Clearing up a misconception atheists have about practicing Christians

Generally speaking, atheists don't want their misconceptions about Christians corrected.
Atheists have their own dogma which they follow religiously.
It’s called common sense, logic, reason.

Logic itself points to God. But that's totally off topic, so I won't even get into that here. This thread is not about atheism vs theism, it's about clearing up the reasons why many of us choose to (try to) live according to God's ways rather than the ways of this world.
We know the reasons you do it.
What are they?
Many reasons. Wishful thinking is the big one. The op said he chooses to be religious because his life is better than before he found god.

Community is another one. You do know there are many proud Jews who don’t believe in god? Still they are happy to call themselves jews.

Another one would be so they don’t go to hell.
I'd say there are almost as many reasons for believing as there are believers. In fact, I'm sure of it. Being a Christian is having a personal relationship with God.
Generally speaking, atheists don't want their misconceptions about Christians corrected.
Atheists have their own dogma which they follow religiously.
It’s called common sense, logic, reason.
Odd. You believe all these people lack logic and reason?

See, this is one of those misconceptions atheists in general and you in particular hold: That Christians are not as smart as atheists, that faith and science are incompatible.

That is simply incorrect.
Most Christians are pro choice or have had abortions Themselves. A lot of Christians aren’t “real” Christians. But you’ll take them. You’re just glad they say they believe the Jesus story. All the other stories are allegories but Mary really was a virgin.
Everyone is a sinner. Me, you, gays, straights, Christians, Jews, atheists, agnostics. Everybody. And everyone's sins are between them and God. I think the world would be a lot better place if everyone at least tried to sin less, but humans are...human. We make mistakes, and we choose to do wrong.

I don't claim anyone is not a "real" Christian. That's way above my pay grade.

You seem to have a lot of bitterness and rage towards Christians. Why?

The majority of the hate is because they usually have some sick sexual fetish and hate any concept, philosophy, or morals that disapproves of sick neurotic behavior in public and around children.
I don't know how much sexual perversion has to do with it, but I do have a theory about militant atheists.

They're not so angry that Christians might be wrong. They're angry because they're afraid we're right -- and they can't imagine any power higher than themselves.
Generally speaking, atheists don't want their misconceptions about Christians corrected.
Atheists have their own dogma which they follow religiously.
It’s called common sense, logic, reason.
Odd. You believe all these people lack logic and reason?

See, this is one of those misconceptions atheists in general and you in particular hold: That Christians are not as smart as atheists, that faith and science are incompatible.

That is simply incorrect.
Most Christians are pro choice or have had abortions Themselves. A lot of Christians aren’t “real” Christians. But you’ll take them. You’re just glad they say they believe the Jesus story. All the other stories are allegories but Mary really was a virgin.
Everyone is a sinner. Me, you, gays, straights, Christians, Jews, atheists, agnostics. Everybody. And everyone's sins are between them and God. I think the world would be a lot better place if everyone at least tried to sin less, but humans are...human. We make mistakes, and we choose to do wrong.

I don't claim anyone is not a "real" Christian. That's way above my pay grade.

You seem to have a lot of bitterness and rage towards Christians. Why?
Everyone is a sinner.
the cornerstone of christianity and who are not, sinners - they persecute and victimize even if only by thought of such being true is enough to compel them over the centuries to extract their displeasure through cruelty against them as the 1st century religious itinerant they claim then otherwise not to have understood.
Everyone is a sinner. I don't know what's so hard to accept about that simple statement.
Everyone is a sinner. I don't know what's so hard to accept about that simple statement.
- because you have resigned yourself to perish when your physiology expires.
Generally speaking, atheists don't want their misconceptions about Christians corrected.
Atheists have their own dogma which they follow religiously.
It’s called common sense, logic, reason.
Odd. You believe all these people lack logic and reason?

See, this is one of those misconceptions atheists in general and you in particular hold: That Christians are not as smart as atheists, that faith and science are incompatible.

That is simply incorrect.
Most Christians are pro choice or have had abortions Themselves. A lot of Christians aren’t “real” Christians. But you’ll take them. You’re just glad they say they believe the Jesus story. All the other stories are allegories but Mary really was a virgin.
Everyone is a sinner. Me, you, gays, straights, Christians, Jews, atheists, agnostics. Everybody. And everyone's sins are between them and God. I think the world would be a lot better place if everyone at least tried to sin less, but humans are...human. We make mistakes, and we choose to do wrong.

I don't claim anyone is not a "real" Christian. That's way above my pay grade.

You seem to have a lot of bitterness and rage towards Christians. Why?

The majority of the hate is because they usually have some sick sexual fetish and hate any concept, philosophy, or morals that disapproves of sick neurotic behavior in public and around children.
I don't know how much sexual perversion has to do with it, but I do have a theory about militant atheists.

They're not so angry that Christians might be wrong. They're angry because they're afraid we're right -- and they can't imagine any power higher than themselves.

It began with a media campaign by commie pedophile faggots, like Harry Hay and his NAMBLa gang of kiddie rapers and homo 'rights' activists. the were milking the media Pity Party over the self- inflicted AIDS epidemic the mentally ill degenerates spread around. Any of these media tropes sound familiar?

I've always known that when it comes to respecting and treating others with love, Christians are no less capable than anyone else.
Generally speaking, atheists don't want their misconceptions about Christians corrected.
Atheists have their own dogma which they follow religiously.
It’s called common sense, logic, reason.
Odd. You believe all these people lack logic and reason?

See, this is one of those misconceptions atheists in general and you in particular hold: That Christians are not as smart as atheists, that faith and science are incompatible.

That is simply incorrect.
Most Christians are pro choice or have had abortions Themselves. A lot of Christians aren’t “real” Christians. But you’ll take them. You’re just glad they say they believe the Jesus story. All the other stories are allegories but Mary really was a virgin.
Everyone is a sinner. Me, you, gays, straights, Christians, Jews, atheists, agnostics. Everybody. And everyone's sins are between them and God. I think the world would be a lot better place if everyone at least tried to sin less, but humans are...human. We make mistakes, and we choose to do wrong.

I don't claim anyone is not a "real" Christian. That's way above my pay grade.

You seem to have a lot of bitterness and rage towards Christians. Why?

The majority of the hate is because they usually have some sick sexual fetish and hate any concept, philosophy, or morals that disapproves of sick neurotic behavior in public and around children.
Now there is a common misconception about us atheists.
Generally speaking, atheists don't want their misconceptions about Christians corrected.
Atheists have their own dogma which they follow religiously.
It’s called common sense, logic, reason.
Odd. You believe all these people lack logic and reason?

See, this is one of those misconceptions atheists in general and you in particular hold: That Christians are not as smart as atheists, that faith and science are incompatible.

That is simply incorrect.
I see I with my theistic friend. They have cognitive dissonance when it comes to logic and their faith.
"I see I with".

I have no idea what you're trying to say.

But the only cognitive dissonance here is yours. You can't reconcile the reality of Christians who have accomplished amazing things in science with your belief that Christians are simply not smart enough.

Your NUH UH is simply not a credible argument.
Just look at how these Bible thumpers deny global warming, evolution, wearing masks, taking the vaccine.

Our society is smart despite religion. Most religious scientists leave god outside the lab.

Do you know it was arabs who gave us a lot of math and science? That was before Islam took over. Since Islam they haven’t come up with shit.

Christianity used to argue with science that the earth was the center of the universe and everything else was revolving around us.
Ok, so you guys arent that stupid anymore but you’re still pretty stupid.

I notice in religion you believe things without proof. Like Jesus rose from the dead. So I’m not surprised 75% of you believe the election was stolen. Why do you believe? Because your messiah trump told you. This is why republicans prey on religious people. Suckers.
Generally speaking, atheists don't want their misconceptions about Christians corrected.
Atheists have their own dogma which they follow religiously.
It’s called common sense, logic, reason.

Logic itself points to God. But that's totally off topic, so I won't even get into that here. This thread is not about atheism vs theism, it's about clearing up the reasons why many of us choose to (try to) live according to God's ways rather than the ways of this world.
We know the reasons you do it.
What are they?
Many reasons. Wishful thinking is the big one. The op said he chooses to be religious because his life is better than before he found god.

Community is another one. You do know there are many proud Jews who don’t believe in god? Still they are happy to call themselves jews.

Another one would be so they don’t go to hell.
I'd say there are almost as many reasons for believing as there are believers. In fact, I'm sure of it. Being a Christian is having a personal relationship with God.
I used to have a personal relationship with god but I realized I’m just talking to myself. I even gave up the notion of a generic god. What evidence do I have a god exists? None. But books are written about the psychology behind why people believe.

Just look at your crazy cousins the muslims. You approve of that?
Just look at how these Bible thumpers deny global warming, evolution, wearing masks, taking the vaccine.
Keep in mind that many who are "denying global warming" are merely denying that the government can fix it. Meanwhile government is rubbing their hands in delight over another reason to raise taxes and control people. Note how well the government did with the War on Drugs, the War on Poverty, etc. The last thing we need is for the government to star their War on Climate. The cynic in me notes the government is merely saying, "Want more of your money."

Wearing masks: Put masks and virus under a microscope. The weave on masks is much larger than that itty-bitty virus. Or do your own experiment and blow smoke through. People who wish to wear mask absolutely should. Government should not force the issue. Taking the vaccine: I saw a statistic stating one in four will not take the vaccine. My family fits that statistic. My husband and two daughters will (one already has). I will not. That is merely because I react badly to even over-the-counter medications. Went through two natural child-births. When I had my appendix out, took me a full month to recover from being knocked out. (Can't drink, either. :) )

Just saying we shouldn't put everyone in the same box. I have my reasons for opting for no mask, no vaccine. That doesn't mean I think everyone has the same reasons I have. We are not cookie stamps of each other, and it should not bother people when another type of cookie opts for something different than we did.
Just look at how these Bible thumpers deny global warming, evolution, wearing masks, taking the vaccine.
Keep in mind that many who are "denying global warming" are merely denying that the government can fix it. Meanwhile government is rubbing their hands in delight over another reason to raise taxes and control people. Note how well the government did with the War on Drugs, the War on Poverty, etc. The last thing we need is for the government to star their War on Climate. The cynic in me notes the government is merely saying, "Want more of your money."

Wearing masks: Put masks and virus under a microscope. The weave on masks is much larger than that itty-bitty virus. Or do your own experiment and blow smoke through. People who wish to wear mask absolutely should. Government should not force the issue. Taking the vaccine: I saw a statistic stating one in four will not take the vaccine. My family fits that statistic. My husband and two daughters will (one already has). I will not. That is merely because I react badly to even over-the-counter medications. Went through two natural child-births. When I had my appendix out, took me a full month to recover from being knocked out. (Can't drink, either. :) )

Just saying we shouldn't put everyone in the same box. I have my reasons for opting for no mask, no vaccine. That doesn't mean I think everyone has the same reasons I have. We are not cookie stamps of each other, and it should not bother people when another type of cookie opts for something different than we did.
Notice for how many years you guys denied global warming was real? Now you’re saying you actually knew it was real and your real argument is there’s nothing we can do about it?

I was waiting for the day republicans stopped denying it. Trump denied it. Glad to see you’re giving up your lie for a different argument.

Oh, and isn’t lying wrong?
Just look at your crazy cousins the muslims.
Fringe does not make up an entire garment. I know many young people who are shining examples of the peaceful Muslim faith--the respect for God and for others.
Yea but is what they believe true? Their religion says Jesus was just a really good dude not the messiah.

If it’s not true I don’t care how good it makes them feel
Just look at how these Bible thumpers deny global warming, evolution, wearing masks, taking the vaccine.
Keep in mind that many who are "denying global warming" are merely denying that the government can fix it. Meanwhile government is rubbing their hands in delight over another reason to raise taxes and control people. Note how well the government did with the War on Drugs, the War on Poverty, etc. The last thing we need is for the government to star their War on Climate. The cynic in me notes the government is merely saying, "Want more of your money."

Wearing masks: Put masks and virus under a microscope. The weave on masks is much larger than that itty-bitty virus. Or do your own experiment and blow smoke through. People who wish to wear mask absolutely should. Government should not force the issue. Taking the vaccine: I saw a statistic stating one in four will not take the vaccine. My family fits that statistic. My husband and two daughters will (one already has). I will not. That is merely because I react badly to even over-the-counter medications. Went through two natural child-births. When I had my appendix out, took me a full month to recover from being knocked out. (Can't drink, either. :) )

Just saying we shouldn't put everyone in the same box. I have my reasons for opting for no mask, no vaccine. That doesn't mean I think everyone has the same reasons I have. We are not cookie stamps of each other, and it should not bother people when another type of cookie opts for something different than we did.
I bet people on Superman’s former planet believed in god too.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but many atheists believe that “religious” people foolishly follow a book of rules, for baseless reasons. For example, because they were raised into a particular religion, or out of fear, or because they were duped into it.

In other words, they believe it’s foolish to live your life following "rules from a book" that was written thousands of years ago, by men. Some atheists also say that Christianity or other religions are simply about controlling people.

Here’s what I believe that atheists and agnostics simply don’t get.

I can't speak for all Christians, but for myself and the Christians that I know, we choose to follow Jesus not because we were raised in a Christian home (I wasn’t) or because we were duped into it (nobody tells me what to think, I have always been an independent thinker) or for other shallow, baseless reasons like that.

When it comes to either being our own boss, or living by God's ways…. the reason that born again Christians choose the latter is because we have been on both sides, and we have seen through life experience that living by God's ways is simply BETTER, wiser, and it WORKS, in a practical sense. There are other reasons as well, but this particular reason is what I wanted to focus on for this thread.

So to sum that up…. Between following the world’s ways or following God’s ways, for some of us we have learned through experience (sometimes the hard way) that the latter is absolutely BETTER and it leads to good things as opposed to bad things. It simply WORKS, even though it can be hard at times, in this fallen world.

I hope I explained that clearly. If it didn’t make sense, please let me know and feel free to share your thoughts!
You nailed it when you pointed out that we have seen both sides. We were all born as little commie atheists, and those of us who are Christians were taught and learned what we believe. The reason why we know what commie atheists think is because that's what we once were. They cannot conceive what WE think, since they have never been Christians. When a commie atheist looks up, all he sees are the moon and stars. When we look up, we see the same moon and stars that they do, but we can also look into the heavens.
Notice for how many years you guys denied global warming was real? Now you’re saying you actually knew it was real and your real argument is there’s nothing we can do about it?
"We guys" did our own research and didn't have to slurp up what government set out. We even went a step further and researched what the US government could actually do. What bothered me the most is that they were pointing fingers at the pollution in China and India while ignoring what is happening in our own Western half the Hemisphere with the rain forests. In all these things, it is like going to government with a broken ankle and their response is to place a band-aid over a pimple on your nose.

As far as their handling of climate change: They fly all over the world in private jets to private meetings yapping "The sky is falling, the sky is falling" and telling me everything will be just fine if I don't travel by car or plane, when it is them in their cars and planes and I am on foot to most places I do. Bet you anything that the hardwood for the floors and furniture in their six homes and their yachts came from the rain forests.

Here is what I know: I can't do anything more about it because I already walk and cannot afford hardwoods from rain forests. Those "in charge" don't change anything they are doing personally and are hiding more than they are telling us. Meanwhile, along with their luxuries they are enriching themselves by being our "experts" and "consultants."

Remember, even the experts cannot say if this is the normal ebb and flow of climate or whether, like the ice age, we are in for an era or eon of a different kind of climate that has been the norm over the present era/eon. Meanwhile, I vote we do all we can to save the rain forests in our hemisphere. And stop spending our tax dollars on the bigwigs who claim they have the fix when all they have on climate is the, Fix is in.
I was waiting for the day republicans stopped denying it. Trump denied it. Glad to see you’re giving up your lie for a different argument.
President Trump merely believes we are in a normal cycle and there is no reason rake in billions from taxpayers over a climate that is in a normal cycle. While I don't know what kind of cycle we are in (short term, long term) I am convinced there is not a thing government can do about it. Note how they try to resolve education problems: Throw more money per student which goes into the pockets of administrators. Same with climate. Throw money at climate that goes into the pockets of experts and consultants while the climate continues as usual.

Here is the deal: The Far East is the root of pollution that can be eliminated. If the world could help the Far East clean up the planet (not change the climate) and the Far East is spending a boatload themselves to make it happen, I would be happier. If the world would unite to protect and manage the rain forests, I would be on the way to ecstatic. That is not what they are doing.
Oh, and isn’t lying wrong?
We need to stop throwing "lying" at everything and everyone. Let's look at the definition of lie: It is a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth.

Gore and Kerry have been caught in lies, saying the opposite of what they know to be true in order to advance their own cause and bottom lines. Now it appears that you and I see climate change differently. I would not accuse you of lying because I do not think you are a liar. In the same way, I am not lying either. I have done my own research and I have apparently reached different conclusions than you. This means that neither of us are lying, but one of us is mistaken. At this point, we just don't know which one of us is wrong. ;)
Yea but is what they believe true? Their religion says Jesus was just a really good dude not the messiah.
In the Jewish faith there have already been many messiahs (or anointed ones or saviors) of the Jewish people in different periods of time. With Christianity we have the belief that there is a single messiah (or anointed one) who is a spiritual savior or redeemer. The Messiah the Jews are currently on watch for is a physical ruler of the physical Jewish nation, who will make their nation a light to all other nations. This messiah will join many other Jewish messiahs/saviors, and who knows, there may even be more after his lifetime.

Christian belief in Jesus is that he is the single spiritual Messiah/Savior/Redeemer of all people of all times. Muslim (not to mention Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, etc) belief is that Jesus is not a spiritual savior of all--just a good man for some.

What I (and many other Christians) have personal knowledge and experience with is that Jesus' Way is truth and light in even the minute issues and decisions that make up this life's journey. We testify to his truth, his way. As with Judaism, as with Islam, Christianity sets us before God. (Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, etc. have a different approach, but I believe their way can get them to God as well.)
I bet people on Superman’s former planet believed in god too.
Grin. But seriously, one God over all the universe, would very likely be observed on other planets as well--not just by earthlings. I doubt we would prove to be that much smarter--or for that matter, that much dumber.

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