Clearly A Ransom

Yes my greatest regret about Obama is that he didn't wash our hands of the middle east. That said, comparing Dubya diving headfirst into an empty pool to Obama dipping his toes in is unreasonable.
whats unreasonable is prematurely making a military move that put 10 countries in an unbalanced state, just to send more troops in and start other wars.
You know what puts 10 (I wish it were just 10) countries in an unbalanced state? Completely fucking around in the middle east. Obama's greatest failure is feeling like he had to interfere in the middle east so he'd look tough on foreign policy for the hawks (mostly republicans) instead of having the balls to tell them to fuck off.
Obama is a war hawk. LOOK AT THE LAST 6 YEARS. FFS, he bombed 7 countries in his first SIX YEARS.
Yes he fucked that up. It's still lightyears better than if he'd started wars where thousands of our soldiers come home dead and maimed.
LOL you just cant quit can ya? YOu keep putting bush in my face like I care. Bush was one of the worst Presidents we ever had.
We have a fucking thread about our POTUS giving RANSOM to a state sponsor of terrorism and all you can say is BBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH
The Old School doesn't realize it's not Bush anymore. Now it's Drumpf's fault.
When confronted with the truth, leftist loonies always divert to another subject. The OP was about how Obama clearly lied to the American people regarding the 400 million payment to Iran in exchange for the hostages (just like he and Hillary did about Ben Ghazi) and now we're talking about Bush and the Iraq war. Pretty desperate stuff.
whats unreasonable is prematurely making a military move that put 10 countries in an unbalanced state, just to send more troops in and start other wars.
You know what puts 10 (I wish it were just 10) countries in an unbalanced state? Completely fucking around in the middle east. Obama's greatest failure is feeling like he had to interfere in the middle east so he'd look tough on foreign policy for the hawks (mostly republicans) instead of having the balls to tell them to fuck off.
Obama is a war hawk. LOOK AT THE LAST 6 YEARS. FFS, he bombed 7 countries in his first SIX YEARS.
Yes he fucked that up. It's still lightyears better than if he'd started wars where thousands of our soldiers come home dead and maimed.
LOL you just cant quit can ya? YOu keep putting bush in my face like I care. Bush was one of the worst Presidents we ever had.
We have a fucking thread about our POTUS giving RANSOM to a state sponsor of terrorism and all you can say is BBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH
The Old School doesn't realize it's not Bush anymore. Now it's Drumpf's fault.
Old school of leftist propaganda.
So like Weatherman, you were happier when our soldiers were coming home in caskets
No actually you liberals were the happiest when they came home in caskets. You gleefully counted them daily under Bush, for political purposes. Like I stated earlier, every liberal is a traitor.
The moonbats had body count websites.
And you didn't give the slightest fuck that the numbers kept going up. If it were up to you, they'd still be going up.
Who is sending them back over there?
When he sends them to the front to start dying for nothing I'll be the first one here complaining about it.
He said he ended the Iraq war successfully, if that was true. Then why send troops back? When we left we armed issis, that was probably Obama's intention. Then he could send them back to get killed. Like I said liberals are traitors.
So like Weatherman, you were happier when our soldiers were coming home in caskets
No actually you liberals were the happiest when they came home in caskets. You gleefully counted them daily under Bush, for political purposes. Like I stated earlier, every liberal is a traitor.
The moonbats had body count websites.
And you didn't give the slightest fuck that the numbers kept going up. If it were up to you, they'd still be going up.
Who is sending them back over there?
When he sends them to the front to start dying for nothing I'll be the first one here complaining about it.
Starting a war with two nations that were no threat and putting combat troops on the ground is your cup of tea.
Come on guys. It costs money to send and keep 100,000 Iranian troops in Iraq. You remember Iraq? The war Obama claimed victory for?
The war you ignorant fucks still wish we were fighting?

I am well aware of who has their head up their ass, and it ain't me.

BAGHDAD — President Obama will send 560 more troops to Iraq to help retake Mosul, the largest city still controlled by the Islamic State, a deployment intended to capitalize on recent battlefield gains that also illustrates the obstacles that Mr. Obama has faced in trying to wind down America’s wars.

The Iraqis have struggled with the logistics of moving troops and equipment and these tasks will become more difficult as their forces move closer to Mosul, 250 miles from major supply hubs in Baghdad.

The deployment will bring the official number of American service members in Iraq to 4,647.
whats unreasonable is prematurely making a military move that put 10 countries in an unbalanced state, just to send more troops in and start other wars.
You know what puts 10 (I wish it were just 10) countries in an unbalanced state? Completely fucking around in the middle east. Obama's greatest failure is feeling like he had to interfere in the middle east so he'd look tough on foreign policy for the hawks (mostly republicans) instead of having the balls to tell them to fuck off.
Obama is a war hawk. LOOK AT THE LAST 6 YEARS. FFS, he bombed 7 countries in his first SIX YEARS.
Yes he fucked that up. It's still lightyears better than if he'd started wars where thousands of our soldiers come home dead and maimed.
LOL you just cant quit can ya? YOu keep putting bush in my face like I care. Bush was one of the worst Presidents we ever had.
We have a fucking thread about our POTUS giving RANSOM to a state sponsor of terrorism and all you can say is BBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH
What you have is a thread spinning a load of bullshit.
It's a thread about the latest Obama lie, dufus. State Dept spilled the beans.
No actually you liberals were the happiest when they came home in caskets. You gleefully counted them daily under Bush, for political purposes. Like I stated earlier, every liberal is a traitor.
The moonbats had body count websites.
And you didn't give the slightest fuck that the numbers kept going up. If it were up to you, they'd still be going up.
Who is sending them back over there?
When he sends them to the front to start dying for nothing I'll be the first one here complaining about it.
He said he ended the Iraq war successfully, if that was true. Then why send troops back? When we left we armed issis, that was probably Obama's intention. Then he could send them back to get killed. Like I said liberals are traitors.
Imam President Hussein Obama has lied and gotten bailed out by the media so many times, I've lost count.
Come on guys. It costs money to send and keep 100,000 Iranian troops in Iraq. You remember Iraq? The war Obama claimed victory for?
The war you ignorant fucks still wish we were fighting?

I am well aware of who has their head up their ass, and it ain't me.

BAGHDAD — President Obama will send 560 more troops to Iraq to help retake Mosul, the largest city still controlled by the Islamic State, a deployment intended to capitalize on recent battlefield gains that also illustrates the obstacles that Mr. Obama has faced in trying to wind down America’s wars.

The Iraqis have struggled with the logistics of moving troops and equipment and these tasks will become more difficult as their forces move closer to Mosul, 250 miles from major supply hubs in Baghdad.

The deployment will bring the official number of American service members in Iraq to 4,647.
Imam Obama just authorized combat troops in Libya too.
Come on guys. It costs money to send and keep 100,000 Iranian troops in Iraq. You remember Iraq? The war Obama claimed victory for?
The war you ignorant fucks still wish we were fighting?

I am well aware of who has their head up their ass, and it ain't me.

BAGHDAD — President Obama will send 560 more troops to Iraq to help retake Mosul, the largest city still controlled by the Islamic State, a deployment intended to capitalize on recent battlefield gains that also illustrates the obstacles that Mr. Obama has faced in trying to wind down America’s wars.

The Iraqis have struggled with the logistics of moving troops and equipment and these tasks will become more difficult as their forces move closer to Mosul, 250 miles from major supply hubs in Baghdad.

The deployment will bring the official number of American service members in Iraq to 4,647.
They're trying to retake a city Americans lost their lives to conquer. One of many instances Hussein Obama has spat on the sacrifices Americans have made in Iraq.
Come on guys. It costs money to send and keep 100,000 Iranian troops in Iraq. You remember Iraq? The war Obama claimed victory for?
The war you ignorant fucks still wish we were fighting?

We still are fighting that war dumbass!
Oh then maybe I should say the war you ignorant fucks still wish was killing and maiming our soldiers.

Maybe an ignorant anti-American fuckstick like you should support the troops that are in harms way instead of trashing those that do.
Come on guys. It costs money to send and keep 100,000 Iranian troops in Iraq. You remember Iraq? The war Obama claimed victory for?
The war you ignorant fucks still wish we were fighting?

The war that Obama lost to keep a campaign promise after Bush won it.
I'll talk to you when you manage to pull your head out of your ass
The munitions that killed and maimed most of our troops came from Iran. No wonder you lefties applaud giving the worlds leading sponsor of terrorism all that money.

You are a weird dude. What are you expecting?

I will lay it out for you.

The money was not a ransom. It was already their money and the amount was settled in negotiations that had gone on for years.

It was, however, issued in connection with the release of the prisoners. The timing of the release and the delivery of the money were linked.

The State Department and the White House were deceitful regarding that point a few weeks ago, it seems.

And.....I am not freaking out. As long as we aren't agreeing to pay ransom for hostages, I'm not concerned.

Now....try your hardest to respond with a bit of honesty. It won't hurt.
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