actually that stupid and this topic is some kind of satire.
The Russian economy is crumbling, and Putin has the popularity of a rock star. Our economy is the best in the world and people are passing around lists of reasons to impeach Obama.

It's a crazy world.
I can't believe there are still people dumb enough to think Putin is in Syria to clean up ISIS.

Please tell me you people aren't actually that stupid and this topic is some kind of satire.
I am sure most people realize he is int here for selfish reasons. Like his pipeline.
But the fact remains, at least he is doing something :thup:
"Our" mess?

Maybe not you personally, but your Government absolutely.

So you're letting the rest of the "West" off the hook?

No. ISIS was created by American, Saudi, and British intelligence agencies. They wanted Assad dead. And now look at the horrific chaos they've created.

This is just one city in Syria. Some Russian drone footage. Shocking devastation.

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The British are the ones who divided the territory into Israel and Palestine. America didn't do that.
The other 11% in the poll and their families are presently missing, presumed dead. lol
"Our" mess?

Maybe not you personally, but your Government absolutely.

So you're letting the rest of the "West" off the hook?

We aren't the only country to interfere in their matters, that's for sure. :D In fact, IIRC, it was originally the Brits who started it all.

The U.S. is mainly responsible for the current bloody horror in the Middle East. Most Americans just can't accept that though. They've been duped into believing it's all for 'Freedom.' They truly believe their Government is the 'Good Guy.' Boy are they wrong.
Matt Drudge's has worn out his knee pad when it comes to Putin. I hope his fluffing hand still works. lol
I've been thinking a little about this, and when has America gone into other countries and tried to "colonize?" We haven't. We have never done that. Shouldn't these people in the ME be more upset with the Brits. I really think most of their problems result from early times when the Brits wanted to colonize all over the world. They would just move in and take over. They tried it with America too! Thanks to our armed citizens, that wasn't possible.
"Our" mess?

Maybe not you personally, but your Government absolutely.

So you're letting the rest of the "West" off the hook?

We aren't the only country to interfere in their matters, that's for sure. :D In fact, IIRC, it was originally the Brits who started it all.

The U.S. is mainly responsible for the current bloody horror in the Middle East. Most Americans just can't accept that though. They've been duped into believing it's all for 'Freedom.' They truly believe their Government is the 'Good Guy.' Boy are they wrong.

Well, Saddam Hussein was a thorn in the side of the world, but yeah. I remember when they were telling us we were going to war with Iraq, I was like WTF? :uhh: Why?

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