Cleveland boy with fake pistol killed by police

Instead of whining and crying about thugs like Travon Martin and Michael Brown
being shoot and killed maybe time would be better spent wondering how two police officers ended up shooting and killing a 12 year old boy in a park because he was playing with a toy gun? There is no excuse for the police action on this shooting.

Read more at Cleveland boy with fake pistol killed by police - Toledo Blade
I've seen a picture of the air soft pistol the boy used and it doesn't have any markings that would have identified it has anything other than a real handgun.
You were there?

Tell us what you would have done, if you approached the kid?

Taken one for the good of mankind?
Why did they need to approach the kid?

Since when do police drive right up next to an unknown whom they consider armed and dangerous?


Why didn't they stop 30-50 feet back and use their loudspeaker to tell him to drop his weapon while shielding themselves with their car doors?
If the person who made the call knew the gun was a toy why make the call?
"Hello? 911? This is the Pope calling. There's a negro young man in the park. He's waving a handgun around and pointing it at people. I'm sure it's a replica of a semiauto. No it doesn't have an orange tip but take my word for it the gun is only a replica. I am the Pope after all".
Ya fucking right!
You're a fucking idiot.
You were there?

Tell us what you would have done, if you approached the kid?

Taken one for the good of mankind?
Why did they need to approach the kid?

Since when do police drive right up next to an unknown whom they consider armed and dangerous?


Why didn't they stop 30-50 feet back and use their loudspeaker to tell him to drop his weapon while shielding themselves with their car doors?
Why don't you become a cop and show them how it ought to be done?
You were there?

Tell us what you would have done, if you approached the kid?

Taken one for the good of mankind?
Why did they need to approach the kid?

Since when do police drive right up next to an unknown whom they consider armed and dangerous?


Why didn't they stop 30-50 feet back and use their loudspeaker to tell him to drop his weapon while shielding themselves with their car doors?
Why don't you become a cop and show them how it ought to be done?
What I described was standard procedure, dumbass.
If the kid had put the gun down he would still be alive.
When anyone disobeys the law you have consequences.
Same thing with Michael Brown. If he had obeyed the cop and went to the side walk he would still be alive today.
The wrong headed idea that you have to disobey cops is what is getting them killed.
Way to not watch the video, or inform yourself in the least!

Good job!
If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
After watching the video it is clear that Tamir never had a chance to surrender.

He was ordered to show his hands 3 times and he would not do it.
Describe how that is possible.

Oh that's right - you didn't watch the video.
You were there?

Tell us what you would have done, if you approached the kid?

Taken one for the good of mankind?
Why did they need to approach the kid?

Since when do police drive right up next to an unknown whom they consider armed and dangerous?


Why didn't they stop 30-50 feet back and use their loudspeaker to tell him to drop his weapon while shielding themselves with their car doors?
Why don't you become a cop and show them how it ought to be done?
What I described was standard procedure, dumbass.
How do you know what the standard procedure for arriving to a call is for the Cleveland Police Department?
If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
After watching the video it is clear that Tamir never had a chance to surrender.

He was ordered to show his hands 3 times and he would not do it.
Describe how that is possible.

Oh that's right - you didn't watch the video.

It is you who didn't watch the video.

Preliminary information reveals that witnesses reported a male was in the playground area of the center, waving a gun and pointing it at people. Police say when officers arrived, they located the suspect and advised him to raise his hands. However, the suspect did not comply with the officers' orders and reached to his waistband for the gun. Shots were fired and the suspect was struck in the torso. "The young man had the weapon in his waistband. He pulled the weapon out.
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If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
After watching the video it is clear that Tamir never had a chance to surrender.

He was ordered to show his hands 3 times and he would not do it.
Describe how that is possible.

Oh that's right - you didn't watch the video.

That fat cow needs to shut up. But after listening to the chief or information officer I think the officer acted in hast.
Thanks for sharing the video.
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If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
After watching the video it is clear that Tamir never had a chance to surrender.

He was ordered to show his hands 3 times and he would not do it.
Describe how that is possible.

Oh that's right - you didn't watch the video.

It is you who didn't watch the video.

Preliminary information reveals that witnesses reported a male was in the playground area of the center, waving a gun and pointing it at people. Police say when officers arrived, they located the suspect and advised him to raise his hands. However, the suspect did not comply with the officers' orders and reached to his waistband for the gun. Shots were fired and the suspect was struck in the torso. "The young man had the weapon in his waistband. He pulled the weapon out.

Wrong video.

Go to the 1:20 mark. There is no way that those officers were off-camera yelling at him through a loudspeaker.

If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
After watching the video it is clear that Tamir never had a chance to surrender.

The video has no sound. The police probably gave him instructions to put his hands up through their bullhorn. He ignored and reached for his BB gun. They obviously saw him as a threat, so they fired. It's tragedy. Nothing more to really make of it.

What would you like us to believe? That two cops just decided to run up on a 12 year old black kid and shoot him because he's black? That story is great for the race hustlers, but in the real world it doesn't happen.

It's possible but it's clear in the video as soon as they pulled up, the rookie cop came out firing.

Kind of like this cop, when he asked for his license, then while going for the license, he shot him.

Thank god he got charged. This reckless activity by cops is ridiculous. Unfortunately, cops have to shoot to kill so the person can't tell their side of the story so only the officer's version of the events can be heard so they get off. So there is a huge reward for cops to shoot to kill.

If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
After watching the video it is clear that Tamir never had a chance to surrender.

He was ordered to show his hands 3 times and he would not do it.
Describe how that is possible.

Oh that's right - you didn't watch the video.

The video has no sound, weirdo. What probably happened was the officers order him to drop his weapon and put his hands up from the police car. He didn't comply and the officers thought he was a threat, so they shot him.
One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
After watching the video it is clear that Tamir never had a chance to surrender.

He was ordered to show his hands 3 times and he would not do it.
Describe how that is possible.

Oh that's right - you didn't watch the video.

It is you who didn't watch the video.

Preliminary information reveals that witnesses reported a male was in the playground area of the center, waving a gun and pointing it at people. Police say when officers arrived, they located the suspect and advised him to raise his hands. However, the suspect did not comply with the officers' orders and reached to his waistband for the gun. Shots were fired and the suspect was struck in the torso. "The young man had the weapon in his waistband. He pulled the weapon out.

Wrong video.

Go to the 1:20 mark. There is no way that those officers were off-camera yelling at him through a loudspeaker.

What part of compressed video are you not hearing?
Where are you getting off camera and yelling at him though a loudspeaker?. There was none of that and there was no need for a loudspeaker.
One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
After watching the video it is clear that Tamir never had a chance to surrender.

He was ordered to show his hands 3 times and he would not do it.
Describe how that is possible.

Oh that's right - you didn't watch the video.

It is you who didn't watch the video.

Preliminary information reveals that witnesses reported a male was in the playground area of the center, waving a gun and pointing it at people. Police say when officers arrived, they located the suspect and advised him to raise his hands. However, the suspect did not comply with the officers' orders and reached to his waistband for the gun. Shots were fired and the suspect was struck in the torso. "The young man had the weapon in his waistband. He pulled the weapon out.

Wrong video.

Go to the 1:20 mark. There is no way that those officers were off-camera yelling at him through a loudspeaker.

That's sad for all, no officer wants to shoot a child. I know it's eating him up as I post this message.
If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

Because the guy in Colorado did not resist the cops, he did what they told him to do.

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