Climate change 10X faster than ever before report Stanford scientists


Sounds like you need to move outside the USA where there are other gullible dupes.
First glabal cooling that didn't happen. So they went to global warming, that didn't work out either. So now it's climate change. Liberal hater dupes.
Stanford Report Stanford scientists: Climate change on pace to occur 10 times faster than any ...
Stanford Report
10 hours ago Written by
Bjorn Carey

Not only is the planet undergoing one of the largest climate changes in the past 65 million years, Stanford climate scientists Noah Diffenbaugh and Chris Field report that it's on pace to occur at a rate 10 times faster than any change in that period.

Where did in the above "scientists" mention that 12% of the EARTH'S land mass (NOT water) but total landmass had
ONLY 4 temperature recording stations for nearly 50 years!

12.5% of the Earth's land mass is missing in the temperature readings which by omission
has skewed the average temperature higher as only those stations in large population centers were used.
"The number of [Siberian] stations increased from 8 in 1901 to 23 in 1951 and then decreased to 12 from 1989 to present only
four stations, those at Irkutsk, Bratsk, Chita and Kirensk, cover the entire 20th century.
IEA analysts say climatologists use the data of stations located in large populated centers that are influenced
by the urban-warming effect
more frequently than the correct data of remote stations…

The scale of global warming was exaggerated due to temperature distortions for Russia accounting for 12.5% of the world’s land mass.
The IEA said it was necessary to recalculate all global-temperature data in order to assess the scale of such exaggeration.

SOURCE: Climategatekeeping: Siberia « Climate Audit
AGW Cult is cult


"Climate Change is changing faster than ever! Head for the Mother Ship behind the comet!!"
AGW Cult is cult


"Climate Change is changing faster than ever! Head for the Mother Ship behind the comet!!"

As a matter of fact I have the solution to global warming.

If everyone who believes human production of CO2 is warming the planet follows these simple steps I can personally guarantee a cooler world in 24 hours.

On August 3rd, at 1200 Hours GMT everyone who believes in global warming needs to place a plastic bag over their head, and seal it around their necks with duct tape, thus trapping all the excess CO2.

On August 4th, not only will the world be a cooler place, but the collective intelligence of mankind will double.
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AGW Cult is cult


"Climate Change is changing faster than ever! Head for the Mother Ship behind the comet!!"

As a matter of fact I have the solution to global warming.

If everyone who believes human production of CO2 is warming the planet follows these simple steps I can personallt guarantee a cooler world in 24 hours.

On August 3rd, at 1200 Hours GMT everyone who believes in global warming needs to place a platic bag over their head, and seal it around their necks with duct tape, thus trapping all the excess CO2.

On Ausust 4th, not only will the world be a cooler place, but the collective intelligence of mankind will double.

AGW Cult is cult


"Climate Change is changing faster than ever! Head for the Mother Ship behind the comet!!"

As a matter of fact I have the solution to global warming.

If everyone who believes human production of CO2 is warming the planet follows these simple steps I can personally guarantee a cooler world in 24 hours.

On August 3rd, at 1200 Hours GMT everyone who believes in global warming needs to place a plastic bag over their head, and seal it around their necks with duct tape, thus trapping all the excess CO2.

On August 4th, not only will the world be a cooler place, but the collective intelligence of mankind will double.

How about they just shut down their computers, that would have definite immediate positive effects.
Obviously most people on this forum have NEVER heard of this easily sourced concept.

"The U.S. landscape acts as a net carbon sink—it sequesters more carbon than it emits.
Two types of analyses confirm this:
1) atmospheric, or top-down, methods that look at changes in CO2 concentrations; and
2) land-based, or bottom-up, methods that incorporate on-the-ground inventories or plot measurements.
Net sequestration (i.e., the difference between carbon gains and losses) in U.S. forests, urban trees and agricultural soils totaled almost 840 teragrams (Tg) of CO2 equivalent (or about 230 Tg or million metric tons of carbon equivalent)
in 2001 (Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks).
This offsets approximately 15% of total U.S. CO2 emissions from the energy, transportation and other sectors. Net carbon sequestration in the forest sector in 2005 offset 10% of U.S. CO2 emissions. In the near future, we project that U.S. forests will continue to sequester carbon at a rate similar to that in recent years. Based on a comparison of our estimates to a compilation of land-based estimates of non-forest carbon
sinks from the literature, we estimate that the conterminous U.S. annually sequesters 149–330 Tg C year1. Forests, urban trees, and wood
products are responsible for 65–91% of this sink.

Now for those of you that have ADD, 30 second sound bite capacity..
All the plants/forests absorb ALL the CO2 that the USA emits and still can absorb from 10% to 35% MORE!
So the concept of "CO2" on USA would be thievery as the USA is a "Net Carbon Sink" i.e. we have more absorption capacity then we emit!
Obviously most people on this forum have NEVER heard of this easily sourced concept.

"The U.S. landscape acts as a net carbon sink—it sequesters more carbon than it emits.
Two types of analyses confirm this:
1) atmospheric, or top-down, methods that look at changes in CO2 concentrations; and
2) land-based, or bottom-up, methods that incorporate on-the-ground inventories or plot measurements.
Net sequestration (i.e., the difference between carbon gains and losses) in U.S. forests, urban trees and agricultural soils totaled almost 840 teragrams (Tg) of CO2 equivalent (or about 230 Tg or million metric tons of carbon equivalent)
in 2001 (Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks).
This offsets approximately 15% of total U.S. CO2 emissions from the energy, transportation and other sectors. Net carbon sequestration in the forest sector in 2005 offset 10% of U.S. CO2 emissions. In the near future, we project that U.S. forests will continue to sequester carbon at a rate similar to that in recent years. Based on a comparison of our estimates to a compilation of land-based estimates of non-forest carbon
sinks from the literature, we estimate that the conterminous U.S. annually sequesters 149–330 Tg C year1. Forests, urban trees, and wood
products are responsible for 65–91% of this sink.

Now for those of you that have ADD, 30 second sound bite capacity..
All the plants/forests absorb ALL the CO2 that the USA emits and still can absorb from 10% to 35% MORE!
So the concept of "CO2" on USA would be thievery as the USA is a "Net Carbon Sink" i.e. we have more absorption capacity then we emit!

Presenting links and you have a degree that allows you to do so?
I've posted this historical timeline of news articles once before to prove a point.


The left tries it's best to prove there is this man made global warming that is CONSISTENTLY increasing the earth's temperatures. It's this ideological "religion" by the left that is much needed to justify their need for further government spending into electric cars, solar panels, and wind power. There is BILLIONS that is depended upon producing this scientific information, and they will demonize or ridicule any research or scientist that doesn't go along with their "predetermined opinion". Imagine what would happen to all these investment programs I previously listed, if it was revealed that the earth's climate cycle naturally shows an increase and decrease in global temperatures .... no drastic consistent increase in our earth's temperatures? Billions and billions of investment technology weighs in the balance, while the federal government is already being criticized over it's out of control national debt. There are a lot of special interest groups and profit to be made if only global warming could be "formulated" for all to believe. Then again, like the rather lucrative speaking Al Gore........ everyone needs a hobby.
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It doesn't matter. The 'science' I mean.

dimocrap scum decided years ago that if they could acquire the means to control Energy, its production, use and distribution then they could control everything and every one on the Planet.

Which is their goal. Has been all along.

Maybe when it all started out, it was a good faith look into the effects, if any, of carbon production by Man and its interaction with the Atmosphere and the Climate.

But like dimocraps do with everything they get their hooks into, they radicalized it.

This is exactly how I see the global warming debate. While the evidence for it seems pretty strong, the "solutions" demanded by the Left have more to do with a hatred of capitalism and corporations in general. Many of the solutions are actually counterproductive, a waste of money and time.

It's the new face of the same old socialist Left. They just painted their faces green. There is not an honest attempt to actually do anything about global warming.

Probably the only solution on the table which would actually have a significant impact on making real changes is a consumption tax. In the context of global warming, this would be the "carbon tax".

The more you tax something, the less of it you get. If you want less consumption of carbon-producing energy, tax it more. Economists across the spectrum agree the carbon tax is the way to go. An increase in consumption taxes should be matched with a decrease in taxes on production.

Will it drive up the cost of energy? Yes. That's the point. Make energy more expensive, and people will find ways to economize the use of it.

Before anyone gets their panties in a twist over that, I would point out this would lead to a shift from coal to natural gas. Natural gas produces less carbon than coal and it is much cheaper. Plus, we have an overabundance of it. Consequently, the price of energy would eventually drop substantially.

Where the anti-corporate whackos go off the rails at this point is in their opposition even to natural gas. And, of course, natural gas profits. It drives them crazy.

We need to ignore them and go forward with a carbon tax and natural gas.
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Yes, libs, the climate of the earth is changing. It has been changing for millions of years and will be changing millions of years from now. Man has never had anything to do with it and cannot stop or change it.

If you think that giving up air conditioning and heat and living under a big tree will save the world, go right ahead.

If you think that paying more taxes to the government will "fix" it, go right ahead.

If you think that giving up your suv for a prius will "fix' It, go right ahead.

Just don't demand that the rest of us participate in your foolishness
10 times 0 is... 0.

Yep. Definitely happening 10 times faster than before. 100 times even.
These arguments crack me up.

Its almost as though people believe that by the power of their arguments either for or against the concept of global warming, that event will or will not happen.

There isn't a sole posting here with the scientific background to post anything worthy of our consideration, regardless of what you might think about the issue.

And the truly amusing part of your acts is that you get ANGRY with those who disagree!

As though your righteous anger can somehow effect reality.

You have got to remember that these are the same people who think Obama was born in Kenya and is a Nazi, socialist, Marxist, Muslim. They do not believe scientists but they believe every word from Fox, Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh.
These arguments crack me up.

Its almost as though people believe that by the power of their arguments either for or against the concept of global warming, that event will or will not happen.

There isn't a sole posting here with the scientific background to post anything worthy of our consideration, regardless of what you might think about the issue.

And the truly amusing part of your acts is that you get ANGRY with those who disagree!

As though your righteous anger can somehow effect reality.

You have got to remember that these are the same people who think Obama was born in Kenya and is a Nazi, socialist, Marxist, Muslim. They do not believe scientists but they believe every word from Fox, Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh.

born in kenya----probably not


socialist----yes, clearly he believes in socialist tenets

marxist----yes, marxist collectivist is more accurate

muslim----unknown, he had a muslim upbringing and seems to sympathize with muslims. He claims to be a Christian, only he knows what he really believes

But what anyone thinks of obama has nothing to do with the AGW debate. You think man is changing the climate of the planet, people who think rationally and logically think otherwise.

the issue is not whether the climate is changing--everyone agrees that it is. the issue is proving that man has had anything to do with it or could stop or reverse it.

like all good libtardians, you miss characterize the issue.

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