‘Climate Action’ Flops at the G-7

They know it’s BS. I think Sandy Donkey Chompers and her man behind the scenes let the cat out of the bag. There is no manmade global warming this is only to change our economic system to bring death and pain.

‘Climate Action’ Flops at the G-7.
They just keep beating the drum over and over on any street corner they can find. The have covered, Russia, Trump, Mexico, Borders, Pipelines, voting Machines, guns, murder, violence, confrontation of Citizens, posting lies, false News, gun control (picking them up), changing the Constitution, Free Medical care for all, free money for all, free housing for all, no borders for all, illegals allowed to vote, Criminals in jail to vote, changing on what states pick the President, Having Judges assigned to the bench by a Committee, of Lawyers, Clinton did nothing wrong, Obmma did nothing wrong, Trump is stupid, liar, cheat, steals, pervert, pays no taxes, is immoral, e,t,c, still more drum beating, no problems at the border, no invasion at the border, no walls at the border, Mueller report is reason to charge Trump with (fill in ), Trump is a Russian agent, or spy, Putin fixed the election, Trump built a Trump tower in Moscow, wants to buy Greenland, wants to sell PR, wants to stack the Courts, wants to be the King of the Nation, best friend of Epsiien, lived on Minor Isle with Epstien. This could go on for 44 pages, but you get the idea. I just does not matter if a story is true or false they will sign off on it......This is why I no longer take the News papers and TV News shows. Propaganda is even creeping in to the Commercials they throw at you....
The recent purchase of a $15M mansion on the coast by the meat puppet faggot and it's wookie husband indicates that some of the pieces of shit who insist human activity is going to raise the water level are bull shitting us.

I mean... call me crazy, but if I believed the water level was likely to come up along the coast even in 100 years and reduce the value of the property, I'm not going to buy it. Just like I wouldn't buy property on a fault line, an active volcano, or even a place likely to be destroyed in a tornado.

Yet the bed wetting drones won't question what their masters say or do.

Its a hoax. Hell Al Gore made millions with his climate change gig. He laughed all the way to the bank.
And Obama found out in 2010 that it was a fraud, buried it, and tried to have the person responsible for outing that truth MURDERED, just like she did with

Joan Rivers
Don Young
Paul Horner

and others trying to open the CLOSET DOOR
The reason there was no official communication/announcement of any direction. They know they looked like clowns with the Paris Accord theft, and they cannot go forward without U.S taxpayers footing the bill on their lavish boutique issues.

People are starving and dealing with the theft from China, and U.S allies want to steal too. It's insulting.
There is climate change, it’s just not man-made… Commonsense says so

It really is not that hard to understand. It starts with a first question, the first question Einstein would have asked....

On planet Earth today, one polar circle, the Antarctic, has 9 times the ice of the other, is on average 50F colder than the other, and calves or puts 9 times the ice into the oceans than the other, some 46 times the H2O the Mississippi dumps into the Gulf....

WHY the discrepancy? Why does one polar circle cool Earth much more than the other?
They know it’s BS. I think Sandy Donkey Chompers and her man behind the scenes let the cat out of the bag. There is no manmade global warming this is only to change our economic system to bring death and pain.

‘Climate Action’ Flops at the G-7.

They don’t think it’s BS. This is their religion so facts don’t matter, they are zealots when it comes to “climate change”.
They know it’s BS. I think Sandy Donkey Chompers and her man behind the scenes let the cat out of the bag. There is no manmade global warming this is only to change our economic system to bring death and pain.

‘Climate Action’ Flops at the G-7.

They don’t think it’s BS. This is their religion so facts don’t matter, they are zealots when it comes to “climate change”.
They know it’s BS, but are used car salesmen about it.

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