Climate Activists Real Goal


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
It has been posted many times before but here it is again, as stated by IPCC Co Chair Ottmar Edenhofer (an economist no less)

"As German economist Ottmar Edenhofer, co-chairman of the IPCC's Working Group III, explained:

"Basically, it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization. The climate summit in Cancun ... is not a climate conference, but one of the largest economic conferences since the Second World War ... one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy."

The political insanity of climate change | Lorrie Goldstein | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun
I'd have preferred it if there were no ....... in that quote. Makes one wonder whether something has been left out in order to skew the context.

That said, what does "redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy" actually mean, I wonder?
It means that Walleyes has no real arguement concerning the scientific facts of global warming and GHGs, therefore must resort to lies concerning political goals.

There will be major shifts of wealth because of the effects of the warming. Shifts that are really impossible to predict at this point. However, I think it safe to predict that most of us will not like those shifts.
It means that Walleyes has no real arguement concerning the scientific facts of global warming and GHGs, therefore must resort to lies concerning political goals.

There will be major shifts of wealth because of the effects of the warming. Shifts that are really impossible to predict at this point. However, I think it safe to predict that most of us will not like those shifts.

If they are impossible to predict, perhaps predicting the financial impact is premature?
Given what we have already seen in the way of weather created crop failures, I don't think it is too early to predict some very negative results from a changing and increasingly variable climate.
Given what we have already seen in the way of weather created crop failures, I don't think it is too early to predict some very negative results from a changing and increasingly variable climate.

Really? Not even NOAA said that. They said quite clearly that GW had zero input into the recent crop failures. Shall I beat the crap out of you with their report yet again?
It means that Walleyes has no real arguement concerning the scientific facts of global warming and GHGs, therefore must resort to lies concerning political goals.

There will be major shifts of wealth because of the effects of the warming. Shifts that are really impossible to predict at this point. However, I think it safe to predict that most of us will not like those shifts.

Gosh you're a great shill for the oil companies!

"A climate change response must have at its heart a redistribution of wealth and resources."
Emma Brindal

"Redistribution of wealth would require enormous amounts of investment. The only time an elite has accepted this has been during crises, such as in America in the 1930s under Roosevelt."
Susan George

“Kyoto is about the economy, about leveling the playing field for big businesses worldwide.”
Former EU Environment Minister Margot Wallstrom

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