Cleveland boy with fake pistol killed by police

Excuse me for my confusion here, but exactly WHAT is the "point" you are talking about ????

I've said it over and over - in a high stress situation, the cops could not tell this was a bb gun. The phony hunt-n-grunt gun nutters here cannot tell either and they're too chicken to even try.

You saying you were in military gives you some sort of knowledge germane to this discussion is incorrect because you were told what was in your hand.

We're are not talking about what (as a LEO was in MY hand). We're talking about the gun in the hand of some civilian holding a gun. And what I said about National Guard experience IS germane to the discussion. Some of the NG troops had live ammunition, we could have done what the NG troops did at Kent State, and fired and killed some people. It all depends on what those people do. Whether a little boy with a toy gun, or Michael Brown, or Trayvon Martin, THEY call the shots and dictate the action, not the LEOs. Get it ?

Consider your Kent State analogy. The National Guard fired into the crowd indiscriminately while CLASSES WERE CHANGING. The National Guard was clueless and murdered four innocent students.

In Cleveland, the cops shot a 12 year old boy even as the 911 operator was told at least twice that the gun he held was, in reality, a BB gun.

So, clueless cops, clueless National Guardsmen. So far, their ineptitude has resulted in at least five dead in Northern Ohio.

Pro-militia types here have posted that the US military would not fire on US citizens.

They are wrong.

Nothing in life is 100% perfect.

Except USMB left nutters.
If a 12 year old can shoot and kill a deer...or his classmates as we've seen....then why should we assume he cant kill a cop?

The gun looked identical to a real gun. The 12 year old male was fully capable of pulling the trigger and using the gun.

We find out afterwards its a fake gun.

Tragic. But cops did nothing wrong.

Those of you who want cops to try tasers vs being faced with a gun....go sign the fuck up and YOU risk death to be nice to the person with a gun....or who tried to take yours.
We did not find out AFTERWARDS that the gun was fake. The 911 operator was told TWICE that the gun was fake.
That is of course a LIE.

911 operator was told it "might" be a toy.

If that information had been passed on, the kid would still be dead for reaching for the "may be real too" gun.
If a 12 year old can shoot and kill a deer...or his classmates as we've seen....then why should we assume he cant kill a cop?

The gun looked identical to a real gun. The 12 year old male was fully capable of pulling the trigger and using the gun.

We find out afterwards its a fake gun.

Tragic. But cops did nothing wrong.

Those of you who want cops to try tasers vs being faced with a gun....go sign the fuck up and YOU risk death to be nice to the person with a gun....or who tried to take yours.
We did not find out AFTERWARDS that the gun was fake. The 911 operator was told TWICE that the gun was fake.
If a 12 year old can shoot and kill a deer...or his classmates as we've seen....then why should we assume he cant kill a cop?

The gun looked identical to a real gun. The 12 year old male was fully capable of pulling the trigger and using the gun.

We find out afterwards its a fake gun.

Tragic. But cops did nothing wrong.

Those of you who want cops to try tasers vs being faced with a gun....go sign the fuck up and YOU risk death to be nice to the person with a gun....or who tried to take yours.
We did not find out AFTERWARDS that the gun was fake. The 911 operator was told TWICE that the gun was fake.

Here's quote from the OP link >>

"The caller said twice that the gun was “probably fake.”

So even if the officers knew what the caller had said, they still had no confirmation of the gun being fake. So they went into this call with the notion that this gun might be real. So then, you have a gamble. You can assume it's real and shoot the kid if he goes for the gun, or you can assume it's fake, and get yourself killed, if the gun turns out to be real.

I carry a gun (with a concealed weapon license) and I can tell you that when the stakes are my life, I'm not gambling. If the stakes were something less than that, maybe.
Can you imagine a resolution without deadly force?

Nosmo, have you ever been a police officer? If not , kindly shut the fuck up.

Do you know that you idiotic liberals are the reason most police do NOT have access to non lethals? Too many complaints so off the line they went. Now it's straight to the firearms.

And yes, SOP is if a suspect reaches for what you reasonably believe is a real weapon you shoot. The age/gender/sex/race of the suspect is immaterial.
If it's so black and white (no pun intended), is the price of innocent lives lost and an erosion of the public's trust of law enforcement worth it? Especially when there are non-lethal responses are technically viable? Is it not worth discussing as an alternative, or do you accept the lives of the innocent and the loss of support from the community?
You were there?

Tell us what you would have done, if you approached the kid?

Taken one for the good of mankind?
There's no excuse for what happened in Cleveland. The cops had the chance to taze him. They could have shot the child in the leg or arm.

Those of you rejoicing in that baby's death, I hope you find yourself in his shoes - or his parents' - during your next incarnation.

Once again, for the terminally slow; most agencies are getting away from using non lethals, they don't even make them available to officers.

Also, a tazer can be quite deadly to a small child.

As for shooting the child in the leg or the arm :rofl: shut the fuck up

Cops probably should have shot the gun out of his hand, Lone Ranger style.

Or, winged him with a "flesh wound", in a manner reminiscent of Roy Rogers.
C'mon people. This isn't that hard. Unlike the cops who must make split-second, life or death decisions, you can take your time.

Guess the know-it-all gun nutters all got reeeel busy elsewhere.


WTF are you babbling about?
The kid and his parents are dumb asses and the kid paid with his life.
What else is there to say?

I know I mean black people DESERVE to die in the streets. LOL at Negros thinking they have due process and that the cops you know could approach the situation with non-lethal force instead of reaching and shooting the gun first. They should just irrationally fear every person of color and shoot them dead. Then we conservative can still claim that police brutality doesn't exist and black people are making it up, ignore the situation and blame their parents for having their child play in the park. I mean who would think a child would play in a park?

- Signed every conservative ever.
If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?
The shooter was not active, his geegaw 100 round mag had jammed.

If he had had a bunch of reliable ten rounders, more would have died.
A cop who hesitates when someone points a gun at him is a dead cop. I work with cops, and I don't know any of them who want to be dead.

I also hope they know the definition of pointing at them is not pointing at the ground.

If the person who made the call knew the gun was a toy why make the call?

For the same reason they all do. A potential 15 minutes O Youtube fame.

Now for all you knee jerker interneters who have rambled for 14 pages with no clue, perhaps you should actually check facts before spouting opinions. Here is the actual 911 call.

He sounds like a prize. Now the radio dispatch.

That was a code 1. That is a non-emergency response going with the normal flow of traffic. No lights or siren authorized. Why? Because as stated in the recording they had only received one call. Yet in this video these guys come tearing up and as soon as the passenger cop gets his door open he shoots and the kid goes down.

No time was taken to assess anything. He can't even identify what weapon he had when he radioed in. All he saw was an object pointed down at the kids' side. He was probably identifying it as he was making the call. These things are where the problem is.

Way back when I was growing up toy guns were very popular, much more popular than today. All the kids had at least one toy gun and actually played with them outside in public not just in their back yards. These toy guns were not marked with orange tips that scream this is a toy. So why were there not more cops shooting kids back then?

Good question. I ran around with two six shooters quite a bit. Never once was worried I would get gunned down.

The kid went for his waistband. You don't wait at that point unless you want to be dead more often than running into an altered pellet gun. Probably some stupid pellet gun laws coming our way


There was already a law saying the toy gun should have had a safety orange muzzle to indicate it was fake.
Who removed the orange safety tip from the gun? That's who killed this boy.

Likely the tip was removed because the toy gun was used by an adult in robberies of their own.

I know of someone who was arrested by the FEDS for doing just that. Took the orange tip off (which is there to save lives) painted it up black and then drove on a military installation. Yeah, another dummy


Did you even watch the video. He just walking, the cops speed up, startles him and the cops comes out immediately shooting at him. That's murder. And the cop will get off and then you'll still wonder why black people don't trust cops. Sickening.
A cop who hesitates when someone points a gun at him is a dead cop. I work with cops, and I don't know any of them who want to be dead.

I also hope they know the definition of pointing at them is not pointing at the ground.

If the person who made the call knew the gun was a toy why make the call?

For the same reason they all do. A potential 15 minutes O Youtube fame.

Now for all you knee jerker interneters who have rambled for 14 pages with no clue, perhaps you should actually check facts before spouting opinions. Here is the actual 911 call.

He sounds like a prize. Now the radio dispatch.

That was a code 1. That is a non-emergency response going with the normal flow of traffic. No lights or siren authorized. Why? Because as stated in the recording they had only received one call. Yet in this video these guys come tearing up and as soon as the passenger cop gets his door open he shoots and the kid goes down.

No time was taken to assess anything. He can't even identify what weapon he had when he radioed in. All he saw was an object pointed down at the kids' side. He was probably identifying it as he was making the call. These things are where the problem is.

Way back when I was growing up toy guns were very popular, much more popular than today. All the kids had at least one toy gun and actually played with them outside in public not just in their back yards. These toy guns were not marked with orange tips that scream this is a toy. So why were there not more cops shooting kids back then?

Good question. I ran around with two six shooters quite a bit. Never once was worried I would get gunned down.

The kid went for his waistband. You don't wait at that point unless you want to be dead more often than running into an altered pellet gun. Probably some stupid pellet gun laws coming our way


There was already a law saying the toy gun should have had a safety orange muzzle to indicate it was fake.

However it has been previously establish the gun the kid had was a pellet gun which does not require an orange tip.
  1. BB guns aren't required to have orange-tipped barrels. Under federal law, imitation firearms are required to have blaze orange barrel tips. But the statute specifically exempts "traditional BB or pellet-firing air guns" from the requirement.
There's no excuse for what happened in Cleveland. The cops had the chance to taze him. They could have shot the child in the leg or arm.

Those of you rejoicing in that baby's death, I hope you find yourself in his shoes - or his parents' - during your next incarnation.
No fucking cop on the planet attends a 911 complaint about a person waving a fucking gun around and pointing it at people and sees the person and reaches for a fucking Taser. What are you? Like ten years old?
Had the cop intentionally aimed for a leg or arm and missed and someone standing nearby was killed THEN what would you think?
Every cop on the planet is trained to 'shoot center mass'. NEVER any exceptions.
Another one of your childish ludicrous posts and you're on PI.
If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?
The shooter was not active, his geegaw 100 round mag had jammed.

If he had had a bunch of reliable ten rounders, more would have died.
Sidestep the actions of the Cleveland PD and provide tips for the next unhinged gun nut.

With this level of rhetorical responsibility, why on earth should you be taken seriously?
If the person who made the call knew the gun was a toy why make the call?
"Hello? 911? This is the Pope calling. There's a negro young man in the park. He's waving a handgun around and pointing it at people. I'm sure it's a replica of a semiauto. No it doesn't have an orange tip but take my word for it the gun is only a replica. I am the Pope after all".
Ya fucking right!
If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
You've got to be kidding.This kid was never given a second to surrender.
Anyone else find the right's reaction hypocritical?

If a white kid is shot by a parent's negligently leaving a gun out. All you hear about is that it's a tragedy. And then when the legitimate question of where were the parents, the response is usually "How dare you say that? This family is grieving."

But a black kid gets shot for no reason, there is no sympathy and people say "Horrible parents, they are obviously bad people."

Why is that?
Anyone else find the right's reaction hypocritical?

If a white kid is shot by a parent's negligently leaving a gun out. All you hear about is that it's a tragedy. And then when the legitimate question of where were the parents, the response is usually "How dare you say that? This family is grieving."

But a black kid gets shot for no reason, there is no sympathy and people say "Horrible parents, they are obviously bad people."

Why is that?

Bad parenting is more of a glaring problem in the black comunity. Next.
Anyone else find the right's reaction hypocritical?

If a white kid is shot by a parent's negligently leaving a gun out. All you hear about is that it's a tragedy. And then when the legitimate question of where were the parents, the response is usually "How dare you say that? This family is grieving."

But a black kid gets shot for no reason, there is no sympathy and people say "Horrible parents, they are obviously bad people."

Why is that?

Bad parenting is more of a glaring problem in the black comunity. Next.
What 'parents'?
Over 70% of negro kids have no father in the house.
Big Mike never lived with his 'mother'. He lived from the time he was a baby with his grandmother. Both his parents were well known 'Blood' gangbangers.
We'll soon find out that Timar was being raised by someone other than his biological parents.
Anyone else find the right's reaction hypocritical?

If a white kid is shot by a parent's negligently leaving a gun out. All you hear about is that it's a tragedy. And then when the legitimate question of where were the parents, the response is usually "How dare you say that? This family is grieving."

But a black kid gets shot for no reason, there is no sympathy and people say "Horrible parents, they are obviously bad people."

Why is that?

Bad parenting is more of a glaring problem in the black comunity. Next.

How? Because YOU think it is? What about when white kids go vandalize property and get shot by police before given a chance to surrender? Would you say that the parents who didn't know what they were doing are bad parents? The answer is no because you would feel "sympathy" for them because you could relate to them.

But because you can't relate to black people (or don't want to), you decide to find any reason to not sympathize with them and think they deserve it or they are horrible living creatures. Dehumanizing them so it's justified to hate them.
Anyone else find the right's reaction hypocritical?

If a white kid is shot by a parent's negligently leaving a gun out. All you hear about is that it's a tragedy. And then when the legitimate question of where were the parents, the response is usually "How dare you say that? This family is grieving."

But a black kid gets shot for no reason, there is no sympathy and people say "Horrible parents, they are obviously bad people."

Why is that?

Bad parenting is more of a glaring problem in the black comunity. Next.
What 'parents'?
Over 70% of negro kids have no father in the house.
Big Mike never lived with his 'mother'. He lived from the time he was a baby with his grandmother. Both his parents were well known 'Blood' gangbangers.
We'll soon find out that Timar was being raised by someone other than his biological parents.

Racistboys at it again. Just because you don't live with the mother of your child doesn't mean you aren't involved in the child's life. When is the next KKK meeting? Has Anon outed you yet?
Anyone else find the right's reaction hypocritical?

If a white kid is shot by a parent's negligently leaving a gun out. All you hear about is that it's a tragedy. And then when the legitimate question of where were the parents, the response is usually "How dare you say that? This family is grieving."

But a black kid gets shot for no reason, there is no sympathy and people say "Horrible parents, they are obviously bad people."

Why is that?

Bad parenting is more of a glaring problem in the black comunity. Next.
What 'parents'?
Over 70% of negro kids have no father in the house.
Big Mike never lived with his 'mother'. He lived from the time he was a baby with his grandmother. Both his parents were well known 'Blood' gangbangers.
We'll soon find out that Timar was being raised by someone other than his biological parents.

Racistboys at it again. Just because you don't live with the mother of your child doesn't mean you aren't involved in the child's life. When is the next KKK meeting? Has Anon outed you yet?
Yeah, the black extended family structure is working out so well.

Grandparents are not supposed to be raisin kids.
C'mon people. This isn't that hard. Unlike the cops who must make split-second, life or death decisions, you can take your time.

Guess the know-it-all gun nutters all got reeeel busy elsewhere.


WTF are you babbling about?
The kid and his parents are dumb asses and the kid paid with his life.
What else is there to say?

I know I mean black people DESERVE to die in the streets. LOL at Negros thinking they have due process and that the cops you know could approach the situation with non-lethal force instead of reaching and shooting the gun first. They should just irrationally fear every person of color and shoot them dead. Then we conservative can still claim that police brutality doesn't exist and black people are making it up, ignore the situation and blame their parents for having their child play in the park. I mean who would think a child would play in a park?

- Signed every conservative ever.

Shut up with your stupid due process bullshit you moron

It does NOT apply to these situations. The kid was shot because he reached for a gun when confronted, not because he broke a law.

How do you live with yourself being so intellectually dishonest?

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