Climate activists smear themselves with mud to evoke flooding in Italy

No need to read the text of the Associated Press article.

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Nice titties, too bad they’re bat shit crazy.
The second paragraph in my reply was all science. I merely pointed out "climate change" has been happening billions of years before man ever walked the earth.
That is one of the excuses but tit is the rate of change that is happening...


We are getting warm very fast and it is due to human activity...
That is one of the excuses but tit is the rate of change that is happening...


We are getting warm very fast and it is due to human activity...

Well this is the internet. I'm sure you can find some random graph somewhere showing racism in America today caused the dinosaurs to go extinct if you want to.

Also being on the internet you can find any "scientific study" showing you're wrong and you're right. And that is an issue, when people line up for research grants they find and produce the evidence the benefactor wishes. There is little actual science today on climate change while there is a lot more "because I said so". We knew this to be true before the days of modern internet and most actual scientists, geologists and naturalists maintain that.

What were seeing today has happened before, over and over and over again. So it's not new.

Considering the constant upheavel in the earth itself how can anyone conclusively say it is definitely due to man? If things are constantly changing then no one can say it's speeding up when that can just be it's natural course of it's ever changing state.

This insane idea that "chaos" is predictable means there is no chaos or change in the earth that it's all a very specific cylical series of events repeating itself exactly the same on a specific schedule. To argue it's speeding up is just a state of earths environment being in a constant state of flux. The earth is not static despite what your throw away graph says.
Can I remind you that Blue states pay more taxes and are net contributors unlike the Red States who are generally takers...

Red states economics is proven worse that blue states and yet you are still fed the bullshit...

As for hygiene

Looks like the Red states do badly in Dental and hand washing...
Again this is down to investing in proper public health programs..
A lie, followed by another lie. 2nd sentence also a lie I'm detecting a Dem pattern here.

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