Cleveland boy with fake pistol killed by police

There's no excuse for what happened in Cleveland. The cops had the chance to taze him. They could have shot the child in the leg or arm.

Those of you rejoicing in that baby's death, I hope you find yourself in his shoes - or his parents' - during your next incarnation.
And if they had shot him in the leg, and he had shot them (they could have thought) in the heart or throat, then the kid could have survived and the cop would be dead. You're OK with that ? How would you like to be in the shoes of the spouse or children of police killed by gunmen ?

Nosmo, have you ever been a police officer? If not , kindly shut the fuck up.

Do you know that you idiotic liberals are the reason most police do NOT have access to non lethals? Too many complaints so off the line they went. Now it's straight to the firearms.

And yes, SOP is if a suspect reaches for what you reasonably believe is a real weapon you shoot. The age/gender/sex/race of the suspect is immaterial.
If it's so black and white (no pun intended), is the price of innocent lives lost and an erosion of the public's trust of law enforcement worth it? Especially when there are non-lethal responses are technically viable? Is it not worth discussing as an alternative, or do you accept the lives of the innocent and the loss of support from the community?

I accept that sometimes tragic choices have dire consequences.

Am I happy about a 12 year old boy being shot by the police? Hell no. But there were so many bad choices made here, that you can hardly say "bad cop" for doing what they are trained to do.

Let's start with this, who removed the orange tip of that gun to make it look more realistic?

Of it was a BB gun it was not required to have an orange tip
Why BB guns are not required to have orange tips WDTN

Oh I see, so cops should put up with being shot by BB guns.... That's your logic

Here's an idea , how about stupid ass n!ggers start teaching their children to stop terrorizing people? DUH!
A cop being shot by a BB or another dead kid. That's the bargain you want to make?

And why not tamp down the racism, it makes you look vapid. What about the health and safety of 12 year old kids when faced by police?
If they were given microscopes, guitars, violins, tool sets, and other peaceful and healthy types of toys, rather than guns, they wouldn't BE faced by police.
If it's so black and white (no pun intended), is the price of innocent lives lost and an erosion of the public's trust of law enforcement worth it? Especially when there are non-lethal responses are technically viable? Is it not worth discussing as an alternative, or do you accept the lives of the innocent and the loss of support from the community?

I accept that sometimes tragic choices have dire consequences.

Am I happy about a 12 year old boy being shot by the police? Hell no. But there were so many bad choices made here, that you can hardly say "bad cop" for doing what they are trained to do.

Let's start with this, who removed the orange tip of that gun to make it look more realistic?

Of it was a BB gun it was not required to have an orange tip
Why BB guns are not required to have orange tips WDTN

Oh I see, so cops should put up with being shot by BB guns.... That's your logic

Here's an idea , how about stupid ass n!ggers start teaching their children to stop terrorizing people? DUH!
A cop being shot by a BB or another dead kid. That's the bargain you want to make?

And why not tamp down the racism, it makes you look vapid. What about the health and safety of 12 year old kids when faced by police?
If they were given microscopes, guitars, violins, tool sets, and other peaceful and healthy types of toys, rather than guns, they wouldn't BE faced by police.
So, it's the 'Gun Culture' that's ultimately to blame.
We're are not talking about what (as a LEO was in MY hand). We're talking about the gun in the hand of some civilian holding a gun. And what I said about National Guard experience IS germane to the discussion. Some of the NG troops had live ammunition, we could have done what the NG troops did at Kent State, and fired and killed some people. It all depends on what those people do. Whether a little boy with a toy gun, or Michael Brown, or Trayvon Martin, THEY call the shots and dictate the action, not the LEOs. Get it ?
Consider your Kent State analogy. The National Guard fired into the crowd indiscriminately while CLASSES WERE CHANGING. The National Guard was clueless and murdered four innocent students.

In Cleveland, the cops shot a 12 year old boy even as the 911 operator was told at least twice that the gun he held was, in reality, a BB gun.

So, clueless cops, clueless National Guardsmen. So far, their ineptitude has resulted in at least five dead in Northern Ohio.

They said they "thought" the gun was fake. And I sure as hell wouldnt trust some yahoos opinion on whether or not the gun was fake if it was my life on the line.
Sol deadly force is the one and only option? Tell that to the victim's family.

You dont bring a tazer to a gun fight.
So lets hear your ideas on how it should have been handled....I need a good laugh.
Well, first I'd think that NOT SHOOTING A 12 YEAR OLD BOY WITH A BB GUN might be a good idea.

I don't share the blood lust of the Conservative, nor the 'shoot first, then shoot again then ask a question' mentality of your garden variety gun nut.

I'm saddled with civilization, not action movie reflexes.

And if you find something to laugh about while a 12 year old with a BB gun was killed by police, I fear for the future of civilization itself.

Sorry,I stopped reading after your first sentence.
Those cops had no idea if the gun was real or not.
I accept that sometimes tragic choices have dire consequences.

Am I happy about a 12 year old boy being shot by the police? Hell no. But there were so many bad choices made here, that you can hardly say "bad cop" for doing what they are trained to do.

Let's start with this, who removed the orange tip of that gun to make it look more realistic?

Of it was a BB gun it was not required to have an orange tip
Why BB guns are not required to have orange tips WDTN

Oh I see, so cops should put up with being shot by BB guns.... That's your logic

Here's an idea , how about stupid ass n!ggers start teaching their children to stop terrorizing people? DUH!
A cop being shot by a BB or another dead kid. That's the bargain you want to make?

And why not tamp down the racism, it makes you look vapid. What about the health and safety of 12 year old kids when faced by police?
If they were given microscopes, guitars, violins, tool sets, and other peaceful and healthy types of toys, rather than guns, they wouldn't BE faced by police.
So, it's the 'Gun Culture' that's ultimately to blame.

No,pretty sure it's the negro culture thats the problem.
Consider your Kent State analogy. The National Guard fired into the crowd indiscriminately while CLASSES WERE CHANGING. The National Guard was clueless and murdered four innocent students.

In Cleveland, the cops shot a 12 year old boy even as the 911 operator was told at least twice that the gun he held was, in reality, a BB gun.

So, clueless cops, clueless National Guardsmen. So far, their ineptitude has resulted in at least five dead in Northern Ohio.

They said they "thought" the gun was fake. And I sure as hell wouldnt trust some yahoos opinion on whether or not the gun was fake if it was my life on the line.
Sol deadly force is the one and only option? Tell that to the victim's family.

You dont bring a tazer to a gun fight.
So lets hear your ideas on how it should have been handled....I need a good laugh.
Well, first I'd think that NOT SHOOTING A 12 YEAR OLD BOY WITH A BB GUN might be a good idea.

I don't share the blood lust of the Conservative, nor the 'shoot first, then shoot again then ask a question' mentality of your garden variety gun nut.

I'm saddled with civilization, not action movie reflexes.

And if you find something to laugh about while a 12 year old with a BB gun was killed by police, I fear for the future of civilization itself.

All of which is why an air taser can be an excellent alternative to deadly force. The ones I have can put someone on the ground at 15 feet and they'll stay down for about 20-30 minutes. Mine also have a taser gun feature in case there are more than one.

A lot of police forces are using them. Read pros and cons here.

OTOH - several pov at this link.

The Taser is touted for saving lives and preventing injury, but a new study says that some police officers reach for the weapon too quickly.

And the ACLU

Tasers No Longer a Non-Lethal Alternative for Law Enforcement



By Rebecca McCray, ACLU Criminal Law Reform Project & Emma Andersson, Criminal Law Reform Project at 3:39pm

Tasers subject their victims to a 50,000 volt shock followed by 100 microsecond pulses of 1,200 volts. Since 2001, more than 500 people in the United States have died after law enforcement officers used this weapon against them. A study published this week by the American Heart Association’s Circulation Journal confirms that the misuse of a Taser can cause sudden cardiac arrest and death.

In theory, a Taser is intended to serve as a non-lethal method of control for law enforcement officers when they need to physically restrain a dangerous person. But as the new Circulation study demonstrates, Tasers cannot so simply be categorized as “non-lethal.” In addition, there are far too many instances in which officers have impulsively deployed Tasers against children, pregnant women and the mentally ill, even though the victims posed no real danger to either the officers or anyone else.

The new evidence that Tasers can cause cardiac arrest and death, coupled with the disturbing trend of officers using Tasers in flagrantly unnecessary situations, makes it all the more troubling that states do not uniformly or consistently govern or regulate officers’ use of Tasers. This means that Taser policies vary greatly between police departments, often leading to vague, outdated and inaccurate guidelines that result in misunderstanding about the misuse of these allegedly non-lethal weapons.

You better be real close and hope I dont pull out my pistol before you pull out your taser.....because I will kill you if you threaten me.
If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?
If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
A cop who hesitates when someone points a gun at him is a dead cop. I work with cops, and I don't know any of them who want to be dead.

I also hope they know the definition of pointing at them is not pointing at the ground.

If the person who made the call knew the gun was a toy why make the call?

For the same reason they all do. A potential 15 minutes O Youtube fame.

Now for all you knee jerker interneters who have rambled for 14 pages with no clue, perhaps you should actually check facts before spouting opinions. Here is the actual 911 call.

He sounds like a prize. Now the radio dispatch.

That was a code 1. That is a non-emergency response going with the normal flow of traffic. No lights or siren authorized. Why? Because as stated in the recording they had only received one call. Yet in this video these guys come tearing up and as soon as the passenger cop gets his door open he shoots and the kid goes down.

No time was taken to assess anything. He can't even identify what weapon he had when he radioed in. All he saw was an object pointed down at the kids' side. He was probably identifying it as he was making the call. These things are where the problem is.

Way back when I was growing up toy guns were very popular, much more popular than today. All the kids had at least one toy gun and actually played with them outside in public not just in their back yards. These toy guns were not marked with orange tips that scream this is a toy. So why were there not more cops shooting kids back then?

Good question. I ran around with two six shooters quite a bit. Never once was worried I would get gunned down.
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It's a tragedy.

You don't go around pointing a gun replica at people for funsies.

If you're bored there are so many other things to do.
A cop who hesitates when someone points a gun at him is a dead cop. I work with cops, and I don't know any of them who want to be dead.

I also hope they know the definition of pointing at them is not pointing at the ground.

If the person who made the call knew the gun was a toy why make the call?

For the same reason they all do. A potential 15 minutes O Youtube fame.

Now for all you knee jerker interneters who have rambled for 14 pages with no clue, perhaps you should actually check facts before spouting opinions. Here is the actual 911 call.

He sounds like a prize. Now the radio dispatch.

That was a code 1. That is a non-emergency response going with the normal flow of traffic. No lights or siren authorized. Why? Because as stated in the recording they had only received one call. Yet in this video these guys come tearing up and as soon as the passenger cop gets his door open he shoots and the kid goes down.

No time was taken to assess anything. He can't even identify what weapon he had when he radioed in. All he saw was an object pointed down at the kids' side. He was probably identifying it as he was making the call. These things are where the problem is.

Way back when I was growing up toy guns were very popular, much more popular than today. All the kids had at least one toy gun and actually played with them outside in public not just in their back yards. These toy guns were not marked with orange tips that scream this is a toy. So why were there not more cops shooting kids back then?

Good question. I ran around with two six shooters quite a bit. Never once was worried I would get gunned down.

The kid went for his waistband. You don't wait at that point unless you want to be dead more often than running into an altered pellet gun. Probably some stupid pellet gun laws coming our way

Good question. I ran around with two six shooters quite a bit. Never once was worried I would get gunned down

That's because back then, the blacks had not ruined that tried and true pastime

Who removed the orange safety tip from the gun? That's who killed this boy.

Likely the tip was removed because the toy gun was used by an adult in robberies of their own.
Who removed the orange safety tip from the gun? That's who killed this boy.

Likely the tip was removed because the toy gun was used by an adult in robberies of their own.

I know of someone who was arrested by the FEDS for doing just that. Took the orange tip off (which is there to save lives) painted it up black and then drove on a military installation. Yeah, another dummy

Well, actually, Police brutality isn’t a new development — in fact, paramilitary forces have been abusing their power for as long as there has been an authority in place. And more often than not, that brutality turns deadly.
Possibly a rush to judgement but this not likely.
Yes Playing, have you never played with toy guns as a kid?
The 'twelve year old' going on eighteen physically and five years mentally was waving a VERY accurate replica of a handgun.............with the orange tip REMOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at people in the park.
A concerned citizen, (negro) called 911.
When the police arrived he put the handgun in his waistband. When the police officers told him to put his hands up instead the negro reached for the handgun. He was then shot.
Those are the facts.
Today's 'toy handguns' are impossible to tell from real handguns.
Some stupid negro removed the orange colour.
Then the budding gang banger goes to the park and starts waving the gun around and pointing it at people.
The police are trained to use deadly force if they believe they or someone else is in danger of their lives.
If the twelve year old had had a real semi automatic handgun and shot at the cops would you still be defending him?
Social Darwinism. Let's hope he hadn't already impregnated a few twelve years old 'baby mammas'.

Shouldn't be in a park with a toy gun pointing it at police. They have to make life or death decisions in an instant. Could be the boys up bringing that he chose to point a pistol at the "po-po." I remember when I had a city job and I was in my pick-up truck with my safety light on. I was on the government housing side of town and there were several Black men sitting outside in the afternoon drinking 40's and smoking dope. A little boy who was playing in the grass came out to my truck and pointed his finger at me and gestured like he was shooting me. Why? Because i had a light on my truck, in his eyes i was like the po-po. That's the mentality our police must deal with on a daily basis.

Yep Conservative are NEVER racist. If this was a white person, they would freak out but once again, to conservatives, black lives don't matter.

I mean you see so many posts like this from liberals.... Oh wait.
Instead of whining and crying about thugs like Travon Martin and Michael Brown
being shoot and killed maybe time would be better spent wondering how two police officers ended up shooting and killing a 12 year old boy in a park because he was playing with a toy gun? There is no excuse for the police action on this shooting.

Read more at Cleveland boy with fake pistol killed by police - Toledo Blade
Intimidating the public in a public place with a realistic looking fake gun is "playing"?

This was a tragedy, but, poor communications and poor childrearing are more to blame than the two cops sent to the scene without being told the gun might be fake.

It might have been real too, and if two cops had been killed, I doubt there would have even been a post about it here.

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