Clearing up a misconception atheists have about practicing Christians

I bet people on Superman’s former planet believed in god too.
Grin. But seriously, one God over all the universe, would very likely be observed on other planets as well--not just by earthlings. I doubt we would prove to be that much smarter--or for that matter, that much dumber.
We may be the smartest creature on this planet but we aren’t the most important. Bees are more important than us.

Phytoplankton are the lungs of the earth

Menhaden are important to marine life

Cyanobacteria is the main nitrogen fixers.




coral reefs




We aren’t even top 10
We may be the smartest creature on this planet but we aren’t the most important.
That's why in science we teach students about ecosystems. Being at the top of the food chain doesn't equate to importance. Often, quite the opposite.
I am not sure what you are trying to say but you do seem to overvalue the human experience.
Hmm. I'm quite sure if they could speak, my chinchillas would testify I value them more highly. ;)
Yea my neighbors will tell you I over value my dogs experience. He’s only got 20 years tops. I can always skip a day walking in the woods. I can always say, I’ll just walk tomorrow “. I mean I have 100 years give or take. But when you only get 20 years every day matters. Poor little guy.

He fell in the ice on my lake last weekend. Some idiot cut a big square for fishing and then left it. I didnt realize he was in that hole struggling for at least 2 or 3 minutes. I feel so guilty. No5 a good daddy. So I pulled him out and we ran home as fast as we could and I warmed him in a towel. Stupid dog.
He fell in the ice on my lake last weekend. Some idiot cut a big square for fishing and then left it. I didnt realize he was in that hole struggling for at least 2 or 3 minutes. I feel so guilty. No5 a good daddy. So I pulled him out and we ran home as fast as we could and I warmed him in a towel. Stupid dog.
Lucky (and most likely, thankful) dog! Bet there will be no repeat performance on that one. (Lucky you, as well.)
Which Jesus do you choose to follow?

The Logos Jesus.

I am unfamiliar with the term.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but many atheists believe that “religious” people foolishly follow a book of rules, for baseless reasons. For example, because they were raised into a particular religion, or out of fear, or because they were duped into it.

In other words, they believe it’s foolish to live your life following "rules from a book" that was written thousands of years ago, by men. Some atheists also say that Christianity or other religions are simply about controlling people.

Here’s what I believe that atheists and agnostics simply don’t get.

I can't speak for all Christians, but for myself and the Christians that I know, we choose to follow Jesus not because we were raised in a Christian home (I wasn’t) or because we were duped into it (nobody tells me what to think, I have always been an independent thinker) or for other shallow, baseless reasons like that.

When it comes to either being our own boss, or living by God's ways…. the reason that born again Christians choose the latter is because we have been on both sides, and we have seen through life experience that living by God's ways is simply BETTER, wiser, and it WORKS, in a practical sense. There are other reasons as well, but this particular reason is what I wanted to focus on for this thread.

So to sum that up…. Between following the world’s ways or following God’s ways, for some of us we have learned through experience (sometimes the hard way) that the latter is absolutely BETTER and it leads to good things as opposed to bad things. It simply WORKS, even though it can be hard at times, in this fallen world.

I hope I explained that clearly. If it didn’t make sense, please let me know and feel free to share your thoughts!
I'm not an atheist, more of an agnostic.
I don't know if something that could be described as "God" exists but, I don't think it matters either way.

At the core of every religion I've studied is a core of rules
Be honest
Do not harm others
Do not take from others
Help others when they need it.

For most like me the ethics of religion are not troublesome. It is the mythology of religion that we reject.
We do not accept that a pair of every animal was put on a boat
We do not accept that the universe was created in 6 days
We do not accept that a woman was turned into salt
We do not accept that a kind "god" would torture his most loyal follower on a bet

I was fascinated by the response a few years ago to the billboards that appeared around the US say "Be good for goodness sake"
A line from a Christmas song I believe
But, the religious right screamed that this was a "denial of god"
So tell me, do the Religious do the right thing because it is the right thing or only because your god says so?
We do not accept that a kind "god" would torture his most loyal follower on a bet
Nor do the majority of the faithful.

Just because some sects read the Bible and take it literally, keep in mind others delve much more deeply. Hebrew is not English and it does not translate well.
We do not accept that a kind "god" would torture his most loyal follower on a bet
Nor do the majority of the faithful.

Just because some sects read the Bible and take it literally, keep in mind others delve much more deeply. Hebrew is not English and it does not translate well.
Funny, you claim to speak for the "majority of the faithful" but the "faithful" seem to be in disagreement with you so...

Maybe you should go about practicing your faith and let others practice theirs?
Funny, you claim to speak for the "majority of the faithful" but the "faithful" seem to be in disagreement with you so...

Maybe you should go about practicing your faith and let others practice theirs?
I belong to one of the largest sects of Christianity, so I know for a fact the majority of Christians do not read everything literally. However, you can do your own research on taking the Bible literally, as well. Second, those who have faith in God can take scripture as literally as they choose; they are not the issue, and I have no problem with them. I merely point out to you that those who take scripture literally, are in the minority.

What I am asking of you is not to tell Christians what they "really" believe, or to wrongly tell non-Christians what Christians believe.
Generally speaking, atheists don't want their misconceptions about Christians corrected.
Atheists have their own dogma which they follow religiously.
It’s called common sense, logic, reason.
Odd. You believe all these people lack logic and reason?

See, this is one of those misconceptions atheists in general and you in particular hold: That Christians are not as smart as atheists, that faith and science are incompatible.

That is simply incorrect.
Most Christians are pro choice or have had abortions Themselves. A lot of Christians aren’t “real” Christians. But you’ll take them. You’re just glad they say they believe the Jesus story. All the other stories are allegories but Mary really was a virgin.
Everyone is a sinner. Me, you, gays, straights, Christians, Jews, atheists, agnostics. Everybody. And everyone's sins are between them and God. I think the world would be a lot better place if everyone at least tried to sin less, but humans are...human. We make mistakes, and we choose to do wrong.

I don't claim anyone is not a "real" Christian. That's way above my pay grade.

You seem to have a lot of bitterness and rage towards Christians. Why?
Everyone is a sinner.
the cornerstone of christianity and who are not, sinners - they persecute and victimize even if only by thought of such being true is enough to compel them over the centuries to extract their displeasure through cruelty against them as the 1st century religious itinerant they claim then otherwise not to have understood.
Everyone is a sinner. I don't know what's so hard to accept about that simple statement.
Everyone is a sinner. I don't know what's so hard to accept about that simple statement.
- because you have resigned yourself to perish when your physiology expires.
You may have. I have not. I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.
Generally speaking, atheists don't want their misconceptions about Christians corrected.
Atheists have their own dogma which they follow religiously.
It’s called common sense, logic, reason.
Odd. You believe all these people lack logic and reason?

See, this is one of those misconceptions atheists in general and you in particular hold: That Christians are not as smart as atheists, that faith and science are incompatible.

That is simply incorrect.
I see I with my theistic friend. They have cognitive dissonance when it comes to logic and their faith.
"I see I with".

I have no idea what you're trying to say.

But the only cognitive dissonance here is yours. You can't reconcile the reality of Christians who have accomplished amazing things in science with your belief that Christians are simply not smart enough.

Your NUH UH is simply not a credible argument.
Just look at how these Bible thumpers deny global warming, evolution, wearing masks, taking the vaccine.

Our society is smart despite religion. Most religious scientists leave god outside the lab.

Do you know it was arabs who gave us a lot of math and science? That was before Islam took over. Since Islam they haven’t come up with shit.

Christianity used to argue with science that the earth was the center of the universe and everything else was revolving around us.
Ok, so you guys arent that stupid anymore but you’re still pretty stupid.

I notice in religion you believe things without proof. Like Jesus rose from the dead. So I’m not surprised 75% of you believe the election was stolen. Why do you believe? Because your messiah trump told you. This is why republicans prey on religious people. Suckers.
So many misconceptions. I was right -- you don't want them corrected. You bitterly cling to your hatred.
Generally speaking, atheists don't want their misconceptions about Christians corrected.
Atheists have their own dogma which they follow religiously.
It’s called common sense, logic, reason.

Logic itself points to God. But that's totally off topic, so I won't even get into that here. This thread is not about atheism vs theism, it's about clearing up the reasons why many of us choose to (try to) live according to God's ways rather than the ways of this world.
We know the reasons you do it.
What are they?
Many reasons. Wishful thinking is the big one. The op said he chooses to be religious because his life is better than before he found god.

Community is another one. You do know there are many proud Jews who don’t believe in god? Still they are happy to call themselves jews.

Another one would be so they don’t go to hell.
I'd say there are almost as many reasons for believing as there are believers. In fact, I'm sure of it. Being a Christian is having a personal relationship with God.
I used to have a personal relationship with god but I realized I’m just talking to myself. I even gave up the notion of a generic god. What evidence do I have a god exists? None. But books are written about the psychology behind why people believe.

Just look at your crazy cousins the muslims. You approve of that?
So many atheists demand proof of God...because you understand nothing of the nature of faith.

I am responsible for no one's words and actions but my own. If you insist I am, perhaps you'd like to take responsibility for the millions killed by Communism.

Or is that different? Somehow?

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