Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous:

Your most trusted voice in the Scientific World is.......?

I would say 'THIS will shut you up', but unfortunately you are a flaming Liberal TROLL, one who has made up his mind and will DIE before EVER admitting / acknowledging the truth.

I have read over and over again you spew your ignorance and demanding I give you what you yourself are un-willing to give. I have provided you with links to stories and reports that LIST the brilliant scientists who have helped PROVE that HOA and NASA and many other 'scientists' (who have sold their SOULS, taking money and grants in exchange for fabricated 'evidence' of 'Global Warming') have falsified data, but you are too stupid and / or lazy to read any of it.

I have already proven, with your help, that you really don't give a d@mn about 'sources; because you have discarded them or elevated yourself to be smarter than the scientists in these reports, deeming them not to be 'credible' simply because YOU SAY SO.

One last time, one final time to 'feed the troll'....who are the scientists you ask for?


Nobel Prize-Winning (a REAL Nobel prize winner - not one like Obama) Stanford University Physicist Dr. Robert B. Laughlin, who won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1998, and was formerly a research scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory:
-- “In essence, the jig is up. The whole thing is a fraud. And even the fraudsters that fudged data are admitting to temperature history that they used to say didn’t happen…Perhaps what has doomed the Climategate fraudsters the most was their brazenness in fudging the data.”
(Let me declare a Nobel Prize Winning Physicist NOT to be credible?! :rolleyes:)


Russian Scientist Dr. Anatoly Levitin, the head of geomagnetic variations laboratory at the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences:
-- Hundreds of billion dollars have been wasted with the attempt of imposing a Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) theory that is not supported by physical world evidences…AGW has been forcefully imposed by means of a barrage of scare stories and indoctrination that begins in the elementary school textbooks.”


Dr. Christopher J. Kobus, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Oakland University, specializes in alternative energy, thermal transport phenomena, two-phase flow and fluid and thermal energy systems....


UN IPCC’s Tom Tripp, a member of the UN IPCC


"Over 37,000 Scientists Sign On Against Man-Made Global Warming Fraud"

"More than 1,000 dissenting scientists (updates previous 700 scientist report) from around the globe have now challenged man-made global warming claims made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)"

"Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis"

So Come on, TROLL....give me your best liberal talking point or spin on how YOU know more than a Nobel Prize Winning Physicist and other world-renowned scientists.

... or just go away. :talk2hand:
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Ted Cruz Schools Sierra Club President On Climate Change
Video at link
Basically Cruz asked the guy what he thought of almost 19 years of no warming. The guy basically said he doesn't always pay attention to facts; sometimes you have to listen to people :lol:

cruz is an idiot.

Bernie was right.


You remind me of a video I saw yesterday. This guy did man-on-the-street interviews with Hillary supporters, asking whether or not they supported Hillary's plan to impose Sharia Law during her Presidency. They had no idea what he was talking about, but told him they were in favor, because if Hillary supported it, it must be good, since Hillary "is pretty cool".

Exactly the same level of thought we see in you.

Hillary Clinton Supporters Asked About Implementing Sharia Law, you Won't Believe the Answers...
All man made global warming is = a computer model = a bunch of guessing by pseudoscientists...

These guys can't predict what the weather is going to be NEXT WEEK yet they are experts on the weather and what it is going to do in the next 50 much that they have had to manipulate their findings to tell us what has already happened. :p

Name one scientific source who you trust on this issue. Just one.
my dad. but there were many more whom agreed with his stance, i trust them still.
if he were alive today, i believe he would still think of it as a political hoax. (find me a global warmalist that said "i will tackle this controversy pro bono, because i believe in it soooo much"

if people stop taking tax money for their opinions, then we can talk.
but first we have to separate the opinion from the great source of income.
global warming is an alinsky tactic that counts on the general public not knowing much about science. al gore is the original huckster bottomfeeder leading the global warming crowd.
he is the pied piper of hypocrisy. Pied Piper of Hamelin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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bernie said at a town meeting in morrisvile "you have all the scientists on one side, and rush limbaugh on the other" that's what i mean by cooking the story for political expediency.

when there is a unanimous opinion supported empirically, the scientists will stop arguing about it.

it's a big fat vague political monster revenue generator.

if controlling the weather is the highest priority we have on earth right now, it does explain a bit the way things are the way they are.

Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous

when it comes to global warmalists, follow the money. :cool:


taking the earth's temperature is like finding the average phone number in the new york phone book.

climate change is the the new whatever at the ballot box. if the wasn't $$ in it, no one would care.

bernie said at a town meeting in morrisvile "you have all the scientists on one side, and rush limbaugh on the other" that's what i mean by cooking the story for political expediency.

when there is a unanimous opinion supported empirically, the scientists will stop arguing about it.

it's a big fat vague political monster revenue generator.

if controlling the weather is the highest priority we have on earth right now, it does explain a bit the way things are the way they are.

Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous

when it comes to global warmalists, follow the money. :cool:


taking the earth's temperature is like finding the average phone number in the new york phone book.

climate change is the the new whatever at the ballot box. if the wasn't $$ in it, no one would care.

Man-made climate change = fake news
That man can cause climate change to a planet is the height of arrogance. Climate change is occurring but we have nothing to do with it. We're and the rest of the planets in the solar system are heating up and being tilted.
Truth is, that "Man-Made" Climate Warming only exists in the failed and inaccurate computer models generated by Climate Scientists seeking funding to study Climate Change. Some 126 Computer Models have been 100% inaccurate in projecting climate for the last 20 years. That is 0-13 Cleveland Browns Bad.

And Climate Warming isn't even at the theoretical stage. It is a loosely defined set of 'hunches' and 'studies' based on manipulated data. There are many counter studies that come to completely opposite conclusions.

I don't disagree that we need to study climate and the environment, but The Climate Warming Agenda is absurd. If you have to rig Computer Models with Omitted, and Manipulated Data, and then have a 100% failure rate at predicting climate over the last 20 years, maybe you need to start finding a different way to fund some different research.
Truth is, that "Man-Made" Climate Warming only exists in the failed and inaccurate computer models generated by Climate Scientists seeking funding to study Climate Change. Some 126 Computer Models have been 100% inaccurate in projecting climate for the last 20 years. That is 0-13 Cleveland Browns Bad.

And Climate Warming isn't even at the theoretical stage. It is a loosely defined set of 'hunches' and 'studies' based on manipulated data. There are many counter studies that come to completely opposite conclusions.

I don't disagree that we need to study climate and the environment, but The Climate Warming Agenda is absurd. If you have to rig Computer Models with Omitted, and Manipulated Data, and then have a 100% failure rate at predicting climate over the last 20 years, maybe you need to start finding a different way to fund some different research.

How dare you deny Global Warming. With Human caused warming we defeated that new Ice Age of the 70's. We saved the planet. Beside with the low solar activity in the current cycle, global temps should be falling but they are not. Invest in Summer Polar Cruise liners.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP)

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Truth is, that "Man-Made" Climate Warming only exists in the failed and inaccurate computer models generated by Climate Scientists seeking funding to study Climate Change. Some 126 Computer Models have been 100% inaccurate in projecting climate for the last 20 years. That is 0-13 Cleveland Browns Bad.

And Climate Warming isn't even at the theoretical stage. It is a loosely defined set of 'hunches' and 'studies' based on manipulated data. There are many counter studies that come to completely opposite conclusions.

I don't disagree that we need to study climate and the environment, but The Climate Warming Agenda is absurd. If you have to rig Computer Models with Omitted, and Manipulated Data, and then have a 100% failure rate at predicting climate over the last 20 years, maybe you need to start finding a different way to fund some different research.

So are you trying to say that Earth is not having a violent change in climate?
Truth is, that "Man-Made" Climate Warming only exists in the failed and inaccurate computer models generated by Climate Scientists seeking funding to study Climate Change. Some 126 Computer Models have been 100% inaccurate in projecting climate for the last 20 years. That is 0-13 Cleveland Browns Bad.

And Climate Warming isn't even at the theoretical stage. It is a loosely defined set of 'hunches' and 'studies' based on manipulated data. There are many counter studies that come to completely opposite conclusions.

I don't disagree that we need to study climate and the environment, but The Climate Warming Agenda is absurd. If you have to rig Computer Models with Omitted, and Manipulated Data, and then have a 100% failure rate at predicting climate over the last 20 years, maybe you need to start finding a different way to fund some different research.

So are you trying to say that Earth is not having a violent change in climate?

"violent" change????? NO, it is not. The climate is changing, it has always been changing. Man has never had anything to do with it.

You libs want man to stop polluting our planet. So does everyone else. You don't need to create an imaginary link between climate and pollution in order to take on pollution.

If you fools would focus on the real problem you might be able to accomplish something. Stop the AGW bullshit. Concentrate of pollution of air and water. Dirty air and water is cause enough, you don't need the climate lies and hoaxes.
We have only been able to accurately measure temperatures around the Earth and various locations for the past 50 years. And even then we cannot cover every square inch of the planet. It is impossible to determine with any accuracy paleo climate, or to even make any kind of accurate assertions that man made global warming is a reality.

It's as foolish as the "scientific notions" of the 19th and early 20th centuries that the moon was made of green cheese and that Mars was covered with canals made by little green men.

So I say to Lefty, quit looking like a buffoon and playing the part of useful idiot. You are being played, and lied to, and if you persist in believing such nonsense it is going to cost you both in your wallet, and with your freedoms.

Someone call me when man can stop Winter dead in it's tracks. I might actually then work to create global warming myself if we are able to do that.
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Truth is, that "Man-Made" Climate Warming only exists in the failed and inaccurate computer models generated by Climate Scientists seeking funding to study Climate Change. Some 126 Computer Models have been 100% inaccurate in projecting climate for the last 20 years. That is 0-13 Cleveland Browns Bad.

And Climate Warming isn't even at the theoretical stage. It is a loosely defined set of 'hunches' and 'studies' based on manipulated data. There are many counter studies that come to completely opposite conclusions.

I don't disagree that we need to study climate and the environment, but The Climate Warming Agenda is absurd. If you have to rig Computer Models with Omitted, and Manipulated Data, and then have a 100% failure rate at predicting climate over the last 20 years, maybe you need to start finding a different way to fund some different research.

So are you trying to say that Earth is not having a violent change in climate?

"violent" change????? NO, it is not. The climate is changing, it has always been changing. Man has never had anything to do with it.

You libs want man to stop polluting our planet. So does everyone else. You don't need to create an imaginary link between climate and pollution in order to take on pollution.

If you fools would focus on the real problem you might be able to accomplish something. Stop the AGW bullshit. Concentrate of pollution of air and water. Dirty air and water is cause enough, you don't need the climate lies and hoaxes.

So all those Scientists got into a room and they all agreed to trick everyone and make up up all the data...
Truth is, that "Man-Made" Climate Warming only exists in the failed and inaccurate computer models generated by Climate Scientists seeking funding to study Climate Change. Some 126 Computer Models have been 100% inaccurate in projecting climate for the last 20 years. That is 0-13 Cleveland Browns Bad.

And Climate Warming isn't even at the theoretical stage. It is a loosely defined set of 'hunches' and 'studies' based on manipulated data. There are many counter studies that come to completely opposite conclusions.

I don't disagree that we need to study climate and the environment, but The Climate Warming Agenda is absurd. If you have to rig Computer Models with Omitted, and Manipulated Data, and then have a 100% failure rate at predicting climate over the last 20 years, maybe you need to start finding a different way to fund some different research.

So are you trying to say that Earth is not having a violent change in climate?

"violent" change????? NO, it is not. The climate is changing, it has always been changing. Man has never had anything to do with it.

You libs want man to stop polluting our planet. So does everyone else. You don't need to create an imaginary link between climate and pollution in order to take on pollution.

If you fools would focus on the real problem you might be able to accomplish something. Stop the AGW bullshit. Concentrate of pollution of air and water. Dirty air and water is cause enough, you don't need the climate lies and hoaxes.

So all those Scientists got into a room and they all agreed to trick everyone and make up up all the data...

probably not the same room, but yeah.

Again, since not one of you libs has answered. Why do you need to create a fake link between pollution and climate in order to take on pollution?
Truth is, that "Man-Made" Climate Warming only exists in the failed and inaccurate computer models generated by Climate Scientists seeking funding to study Climate Change. Some 126 Computer Models have been 100% inaccurate in projecting climate for the last 20 years. That is 0-13 Cleveland Browns Bad.

And Climate Warming isn't even at the theoretical stage. It is a loosely defined set of 'hunches' and 'studies' based on manipulated data. There are many counter studies that come to completely opposite conclusions.

I don't disagree that we need to study climate and the environment, but The Climate Warming Agenda is absurd. If you have to rig Computer Models with Omitted, and Manipulated Data, and then have a 100% failure rate at predicting climate over the last 20 years, maybe you need to start finding a different way to fund some different research.

So are you trying to say that Earth is not having a violent change in climate?

"violent" change????? NO, it is not. The climate is changing, it has always been changing. Man has never had anything to do with it.

You libs want man to stop polluting our planet. So does everyone else. You don't need to create an imaginary link between climate and pollution in order to take on pollution.

If you fools would focus on the real problem you might be able to accomplish something. Stop the AGW bullshit. Concentrate of pollution of air and water. Dirty air and water is cause enough, you don't need the climate lies and hoaxes.

So all those Scientists got into a room and they all agreed to trick everyone and make up up all the data...

Did Hillary Clinton, Donna Brazille And Washerman Schultz conspire to rig primaries and debates?
Does a bear shit in the woods?
What would you do for a million dollars in research grants?
They were caught red handed and had been denying it was a hoax for years. Only constant public pressure for them to be forth right has caused some to finally come out with the truth that they indeed fudged the data.

But we knew they did for years, we just couldn't get them to admit it.

And you won't be able to get the Climate Junkies to admit the falseness of AGW either for probably decades.

There are still people that believe The Earth is Flat.
Truth is, that "Man-Made" Climate Warming only exists in the failed and inaccurate computer models generated by Climate Scientists seeking funding to study Climate Change. Some 126 Computer Models have been 100% inaccurate in projecting climate for the last 20 years. That is 0-13 Cleveland Browns Bad.

And Climate Warming isn't even at the theoretical stage. It is a loosely defined set of 'hunches' and 'studies' based on manipulated data. There are many counter studies that come to completely opposite conclusions.

I don't disagree that we need to study climate and the environment, but The Climate Warming Agenda is absurd. If you have to rig Computer Models with Omitted, and Manipulated Data, and then have a 100% failure rate at predicting climate over the last 20 years, maybe you need to start finding a different way to fund some different research.

So are you trying to say that Earth is not having a violent change in climate?

"violent" change????? NO, it is not. The climate is changing, it has always been changing. Man has never had anything to do with it.

You libs want man to stop polluting our planet. So does everyone else. You don't need to create an imaginary link between climate and pollution in order to take on pollution.

If you fools would focus on the real problem you might be able to accomplish something. Stop the AGW bullshit. Concentrate of pollution of air and water. Dirty air and water is cause enough, you don't need the climate lies and hoaxes.

So all those Scientists got into a room and they all agreed to trick everyone and make up up all the data...

probably not the same room, but yeah.

Again, since not one of you libs has answered. Why do you need to create a fake link between pollution and climate in order to take on pollution?

Van Jones answered this question on the Bill Maher show [the last episode before the election I believe] he said, from memory: "it's so sexy, we identify the polluters and then we take the money [reaching out with his arm and then clenching at the air] and give it to poor neighborhoods, we call it doing the sexy its just so sexy!"

I don't know how giving it to poor neighborhoods fixes the weather, something Maher failed to ask him, but with the coronation of the Queen being so close Jones and Maher were in too much of a celebratory mood to explain anything, after all they were staring at a big payday in just a couple of days...or so they from now on we know to call climate change "doing the big sexy"

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