Cleveland Indians picked new name

I think the Washington Bullets basketball team was the first to "Martin Luther King BLVD" their team name. With Washington DC, even way back in the day, it was to address the issue of blacks shooting each other every weekend over drug deals, gang issues and their opposite sexes cheating and stuff. "Bullets" according to the pioneering social justice warriors and psychologists (insane democrats) and specifically the jewish owner who obtained the cash to buy the franchise via an "investment group" as is usually the case, being the cause of their severe and savage behavioral issues.

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Indians have 100 years of crap baseball

Most natives supported the redskins
As part indian, I feel insulted and pissed off at this action.
My white Viking side thinks this is unbelievable weak and pathetic.

You should feel that way. After all, nobody names their sports teams out of mockery. It's paying tribute to them which apparently leftists disapprove of. Then again, what does the left know about honor?
How can a name change be upsetting? Please explain this. This gotta be good.

We can explain but people like you have no concept. There are many real Americans that are against this push to change this country. We are for tradition and the belief that America was a great place. The left has been trying to change this country since the 60's. They've always hated this place, and we on the right are simply pushing back. But it's more than that. This was a prediction by a very insightful author many, many years ago.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

George Orwell, 1984

The left believes the book 1984 was written as an instruction manual.
The Cleveland Indians at the end of this season will be known as the Cleveland Guardians. I guess that is better than something like Washington football team I hope they got approval from the woke society of America before picking it.
Cleveland Indians choose Guardians as new team name
Since I
The Cleveland Indians at the end of this season will be known as the Cleveland Guardians. I guess that is better than something like Washington football team I hope they got approval from the woke society of America before picking it.
Cleveland Indians choose Guardians as new team name
Speaking for myself since I don't follow pro sports anymore I could care less what teams do.
I see that the Washngton Football team has not ick a new name. Sogoing with current events and the ma,e their basketbal team had before they went woke they shooud rename the m the Washington Bullets

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