Cleveland boy with fake pistol killed by police

Anyone else find the right's reaction hypocritical?

If a white kid is shot by a parent's negligently leaving a gun out. All you hear about is that it's a tragedy. And then when the legitimate question of where were the parents, the response is usually "How dare you say that? This family is grieving."

But a black kid gets shot for no reason, there is no sympathy and people say "Horrible parents, they are obviously bad people."

Why is that?

Bad parenting is more of a glaring problem in the black comunity. Next.
What 'parents'?
Over 70% of negro kids have no father in the house.
Big Mike never lived with his 'mother'. He lived from the time he was a baby with his grandmother. Both his parents were well known 'Blood' gangbangers.
We'll soon find out that Timar was being raised by someone other than his biological parents.

Racistboys at it again. Just because you don't live with the mother of your child doesn't mean you aren't involved in the child's life. When is the next KKK meeting? Has Anon outed you yet?
True. Big Mike's father made sure to reach him everything he needed to know about how to behave like a fucking Tree Dweller devoid of any human decency. Oh ya. And the father always made sure Big Mike was dressed in 'Blood' colours.
Anyone else find the right's reaction hypocritical?

If a white kid is shot by a parent's negligently leaving a gun out. All you hear about is that it's a tragedy. And then when the legitimate question of where were the parents, the response is usually "How dare you say that? This family is grieving."

But a black kid gets shot for no reason, there is no sympathy and people say "Horrible parents, they are obviously bad people."

Why is that?

Bad parenting is more of a glaring problem in the black comunity. Next.

How? Because YOU think it is? What about when white kids go vandalize property and get shot by police before given a chance to surrender? Would you say that the parents who didn't know what they were doing are bad parents? The answer is no because you would feel "sympathy" for them because you could relate to them.

But because you can't relate to black people (or don't want to), you decide to find any reason to not sympathize with them and think they deserve it or they are horrible living creatures. Dehumanizing them so it's justified to hate them.

I have empathy for blacks, but at the same time I understand thier problems are of thier own doing. Liberals and blacks obsesse over white racism while wilfully ignoring and making excuses for the self-destructive behavior of black people.
Anyone else find the right's reaction hypocritical?

If a white kid is shot by a parent's negligently leaving a gun out. All you hear about is that it's a tragedy. And then when the legitimate question of where were the parents, the response is usually "How dare you say that? This family is grieving."

But a black kid gets shot for no reason, there is no sympathy and people say "Horrible parents, they are obviously bad people."

Why is that?

Bad parenting is more of a glaring problem in the black comunity. Next.

How? Because YOU think it is? What about when white kids go vandalize property and get shot by police before given a chance to surrender? Would you say that the parents who didn't know what they were doing are bad parents? The answer is no because you would feel "sympathy" for them because you could relate to them.

But because you can't relate to black people (or don't want to), you decide to find any reason to not sympathize with them and think they deserve it or they are horrible living creatures. Dehumanizing them so it's justified to hate them.

I have empathy for blacks, but at the same time I understand thier problems are of thier own doing. Liberals and blacks obsessed over white racism while wilfully ignoring and making excuses for the self-destructive behavior of black people.

Their problems are THEIR OWN doing? Did black people segregate themselves?


Did blacks force banks to not issue VA housing loans or to create white only VHA neighbors so WW2 black veterans couldn't own homes and other property and thus created the vicious cycle of poverty that plagues African Americans communities?

The problem was created by discrimination so I fall to see how they "created the problem" all by themselves.
Anyone else find the right's reaction hypocritical?

If a white kid is shot by a parent's negligently leaving a gun out. All you hear about is that it's a tragedy. And then when the legitimate question of where were the parents, the response is usually "How dare you say that? This family is grieving."

But a black kid gets shot for no reason, there is no sympathy and people say "Horrible parents, they are obviously bad people."

Why is that?

Bad parenting is more of a glaring problem in the black comunity. Next.

How? Because YOU think it is? What about when white kids go vandalize property and get shot by police before given a chance to surrender? Would you say that the parents who didn't know what they were doing are bad parents? The answer is no because you would feel "sympathy" for them because you could relate to them.

But because you can't relate to black people (or don't want to), you decide to find any reason to not sympathize with them and think they deserve it or they are horrible living creatures. Dehumanizing them so it's justified to hate them.

I have empathy for blacks, but at the same time I understand thier problems are of thier own doing. Liberals and blacks obsessed over white racism while wilfully ignoring and making excuses for the self-destructive behavior of black people.

Their problems are THEIR OWN doing? Did black people segregate themselves?


Did blacks force banks to not issue VA housing loans or to create white only VHA neighbors so WW2 black veterans couldn't own homes and other property and thus created the vicious cycle of poverty that plagues African Americans communities?

The problem was created by discrimination so I fall to see how they "created the problem" all by themselves.

Oh just give it a fucking rest already.
There is a fucking black man in the Oval Office. Blacks can do anything they want in today's society, ANYTHING.

This 12 year old kid did NOT reach for a gun when told to put his hands on his head because his great great grandfather couldn't get a VHA loan.

What the fuck is going on this country when so many people have to be so dishonest?
If the kid had put the gun down he would still be alive.
When anyone disobeys the law you have consequences.
Same thing with Michael Brown. If he had obeyed the cop and went to the side walk he would still be alive today.
The wrong headed idea that you have to disobey cops is what is getting them killed.
If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
After watching the video it is clear that Tamir never had a chance to surrender.

He reached for a gun you moron. You don't say "oh well let him reach for the gun because he hasn't had a chance to surrender yet"

Jesus Christ, I'm convinced that extreme liberalism is in fact a mental disorder.

No mentally healthy person could be this stupid.
If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
After watching the video it is clear that Tamir never had a chance to surrender.

The video has no sound. The police probably gave him instructions to put his hands up through their bullhorn. He ignored and reached for his BB gun. They obviously saw him as a threat, so they fired. It's tragedy. Nothing more to really make of it.

What would you like us to believe? That two cops just decided to run up on a 12 year old black kid and shoot him because he's black? That story is great for the race hustlers, but in the real world it doesn't happen.
Anyone else find the right's reaction hypocritical?

If a white kid is shot by a parent's negligently leaving a gun out. All you hear about is that it's a tragedy. And then when the legitimate question of where were the parents, the response is usually "How dare you say that? This family is grieving."

But a black kid gets shot for no reason, there is no sympathy and people say "Horrible parents, they are obviously bad people."

Why is that?

Bad parenting is more of a glaring problem in the black comunity. Next.

How? Because YOU think it is? What about when white kids go vandalize property and get shot by police before given a chance to surrender? Would you say that the parents who didn't know what they were doing are bad parents? The answer is no because you would feel "sympathy" for them because you could relate to them.

But because you can't relate to black people (or don't want to), you decide to find any reason to not sympathize with them and think they deserve it or they are horrible living creatures. Dehumanizing them so it's justified to hate them.

I have empathy for blacks, but at the same time I understand thier problems are of thier own doing. Liberals and blacks obsessed over white racism while wilfully ignoring and making excuses for the self-destructive behavior of black people.

Their problems are THEIR OWN doing? Did black people segregate themselves?


Did blacks force banks to not issue VA housing loans or to create white only VHA neighbors so WW2 black veterans couldn't own homes and other property and thus created the vicious cycle of poverty that plagues African Americans communities?

The problem was created by discrimination so I fall to see how they "created the problem" all by themselves.

Oh just give it a fucking rest already.
There is a fucking black man in the Oval Office. Blacks can do anything they want in today's society, ANYTHING.

This 12 year old kid did NOT reach for a gun when told to put his hands on his head because his great great grandfather couldn't get a VHA loan.

What the fuck is going on this country when so many people have to be so dishonest?

You forgot to mention that Obama was born to a white mother that had property. And we don't know if the cops even told him that, only that as soon as the cops pulled up, they shot him with no chance to surrender. And there is still racism in society, you and dannyboys prove it. Sorry for the truth.
If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
After watching the video it is clear that Tamir never had a chance to surrender.

The video has no sound. The police probably gave him instructions to put his hands up through their bullhorn. He ignored and reached for his BB gun. They obviously saw him as a threat, so they fired. It's tragedy. Nothing more to really make of it.

What would you like us to believe? That two cops just decided to run up on a 12 year old black kid and shoot him because he's black? That story is great for the race hustlers, but in the real world it doesn't happen.

It's possible but it's clear in the video as soon as they pulled up, the rookie cop came out firing.

Kind of like this cop, when he asked for his license, then while going for the license, he shot him.

Thank god he got charged. This reckless activity by cops is ridiculous. Unfortunately, cops have to shoot to kill so the person can't tell their side of the story so only the officer's version of the events can be heard so they get off. So there is a huge reward for cops to shoot to kill.
If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
After watching the video it is clear that Tamir never had a chance to surrender.

The video has no sound. The police probably gave him instructions to put his hands up through their bullhorn. He ignored and reached for his BB gun. They obviously saw him as a threat, so they fired. It's tragedy. Nothing more to really make of it.

What would you like us to believe? That two cops just decided to run up on a 12 year old black kid and shoot him because he's black? That story is great for the race hustlers, but in the real world it doesn't happen.

It's possible but it's clear in the video as soon as they pulled up, the rookie cop came out firing.

Kind of like this cop, when he asked for his license, then while going for the license, he shot him.

Thank god he got charged. This reckless activity by cops is ridiculous. Unfortunately, cops have to shoot to kill so the person can't tell their side of the story so only the officer's version of the events can be heard so they get off. So there is a huge reward for cops to shoot to kill.

It must be a pretty sad and lonely life being so paranoid of all 'authority figures'.
What happened when you were a kid? Did 'daddy' touch you?
The weed is making you lose whatever sense you may have had.
Permanent Ignore.
Ask someone for help.
If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
After watching the video it is clear that Tamir never had a chance to surrender.

The video has no sound. The police probably gave him instructions to put his hands up through their bullhorn. He ignored and reached for his BB gun. They obviously saw him as a threat, so they fired. It's tragedy. Nothing more to really make of it.

What would you like us to believe? That two cops just decided to run up on a 12 year old black kid and shoot him because he's black? That story is great for the race hustlers, but in the real world it doesn't happen.

It's possible but it's clear in the video as soon as they pulled up, the rookie cop came out firing.

Kind of like this cop, when he asked for his license, then while going for the license, he shot him.

Thank god he got charged. This reckless activity by cops is ridiculous. Unfortunately, cops have to shoot to kill so the person can't tell their side of the story so only the officer's version of the events can be heard so they get off. So there is a huge reward for cops to shoot to kill.

Cops shoot to kill because there is no such thing as "shoot to injure" except on "24"
If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
After watching the video it is clear that Tamir never had a chance to surrender.

The video has no sound. The police probably gave him instructions to put his hands up through their bullhorn. He ignored and reached for his BB gun. They obviously saw him as a threat, so they fired. It's tragedy. Nothing more to really make of it.

What would you like us to believe? That two cops just decided to run up on a 12 year old black kid and shoot him because he's black? That story is great for the race hustlers, but in the real world it doesn't happen.

It's possible but it's clear in the video as soon as they pulled up, the rookie cop came out firing.

Kind of like this cop, when he asked for his license, then while going for the license, he shot him.

Thank god he got charged. This reckless activity by cops is ridiculous. Unfortunately, cops have to shoot to kill so the person can't tell their side of the story so only the officer's version of the events can be heard so they get off. So there is a huge reward for cops to shoot to kill.

Cops shoot to kill because there is no such thing as "shoot to injure" except on "24"

Then what do you call tazer if they are not shoot to injure weapons? And why should every police confrontation result in death? Because he has a gun?
Shouldn't be in a park with a toy gun pointing it at police. They have to make life or death decisions in an instant. Could be the boys up bringing that he chose to point a pistol at the "po-po." I remember when I had a city job and I was in my pick-up truck with my safety light on. I was on the government housing side of town and there were several Black men sitting outside in the afternoon drinking 40's and smoking dope. A little boy who was playing in the grass came out to my truck and pointed his finger at me and gestured like he was shooting me. Why? Because i had a light on my truck, in his eyes i was like the po-po. That's the mentality our police must deal with on a daily basis.

Maybe you're just a little too stupid to realize that the rules of engagement have changed since the Patriot Act went into effect. They shoot first and ask questions later these days, shooting unarmed people has become a regular feature of our society. Next time you get pulled over by a cop try taking your hands off the steering wheel and see what happens.
If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
After watching the video it is clear that Tamir never had a chance to surrender.

The video has no sound. The police probably gave him instructions to put his hands up through their bullhorn. He ignored and reached for his BB gun. They obviously saw him as a threat, so they fired. It's tragedy. Nothing more to really make of it.

What would you like us to believe? That two cops just decided to run up on a 12 year old black kid and shoot him because he's black? That story is great for the race hustlers, but in the real world it doesn't happen.

It's possible but it's clear in the video as soon as they pulled up, the rookie cop came out firing.

Kind of like this cop, when he asked for his license, then while going for the license, he shot him.

Thank god he got charged. This reckless activity by cops is ridiculous. Unfortunately, cops have to shoot to kill so the person can't tell their side of the story so only the officer's version of the events can be heard so they get off. So there is a huge reward for cops to shoot to kill.

It must be a pretty sad and lonely life being so paranoid of all 'authority figures'.
What happened when you were a kid? Did 'daddy' touch you?
The weed is making you lose whatever sense you may have had.
Permanent Ignore.
Ask someone for help.

Did I say I was paranoid? No. So many logical fallacies but I'm sorry I bursted your racist bubble
Ah, rush to judgement time again.
Possibly a rush to judgement but not likely. Two cops, One Twelve year old? You think the 2 cops had no other way to resolve this other than shooting the kid?
Yes Playing, have you never played with toy guns as a kid?

You can blame liberals and their crappy policies for this.
They made playing with toy guns dangerous with their lefty views on firearms.
And their weak ass policy on dealing with negros and crime.

Holy shit these people are stupid.
If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
After watching the video it is clear that Tamir never had a chance to surrender.

The video has no sound. The police probably gave him instructions to put his hands up through their bullhorn. He ignored and reached for his BB gun. They obviously saw him as a threat, so they fired. It's tragedy. Nothing more to really make of it.

What would you like us to believe? That two cops just decided to run up on a 12 year old black kid and shoot him because he's black? That story is great for the race hustlers, but in the real world it doesn't happen.

It's possible but it's clear in the video as soon as they pulled up, the rookie cop came out firing.

Kind of like this cop, when he asked for his license, then while going for the license, he shot him.

Thank god he got charged. This reckless activity by cops is ridiculous. Unfortunately, cops have to shoot to kill so the person can't tell their side of the story so only the officer's version of the events can be heard so they get off. So there is a huge reward for cops to shoot to kill.

I dont think you'll find anyone who will call this vid a legit shoot.
One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
After watching the video it is clear that Tamir never had a chance to surrender.

The video has no sound. The police probably gave him instructions to put his hands up through their bullhorn. He ignored and reached for his BB gun. They obviously saw him as a threat, so they fired. It's tragedy. Nothing more to really make of it.

What would you like us to believe? That two cops just decided to run up on a 12 year old black kid and shoot him because he's black? That story is great for the race hustlers, but in the real world it doesn't happen.

It's possible but it's clear in the video as soon as they pulled up, the rookie cop came out firing.

Kind of like this cop, when he asked for his license, then while going for the license, he shot him.

Thank god he got charged. This reckless activity by cops is ridiculous. Unfortunately, cops have to shoot to kill so the person can't tell their side of the story so only the officer's version of the events can be heard so they get off. So there is a huge reward for cops to shoot to kill.

Cops shoot to kill because there is no such thing as "shoot to injure" except on "24"

Then what do you call tazer if they are not shoot to injure weapons? And why should every police confrontation result in death? Because he has a gun?

You don't shoot a taser, you deploy a taser

And in THIS particular case, a taser may well have been as deadly as gun.
If the police can capture the active shooter at Aurora Colorado alive, what justifies the Cleveland police killing 12 year old Tamir Rice within TWO SECONDS of rolling up on him?

One surrendered the other did not. Hope that helps.
One had the opportunity to surrender, the other did not.

Take a day off from being a dumbass.

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