Climate Change Adovicate- Where is your inflection point?

Davey T

Jun 17, 2015
Everyone knows that carbon dioxide is critical for life on earth. CO2 is where humans get their oxygen and plants get their food. No CO2, no life on earth. Implicit in your Climate Change argument is that at some point, CO2 stops being critical for life and becomes a pollutant. At what CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is your inflection point? That is, what is the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere where CO2 stops being life sustaining and becomes dangerous to the planet? You need to know the answer. It is literally a life or death question.
Everyone knows that carbon dioxide is critical for life on earth. CO2 is where humans get their oxygen and plants get their food. No CO2, no life on earth. Implicit in your Climate Change argument is that at some point, CO2 stops being critical for life and becomes a pollutant. At what CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is your inflection point? That is, what is the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere where CO2 stops being life sustaining and becomes dangerous to the planet? You need to know the answer. It is literally a life or death question.
So youre saying that if the CO2 concentration in the oxygen we breath gets above 8% everything will be fine and we wouldnt die?
OMG. Please don't post. You are obviously too stupid to debate here.
hint: Plants & algae convert CO2 to oxygen
Humans need oxygen not CO2
OMG. Please don't post. You are obviously too stupid to debate here.
hint: Plants & algae convert CO2 to oxygen
Humans need oxygen not CO2
Wrong....Humans need CO2 to trigger the breathing impulse.
OMG. Please don't post. You are obviously too stupid to debate here.
hint: Plants & algae convert CO2 to oxygen
Humans need oxygen not CO2
Wrong....Humans need CO2 to trigger the breathing impulse.
OK, I'll take your word for that. Which atmospheric gases does the human body need to survive? It would be really helpful if you could please specify the rough amount too. Thank you! | eNotes
Even though that link doesn't support that claim
The thread title has a spelling error, which always triggers my "kick sand" reflex.
OMG. Please don't post. You are obviously too stupid to debate here.
hint: Plants & algae convert CO2 to oxygen
Humans need oxygen not CO2
Wrong....Humans need CO2 to trigger the breathing impulse.
OK, I'll take your word for that. Which atmospheric gases does the human body need to survive? It would be really helpful if you could please specify the rough amount too. Thank you! | eNotes
Even though that link doesn't support that claim
The thread title has a spelling error, which always triggers my "kick sand" reflex.
I was in the EMS pipeline at one time....That CO2 buildup triggers the impulse to breathe is a physiological fact....This is why taking booze away from clinical alcoholics will kill them....Their bodies have become acclimated to the elevated CO2 bloodstream levels from decades of ETOH abuse, to the point that if you take the booze away their lizard brain will think that everything is fine and they don't need to draw their next breath.
Everyone knows that carbon dioxide is critical for life on earth. CO2 is where humans get their oxygen and plants get their food. No CO2, no life on earth. Implicit in your Climate Change argument is that at some point, CO2 stops being critical for life and becomes a pollutant. At what CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is your inflection point? That is, what is the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere where CO2 stops being life sustaining and becomes dangerous to the planet? You need to know the answer. It is literally a life or death question.

The "science is settled" they have consensus!
Everyone knows that carbon dioxide is critical for life on earth. CO2 is where humans get their oxygen and plants get their food. No CO2, no life on earth. Implicit in your Climate Change argument is that at some point, CO2 stops being critical for life and becomes a pollutant. At what CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is your inflection point? That is, what is the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere where CO2 stops being life sustaining and becomes dangerous to the planet? You need to know the answer. It is literally a life or death question.
This one is rather easy...

1. CO2 levels are what trigger the brains impulse to breath in all mammals. People who have COPD do this due to O2 levels which is why you give very little oxygen to them as they will cease to breath.

2. CO2 levels at 250ppm or below allow our plants here on earth to starve and die. Levels around 1450ppm create large plant growth and slow the need for water consumption. More is actually better for plants and humans alike.

3. Levels above 8000ppm are where mammals start to have issues. The US navy allows long term levels in submarines to exist at 6,000ppm as it shows no adverse affects to memory, thought process, or muscle functions. Lethal levels are about 160,000ppm

Having these in mind, the earths CO2 levels have ranged to about 7,200ppm in its history.

As you can see from the graph the earths temperature has remained in a 12 deg C range for all of its time and even at levels of 7,000ppm there was no runaway greenhouse effect. Below is why.


As CO2 increases in our atmosphere its ability to warm is diminished. We have reached a point where doubling our CO2 level will only result in about 1.1 deg C of warming (which is what we have seen in the last 175 years).

CO2 can not create runaway anything in our water dominated atmosphere. The hype about a positive feed back was incorrect as water is acting as a negative feed back cutting the expected warming in half at just 0.6 deg C of warming that has been seen since 1900.

A good place for laypersons to start is here:--> The Skeptic's Case | David M.W. Evans

The above article explains the science and why warmers and their exaggerations are wrong.
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Might I suggest changing your Thread Title?

Climate Change Advocates-

I hate to be the grammar police....
So is CO2 making us dumber? There are studies showing cognition decreases as CO2 levels increase, but there are also studies that show CO2 levels need to be extremely high to be harmful to human health. It’s also interesting that the U.S. Navy says average CO2 concentrations 3,500 parts per million (ppm) — levels nearly 10 times higher than what Harvard claims is safe.

“Data collected on nine nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines indicate an average CO2 concentration of 3,500 ppm with a range of 0-10,600 ppm, and data collected on 10 nuclear-powered attack submarines indicate an average CO2 concentration of 4,100 ppm with a range of 300-11,300 ppm,” according to a 2007 National Research Council report on exposure issues facing submarine crews.

Interestingly enough, the NRC noted that a “number of studies suggest that CO2 exposures in the range of 15,000-40,000 ppm do not impair neurobehavioral performance.”

A study from 1961 exposed “23 crewmen exposed to CO2 at 15,000 ppm for 42 days in a submarine” and the men “showed no psychomotor testing effects but showed moderate increases in anxiety, apathy, uncooperativeness, desire to leave, and sexual desire.”

Another study from 1967 exposed seven men to CO2 concentration of 30,000 ppm. The men “reported no effects on hand steadiness, vigilance, auditory monitoring, memory, or arithmetic and problem solving performance.”

The NRC study goes on to highlight more studies finding to loss of cognitive abilities at CO2 levels many times higher than the Harvard study examined. NRC did link exposures to such high levels to headaches, tremors, slight increases in blood pressure and some other relatively minor effects.

A more recent 1998 study by Craig Idso, the founder of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, found that people living in urban Phoenix, Arizona lived with CO2 levels as high as 555 ppm, and those lin more rural parts saw levels as high as 370 ppm.

OMG. Please don't post. You are obviously too stupid to debate here.
hint: Plants & algae convert CO2 to oxygen
Humans need oxygen not CO2
Both are needed. I should say required. However only an idiot would believe there isnt a limit to the amount of CO2 humans can tolerate.
OMG. Please don't post. You are obviously too stupid to debate here.
hint: Plants & algae convert CO2 to oxygen
Humans need oxygen not CO2
Wrong....Humans need CO2 to trigger the breathing impulse.
OK, I'll take your word for that. Which atmospheric gases does the human body need to survive? It would be really helpful if you could please specify the rough amount too. Thank you! | eNotes
Even though that link doesn't support that claim
The thread title has a spelling error, which always triggers my "kick sand" reflex.
I was in the EMS pipeline at one time....That CO2 buildup triggers the impulse to breathe is a physiological fact....This is why taking booze away from clinical alcoholics will kill them....Their bodies have become acclimated to the elevated CO2 bloodstream levels from decades of ETOH abuse, to the point that if you take the booze away their lizard brain will think that everything is fine and they don't need to draw their next breath.

I just researched "yawning" as to why it is and what it does. There is no real confirmed explanation. I thought it was due to CO2 buildup in the blood and the body gets a good deep breath to get back to good O2 & CO2 levels. But no.
Then there was a study about brain temperature. No again.
Then there was a monkey study, no results, could be everything or nothing.
Just sayin', CO2 levels in the blood varies somewhat, not sure that variance triggers breathing rates, or breathing depths, or yawns??

Yawn - Wikipedia
This one is rather easy...

I would also suggest that this much CO2 change would occur over evolutionary time scales ... life would continue to flourish ... insignificant lower rodents might die off but who cares ...
OMG. Please don't post. You are obviously too stupid to debate here.
hint: Plants & algae convert CO2 to oxygen
Humans need oxygen not CO2
Wrong....Humans need CO2 to trigger the breathing impulse.
OK, I'll take your word for that. Which atmospheric gases does the human body need to survive? It would be really helpful if you could please specify the rough amount too. Thank you! | eNotes
Even though that link doesn't support that claim
The thread title has a spelling error, which always triggers my "kick sand" reflex.
I was in the EMS pipeline at one time....That CO2 buildup triggers the impulse to breathe is a physiological fact....This is why taking booze away from clinical alcoholics will kill them....Their bodies have become acclimated to the elevated CO2 bloodstream levels from decades of ETOH abuse, to the point that if you take the booze away their lizard brain will think that everything is fine and they don't need to draw their next breath.

I just researched "yawning" as to why it is and what it does. There is no real confirmed explanation. I thought it was due to CO2 buildup in the blood and the body gets a good deep breath to get back to good O2 & CO2 levels. But no.
Then there was a study about brain temperature. No again.
Then there was a monkey study, no results, could be everything or nothing.
Just sayin', CO2 levels in the blood varies somewhat, not sure that variance triggers breathing rates, or breathing depths, or yawns??

Yawn - Wikipedia
"Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless gas that comprises approximately 0.04% of Earth’s atmosphere. In the human body, carbon dioxide is formed from the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids, in a process known as cellular respiration. While cellular respiration is notable for being a source of ATP, it also generates the waste product, CO2. The body gets rid of excess CO2 by breathing it out. However, CO2 in its normal range from 38 to 42 mm Hg plays various roles in the human body. It regulates the pH of blood, stimulates breathing, and influences the affinity hemoglobin has for oxygen (O2). Fluctuations in CO2 levels are highly regulated and can cause disturbances in the human body if normal levels are not maintained."

Physiology, Carbon Dioxide Retention - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf

It does cause yawning and it does trigger breathing...
This one is rather easy...

I would also suggest that this much CO2 change would occur over evolutionary time scales ... life would continue to flourish ... insignificant lower rodents might die off but who cares ...
Heres the problem with that train of thought. Humans are not smart enough to predict what the consequences are of having those "insignificant lower" rodents die off. For example. Europeans almost wiped themselves when they got it into their heads to kill off cats because they believed they were the devil. Turns out those cats killed rats that carried the plague.
OMG. Please don't post. You are obviously too stupid to debate here.
hint: Plants & algae convert CO2 to oxygen
Humans need oxygen not CO2
Wrong....Humans need CO2 to trigger the breathing impulse.
OK, I'll take your word for that. Which atmospheric gases does the human body need to survive? It would be really helpful if you could please specify the rough amount too. Thank you! | eNotes
Even though that link doesn't support that claim
The thread title has a spelling error, which always triggers my "kick sand" reflex.
I was in the EMS pipeline at one time....That CO2 buildup triggers the impulse to breathe is a physiological fact....This is why taking booze away from clinical alcoholics will kill them....Their bodies have become acclimated to the elevated CO2 bloodstream levels from decades of ETOH abuse, to the point that if you take the booze away their lizard brain will think that everything is fine and they don't need to draw their next breath.

I just researched "yawning" as to why it is and what it does. There is no real confirmed explanation. I thought it was due to CO2 buildup in the blood and the body gets a good deep breath to get back to good O2 & CO2 levels. But no.
Then there was a study about brain temperature. No again.
Then there was a monkey study, no results, could be everything or nothing.
Just sayin', CO2 levels in the blood varies somewhat, not sure that variance triggers breathing rates, or breathing depths, or yawns??

Yawn - Wikipedia
"Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless gas that comprises approximately 0.04% of Earth’s atmosphere. In the human body, carbon dioxide is formed from the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids, in a process known as cellular respiration. While cellular respiration is notable for being a source of ATP, it also generates the waste product, CO2. The body gets rid of excess CO2 by breathing it out. However, CO2 in its normal range from 38 to 42 mm Hg plays various roles in the human body. It regulates the pH of blood, stimulates breathing, and influences the affinity hemoglobin has for oxygen (O2). Fluctuations in CO2 levels are highly regulated and can cause disturbances in the human body if normal levels are not maintained."

Physiology, Carbon Dioxide Retention - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf

It does cause yawning and it does trigger breathing...

This is the 2nd sentence from the OP. "CO2 is where humans get their oxygen and plants get their food."
Is this true or wrong?
Add to that the OP title misspelling and my judgment as to the authors stupidity.
CO2 is where humans get their oxygen and plants get their food.

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