Cleaning Up Our ISIS Mess: POLL: Putin Gains Record Support Among Russians Over Syria...

A couple of bombings and ISIS is defeated !!? Lol!!!

U righties are delusional . Is your homo erotic man love of Putin clouding your little minds ?

As for his high polling numbers ....HES A DICTATOR !!! Remember how Saddam Hussain used to win elections in a landslide ? Yeah it's kinda like that .
Very sad that Russia and Iran are stuck cleaning up our awful mess in Syria. It's time for Americans to reconsider its Government's 'Regime Change' policy. It's unjust and unwise.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s public approval rating has reached a record 89.9 percent since he ordered his military to begin air strikes in support of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, according to a state-run polling center.

Support for Putin hit the new peak in an Oct. 17-18 poll of 1,600 people conducted in 46 regions of Russia, an increase of 3.3 percentage points from a similar survey a week earlier, the Russian Public Opinion Research Center, known as VTsIOM, said on its website Thursday. The margin of error was no greater than 3.5 percentage points.

“Against the background of the successful anti-terrorist operation in Syria, Vladimir Putin’s job approval rating has reached an historic high,” with a quarter of respondents citing the military campaign as the main reason for their support, according to VTsIOM. The president’s previous record-high rating was 89.1 percent reached in June, it said...

Putin Gains Record Support Among Russians Over Syria, Poll Shows

I'm curious why right wing conspiracy theorists are so enchanted with Putin?

He might be saving the Middle East. That's gotta be worth something.

Yeah, but you carry water for Putin on pretty much every topic. From the Ukraine invasion to the annexation of Crimea.

Crimea needed no invasion. School yourself on the divide east and west in the Ukraine. You know like realizing Crimea was a gift to the Ukraine by Nikita.

Svoboda and others were about to take away Crimea's autonomy. Right in their party platform.

Or we assisted in the overthrow of a duly elected government in the Ukraine and handed it to Nazi lovers.

Look up Stepan Bandera who western Ukes just love to death.

The Ukrainian Nazi Bandera.

Yup, and now VP Biden's little brat son is head of Ukraine's biggest gas company. Most Americans are unfortunately brainwashed by 24/7 Government/Corporate Media Propaganda. They have no idea what's really going on. They truly believe their Government's always the 'Good Guy.'
What makes you think that it won't occur?
A couple of bombings and ISIS is defeated !!? Lol!!!

U righties are delusional . Is your homo erotic man love of Putin clouding your little minds ?

As for his high polling numbers ....HES A DICTATOR !!! Remember how Saddam Hussain used to win elections in a landslide ? Yeah it's kinda like that .
They are closet dictator lovers....
Kim jun Un is a couple of shirtless pictures away from being the next neocon hero .
Very sad that Russia and Iran are stuck cleaning up our awful mess in Syria. It's time for Americans to reconsider its Government's 'Regime Change' policy. It's unjust and unwise.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s public approval rating has reached a record 89.9 percent since he ordered his military to begin air strikes in support of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, according to a state-run polling center.

Support for Putin hit the new peak in an Oct. 17-18 poll of 1,600 people conducted in 46 regions of Russia, an increase of 3.3 percentage points from a similar survey a week earlier, the Russian Public Opinion Research Center, known as VTsIOM, said on its website Thursday. The margin of error was no greater than 3.5 percentage points.

“Against the background of the successful anti-terrorist operation in Syria, Vladimir Putin’s job approval rating has reached an historic high,” with a quarter of respondents citing the military campaign as the main reason for their support, according to VTsIOM. The president’s previous record-high rating was 89.1 percent reached in June, it said...

Putin Gains Record Support Among Russians Over Syria, Poll Shows

I'm curious why right wing conspiracy theorists are so enchanted with Putin?

He might be saving the Middle East. That's gotta be worth something.
I never knew you to kneel and bob a deity.....

Hey, he's cleaning up your Government's awful mess. How bout a little gratitude?
A couple of bombings and ISIS is defeated !!? Lol!!!

U righties are delusional . Is your homo erotic man love of Putin clouding your little minds ?

As for his high polling numbers ....HES A DICTATOR !!! Remember how Saddam Hussain used to win elections in a landslide ? Yeah it's kinda like that .

Yes we know, they're always a 'Dictator' or the 'Next Hitler' if they don't do what the U.S. wants. What an old & tired scam. The reality is, ISIS wouldn't have happened if the U.S. hadn't meddled in Syria.

Russia and Iran warned the U.S. about groups it was funding & arming there. But of course no one listened. Now Russia and Iran are stuck cleaning up our awful mess.
Very sad that Russia and Iran are stuck cleaning up our awful mess in Syria. It's time for Americans to reconsider its Government's 'Regime Change' policy. It's unjust and unwise.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s public approval rating has reached a record 89.9 percent since he ordered his military to begin air strikes in support of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, according to a state-run polling center.

Support for Putin hit the new peak in an Oct. 17-18 poll of 1,600 people conducted in 46 regions of Russia, an increase of 3.3 percentage points from a similar survey a week earlier, the Russian Public Opinion Research Center, known as VTsIOM, said on its website Thursday. The margin of error was no greater than 3.5 percentage points.

“Against the background of the successful anti-terrorist operation in Syria, Vladimir Putin’s job approval rating has reached an historic high,” with a quarter of respondents citing the military campaign as the main reason for their support, according to VTsIOM. The president’s previous record-high rating was 89.1 percent reached in June, it said...

Putin Gains Record Support Among Russians Over Syria, Poll Shows

I'm curious why right wing conspiracy theorists are so enchanted with Putin?

He might be saving the Middle East. That's gotta be worth something.
I never knew you to kneel and bob a deity.....

Hey, he's cleaning up your Government's awful mess. How bout a little gratitude?

How is the Us responsible for syrias civil war ? Same for ISIS . That's all on the shitty Iraq leadership .
Why would anyone trust Vlad Putin? Ex KGB agent. Lol. Great guy, I'm sure. :D Funny. People hate Obama SO much that they would side with a Putin.
Very sad that Russia and Iran are stuck cleaning up our awful mess in Syria. It's time for Americans to reconsider its Government's 'Regime Change' policy. It's unjust and unwise.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s public approval rating has reached a record 89.9 percent since he ordered his military to begin air strikes in support of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, according to a state-run polling center.

Support for Putin hit the new peak in an Oct. 17-18 poll of 1,600 people conducted in 46 regions of Russia, an increase of 3.3 percentage points from a similar survey a week earlier, the Russian Public Opinion Research Center, known as VTsIOM, said on its website Thursday. The margin of error was no greater than 3.5 percentage points.

“Against the background of the successful anti-terrorist operation in Syria, Vladimir Putin’s job approval rating has reached an historic high,” with a quarter of respondents citing the military campaign as the main reason for their support, according to VTsIOM. The president’s previous record-high rating was 89.1 percent reached in June, it said...

Putin Gains Record Support Among Russians Over Syria, Poll Shows

I'm curious why right wing conspiracy theorists are so enchanted with Putin?

He might be saving the Middle East. That's gotta be worth something.
I never knew you to kneel and bob a deity.....

Hey, he's cleaning up your Government's awful mess. How bout a little gratitude?

How is the Us responsible for syrias civil war ? Same for ISIS . That's all on the shitty Iraq leadership .

It's on your Government. It decided to meddle and fund/arm various groups in Syria. One of those groups was ISIS. Instead of being so angry with Putin/Russia, you should be angry with your own Government.
Assad is a devil the U.S. can live with...

When the war broke out, and the U.S. government was hell bent on support groups to rid Syria of Assad I was against it...

Do not get me wrong Assad is a bastard that should be hung, but the alternative that could replace him is much more dangerous than him...

As for Russia involvement it has to do with a Naval Base in the region along with other interests that Russia has...

Syria has been a Russian ally for many years, and former KGB agents and leaders know that Assad staying in power is more important for their interest and also it is another Proxy war between Russia and the West, but now Russia is getting more involved...

Too much money to be made from this mess, and Russia knows this!
Assad is a devil the U.S. can live with...

When the war broke out, and the U.S. government was hell bent on support groups to rid Syria of Assad I was against it...

Do not get me wrong Assad is a bastard that should be hung, but the alternative that could replace him is much more dangerous than him...

As for Russia involvement it has to do with a Naval Base in the region along with other interests that Russia has...

Syria has been a Russian ally for many years, and former KGB agents and leaders know that Assad staying in power is more important for their interest and also it is another Proxy war between Russia and the West, but now Russia is getting more involved...

Too much money to be made from this mess, and Russia knows this!

Me too. I did not want us to be involved in any way in that situation. Of course these "rebels" were not to be trusted anymore than Assad.
Assad is a devil the U.S. can live with...

When the war broke out, and the U.S. government was hell bent on support groups to rid Syria of Assad I was against it...

Do not get me wrong Assad is a bastard that should be hung, but the alternative that could replace him is much more dangerous than him...

As for Russia involvement it has to do with a Naval Base in the region along with other interests that Russia has...

Syria has been a Russian ally for many years, and former KGB agents and leaders know that Assad staying in power is more important for their interest and also it is another Proxy war between Russia and the West, but now Russia is getting more involved...

Too much money to be made from this mess, and Russia knows this!

Assad has never done any harm to the U.S. 'Regime Change' was unjust and unwise. He's a reasonable Western-educated man. He's far from being a radical Islamist. The U.S. screwed the pooch on this one. Russia and Iran are gonna right things, as they should.
Assad is a devil the U.S. can live with...

When the war broke out, and the U.S. government was hell bent on support groups to rid Syria of Assad I was against it...

Do not get me wrong Assad is a bastard that should be hung, but the alternative that could replace him is much more dangerous than him...

As for Russia involvement it has to do with a Naval Base in the region along with other interests that Russia has...

Syria has been a Russian ally for many years, and former KGB agents and leaders know that Assad staying in power is more important for their interest and also it is another Proxy war between Russia and the West, but now Russia is getting more involved...

Too much money to be made from this mess, and Russia knows this!

Assad has never done any harm to the U.S. 'Regime Change' was unjust and unwise. He's a reasonable Western-educated man. He's far from being a radical Islamist. The U.S. screwed the pooch on this one. Russia and Iran are gonna right things. As they should.

Or make things even worse.
Assad is a devil the U.S. can live with...

When the war broke out, and the U.S. government was hell bent on support groups to rid Syria of Assad I was against it...

Do not get me wrong Assad is a bastard that should be hung, but the alternative that could replace him is much more dangerous than him...

As for Russia involvement it has to do with a Naval Base in the region along with other interests that Russia has...

Syria has been a Russian ally for many years, and former KGB agents and leaders know that Assad staying in power is more important for their interest and also it is another Proxy war between Russia and the West, but now Russia is getting more involved...

Too much money to be made from this mess, and Russia knows this!

Assad has never done any harm to the U.S. 'Regime Change' was unjust and unwise. He's a reasonable Western-educated man. He's far from being a radical Islamist. The U.S. screwed the pooch on this one. Russia and Iran are gonna right things. As they should.

Or make things even worse.

There's not much worse than ISIS. And that's what the U.S. unleashed onto the region. It should have stayed out of Syria's Civil War. It had no right to declare 'Regime Change.'
Assad is a devil the U.S. can live with...

When the war broke out, and the U.S. government was hell bent on support groups to rid Syria of Assad I was against it...

Do not get me wrong Assad is a bastard that should be hung, but the alternative that could replace him is much more dangerous than him...

As for Russia involvement it has to do with a Naval Base in the region along with other interests that Russia has...

Syria has been a Russian ally for many years, and former KGB agents and leaders know that Assad staying in power is more important for their interest and also it is another Proxy war between Russia and the West, but now Russia is getting more involved...

Too much money to be made from this mess, and Russia knows this!

Assad has never done any harm to the U.S. 'Regime Change' was unjust and unwise. He's a reasonable Western-educated man. He's far from being a radical Islamist. The U.S. screwed the pooch on this one. Russia and Iran are gonna right things, as they should.

Oh my god . You conservatives are treasonous dochebags . Now u love putin AND Iran !?

Talk about two faces . Obama tries to bomb Syria , u say don't do it . Then u complain he ain't doing anything in syria ? It doesn't matter what he does , u will want the opposite even if it contradicts your earlier stance .

You would rather see America fail just to spite obama . Shame .
Assad is a devil the U.S. can live with...

When the war broke out, and the U.S. government was hell bent on support groups to rid Syria of Assad I was against it...

Do not get me wrong Assad is a bastard that should be hung, but the alternative that could replace him is much more dangerous than him...

As for Russia involvement it has to do with a Naval Base in the region along with other interests that Russia has...

Syria has been a Russian ally for many years, and former KGB agents and leaders know that Assad staying in power is more important for their interest and also it is another Proxy war between Russia and the West, but now Russia is getting more involved...

Too much money to be made from this mess, and Russia knows this!

Assad has never done any harm to the U.S. 'Regime Change' was unjust and unwise. He's a reasonable Western-educated man. He's far from being a radical Islamist. The U.S. screwed the pooch on this one. Russia and Iran are gonna right things, as they should.

Oh my god . You conservatives are treasonous dochebags . Now u love putin AND Iran !?

Talk about two faces . Obama tries to bomb Syria , u say don't do it . Then u complain he ain't doing anything in syria ? It doesn't matter what he does , u will want the opposite even if it contradicts your earlier stance .

You would rather see America fail just to spite obama . Shame .

You're confusing us with 'Neocons.' It's a common mistake. Personally, I don't care about Obama. He's a worthless puppet. He had no choice but to support the CIA funding, arming, and training ISIS in Syria.

He went along because he's just a figurehead. But regardless, we created more bloody chaos over there. Russia and Iran are just righting the wrong.
Assad is a devil the U.S. can live with...

When the war broke out, and the U.S. government was hell bent on support groups to rid Syria of Assad I was against it...

Do not get me wrong Assad is a bastard that should be hung, but the alternative that could replace him is much more dangerous than him...

As for Russia involvement it has to do with a Naval Base in the region along with other interests that Russia has...

Syria has been a Russian ally for many years, and former KGB agents and leaders know that Assad staying in power is more important for their interest and also it is another Proxy war between Russia and the West, but now Russia is getting more involved...

Too much money to be made from this mess, and Russia knows this!

Assad has never done any harm to the U.S. 'Regime Change' was unjust and unwise. He's a reasonable Western-educated man. He's far from being a radical Islamist. The U.S. screwed the pooch on this one. Russia and Iran are gonna right things, as they should.

Oh my god . You conservatives are treasonous dochebags . Now u love putin AND Iran !?

Talk about two faces . Obama tries to bomb Syria , u say don't do it . Then u complain he ain't doing anything in syria ? It doesn't matter what he does , u will want the opposite even if it contradicts your earlier stance .

You would rather see America fail just to spite obama . Shame .

No, the thing is what President Obama want to do is remove a government and replace it with something that is far more dangerous. Also I did not write anything about Iran involvement, so please do not make that claim.

You might believe Assad is a dangerous individual, and to Israel he is, but to the U.S. he is not. Assad is Syria and Israel problem and let them deal with him as they seem, and do not get involve.

If Syria were to invade Israel then yes I will agree that the U.S. need to get involve, but that is not the case.

ISIL is a byproduct of getting involved in Iraq and removing Saddam from power. It was a mistake and left a power vacuum that Iran is trying to fill, and is a bad idea.

So as you write that those like me are traitors let me make this clear my opinion is Syria was never our problem, and if Russia want to fix it to the point they prop up Assad so be it because it is not our fight...
Assad is a devil the U.S. can live with...

When the war broke out, and the U.S. government was hell bent on support groups to rid Syria of Assad I was against it...

Do not get me wrong Assad is a bastard that should be hung, but the alternative that could replace him is much more dangerous than him...

As for Russia involvement it has to do with a Naval Base in the region along with other interests that Russia has...

Syria has been a Russian ally for many years, and former KGB agents and leaders know that Assad staying in power is more important for their interest and also it is another Proxy war between Russia and the West, but now Russia is getting more involved...

Too much money to be made from this mess, and Russia knows this!

Assad has never done any harm to the U.S. 'Regime Change' was unjust and unwise. He's a reasonable Western-educated man. He's far from being a radical Islamist. The U.S. screwed the pooch on this one. Russia and Iran are gonna right things, as they should.

Oh my god . You conservatives are treasonous dochebags . Now u love putin AND Iran !?

Talk about two faces . Obama tries to bomb Syria , u say don't do it . Then u complain he ain't doing anything in syria ? It doesn't matter what he does , u will want the opposite even if it contradicts your earlier stance .

You would rather see America fail just to spite obama . Shame .

No, the thing is what President Obama want to do is remove a government and replace it with something that is far more dangerous. Also I did not write anything about Iran involvement, so please do not make that claim.

You might believe Assad is a dangerous individual, and to Israel he is, but to the U.S. he is not. Assad is Syria and Israel problem and let them deal with him as they seem, and do not get involve.

If Syria were to invade Israel then yes I will agree that the U.S. need to get involve, but that is not the case.

ISIL is a byproduct of getting involved in Iraq and removing Saddam from power. It was a mistake and left a power vacuum that Iran is trying to fill, and is a bad idea.

So as you write that those like me are traitors let me make this clear my opinion is Syria was never our problem, and if Russia want to fix it to the point they prop up Assad so be it because it is not our fight...

Yes, ISIS wouldn't have been possible without U.S. meddling in Syria. It's time to end the 'Regime Change' foreign policy.
I've been thinking a little about this, and when has America gone into other countries and tried to "colonize?" We haven't. We have never done that.

Ask the Philippines about that. Ask Hawaìi. And Puerto Rico. Usually we're more subtle though.

We didn't "colonize" in those places. The Brits did.

The history of Hawaii includes both natural and human history. After the creation of the islands by volcanic forces, the islands began developing their flora and fauna. Sometime around 1 AD, the earliest Polynesian settlers began to populate the islands. Around 1200 AD Tahitian explorers found and began settling the area as well. This became the rise of the Hawaiian civilization and would be separated from the rest of the world for another 500 years until the arrival of the British.

Ooooh yes we did.

>> The Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 between the Kingdom of Hawaii (explicitly acknowledged as a sovereign nation) and the United States allowed for duty-free importation of Hawaiian sugar into the United States beginning in 1876. This further promoted plantation agriculture, which was in the hands of foreign Whites. Hawai'i ceded Pearl Harbor, including Ford Island (Hawaiian: Mokuʻumeʻume), together with its shoreline and four to five miles of land adjacent to the shore, free of cost to the U.S.[7] The U. S. demanded this area based on an 1873 report commissioned by the U. S. Secretary of War. Native Hawaiians protested the treaty on the streets until the revolt was suffocated by U.S. marines.[2]

.... In the late 19th century the dominant White minority overthrew the Hawaiian Kingdom and founded a brief Republic that was finally annexed by the United States. << -- History of Hawaìi
Engineering coups d'état has been a major US export. I'm running short on time but check out the origin of Panama, which until we got there was part of Colombia. And of course the Shah in Iran. Matter of fact, just follow the Dulles Brothers around the globe. And Woodrow Wilson.

Fun fact: what's the only country in the world besides the US that has a pledge of allegiance?

A -- the Philippines. Why do you think that is?

(/somewhat offtopic)

Pogo, the Europeans are responsible for most "colonization" efforts on earth. There is no denying that little factoid.

That in no way means "we have never done that". Because we sure the hell have.
I've been thinking a little about this, and when has America gone into other countries and tried to "colonize?" We haven't. We have never done that.

Ask the Philippines about that. Ask Hawaìi. And Puerto Rico. Usually we're more subtle though.

We didn't "colonize" in those places. The Brits did.

The history of Hawaii includes both natural and human history. After the creation of the islands by volcanic forces, the islands began developing their flora and fauna. Sometime around 1 AD, the earliest Polynesian settlers began to populate the islands. Around 1200 AD Tahitian explorers found and began settling the area as well. This became the rise of the Hawaiian civilization and would be separated from the rest of the world for another 500 years until the arrival of the British.

Ooooh yes we did.

>> The Reciprocity Treaty of 1875 between the Kingdom of Hawaii (explicitly acknowledged as a sovereign nation) and the United States allowed for duty-free importation of Hawaiian sugar into the United States beginning in 1876. This further promoted plantation agriculture, which was in the hands of foreign Whites. Hawai'i ceded Pearl Harbor, including Ford Island (Hawaiian: Mokuʻumeʻume), together with its shoreline and four to five miles of land adjacent to the shore, free of cost to the U.S.[7] The U. S. demanded this area based on an 1873 report commissioned by the U. S. Secretary of War. Native Hawaiians protested the treaty on the streets until the revolt was suffocated by U.S. marines.[2]

.... In the late 19th century the dominant White minority overthrew the Hawaiian Kingdom and founded a brief Republic that was finally annexed by the United States. << -- History of Hawaìi
Engineering coups d'état has been a major US export. I'm running short on time but check out the origin of Panama, which until we got there was part of Colombia. And of course the Shah in Iran. Matter of fact, just follow the Dulles Brothers around the globe. And Woodrow Wilson.

Fun fact: what's the only country in the world besides the US that has a pledge of allegiance?

A -- the Philippines. Why do you think that is?

(/somewhat offtopic)

Pogo, the Europeans are responsible for most "colonization" efforts on earth. There is no denying that little factoid.

That in no way means "we have never done that". Because we sure the hell have.

We just took over from the British. They are the ultimate "colonists." If you are going to lay blame, then lie it on them.

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