Climate change 10X faster than ever before report Stanford scientists

AGW Cult is cult


"Climate Change is changing faster than ever! Head for the Mother Ship behind the comet!!"

As a matter of fact I have the solution to global warming.

If everyone who believes human production of CO2 is warming the planet follows these simple steps I can personally guarantee a cooler world in 24 hours.

On August 3rd, at 1200 Hours GMT everyone who believes in global warming needs to place a plastic bag over their head, and seal it around their necks with duct tape, thus trapping all the excess CO2.

On August 4th, not only will the world be a cooler place, but the collective intelligence of mankind will double.

How about they just shut down their computers, that would have definite immediate positive effects.

We need a permanent solution though. My way not only solves the MMGW issue, increases the intellectual value of the species, ends welfare, eliminates traffic congestion, enhances the genepool, and creates jobs, it would make a great low protein high calorie food source for our nation's hog farmers.
It doesn't matter. The 'science' I mean.

dimocrap scum decided years ago that if they could acquire the means to control Energy, its production, use and distribution then they could control everything and every one on the Planet.

Which is their goal. Has been all along.

Maybe when it all started out, it was a good faith look into the effects, if any, of carbon production by Man and its interaction with the Atmosphere and the Climate.

But like dimocraps do with everything they get their hooks into, they radicalized it.

This is exactly how I see the global warming debate. While the evidence for it seems pretty strong, the "solutions" demanded by the Left have more to do with a hatred of capitalism and corporations in general. Many of the solutions are actually counterproductive, a waste of money and time.

It's the new face of the same old socialist Left. They just painted their faces green. There is not an honest attempt to actually do anything about global warming.

Probably the only solution on the table which would actually have a significant impact on making real changes is a consumption tax. In the context of global warming, this would be the "carbon tax".

The more you tax something, the less of it you get. If you want less consumption of carbon-producing energy, tax it more. Economists across the spectrum agree the carbon tax is the way to go. An increase in consumption taxes should be matched with a decrease in taxes on production.

Will it drive up the cost of energy? Yes. That's the point. Make energy more expensive, and people will find ways to economize the use of it.

Before anyone gets their panties in a twist over that, I would point out this would lead to a shift from coal to natural gas. Natural gas produces less carbon than coal and it is much cheaper. Plus, we have an overabundance of it. Consequently, the price of energy would eventually drop substantially.

Where the anti-corporate whackos go off the rails at this point is in their opposition even to natural gas. And, of course, natural gas profits. It drives them crazy.

We need to ignore them and go forward with a carbon tax and natural gas.

I think we've found one of the crowd who wants to make money on this bogus claim :D

FYI CO2 is not even proven to interfere with GW, much less the human-derived one
It doesn't matter. The 'science' I mean.

dimocrap scum decided years ago that if they could acquire the means to control Energy, its production, use and distribution then they could control everything and every one on the Planet.

Which is their goal. Has been all along.

Maybe when it all started out, it was a good faith look into the effects, if any, of carbon production by Man and its interaction with the Atmosphere and the Climate.

But like dimocraps do with everything they get their hooks into, they radicalized it.

I remember when the Big Scare was "Global Cooling".

Contrast that to today's Witch Doctors in the AGW hoax and you'll find.... There is no contrast to speak of. It's all guessing and made-up data


And now we have this kind of shit going on inside our current totalitarian-wannabe regime.....

People better wake up and realize what kind of scum we're dealing with

Interior Secretary Sally Jewell Wants “No Climate Change Deniers” In Her Department…


Does that look like your typical dimocrap female or what?

Willfully ignorant.

Via TPM:

Interior Secretary Sally Jewell addressed her employees Thursday on the “moral imperative” to address climate change, reminding them they are able to “actually do something about it,”E&E News reported.

“I hope there are no climate change deniers in the Department of Interior,” she said.

If any climate change deniers did work in the department, Jewell continued, they should visit the federally managed lands where the changing climate is visible. She listed the melting permafrost in Alaska and the shrinking snowpacks in the Sierra Mountains as examples, according to E&E.

Jewell also gave a “shout-out” to Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Michael Connor, who was nominated by Obama for the deputy secretary of Interior post, E&E reported.
- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

There was no scientific consensus in the 1970s that the Earth was headed into an imminent ice age. Indeed, the possibility of anthropogenic warming dominated the peer-reviewed literature even then.

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In July 1979 in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Jule Charney, one of the pioneers of climate modeling, brought together a panel of experts under the U.S. National Research Council to sort out the state of the science. The panel’s work has become iconic as a foundation for the enterprise of climate change study that followed (Somerville et al. 2007). Such reports are a traditional approach within the United States for eliciting expert views on scientific questions of political and public policy importance (Weart 2003).

In this case, the panel concluded that the potential damage from greenhouse gases was real and should not be ignored. The potential for cooling, the threat of aerosols, or the possibility of an ice age shows up nowhere in the report. Warming from doubled CO2 of 1.5°–4.5°C was possible, the panel reported. While there were huge uncertainties, Verner Suomi, chairman of the National Research Council’s Climate Research Board, wrote in the report’s foreword that he believed there was enough evidence to support action: “A wait-and-see policy may mean waiting until it is too late” (Charney et al. 1979). Clearly, if a national report in the 1970s advocates urgent action to address global warming, then the scientific consensus of the 1970s was not global cooling.
It doesn't matter. The 'science' I mean.

dimocrap scum decided years ago that if they could acquire the means to control Energy, its production, use and distribution then they could control everything and every one on the Planet.

Which is their goal. Has been all along.

Maybe when it all started out, it was a good faith look into the effects, if any, of carbon production by Man and its interaction with the Atmosphere and the Climate.

But like dimocraps do with everything they get their hooks into, they radicalized it.

I remember when the Big Scare was "Global Cooling".

Contrast that to today's Witch Doctors in the AGW hoax and you'll find.... There is no contrast to speak of. It's all guessing and made-up data


And now we have this kind of shit going on inside our current totalitarian-wannabe regime.....

People better wake up and realize what kind of scum we're dealing with

Interior Secretary Sally Jewell Wants “No Climate Change Deniers” In Her Department…


Does that look like your typical dimocrap female or what?

Willfully ignorant.

Via TPM:

Interior Secretary Sally Jewell addressed her employees Thursday on the “moral imperative” to address climate change, reminding them they are able to “actually do something about it,”E&E News reported.

“I hope there are no climate change deniers in the Department of Interior,” she said.

If any climate change deniers did work in the department, Jewell continued, they should visit the federally managed lands where the changing climate is visible. She listed the melting permafrost in Alaska and the shrinking snowpacks in the Sierra Mountains as examples, according to E&E.

Jewell also gave a “shout-out” to Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Michael Connor, who was nominated by Obama for the deputy secretary of Interior post, E&E reported.
- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

There was no scientific consensus in the 1970s that the Earth was headed into an imminent ice age. Indeed, the possibility of anthropogenic warming dominated the peer-reviewed literature even then.

An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

In July 1979 in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Jule Charney, one of the pioneers of climate modeling, brought together a panel of experts under the U.S. National Research Council to sort out the state of the science. The panel’s work has become iconic as a foundation for the enterprise of climate change study that followed (Somerville et al. 2007). Such reports are a traditional approach within the United States for eliciting expert views on scientific questions of political and public policy importance (Weart 2003).

In this case, the panel concluded that the potential damage from greenhouse gases was real and should not be ignored. The potential for cooling, the threat of aerosols, or the possibility of an ice age shows up nowhere in the report. Warming from doubled CO2 of 1.5°–4.5°C was possible, the panel reported. While there were huge uncertainties, Verner Suomi, chairman of the National Research Council’s Climate Research Board, wrote in the report’s foreword that he believed there was enough evidence to support action: “A wait-and-see policy may mean waiting until it is too late” (Charney et al. 1979). Clearly, if a national report in the 1970s advocates urgent action to address global warming, then the scientific consensus of the 1970s was not global cooling.

its been 43 years and what have we seen? a possible rise in global temp of 0.4 degrees, well within the margin of error.

you can hire a scientist to prove any theory that you want proven.
Stanford Report Stanford scientists: Climate change on pace to occur 10 times faster than any ...
Stanford Report
10 hours ago Written by
Bjorn Carey

Not only is the planet undergoing one of the largest climate changes in the past 65 million years, Stanford climate scientists Noah Diffenbaugh and Chris Field report that it's on pace to occur at a rate 10 times faster than any change in that period.

I'll wait for the peer reviewed stuff. This is like the right using some scientist somewhere who says Climate change isn't real with no peer review

Do you suffer from these episodes of hysterical ranting frequently?

Help is available.

Someone that consumed with stupid would require far too much cost to help.

Obozocare death panels would just give him "a pain pill".

Funny how bed wetters like these have no clue how much money these psuedoscientists who invented this hoax extort from congress alone just to continue studying their own hoax.

I mean if the "science is settled" can we close down their departments and make them get real jobs now?
It has NOTHING to do with science.

You don't come up with a CONCLUSION first, and then cherry pick data to support it.

That's what global warming is, and it's unfetterd bullshit.

These manmade-climate-change fanatics believe we should radically change our lifestyles and devote massive resources (time, money, effort) to trying to make the climate different from whatever it's going to be.

And if any of us don't want to, then the government should force us to.

But whey you ask any of them to prove such a massive project for most of humanity, will have any effect at all... well, you see what happens. They bury you in mounds of "research", but somehow never actually answer the question.

The reason such proof is always missing from their replies, is clear: They have none. Because there isn't any.

Any influence by man on Global Warming, has no factual backing whatsoever.

In truth, climates frequently change.

Sometimes the climate gets warmer.

And sometimes it gets colder.

That's been going on for as long as the planet has been orbiting the Sun. Or, as long as it's had a climate, at least.

And man has never had the slightest influence on it.

Even the leftist loons who scream about how we have to use government to change everything, go back to the stone age, etc., to prevent some unknown catastrophe, have never been able to come up with even ONE study or example that backs up their claims.

What's funny is that, when they do name some study, it invariably turns out to be nothing but a bunch of long-winded claims which, finally, refer to some other "study" for proof. And what is in that other "study"? You guessed it - more long-winded claims, and eventually a reference to yet another study. And you can guess what is in that one, too.

The leftist global-whatever loons have been insisting on impending doom, and the urgent need to give government massive powers to change every bit of our lives to "avoid" that doom, for at least 40 years by my count. Literally billions of dollars have changed hands - usually into their hands - all over the world. And they still haven't come up with one shred of proof that man has had the least bit of influence on the climate changes that happen regularly around us. Nor is there any proof that man can do anything to change it.

***40 YEARS*** of screaming, caterwauling, and doomsaying. All without the slightest proof. Just references to references to references, ad infinitum. And demands that they be given complete power over all of us, to change what they cannot change.

Is this a record? :eek:
It has NOTHING to do with science.

You don't come up with a CONCLUSION first, and then cherry pick data to support it.

That's what global warming is, and it's unfetterd bullshit.

These manmade-climate-change fanatics believe we should radically change our lifestyles and devote massive resources (time, money, effort) to trying to make the climate different from whatever it's going to be.

And if any of us don't want to, then the government should force us to.

But whey you ask any of them to prove such a massive project for most of humanity, will have any effect at all... well, you see what happens. They bury you in mounds of "research", but somehow never actually answer the question.

The reason such proof is always missing from their replies, is clear: They have none. Because there isn't any.

Any influence by man on Global Warming, has no factual backing whatsoever.

In truth, climates frequently change.

Sometimes the climate gets warmer.

And sometimes it gets colder.

That's been going on for as long as the planet has been orbiting the Sun. Or, as long as it's had a climate, at least.

And man has never had the slightest influence on it.

Even the leftist loons who scream about how we have to use government to change everything, go back to the stone age, etc., to prevent some unknown catastrophe, have never been able to come up with even ONE study or example that backs up their claims.

What's funny is that, when they do name some study, it invariably turns out to be nothing but a bunch of long-winded claims which, finally, refer to some other "study" for proof. And what is in that other "study"? You guessed it - more long-winded claims, and eventually a reference to yet another study. And you can guess what is in that one, too.

The leftist global-whatever loons have been insisting on impending doom, and the urgent need to give government massive powers to change every bit of our lives to "avoid" that doom, for at least 40 years by my count. Literally billions of dollars have changed hands - usually into their hands - all over the world. And they still haven't come up with one shred of proof that man has had the least bit of influence on the climate changes that happen regularly around us. Nor is there any proof that man can do anything to change it.

***40 YEARS*** of screaming, caterwauling, and doomsaying. All without the slightest proof. Just references to references to references, ad infinitum. And demands that they be given complete power over all of us, to change what they cannot change.

Is this a record? :eek:

A fuckin' broken record. It won't be changed though, until these bed wetters adopt my simple and effective solution as posted above.
These arguments crack me up.

Its almost as though people believe that by the power of their arguments either for or against the concept of global warming, that event will or will not happen.

There isn't a sole posting here with the scientific background to post anything worthy of our consideration, regardless of what you might think about the issue.

And the truly amusing part of your acts is that you get ANGRY with those who disagree!

As though your righteous anger can somehow effect reality.

You have got to remember that these are the same people who think Obama was born in Kenya and is a Nazi, socialist, Marxist, Muslim. They do not believe scientists but they believe every word from Fox, Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh.
what does fox, beck, hannity and all the rest have to do with it? most of us took 2nd grade science class that explained the earth has been changing for millions of years.... guess you failed...
These arguments crack me up.

Its almost as though people believe that by the power of their arguments either for or against the concept of global warming, that event will or will not happen.

There isn't a sole posting here with the scientific background to post anything worthy of our consideration, regardless of what you might think about the issue.

And the truly amusing part of your acts is that you get ANGRY with those who disagree!

As though your righteous anger can somehow effect reality.

You have got to remember that these are the same people who think Obama was born in Kenya and is a Nazi, socialist, Marxist, Muslim. They do not believe scientists but they believe every word from Fox, Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh.
what does fox, beck, hannity and all the rest have to do with it? most of us took 2nd grade science class that explained the earth has been changing for millions of years.... guess you failed...

did you miss the chapter on "bush did it" ?
Sure. Pub dupes!! The only conspiracy here is the greedy idiot GOP one, the one with the brainwashed Sean Rushbeck etc etc bots....see sig... As far as I remember, that TIME bs was the extent of that scare. This is fact, no matter what some fools at an obscure Essex college and Rush say...

I guess the Clinic isn't open yet, huh?

No but the LIQUOR STORE was.

Global warming... pfft... is that why we just had the coldest spring on record?
Sure. Pub dupes!! The only conspiracy here is the greedy idiot GOP one, the one with the brainwashed Sean Rushbeck etc etc bots....see sig... As far as I remember, that TIME bs was the extent of that scare. This is fact, no matter what some fools at an obscure Essex college and Rush say...

I guess the Clinic isn't open yet, huh?

No but the LIQUOR STORE was.

Global warming... pfft... is that why we just had the coldest spring on record?

They sell LSD at the liquor store now?

These arguments crack me up.

Its almost as though people believe that by the power of their arguments either for or against the concept of global warming, that event will or will not happen.

There isn't a sole posting here with the scientific background to post anything worthy of our consideration, regardless of what you might think about the issue.

And the truly amusing part of your acts is that you get ANGRY with those who disagree!

As though your righteous anger can somehow effect reality.

How about ignorance and denial. Will those change reality?

"Conservatives" certainly believe that it will.
And still, with all of the flap yap by the willfully ignorant, every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University acknowledges the reality of AGW. And most state that it is a clear and present danger to our civilization.

The people here making nonsense statements concerning the present warming and it's effects are prime examples of the problem of those that would ignore a clear danger because doing something about it might involve a minor inconveniance or a change in their lifestyle. These are the same people that max out their credit cards when they see their job going down the tube. No possibility of waking them up to reality, they are as impervious to that as any addict is to the affects that their addiction is having on their lives.

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