Cleaning Up Our ISIS Mess: POLL: Putin Gains Record Support Among Russians Over Syria...

Putin knows, unlike the retards on this forum, he cannot stop ISIS without a massive all-out war. He is not in Syria to "clean up ISIS".

He is there for one reason. To stabilize Assad and establish a zone of control which Assad can defend and maintain once Putin leaves.

That's it. Period.

ISIS will still be here, rubes, when Putin is gone. So all your masturbation fantasies that he is halting ISIS are just that. Wet dreams.

Stop fellating the man. Get off your fucking knees.
I think you are one smart SOB but sometimes your word "rubes" fits you perfectly.
You will see everything I have said is true.
"Our" mess?

Maybe not you personally, but your Government absolutely.

So you're letting the rest of the "West" off the hook?

No. ISIS was created by American, Saudi, and British intelligence agencies. They wanted Assad dead. And now look at the horrific chaos they've created.

So you're leaving out the French. And the drought.

This all didn't just pop up in the last year yanno.

Oh no, the French were likely involved too. Not up on the drought stuff though.
Europeans were also slave trading around the world LONG before there was an America. I blame Europe. :D
Putin knows, unlike the retards on this forum, he cannot stop ISIS without a massive all-out war. He is not in Syria to "clean up ISIS".

He is there for one reason. To stabilize Assad and establish a zone of control which Assad can defend and maintain once Putin leaves.

That's it. Period.

ISIS will still be here, rubes, when Putin is gone. So all your masturbation fantasies that he is halting ISIS are just that. Wet dreams.

Stop fellating the man. Get off your fucking knees.
I think you are one smart SOB but sometimes your word "rubes" fits you perfectly.
You will see everything I have said is true.
I don't doubt IS will still be there. You can kill the people but the ideology will still be there.
My thing is, IS is actually getting hurt, and that's what matters to me. If we were doing it, I would be cheering us, too. The fact is, we are all over there for our own reasons. You think our administration wants to help the people by putting in an Islamic caliphate? Fuck no.
I've been thinking a little about this, and when has America gone into other countries and tried to "colonize?" We haven't. We have never done that.

Ask the Philippines about that. Ask Hawaìi. And Puerto Rico. Usually we're more subtle though.

We didn't "colonize" in those places. The Brits did.

The history of Hawaii includes both natural and human history. After the creation of the islands by volcanic forces, the islands began developing their flora and fauna. Sometime around 1 AD, the earliest Polynesian settlers began to populate the islands. Around 1200 AD Tahitian explorers found and began settling the area as well. This became the rise of the Hawaiian civilization and would be separated from the rest of the world for another 500 years until the arrival of the British.

Ooooh yes we did.

>> The Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 between the Kingdom of Hawaii (explicitly acknowledged as a sovereign nation) and the United States allowed for duty-free importation of Hawaiian sugar into the United States beginning in 1876. This further promoted plantation agriculture, which was in the hands of foreign Whites. Hawai'i ceded Pearl Harbor, including Ford Island (Hawaiian: Mokuʻumeʻume), together with its shoreline and four to five miles of land adjacent to the shore, free of cost to the U.S.[7] The U. S. demanded this area based on an 1873 report commissioned by the U. S. Secretary of War. Native Hawaiians protested the treaty on the streets until the revolt was suffocated by U.S. marines.[2]

.... In the late 19th century the dominant White minority overthrew the Hawaiian Kingdom and founded a brief Republic that was finally annexed by the United States. << -- History of Hawaìi
Engineering coups d'état has been a major US export. I'm running short on time but check out the origin of Panama, which until we got there was part of Colombia. And of course the Shah in Iran. Matter of fact, just follow the Dulles Brothers around the globe. And Woodrow Wilson.

Fun fact: what's the only country in the world besides the US that has a pledge of allegiance?

A -- the Philippines. Why do you think that is?

(/somewhat offtopic)
I've been thinking a little about this, and when has America gone into other countries and tried to "colonize?" We haven't. We have never done that.

Ask the Philippines about that. Ask Hawaìi. And Puerto Rico. Usually we're more subtle though.

We didn't "colonize" in those places. The Brits did.

The history of Hawaii includes both natural and human history. After the creation of the islands by volcanic forces, the islands began developing their flora and fauna. Sometime around 1 AD, the earliest Polynesian settlers began to populate the islands. Around 1200 AD Tahitian explorers found and began settling the area as well. This became the rise of the Hawaiian civilization and would be separated from the rest of the world for another 500 years until the arrival of the British.

Ooooh yes we did.

>> The Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 between the Kingdom of Hawaii (explicitly acknowledged as a sovereign nation) and the United States allowed for duty-free importation of Hawaiian sugar into the United States beginning in 1876. This further promoted plantation agriculture, which was in the hands of foreign Whites. Hawai'i ceded Pearl Harbor, including Ford Island (Hawaiian: Mokuʻumeʻume), together with its shoreline and four to five miles of land adjacent to the shore, free of cost to the U.S.[7] The U. S. demanded this area based on an 1873 report commissioned by the U. S. Secretary of War. Native Hawaiians protested the treaty on the streets until the revolt was suffocated by U.S. marines.[2]

.... In the late 19th century the dominant White minority overthrew the Hawaiian Kingdom and founded a brief Republic that was finally annexed by the United States. << -- History of Hawaìi
Engineering coups d'état has been a major US export. I'm running short on time but check out the origin of Panama, which until we got there was part of Colombia. And of course the Shah in Iran. Matter of fact, just follow the Dulles Brothers around the globe. And Woodrow Wilson.

Fun fact: what's the only country in the world besides the US that has a pledge of allegiance?

A -- the Philippines. Why do you think that is?

(/somewhat offtopic)

They had already been colonized by the Brits long before. :)
I've been thinking a little about this, and when has America gone into other countries and tried to "colonize?" We haven't. We have never done that.

Ask the Philippines about that. Ask Hawaìi. And Puerto Rico. Usually we're more subtle though.

We didn't "colonize" in those places. The Brits did.

The history of Hawaii includes both natural and human history. After the creation of the islands by volcanic forces, the islands began developing their flora and fauna. Sometime around 1 AD, the earliest Polynesian settlers began to populate the islands. Around 1200 AD Tahitian explorers found and began settling the area as well. This became the rise of the Hawaiian civilization and would be separated from the rest of the world for another 500 years until the arrival of the British.

Ooooh yes we did.

>> The Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 between the Kingdom of Hawaii (explicitly acknowledged as a sovereign nation) and the United States allowed for duty-free importation of Hawaiian sugar into the United States beginning in 1876. This further promoted plantation agriculture, which was in the hands of foreign Whites. Hawai'i ceded Pearl Harbor, including Ford Island (Hawaiian: Mokuʻumeʻume), together with its shoreline and four to five miles of land adjacent to the shore, free of cost to the U.S.[7] The U. S. demanded this area based on an 1873 report commissioned by the U. S. Secretary of War. Native Hawaiians protested the treaty on the streets until the revolt was suffocated by U.S. marines.[2]

.... In the late 19th century the dominant White minority overthrew the Hawaiian Kingdom and founded a brief Republic that was finally annexed by the United States. << -- History of Hawaìi
Engineering coups d'état has been a major US export. I'm running short on time but check out the origin of Panama, which until we got there was part of Colombia. And of course the Shah in Iran. Matter of fact, just follow the Dulles Brothers around the globe. And Woodrow Wilson.

Fun fact: what's the only country in the world besides the US that has a pledge of allegiance?

A -- the Philippines. Why do you think that is?

(/somewhat offtopic)

Pogo, the Europeans are responsible for most "colonization" efforts on earth. There is no denying that little factoid.
Why would any American be sad about this?

They don't wanna admit their Government has caused all the horrific chaos over there. There would be no ISIS if our Government hadn't meddled in Syria. Russia and Iran warned the U.S. about the groups it was funding & arming.

Most Americans wanna ignore that ugly reality, and go after Putin. They need another Boogeyman to get distracted from the harsh realities.
"Our" mess?
The IS part is.. I mean, they did do it themselves, but we had our part in it..

silly idea-------mooooslems is people too-------they get do decide what they want------they decided
to create a criminal caliphate cesspit. Most americans (likely including Bush) had no idea
what a caliphate cesspit is and would not consider that any grown adult would want that filth.
Bush was always confident that the mooooslems in Iraq want to be just like TEXANS
Next, Putin's going to give the world a cure for Ebola too.

What would be wrong with that? But even with that, your Government would still tell you to hate him. And you would. It's that whole Government/Corporate Media brainwashing thing.
Why would any American be sad about this?

They don't wanna admit their Government has caused all the horrific chaos over there. There would be no ISIS if our Government hadn't meddled in Syria. Russia and Iran warned the U.S. about the groups it was funding & arming.

Most Americans wanna ignore that ugly reality, and go after Putin. They need another Boogeyman to get distracted from the harsh realities.

"GOING AFTER PUTIN" is a just cause-------the Russians have been supporting filth in
the Levant for just about 100 years------they specifically like Baathist shit------it is very much
a "revolutionary totalitarian movement" something like Stalinism
"Our" mess?
The IS part is.. I mean, they did do it themselves, but we had our part in it..

silly idea-------mooooslems is people too-------they get do decide what they want------they decided
to create a criminal caliphate cesspit. Most americans (likely including Bush) had no idea
what a caliphate cesspit is and would not consider that any grown adult would want that filth.
Bush was always confident that the mooooslems in Iraq want to be just like TEXANS

Or, him and his Globalist Elite buddies just wanted its resources. It's all about the plundering. Always will be.
Why would any American be sad about this?

They don't wanna admit their Government has caused all the horrific chaos over there. There would be no ISIS if our Government hadn't meddled in Syria. Russia and Iran warned the U.S. about the groups it was funding & arming.

Most Americans wanna ignore that ugly reality, and go after Putin. They need another Boogeyman to get distracted from the harsh realities.

"GOING AFTER PUTIN" is a just cause-------the Russians have been supporting filth in
the Levant for just about 100 years------they specifically like Baathist shit------it is very much
a "revolutionary totalitarian movement" something like Stalinism

Putin could be saving the Middle East. He's cleaning up our horrific messes. But you've been told to hate him. Will you?
"Our" mess?
The IS part is.. I mean, they did do it themselves, but we had our part in it..

silly idea-------mooooslems is people too-------they get do decide what they want------they decided
to create a criminal caliphate cesspit. Most americans (likely including Bush) had no idea
what a caliphate cesspit is and would not consider that any grown adult would want that filth.
Bush was always confident that the mooooslems in Iraq want to be just like TEXANS

Or, him and his Globalist Elite buddies just wanted its resources. It's all about the plundering. Always will be.

yeah yeah YAWN ....ok
"Our" mess?
The IS part is.. I mean, they did do it themselves, but we had our part in it..

silly idea-------mooooslems is people too-------they get do decide what they want------they decided
to create a criminal caliphate cesspit. Most americans (likely including Bush) had no idea
what a caliphate cesspit is and would not consider that any grown adult would want that filth.
Bush was always confident that the mooooslems in Iraq want to be just like TEXANS

Or, him and his Globalist Elite buddies just wanted its resources. It's all about the plundering. Always will be.

yeah yeah YAWN ....ok

Ha, i bet you thought it was all about duh 'Freedom Fries.' Iraq has resources we want. Simple as that.
Why would any American be sad about this?

They don't wanna admit their Government has caused all the horrific chaos over there. There would be no ISIS if our Government hadn't meddled in Syria. Russia and Iran warned the U.S. about the groups it was funding & arming.

Most Americans wanna ignore that ugly reality, and go after Putin. They need another Boogeyman to get distracted from the harsh realities.

"GOING AFTER PUTIN" is a just cause-------the Russians have been supporting filth in
the Levant for just about 100 years------they specifically like Baathist shit------it is very much
a "revolutionary totalitarian movement" something like Stalinism

Putin could be saving the Middle East. He's cleaning up our horrific messes. But you've been told to hate him. Will you?

who told me to hate PUTIN? Fox news? I do not do Fox news-------in my house we do
BBC -----sometimes CNN-------fox news told me? someone said 'HATE PUTIN"??
When I as a child-------people in the USA all seemed to hate Kruschev (spelling?) but I had
no interest
"Our" mess?
The IS part is.. I mean, they did do it themselves, but we had our part in it..

silly idea-------mooooslems is people too-------they get do decide what they want------they decided
to create a criminal caliphate cesspit. Most americans (likely including Bush) had no idea
what a caliphate cesspit is and would not consider that any grown adult would want that filth.
Bush was always confident that the mooooslems in Iraq want to be just like TEXANS

Or, him and his Globalist Elite buddies just wanted its resources. It's all about the plundering. Always will be.

yeah yeah YAWN ....ok

Ha, i bet you thought it was all about duh 'Freedom Fries.' Iraq has resources we want. Simple as that.

no it isn't-------not that simple at all

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